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665 Strong Joints After 50 with Will Har ▶ 665: Strong Joints After 50 with Will Harlow
665: Strong Joints After 50 with Will Harlow

By middle age, most people have at least one joint that causes them problems—maybe a knee, hip, their lower back, or shoulder. How should you handle it? Painkillers? Physical therapy? Surgery? These a ...

664 Your Healthiest Brain with Dr Sui H ▶ 664: Your Healthiest Brain with Dr. Sui H. Wong
664: Your Healthiest Brain with Dr. Sui H. Wong

When we think about improving our health, our brain is often overlooked, but it shouldn't be. Neurodegenerative illnesses are among the leading causes of death globally. Even more pressing, a sick, in ...

663 Introduction to Metabolomics with Ol ▶ 663: Introduction to Metabolomics with Oliver Fiehn
663: Introduction to Metabolomics with Oliver Fiehn

When you hear the word “metabolism,” you might think of calories or basal metabolic rate—the energy your body needs to survive. But metabolism is much more than that. It’s a complex network of process ...

662 Good Ideas for Bad Knees with Daniel ▶ 662: Good Ideas for Bad Knees with Daniel White
662: Good Ideas for Bad Knees with Daniel White

Bad knees can feel like a roadblock to living your best life, but modern treatments and techniques can offer real solutions. Whether you're exploring the cutting-edge possibilities of PRP injections, ...

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661 Fix Your Stress with Nick Bolhuis ▶ 661: Fix Your Stress with Nick Bolhuis
661: Fix Your Stress with Nick Bolhuis

When stress turns into overwhelm and overwhelm leads to burnout, we all break down in different ways. Some of us get sick or feel anxious and depressed, others retreat into isolation or dive into hype ...

660 Why We Eat Too Much with Andrew Jenk ▶ 660: Why We Eat Too Much with Andrew Jenkinson
660: Why We Eat Too Much with Andrew Jenkinson

Why do you feel hungry, even when you’ve eaten plenty? What drives your cravings, second servings, and post-dinner sweet tooth? In this week’s episode, we dive into the untold story behind hunger and ...

659 Finding Mental Health in 2025 with D ▶ 659: Finding Mental Health in 2025 with Dr. Shahrzad Jalali
659: Finding Mental Health in 2025 with Dr. Shahrzad Jalali

When you're physically ill, rest and support are often readily offered. But when you're mentally unwell—grappling with anxiety, depression, or even deeper struggles—not only is recognition rare, but t ...

658 Will HRT give you cancer with Dr Eri ▶ 658: Will HRT give you cancer? with Dr. Erika Schwartz
658: Will HRT give you cancer? with Dr. Erika Schwartz

In 2002, the Women's Health Initiative study on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) sent shockwaves through the medical world, halting a major study due to a reported 26% increase in breast cancer risk. ...

657 Surf Therapy with Natalie Small ▶ 657: Surf Therapy with Natalie Small
657: Surf Therapy with Natalie Small

We’re living in a time where mental health is at an all-time low, and while awareness of the mental health crisis has never been higher, the question of what to do about it remains a mystery for many. ...

656 A New Approach to Pain with Olivia S ▶ 656: A New Approach to Pain with Olivia Sinaiko and Vanessa Blackston
656: A New Approach to Pain with Olivia Sinaiko and Vanessa Blackston

Chronic pain affects an estimated one in five people, manifesting as knee pain, back pain, migraines, and countless other symptoms. Unfortunately, the pain management market is filled with questionabl ...

655 Healthy Sleep for the Whole Family w ▶ 655: Healthy Sleep for the Whole Family with Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown
655: Healthy Sleep for the Whole Family with Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown

When it comes to health and wellness, it’s easy to focus on diet, exercise, and even supplements, but sleep often takes a back seat. Since sleep is essential and happens every day, it might make more ...

654 Overcoming the Fertility Crisis with ▶ 654: Overcoming the Fertility Crisis with Gabriela Rosa
654: Overcoming the Fertility Crisis with Gabriela Rosa

Fertility isn’t just about having kids—it’s a health signal for everyone. Gabriela Rosa, a fertility expert, unpacks the deeper health issues often missed, why quick fixes don’t work, and how a holist ...

653 Staying Active Life in Midlife Beyon ▶ 653: Staying Active Life in Midlife & Beyond with Kevin R. Stone, MD
653: Staying Active Life in Midlife & Beyond with Kevin R. Stone, MD

One of the main reasons people stop doing the activities they love is injury—especially to the lower back and knees, which are common in midlife and beyond. When most people see a doctor for these in ...

652 Leadership at Work with Robert Glaze ▶ 652: Leadership at Work with Robert Glazer
652: Leadership at Work with Robert Glazer

Since 2020, the way we work has shifted dramatically. Many of us are now working remotely, at least part-time, and even those back in physical offices face rapid turnover and increasingly demanding en ...

651 Managing Heart Health with Dr Matthe ▶ 651: Managing Heart Health with Dr. Matthew J. Budoff
651: Managing Heart Health with Dr. Matthew J. Budoff

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death globally. While we know the importance of exercise, weight management, and blood pressure control, what role do scans and testing play? Can coronary ca ...

650 The Power of CBT and Hypnotherapy wi ▶ 650: The Power of CBT and Hypnotherapy with Daniel Fryer
650: The Power of CBT and Hypnotherapy with Daniel Fryer

If you break your arm, your next steps are clear. The doctor will put it in a cast for a couple months, and then afterwards, you’ll nurse it back to strength and all will be fine. If your brain is bro ...

649 Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis with Gar ▶ 649: Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis with Garth McLean
649: Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis with Garth McLean

Every form of exercise has its strengths. Yoga is particularly good at reducing inflammation, training the nervous system, and reducing stress and stress hormones. For someone struggling with the auto ...

648 The Power of Hypnosis with Dr David ▶ 648: The Power of Hypnosis with Dr. David Spiegel
648: The Power of Hypnosis with Dr. David Spiegel

If you're going through a mental health crisis—whether it's depression, anxiety, stress, or overwhelm—the default advice you’ll likely hear is to see a therapist. That’s great advice, but in reality, ...

647 Rethinking Retirement with Cambpell ▶ 647: Rethinking Retirement with Cambpell Gerrish and Caroline Brecker
647: Rethinking Retirement with Cambpell Gerrish and Caroline Brecker

Imagine having a meaningful, rewarding career that spanned 20 or 30 years, or perhaps several different careers over 30 or 40 years, each contributing to a wealth of diverse experiences and hard-earne ...

646 Hypopressive Training Deep Core Stre ▶ 646: Hypopressive Training - Deep Core Strength with Trista Zinn
646: Hypopressive Training - Deep Core Strength with Trista Zinn

When most people think about a strong core, we usually picture six-pack muscles. While that's part of the story, there's much more to it. The deeper core muscles, like the transverse abdominis, multif ...

645 How to Become Panic Proof with Dr Ni ▶ 645: How to Become Panic Proof with Dr. Nicole Cain
645: How to Become Panic Proof with Dr. Nicole Cain

Stress, anxiety, and overwhelm are issues many of us face daily. But the real challenge is knowing what to do when you're wired but exhausted, when worries keep you from being productive, and worst of ...

644 Get to Know Your Body with Gil Hedle ▶ 644: Get to Know Your Body with Gil Hedley
644: Get to Know Your Body with Gil Hedley

Pop quiz: how many bones in your body can you name? How many muscles? Do you know the difference between tendons, ligaments, and fascia? We are all walking around with a supercomputer between our ears ...

643 Mindfulness for Busy People with Wil ▶ 643: Mindfulness for Busy People with Willem Kuyken
643: Mindfulness for Busy People with Willem Kuyken

What if you were more present in your life—at work, at home, with the people and projects that mean the most to you? What if you spent less time ruminating about the past and worrying about the future ...

642 The Health Benefits of Muscle with D ▶ 642: The Health Benefits of Muscle with Dan van den Hoek
642: The Health Benefits of Muscle with Dan van den Hoek

When you think about healthspan and longevity, your first thought probably isn’t “muscle” - but it should be. Here are just some of the benefits of muscle strength and mass, particularly as you age: i ...

641 Understanding Fiber and Gut Health w ▶ 641: Understanding Fiber and Gut Health with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz
641: Understanding Fiber and Gut Health with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

Fiber is often overlooked in discussions about diet, weight loss, and immunity, but it shouldn’t be. Fiber is essential for digestive health, improving gut motility, and regulating bowel movements. It ...

640 Understanding Chronic Pain with Dr D ▶ 640: Understanding Chronic Pain with Dr. David Clarke
640: Understanding Chronic Pain with Dr. David Clarke

Chronic pain affects hundreds of millions worldwide, with conditions like gastrointestinal issues, back pain, and migraine topping the list. In many cases, psychological factors play a significant rol ...

639 Weight Loss Bankruptcy with Lucas Ro ▶ 639: Weight Loss Bankruptcy with Lucas Rockwood
639: Weight Loss Bankruptcy with Lucas Rockwood

The iconic brand Tupperware filed for bankruptcy this week, burdened with over $1.2 billion of debt. They’ve reached a point of no return, where digging out is virtually impossible. In many ways, this ...

638 Brain Talk with Dr Jesse Rissman ▶ 638: Brain Talk with Dr. Jesse Rissman
638: Brain Talk with Dr. Jesse Rissman

Neuroscience might be the final frontier when it comes to the human body. There is still so much to be discovered and understood about memory, attention, and how we learn. My guest on this week’s podc ...

637 Telomeres and Aging with Dr Richard ▶ 637: Telomeres and Aging with Dr. Richard Allsopp
637: Telomeres and Aging with Dr. Richard Allsopp

You know how old you are, but do you know your biological age? Meaning, are your body and brain younger or older than your chronological years? For anyone interested in slowing down aging and preventi ...

636 Understanding Sleep with Dr Ketema P ▶ 636: Understanding Sleep with Dr. Ketema Paul
636: Understanding Sleep with Dr. Ketema Paul

Sleep is as vital for life as food, water, and breathing, but knowing its importance doesn’t necessarily provide you with the tools to improve it. What if you toss and turn and can’t sleep until late? ...

635 Understanding the Gut Microbiome wit ▶ 635: Understanding the Gut Microbiome with Dr. Gregor Reid
635: Understanding the Gut Microbiome with Dr. Gregor Reid

Inside your gastrointestinal tract there are trillions of microbes, about 3 lbs in total, and in terms of absolute numbers, you have more microbial cells than human cells. This collection of bacteria, ...

634 How to Become Hyper Efficient with D ▶ 634: How to Become Hyper Efficient with Dr. Mithu Storoni
634: How to Become Hyper Efficient with Dr. Mithu Storoni

The way we work has changed more in the past four years than it has in the past 20. An estimated 43 percent of Americans are now working at least partially from home, artificial intelligence is making ...

633 How to Thrive in Menopause with Dr L ▶ 633: How to Thrive in Menopause with Dr. Liz Lyster
633: How to Thrive in Menopause with Dr. Liz Lyster

Despite the obvious fact that every woman will experience menopause, support and education on the topic remains embarrassingly sparse. Worse still, misinterpreted studies have left many fearful of hor ...

632 Regenerative Medicine for Your Joint ▶ 632: Regenerative Medicine for Your Joints with Professor Paul Lee
632: Regenerative Medicine for Your Joints with Professor Paul Lee

The joint pain market is fraught with wild claims, fringe treatments, and scary interventions. At the same time, whether you’ve got hip, knee, or back pain, there are some truly remarkable mainstream ...

631 Mental Health in Later Life with Dr ▶ 631: Mental Health in Later Life with Dr. Helen Lavretsky
631: Mental Health in Later Life with Dr. Helen Lavretsky

According to the WHO at least 14 percent of people over 60 have a mental health disorder with depression and anxiety on the top of the list. Loneliness, isolation, chronic pain, and diminished health ...

630 Reversing Insulin Resistance with Dr ▶ 630: Reversing Insulin Resistance with Dr. Morgan Nolte
630: Reversing Insulin Resistance with Dr. Morgan Nolte

In middle age and beyond, your metabolism changes. It’s easier to gain weight - particularly around your midsection - and it’s very hard to lose it. The same foods that kept you lean when young sudden ...

629 Living with IBS Crohns Disease with ▶ 629: Living with IBS & Crohn's Disease with Dane Johnson
629: Living with IBS & Crohn's Disease with Dane Johnson

Digestive health issues can make every day a challenge, put strain on personal relationships, and even become life threatening if advanced and untreated. My guest on this week’s podcast suffered from ...

628 Finding Love in Middle Age with Evan ▶ 628: Finding Love in Middle Age with Evan Marc Katz
628: Finding Love in Middle Age with Evan Marc Katz

No one wants to die alone, and yet according to Pew Research, 29% of people aged 50 to 64 are single. That number jumps to 36% for those over 65. Dating is a minefield at any age, but how do you start ...

627 Learning to Grieve with Christina Ra ▶ 627: Learning to Grieve with Christina Rasmussen
627: Learning to Grieve with Christina Rasmussen

If you’re lucky enough to live a long life, you’ll inevitably be challenged by loss - the loss of family, friends, potentially even your spouse. Despite the obvious inevitability of loss, most people ...

626 Anxious Attachment with Jessica Baum ▶ 626: Anxious Attachment with Jessica Baum
626: Anxious Attachment with Jessica Baum

Much of how we interact with the world comes from early experiences from our childhood, with our family, and in our community. Attachment styles are psychological models for understanding the ways in ...

625 High Performance Life with Derin McM ▶ 625: High Performance Life with Derin McMains
625: High Performance Life with Derin McMains

The world of professional athletes and the concept of your body being your business, with its performance directly linked to your paycheck is completely outside of anything most of us have experienced ...

Age Less Live More Trailer ▶ Age Less / Live More Trailer
Age Less / Live More Trailer


624 Transcendental Meditation and Consci ▶ 624: Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness with Tony Nader
624: Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness with Tony Nader

Transcendental meditation is arguably the most popular meditation technique in the world, and the TM organization has funded the bulk of published literature on meditation worldwide. This is in no sma ...

623 The Amazing World of Fungi with Artu ▶ 623: The Amazing World of Fungi with Arturo Casadevall
623: The Amazing World of Fungi with Arturo Casadevall

Fungi have played an important role both in culinary and medicinal traditions for 1000s of years, but these magical living organisms are often overlooked - both for good and bad - when it comes to the ...

622 Virtual Reality for Brain Health wit ▶ 622: Virtual Reality for Brain Health with Amir Bozorgzadeh
622: Virtual Reality for Brain Health with Amir Bozorgzadeh

When I was eleven years old, my grandmother predicted the demise of the personal computer. “Staring at the screen will ruin your eyes,” she proclaimed. The same story is repeated with all new technolo ...

621 The Future of Love with Roanne van V ▶ 621: The Future of Love with Roanne van Voorst
621: The Future of Love with Roanne van Voorst

Technology is accelerating at a blistering pace with obvious innovations in the devices we have in our pockets, in our homes, and in our cars. Less visible are the changes that are happening in love, ...

620 Train Your Brain with Ben Rein ▶ 620: Train Your Brain with Ben Rein
620: Train Your Brain with Ben Rein

One of the biggest challenges that comes with aging is cognitive decline. You lose your keys, you can’t remember the neighbor’s name, and your brain seems to putter along instead of humming like it us ...

619 ASMR Brain Tingles with Craig Richar ▶ 619: ASMR Brain Tingles with Craig Richard
619: ASMR Brain Tingles with Craig Richard

Bob Ross was a popular PBS painting instructor in the 80s and 90s, but little did he know that decades later, he’d develop a cult following of people who simply wanted to hear his voice. Why? Because ...

618 Methylation Epigenetics Longevity wi ▶ 618: Methylation, Epigenetics & Longevity with Steve Horvath
618: Methylation, Epigenetics & Longevity with Steve Horvath

Kane Tanaka of Japan died in 2022 at the age of 119. Lucile Randon of France died in 2023 at 118. Jiroemon Kimura of Japan died in 2023 at 116, the oldest male ever. What did these people have in comm ...

617 The Power of Wonder with Monica Park ▶ 617: The Power of Wonder with Monica Parker
617: The Power of Wonder with Monica Parker

Finland has been dubbed the happiest country in the world, but in reality Finns are content, not overwhelmed with joy. They have a high GDP per capita, good healthcare, low corruption, and a decent am ...

616 Rethinking Pain with Dr Amy Baxter ▶ 616: Rethinking Pain with Dr. Amy Baxter
616: Rethinking Pain with Dr. Amy Baxter

If you’re struggling with chronic pain and trying to find help, you’ve probably noticed that the pain management industry is a big minefield with hardcore drugs on one end of the spectrum and question ...

615 12 Steps and Yoga with Nikki Myers ▶ 615: 12 Steps and Yoga with Nikki Myers
615: 12 Steps and Yoga with Nikki Myers

In the 1980s, Nancy Reagan coined the term, “Just say no!” and spearheaded the social aspect of the so-called war on drugs. It didn’t work, nor have any of the dozens of public, private, and internati ...

614 Injuries Happen Stay Positive with D ▶ 614: Injuries Happen - Stay Positive with Dr. Ariele Foster
614: Injuries Happen - Stay Positive with Dr. Ariele Foster

Injuries can derail your best healthy lifestyle plans, and if you’re not careful, they can lead to deconditioning and loss of function. But here’s what you need to understand and accept: everyone with ...

613 A Practical Guide to Improving Your ▶ 613: A Practical Guide to Improving Your Sleep with Dr. Sujay Kansagr
613: A Practical Guide to Improving Your Sleep with Dr. Sujay Kansagr

Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night, and we need good sleep quality as well, which means cycling through light, deep, and REM phases. While sleeping is the most natural of all huma ...

612 Stem Cells for Healing with Christia ▶ 612: Stem Cells for Healing with Christian Drapeau
612: Stem Cells for Healing with Christian Drapeau

In regenerative medicine and longevity, it’s difficult to separate signal from noise. The search for the fountain of youth is a story as old as humanity, and while we’re all clearly aging, there are s ...

611 Getting Started with Meditation with ▶ 611: Getting Started with Meditation with Ann Swanson
611: Getting Started with Meditation with Ann Swanson

If you’re interested in meditation and have downloaded an app or purchased a book, yet fail to consistently follow through, this week’s podcast is for you. We’ll discuss meditation for average people ...

610 Understanding Attachments Styles wit ▶ 610: Understanding Attachments Styles with Thais Gibson
610: Understanding Attachments Styles with Thais Gibson

The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our relationships. While most people would probably agree with that statement, they would also admit that their relationships are often troubl ...

609 Why Everyone Can and Should Learn An ▶ 609: Why Everyone Can and Should Learn Anatomy with Justin Cottle
609: Why Everyone Can and Should Learn Anatomy with Justin Cottle

Health education is lacking in most school systems, to the extent that most high school graduates can’t name 10 muscles in their own bodies. Anatomical learning has historically been seen as boring, c ...

608 The Importance of Community Fitness ▶ 608: The Importance of Community & Fitness with Greg Drach
608: The Importance of Community & Fitness with Greg Drach

I’m an introvert. In my private life, I don’t talk much and am mostly in my head. But since the forced isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve come to re-appreciate the power of community. Every sing ...

607 Change Your Diet Change Your Mind wi ▶ 607: Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind with Dr. Georgia Ede
607: Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind with Dr. Georgia Ede

There is no such thing as a perfect human diet because we are all unique and have unique objectives. The bodybuilder eats to build mass, the dieter plans meals to lose weight, while others use food to ...

606 The Future of Longevity Medicine wit ▶ 606: The Future of Longevity Medicine with Dr. Charles Brenner
606: The Future of Longevity Medicine with Dr. Charles Brenner

“I don’t know the meaning of life, but I know the purpose of life: to survive and procreate.” This quote was from a biologist on the podcast eight years ago, and it stuck with me because if he’s right ...

605 Stem Cells The Future of Healing wit ▶ 605: Stem Cells & The Future of Healing with Dr. Jeffrey M. Gross
605: Stem Cells & The Future of Healing with Dr. Jeffrey M. Gross

You’ve got a bum knee or wonky hip. Your doctor says you’re a candidate for a joint replacement, and your insurance has approved the procedure - but you’re not sure if you’re ready for that. You know ...

604 The Future of Arthritis Treatments w ▶ 604: The Future of Arthritis Treatments with Dr. Tonia Vincent
604: The Future of Arthritis Treatments with Dr. Tonia Vincent

Osteoarthritis, the wear and tear inflammation of your joints, is so common that some research suggests half of us over the age of 65 will be affected. You’ve probably heard that movement is medicine, ...

603 Mindful Weight Loss with Nagina Abdu ▶ 603: Mindful Weight Loss with Nagina Abdullah
603: Mindful Weight Loss with Nagina Abdullah

The top New Year's resolutions involve weight loss and fitness. In my industry, January is boom time and February is gloom time as most people have given up on their New Year energy by Valentine’s Day ...

602 How to Have a Sober Year with Rachel ▶ 602: How to Have a Sober Year with Rachel Hechtman
602: How to Have a Sober Year with Rachel Hechtman

Alcohol is involved in 28 percent of all fatal car accidents, 37 percent of all violent crime, and is responsible for an unknown number of mental and emotional health challenges. On the flip side, it ...

601 Your Calorie Math is Wrong with Luca ▶ 601: Your Calorie Math is Wrong with Lucas Rockwood
601: Your Calorie Math is Wrong with Lucas Rockwood

If weight loss is one of your New Year’s resolutions, you’re probably as frustrated and confused as the rest of us with all the conflicting advice and extreme approaches being touted as a forever solu ...

600 How to Choose Healthy Skincare Produ ▶ 600: How to Choose Healthy Skincare Products with Marcel Voss
600: How to Choose Healthy Skincare Products with Marcel Voss

Many people are worried that their favorite deodorant is going to cause them an early death, but when it comes down to it, we’re more worried that we’re going to smell like death. This conundrum perfe ...

599 Womens Sexual Health with Dr Lori Br ▶ 599: Women’s Sexual Health with Dr. Lori Brotto
599: Women’s Sexual Health with Dr. Lori Brotto

Sexual health requires collaboration and alignment between partners. Many couples get stuck and the resulting conflicts commonly escalate to breakups. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a professor a ...

598 Preventative Health Breakthrough wit ▶ 598: Preventative Health Breakthrough with Dr. Hari Mani
598: Preventative Health Breakthrough with Dr. Hari Mani

Cynicism is a huge problem in health care, both from patients and providers. Patients are frustrated their doctors have so little time during visits and that they’re most-likely going to leave with no ...

597 The Rise of Ayahuasca in Mental Heal ▶ 597: The Rise of Ayahuasca in Mental Health Treatment with Dr. Simon
597: The Rise of Ayahuasca in Mental Health Treatment with Dr. Simon

Mental health is a huge and growing problem, and psychedelic medicine is suddenly on a fast track toward legalization. Ayahuasca is a traditional medicine used in the Amazon for hundreds of years as p ...

596 The Busy Brain Cure with Dr Romie Mu ▶ 596: The Busy Brain Cure with Dr. Romie Mushtaq
596: The Busy Brain Cure with Dr. Romie Mushtaq

No matter how comfortable or challenging your life is, chances are you suffer from poor concentration, stress, anxiety, or overwhelm with some consistency. Left unchecked, your busy brain can lead to ...

595 Overcoming Eating Disorders with Rut ▶ 595: Overcoming Eating Disorders with Ruth Micallef
595: Overcoming Eating Disorders with Ruth Micallef

Mental health challenges are often suffered in silence, behind closed doors. That is perhaps most true of eating disorders which affect people of all ages and backgrounds and range from anorexia and b ...

594 Understanding Your Fascia with David ▶ 594: Understanding Your Fascia with David Lesondak
594: Understanding Your Fascia with David Lesondak

Think of your muscles like ground beef, and fascia like plastic wrap that creates a scaffolding like structure in, around, and through the muscle. Fascia is one of the most abundant connective tissues ...

593 Understanding Hormones Peptide Thera ▶ 593: Understanding Hormones Peptide Therapy with Kyle Gillett
593: Understanding Hormones Peptide Therapy with Kyle Gillett

Everyone ages differently, Some age gracefully, others fall off a cliff when it comes to health. For everyone, hormones are usually an issue: menopause for women, andropause for men. Both mainstream a ...

592 How to Stop Binge Eating with Sarah ▶ 592: How to Stop Binge Eating with Sarah Dosanjh
592: How to Stop Binge Eating with Sarah Dosanjh

We’ve all had the experience of opening a new pint of ice cream fully intending to just have a spoonful, and then 10 minutes later, the container is empty and you’re unsure why. Binge moments are part ...

591 Psoriasis Heal Your Skin with Dayna ▶ 591: Psoriasis: Heal Your Skin with Dayna Hrovath
591: Psoriasis: Heal Your Skin with Dayna Hrovath

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition affecting as many as three percent of the population. While prescription medicine and creams can relieve symptoms in the short term, long-term solutions often requ ...

590 How to Run Pain Free with Hilary McC ▶ 590: How to Run Pain-Free with Hilary McCloy
590: How to Run Pain-Free with Hilary McCloy

MDMA, better known as the party drug ecstasy, has been legalized in Australia and will soon be approved in The United States for use in psychotherapy. While much of the research pushing for legalizati ...

589 How to Run Pain Free with Hilary McC ▶ 589: How to Run Pain-Free with Hilary McCloy
589: How to Run Pain-Free with Hilary McCloy

Running is an amazing way to build cardiorespiratory fitness, it’s accessible to just about anyone, and you can start right now. The problem? An estimated 80 percent of runners get injured each year, ...

588 From Suffering to Growth with Dr Jul ▶ 588: From Suffering to Growth with Dr. Julia DiGangi
588: From Suffering to Growth with Dr. Julia DiGangi

What if your greatest pain in life was not the terrible things that happen to you, but instead the confusion and disjunction between your mind and body? Our bodies are wired for survival, but we all h ...

587 The Truth About Aging with Stephen K ▶ 587: The Truth About Aging with Stephen Kritchevsky
587: The Truth About Aging with Stephen Kritchevsky

Longevity is having a moment on social media right now with Silicon Valley paying teenage boys to have blood transfusions, experimental peptide injections, and all the predictable skin lasers and fill ...

586 Bounce Back from Burnout with Dr Neh ▶ 586: Bounce Back from Burnout with Dr. Neha Sangwan
586: Bounce Back from Burnout with Dr. Neha Sangwan

Do you feel burned out? My guest on this week's podcast, Dr. Neha Sangwan, defines burnout as exhaustion, ineffectiveness, and cynicism. Once that trifecta occurs, you’re in trouble - and most of us h ...

585 How to Experience Life Like a Billio ▶ 585: How to Experience Life Like a Billionaire with Bridget Hilton &
585: How to Experience Life Like a Billionaire with Bridget Hilton &

Most of us have a bucket list of things we’ll do once we grow up, after the kids move out, once we’ve retired… or someday. The problem with someday is that we don’t know when or if it will ever come, ...

584 Healing Your Hips with Mehmet Gem ▶ 584: Healing Your Hips with Mehmet Gem
584: Healing Your Hips with Mehmet Gem

Hip pain ranges from minor pinching felt during squats to excruciating pain that causes you to limp or even need the support of a cane. Like all joint injuries, the process of diagnosing and treating ...

583 Pelvic Floor Health with Clare Bourn ▶ 583: Pelvic Floor Health with Clare Bourne
583: Pelvic Floor Health with Clare Bourne

Pelvic floor problems affect an estimated 40 percent of the population. Common symptoms include incontinence, prolapse, premature ejaculation, and irregular bowel movements. Your pelvic floor is a mus ...

582 Improve Your Public Speaking with Be ▶ 582: Improve Your Public Speaking with Ben Crosby
582: Improve Your Public Speaking with Ben Crosby

Public speaking and communication skills are crucial for every aspect of life. Whether you’re negotiating a promotion at work or advocating for yourself with your doctor, the better you can express yo ...

581 Are You Under Muscled with Dr Gabrie ▶ 581: Are You Under-Muscled with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
581: Are You Under-Muscled with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

When most people think about getting in shape, their first priority is usually fat loss - and for good reason. Excess adipose tissue can, in many cases, contribute to or exacerbate dozens of other hea ...

580 Microdosing Psilocybin with Cori Sue ▶ 580: Microdosing Psilocybin with Cori Sue Morris
580: Microdosing Psilocybin with Cori Sue Morris

Psilocybin mushrooms (aka magic mushrooms) are being studied and used for their therapeutic and mental health benefits. These powerful substances have a long history of use in various cultures around ...

579 Why Are Allergies on the Rise with T ▶ 579: Why Are Allergies on the Rise with Theresa MacPhail
579: Why Are Allergies on the Rise with Theresa MacPhail

Food allergies are a common and growing problem. To complicate things further, food allergy tests have a fifty percent false positive rate and most general practitioner doctors have just two weeks of ...

578 How to Be a Free Thinker with Patric ▶ 578: How to Be a Free Thinker with Patrick Fagan
578: How to Be a Free Thinker with Patrick Fagan

If you have a phone or computer, you could start a media company right now and publish and share whatever you like. On one hand, this is amazing and democratizes what was previously reserved for a han ...

577 Male Sexual Health Fact vs Fiction A ▶ 577: Male Sexual Health - Fact vs Fiction About ED with Dr. Anne Truo
577: Male Sexual Health - Fact vs Fiction About ED with Dr. Anne Truo

Erectile dysfunction is often a canary in the coalmine for metabolic health problems, and it might be just the motivation some men need to make some changes. Like all things related to health, restori ...

576 How to Quit Sugar with Dr Andrea Gra ▶ 576: How to Quit Sugar with Dr. Andrea Grayson
576: How to Quit Sugar with Dr. Andrea Grayson

Give a baby an ice cream cone and watch his eye brain light up with pleasure. The desire for sweet is hard-wired into us, but our access to sweet is unprecedented and problematic. Sugary and starchy f ...

575 Is Your Immune System Broken with Dr ▶ 575: Is Your Immune System Broken with Dr Gary Kaplan
575: Is Your Immune System Broken with Dr Gary Kaplan

Do you get sick easily? Do you catch every cold and flu that comes through town? This could be due to a depleted immune system or even chronic immune deficiency. This is more common than most people r ...

574 Special QA Episode with Lucas Rockwo ▶ 574: Special Q&A Episode with Lucas Rockwood
574: Special Q&A Episode with Lucas Rockwood

Lucas answers a handful of relevant listen questions on food, fitness, yoga, and movement. Join the conversation! What vitamins does Lucas take? Is yoga enough? Why 1 gram of protein per lbs of body ...

573 Carnivore Diet Controversy with Luca ▶ 573: Carnivore Diet Controversy with Lucas Rockwood
573: Carnivore Diet Controversy with Lucas Rockwood

The carnivore diet is one of the most requested and controversial topics on the podcast in the past year, and I’ve had a number of guests on including a medical doctor and heart surgeon. While I do no ...

572 How to Push Past Mental Walls with J ▶ 572: How to Push Past Mental Walls with Joanna Grover
572: How to Push Past Mental Walls with Joanna Grover

All of us want to change something: our job, our relationship, our waistline, or even our career. We wake up thinking about it and fall asleep wondering “what if.” For some unknown reason, we never se ...

571 Genomic Medicine with Jo Bhakdi ▶ 571: Genomic Medicine with Jo Bhakdi
571: Genomic Medicine with Jo Bhakdi

Cancer is the number two cause of death worldwide, and despite 100s of billions invested, there is still no cure, only treatments. The treatments we do have such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surger ...

570 The Science of Trauma Recovery with ▶ 570: The Science of Trauma Recovery with Jamie Mustard
570: The Science of Trauma Recovery with Jamie Mustard

Some medical professionals feel it’s more accurate to classify post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a neural injury (PTSI) – not a disorder. Dr. Eugene Lipov developed a local anesthesia treatment ...

569 Surviving Thriving With Long COVID w ▶ 569: Surviving & Thriving With Long COVID with James Jackson
569: Surviving & Thriving With Long COVID with James Jackson

Millions of people around the world are suffering from long COVID, an umbrella term for chronic symptoms that might include fatigue, vertigo, POTS, and cognitive impairment. While it’s not uncommon fo ...

568 How to Prioritize Self Care with Tay ▶ 568: How to Prioritize Self Care with Taylor Elyse Morrison
568: How to Prioritize Self Care with Taylor Elyse Morrison

People often lament that they prioritize others’ needs above their own, and they don’t know how to put themselves first. I believe most of us are mostly selfish, so I don’t think the problem is puttin ...

567 Fix Your Feet with Dr Emily Splichal ▶ 567: Fix Your Feet with Dr. Emily Splichal
567: Fix Your Feet with Dr. Emily Splichal

Do you have painful feet, bunions, hammertoes, or collapsed arches? If you’ve visited a podiatrist, you most likely ended up with some orthotic inserts and were sent on your way. Hopefully, those inse ...

566 How to Fight Misinformation with San ▶ 566: How to Fight Misinformation with Sander van der Linden
566: How to Fight Misinformation with Sander van der Linden

It’s more difficult than ever to separate fact from journalistic or political fiction. The idea of “relative truth” has permeated almost every discussion, making it challenging to get straight answers ...

565 Longevity Secrets from the Mother of ▶ 565: Longevity Secrets from the Mother of Holistic Medicine with Dr.
565: Longevity Secrets from the Mother of Holistic Medicine with Dr.

Most people are much more concerned with the quality of their life than the quantity. We hope to stay healthy, lucid, mobile, and engaged until our final days. How exactly to increase your chances of ...

564 Whats Wrong with Menopause with Dr M ▶ 564: What’s Wrong with Menopause with Dr. Mary Clare Haver
564: What’s Wrong with Menopause with Dr. Mary Clare Haver

The average woman will spend one third of her life in menopause, and yet the public discourse and medical advice around this life stage is sorely lacking. Will hormone replacement therapy give you can ...

563 Non Surgical Options for Injury with ▶ 563: Non-Surgical Options for Injury with Dr. Jeremy Alland
563: Non-Surgical Options for Injury with Dr. Jeremy Alland

Have you ever felt excited about a new form of exercise, only to get sore muscles and then joint pain as soon as you start to see results? You take a couple days off, try ice and painkillers, but the ...

562 Overcome Work related Anxiety with M ▶ 562: Overcome Work-related Anxiety with Morra Aarons-Mele
562: Overcome Work-related Anxiety with Morra Aarons-Mele

Work can be one of the greatest sources of meaning and purpose in life; but it can also be a huge source of chronic stress and anxiety. Perhaps you’re tasked with more responsibilities than one person ...

561 How to Build a Healthy Brain with Ki ▶ 561: How to Build a Healthy Brain with Kimberly Wilson
561: How to Build a Healthy Brain with Kimberly Wilson

When you’re struggling with poor mental health, depression, anxiety, or low self esteem and you want to actively change your mindset, it’s difficult to know where to start. Should you consider therapy ...

560 Why Im So Effing Hungry with Dr Amy ▶ 560: Why I’m So Effing Hungry with Dr. Amy Shah
560: Why I’m So Effing Hungry with Dr. Amy Shah

By 2035, it’s estimated that half the world’s population will be overweight. At the same time, we’ll likely continue to live longer and longer which means the financial cost and even more tragic loss ...

559 Fix Your Sleep with Russel Foster ▶ 559: Fix Your Sleep with Russel Foster
559: Fix Your Sleep with Russel Foster

The assault on our sleep really only began in earnest 75 years ago as the world became flooded with light, stimuli, shift work, and birthed the concept of a 24/7 world. Today, we're wired and tired, o ...

558 Hip Knee Replacements with Dr Jonath ▶ 558: Hip & Knee Replacements with Dr. Jonathan Hull
558: Hip & Knee Replacements with Dr. Jonathan Hull

There are over 400,000 hip replacement operations performed each year in the USA alone. While our modern healthcare systems struggle to produce positive outcomes in some areas, in others - joint repla ...

557 Buy Back Your Time with Dan Martell ▶ 557: Buy Back Your Time with Dan Martell
557: Buy Back Your Time with Dan Martell

Are you familiar with the concept of being time poor? This is when you have your life more or less figured out, but you don’t have a spare minute in your schedule. Since time is your greatest asset, a ...

556 How Expectations Impact Outcomes wit ▶ 556: How Expectations Impact Outcomes with David Robson
556: How Expectations Impact Outcomes with David Robson

Have you ever noticed that many cold and flu remedies contain little more than honey and water? Have you ever gone to the doctor feeling ill and felt significantly better almost straight away? The pla ...

555 Lateral Thinking for Innovative Solu ▶ 555: Lateral Thinking for Innovative Solutions with Paul Sloane
555: Lateral Thinking for Innovative Solutions with Paul Sloane

There’s a saying: “If you want a new idea, read a history book.” That might be true 95 percent of the time, but for the remaining five percent of the time, particularly when looking for problem-solvin ...

554 Tinnitus Hearing Loss Auditory Healt ▶ 554: Tinnitus, Hearing Loss & Auditory Health with Dr. Craig Kasper
554: Tinnitus, Hearing Loss & Auditory Health with Dr. Craig Kasper

An estimated 15 to 20 percent of the population will suffer from tinnitus at some point in their lives and hearing loss affects an even greater number. Yet so few of us take action and seek out medica ...

553 High Performance Life with Dr Erik K ▶ 553: High Performance Life with Dr. Erik Korem
553: High Performance Life with Dr. Erik Korem

Modern health trackers collect an amazing quantity of data daily, but most of it is descriptive, not actionable. Maybe your smart watch tells you that your sleep quality is poor, but do you know how t ...

552 How to Fix Your Body Relieve Pain wi ▶ 552: How to Fix Your Body - Relieve Pain with Rick Olderman
552: How to Fix Your Body - Relieve Pain with Rick Olderman

Our traditional healthcare systems offer amazing options for acute pain and injury, but for long-term, chronic, and subclinical pain, you’re mostly on your own. It’s more common than not for someone w ...

551 How to Live a Happy Life with Dr Mar ▶ 551: How to Live a Happy Life with Dr. Marc Schulz
551: How to Live a Happy Life with Dr. Marc Schulz

In 1938 the Harvard Study of Adult Development began. It followed the lives of 268 Harvard students and 456 inner city kids in Boston, and remains the largest, longest study of its kind, gathering dat ...

550 Beat Back Cancer Naturally with Dr D ▶ 550: Beat Back Cancer Naturally with Dr. Dominic Brandy
550: Beat Back Cancer Naturally with Dr. Dominic Brandy

For some forms of cancer, allopathic medical interventions are extremely effective; but for many cancers, outcomes are mixed and confusing. Like all things health, it’s clear that diet and lifestyle ...

549 Improve Your Attention Span with Dr ▶ 549: Improve Your Attention Span with Dr. Gloria Mark
549: Improve Your Attention Span with Dr. Gloria Mark

When people brag about their 80-hour work weeks, I have to wonder, are they really working for 80 hours? Or are they starting, browsing social media, and then stopping and starting eight times in a ro ...

548 How to Calm Your Mind with Chris Bai ▶ 548: How to Calm Your Mind with Chris Bailey
548: How to Calm Your Mind with Chris Bailey

When it comes to personal growth and development, most of us immediately think of productivity. How can we be more efficient and more effective with the limited time we have on this planet? On my best ...

547 How to Build a Marriage that Will Su ▶ 547: How to Build a Marriage that Will Survive Prison with Sibil Fox
547: How to Build a Marriage that Will Survive Prison with Sibil Fox

How would you feel if your spouse was incarcerated for 21 years? Would you stay or would you go? Would you even consider staying in the relationship? My guests on this week’s podcast are a couple who ...

546 Improve Your Gut Health with Robynne ▶ 546: Improve Your Gut Health with Robynne Chutkan, MD
546: Improve Your Gut Health with Robynne Chutkan, MD

Your gastrointestinal tract contains around three pounds of microbes - some good and some bad. When your gut is healthy, the bad bugs are kept in check, and the good bugs serve as internal workhorses ...

545 Harness the Power of Your Anxiety wi ▶ 545: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety with Dr. Chloe Carmichael
545: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety with Dr. Chloe Carmichael

What if physical and emotional pain, depression, and even anxiety were all adaptive? Meaning these negative feelings are designed to protect us from harm and ensure our survival. Anxiety can be viewed ...

544 Eat for Your Brain with Dr Annie Fen ▶ 544: Eat for Your Brain with Dr. Annie Fenn
544: Eat for Your Brain with Dr. Annie Fenn

Almost everyone is familiar with the concept of a heart-healthy diet, and most of us have heard of anti-cancer and other major disease-prevention diets. But what about eating foods to protect your bra ...

543 Long COVID Rebuilding Your Body with ▶ 543: Long COVID: Rebuilding Your Body with Dr. Oz Garcia
543: Long COVID: Rebuilding Your Body with Dr. Oz Garcia

Tens of millions of people around the world are suffering linger, sometime debilitating symptoms from their past COVID infections. Symptoms range from POTs and hypocapnia to chronic fatigue and impair ...

542 Better Sleep Better Health with Aric ▶ 542: Better Sleep, Better Health with Aric Prather
542: Better Sleep, Better Health with Aric Prather

If you regularly sleep less than six hours a night, you are four times more likely to catch a cold than someone who sleeps longer. But you’re not alone. Around 30 percent of the population suffer from ...

541 Mindfulness for Pain Relief with Chr ▶ 541: Mindfulness for Pain Relief with Christiane Wolf, MD
541: Mindfulness for Pain Relief with Christiane Wolf, MD

Chronic pain can be debilitating, so we often look for ways to mask or medicate the symptoms. Unfortunately, the medical approach to pain management can sometimes lead to even worse problems. There is ...

540 How to Have Your Fittest Year Ever w ▶ 540: How to Have Your Fittest Year Ever with Kathleen Trotter
540: How to Have Your Fittest Year Ever with Kathleen Trotter

What would 2023 look like if it became your healthiest year ever? What would you need to add to your life? What might you consider reducing or removing? And the hardest question of all: which lifestyl ...

539 Back Pain Know Your Options with Dr ▶ 539: Back Pain - Know Your Options with Dr. Ardavan Aslie
539: Back Pain - Know Your Options with Dr. Ardavan Aslie

Many people take a hardline stance when it comes to health: they either trust mainstream, allopathic medicine and mainstream medical doctors, or they are committed to natural and alternative healing p ...

538 How to Eat Clean with Brian Gryn ▶ 538: How to Eat Clean with Brian Gryn
538: How to Eat Clean with Brian Gryn

If you search online to learn about health and fitness, you’ll find hundreds of thousands of articles and videos, making it difficult to know where to start. Meanwhile your social media feed is likely ...

537 Yoga for Arthritis with Ann Swanson ▶ 537: Yoga for Arthritis with Ann Swanson
537: Yoga for Arthritis with Ann Swanson

Arthritis in the knees, hips, or wrists is extremely common, particularly in the second half of life. If you’re feeling pain and inflammation in your joints, the natural impulse is to reduce your move ...

536 The Future Can be Great with Ari Wal ▶ 536: The Future Can be Great with Ari Wallach
536: The Future Can be Great with Ari Wallach

If you could meet anyone from history, who would you meet? There’s a saying that you should never meet your heroes because you’d be disappointed–at best. Envisioning the future of human progress in a ...

535 Menopause Bootcamp with Suzanne Gilb ▶ 535: Menopause Bootcamp with Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, MD
535: Menopause Bootcamp with Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, MD

The average life expectancy 100 years ago was around 53 or 54 years whereas the average life where I live today is over 80 - this is a radical change. When the average person is adding three decades t ...

534 How to Fix Gas Bloating with Dr Mega ▶ 534: How to Fix Gas & Bloating with Dr. Megan Rossi
534: How to Fix Gas & Bloating with Dr. Megan Rossi

Did you know your body contains just as many bacteria cells as human cells–about 30 trillion in total? Around 3 lbs of those little buggers live in your gastrointestinal tract, and just as our planet’ ...

533 How to Rehab Your Feet with Christop ▶ 533: How to Rehab Your Feet with Christopher Ioannou
533: How to Rehab Your Feet with Christopher Ioannou

Christopher McDougal’s 2009 book, Born to Run, brought minimal footwear and the importance of healthy feet to the forefront of fitness conversations internationally. At the time, there were just a cou ...

532 Psychedelics as Medicine with Matt Z ▶ 532: Psychedelics as Medicine? with Matt Zemon
532: Psychedelics as Medicine? with Matt Zemon

Various psychedelic drugs have been used for thousands of years by people all over the world, primarily in spiritual ceremonies and for medicinal purposes. In 1938 Albert Hoffman discovered LSD, and i ...

531 Fix Your Feet with Tea Nguyen ▶ 531: Fix Your Feet with Tea Nguyen
531: Fix Your Feet with Tea Nguyen

Bunions, hammertoes, and the wide array of foot ailments can be easy to hide inside shoes, but that doesn’t make them easy to live with. What might start as achy feet can quickly turn into a real heal ...

530 The Truth About Reverse Aging with M ▶ 530: The Truth About Reverse Aging with Morgan Levine PhD
530: The Truth About Reverse Aging with Morgan Levine PhD

How long do you want to live? How healthy do you want to be in your later years? For many podcast listeners, healthspan is more important than lifespan, but it’s difficult to figure out what–if anythi ...

529 Living with Addiction with Dr Cali E ▶ 529: Living with Addiction with Dr. Cali Estes
529: Living with Addiction with Dr. Cali Estes

When you hear the word addict, it may conjure up images of alcoholics stumbling out of bars late at night, or of bleary eyed celebrities being admitted to rehab. But addiction comes in many forms and ...

528 How to Banish Productivity Guilt wit ▶ 528: How to Banish Productivity Guilt with Madeleine Dore
528: How to Banish Productivity Guilt with Madeleine Dore

I’m a productivity junkie in recovery. I’ve read just about every productivity and habit change book you can think of. From time blocking and “inbox zero”, to nootropics, I’ve tried almost everything. ...

527 How to Set Boundaries with Dr Sasha ▶ 527: How to Set Boundaries with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt
527: How to Set Boundaries with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt

Overwork and overwhelm are huge problems in today’s society, yet they are highly revered in many cultures. From the story of Elon Musk sleeping in the Tesla factory, to the parents so committed to the ...

526 Fascia Pain Recovery with Douglas Be ▶ 526: Fascia, Pain & Recovery with Douglas Bertram
526: Fascia, Pain & Recovery with Douglas Bertram

Our own bodies are a source of infinite learning and mystery. Most of us are familiar with our skin, our hair, muscles, and teeth; but did you know that you have an internal latticework of connective ...

525 Can You Slow Down Skin Aging with Dr ▶ 525: Can You Slow Down Skin Aging? with Dr. Shyamalar Gunatheesan
525: Can You Slow Down Skin Aging? with Dr. Shyamalar Gunatheesan

If you walk into any pharmacy, the anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, anti-cellulite creams and potions are everywhere. But does any of this stuff actually work? Most products are simply marketing gimmicks, bu ...

524 A Pain Free Future with Vinny Crispi ▶ 524: A Pain-Free Future with Vinny Crispino
524: A Pain-Free Future with Vinny Crispino

We all experience aches and pains at times, sometimes even serious injuries. But what happens when your pain doesn’t go away for months, years, or even a decade or more? What happens when you’re depen ...

523 Finding Peak Performance with Wylie ▶ 523: Finding Peak Performance with Wylie McGraw
523: Finding Peak Performance with Wylie McGraw

It’s hard enough to figure out what you really want to accomplish in a year, let alone in your lifetime, and once you do figure it out, how do you actually show up as the best version of yourself? Per ...

522 Womens Hormonal Health with Dr Anna ▶ 522: Women’s Hormonal Health with Dr. Anna Cabeca
522: Women’s Hormonal Health with Dr. Anna Cabeca

At what age should we consider hormone replacement therapy? Why is PCOS so common? Why is it that women often struggle with ketogenic diets more than men? Our hormones play such an important role in h ...

521 Could a 12 hour walk change your lif ▶ 521: Could a 12-hour walk change your life? with Colin O’Brady
521: Could a 12-hour walk change your life? with Colin O’Brady

Ever felt stuck in a rut with your job, your relationship, or maybe even the city you’re living in? You know what you’re doing isn’t what you want, but you’re unsure how to break your current pattern? ...

520 Finding Focus with Michael Balchan ▶ 520: Finding Focus with Michael Balchan
520: Finding Focus with Michael Balchan

What does it mean to live your best life? What does it mean to self-actualize? It’s easy to fall into the trap of chasing status, titles, or physical property; but isn’t what really matters to you bas ...

519 Middle Age Fitness Beyond with Antho ▶ 519: Middle Age Fitness & Beyond with Anthony Balduzzi
519: Middle Age Fitness & Beyond with Anthony Balduzzi

Have you noticed many leading voices in the fitness industry are single and are able to spend 2-3 hours per day working out? No matter how organized you are, if you have kids and a career (that isn’t ...

518 If Your Mouth Could Talk with Dr Kam ▶ 518: If Your Mouth Could Talk with Dr Kami Hoss
518: If Your Mouth Could Talk with Dr Kami Hoss

Periodontal disease is correlated with just about every type of illness and disease. Sometimes it’s a canary in the coal mine for something wrong, but sometimes, it can even be the source of the probl ...

517 Finding Fitness Not Fanaticism with ▶ 517: Finding Fitness Not Fanaticism with Mike Nelson
517: Finding Fitness Not Fanaticism with Mike Nelson

Most of us overestimate what we can accomplish in a year and underestimate what we can accomplish in the next five years. With health and fitness, most of us focus so much on the short term that we do ...

516 High Performance Life with Marc Bubb ▶ 516: High Performance Life with Marc Bubbs
516: High Performance Life with Marc Bubbs

When it comes to health and fitness, one of the biggest challenges in the digital age is information overload. Whether you’re excited about running or cycling, ketogenic diets or intermittent fasting, ...

515 How To Handle Diabetes with Dr Mark ▶ 515: How To Handle Diabetes with Dr. Mark Heyman
515: How To Handle Diabetes with Dr. Mark Heyman

You’ve no-doubt had a period of time in your life where your health was the first thing you thought of when you woke up, and the last thing on your mind before bed. Perhaps you had a virus, a severe i ...

514 Risks of Mental Health Misdiagnosis ▶ 514: Risks of Mental Health Misdiagnosis with Sarah Fay
514: Risks of Mental Health Misdiagnosis with Sarah Fay

For an elementary school student with severe ADHD, who’s at risk of getting expelled for behavior problems, a proper mental health diagnosis can mean the difference between success or failure with tra ...

513 Lasting Change Eating Exercise with ▶ 513: Lasting Change: Eating & Exercise with Michelle Segar
513: Lasting Change: Eating & Exercise with Michelle Segar

New habit formation is so challenging. Not only do most of us struggle to establish new routines, we often rebel against our own best interest and go in the other direction. When we fall off a new die ...

512 Special Episode Questions Show with ▶ 512: Special Episode: Questions Show with Lucas Rockwood
512: Special Episode: Questions Show with Lucas Rockwood

Is yoga enough for real fitness? Is there such a thing as non-religious meditations? What do you do if your chiropractor tells you your spine is misaligned? Lucas Rockwood fields common questions from ...

511 Is Now the Best of Times with Lucas ▶ 511: Is Now the Best of Times? with Lucas Rockwood
511: Is Now the Best of Times? with Lucas Rockwood

Haven you heard that environmental collapse is going to end life on earth in just 8 years? Do you think that World War III is looming? Are robots going to take over while we humans fight over NFTs in ...

510 Fitness After 40 with Mark Lewis ▶ 510: Fitness After 40 with Mark Lewis
510: Fitness After 40 with Mark Lewis

Most anti-aging techniques are dubious at best. The hard truth is we’re all getting older, but at the same time, most people can quite literally get fitter every year for a decade or more. For non-ath ...

509 Your Brain on Food with Dr Uma Naido ▶ 509: Your Brain on Food with Dr. Uma Naidoo
509: Your Brain on Food with Dr. Uma Naidoo

You know that feeling when you order food that looks great but makes you feel like crap? Maybe it’s deep fried or sugar-ladden. It tastes great, but an hour later, you regret it. Now what if that happ ...

508 The Science of Sleep with Devin Burk ▶ 508: The Science of Sleep with Devin Burke
508: The Science of Sleep with Devin Burke

Most people get an average of six-and-a-half hours of sleep each night while needing seven to nine hours. This chronic, endemic sleep deprivation contributes to hormonal imbalances, car accidents, and ...

507 Revive Your Hormones with Sonya Jens ▶ 507: Revive Your Hormones with Sonya Jensen
507: Revive Your Hormones with Sonya Jensen

Hormones affect your attention, libido, fertility, and lean muscle mass. So much of how we experience the world is determined by these complex chemicals sloshing around inside us–and they are under at ...

506 Eat to Beat Depression with Dr Drew ▶ 506: Eat to Beat Depression with Dr. Drew Ramsey
506: Eat to Beat Depression with Dr. Drew Ramsey

280 million people have depression worldwide, and 700,000 people will die of suicide this year. The problem is getting worse, not better, and while mental health awareness is at an all time high, conv ...

505 Genius Foods with Max Lugavere ▶ 505: Genius Foods with Max Lugavere
505: Genius Foods with Max Lugavere

How do you navigate the challenges of optimal nutrition while simultaneously considering budget, ethics, and the environment? Grass-fed beef might be a nutritional powerhouse, but how can we justify t ...

504 Hyperbaric Medicine with Dr Scott Sh ▶ 504: Hyperbaric Medicine with Dr. Scott Sherr
504: Hyperbaric Medicine with Dr. Scott Sherr

Hyperbaric chambers use pressure, and in some cases concentrated oxygen, to treat a wide variety of injuries and ailments. You’ve no doubt heard of high-level athletes using these treatments to speed ...

503 No More Crash Burn Diets with Susan ▶ 503: No More Crash & Burn Diets with Susan Peirce Thompson PhD
503: No More Crash & Burn Diets with Susan Peirce Thompson PhD

Food is so much more than energy. It’s culture, tradition, family, comfort, indulgence, guilt, and pleasure all in one. To add to the complexity, certain foods are even addicting. Today, food abundanc ...

502 Ideal Diet for Your Genetics with Dr ▶ 502: Ideal Diet for Your Genetics with Dr. Yael Joffe
502: Ideal Diet for Your Genetics with Dr. Yael Joffe

What if your genetic code could tell you what form of exercise would be best for you, based on your ability to build muscle, endure physical stress, and recover? What if you knew which foods would be ...

501 Harness the Voice in Your Head with ▶ 501: Harness the Voice in Your Head with Ethan Kross
501: Harness the Voice in Your Head with Ethan Kross

We speak an estimated 50,000 words to ourselves, in our head, every single day. That’s the same amount of information as you’d find in most paperback books. We have positive, negative, and instructive ...

500 Can Meat Fix Your Heart with Dr Phil ▶ 500: Can Meat Fix Your Heart with Dr. Philip Ovadia
500: Can Meat Fix Your Heart with Dr. Philip Ovadia

It’s hard enough to navigate our modern food system if your goal is general health, but what if you’re trying to prevent or reverse heart disease? What if you have early warning signs like elevated tr ...

499 The Truth about PTSD with Dr Michael ▶ 499: The Truth about PTSD with Dr. Michael S. Scheeringa
499: The Truth about PTSD with Dr. Michael S. Scheeringa

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder first appeared in the DSM-3 in 1980, and was clinically defined as exposure to an actual or threat of death, serious injury, or sexual violence. Today, clinicians and po ...

498 Breaking Food Addiction with Dr Vera ▶ 498: Breaking Food Addiction with Dr. Vera Tarman
498: Breaking Food Addiction with Dr. Vera Tarman

People often say things like, “I'm addicted to chocolate” or “I can’t live without ice cream.” And sometimes it’s true. Modern food is processed, packaged and concentrated in ways that light up our do ...

497 Wearable Tech Measure Track Improve ▶ 497: Wearable Tech - Measure, Track, Improve with Rob ter Horst
497: Wearable Tech - Measure, Track, Improve with Rob ter Horst

Expensive watches have been a status symbol for centuries, but now, weird-looking bands have replaced the bingy Rolexes. Instead of signaling wealth, these new gizmos signal a keen interest and commit ...

496 Mindful Intimacy with Jessica Graham ▶ 496: Mindful Intimacy with Jessica Graham
496: Mindful Intimacy with Jessica Graham

Mindfulness gets bundled with everything from golf to gardening these days, but one place it might make the most sense is often overlooked: intimacy. For meaning, connection, and even anatomical funct ...

495 Swole Planet with Ryan Andrews ▶ 495: Swole Planet with Ryan Andrews
495: Swole Planet with Ryan Andrews

Imagine you are in charge of the weekly grocery shopping for a family of four, and each week, you get a new assignment. Week one, you’re asked to buy the healthiest possible food for your family. Week ...

494 Onions Inflation Family Farms with S ▶ 494: Onions, Inflation & Family Farms with Shay Myers
494: Onions, Inflation & Family Farms with Shay Myers

When most people think about a family farm, they think of a wooden house in the middle of a field with a few chickens, a couple of cows, and some corn and tomatoes growing. These days, that is more li ...

493 2021 Holiday Food Fitness Survival G ▶ 493: 2021 Holiday Food & Fitness Survival Guide with Lucas Rockwood
493: 2021 Holiday Food & Fitness Survival Guide with Lucas Rockwood

Holiday season is here, and we’re entering a four week period where our behavior is often bipolar. The last two weeks of December are a food and drink debauchery, and the first two weeks of January ar ...

492 Life After Prison with Jesse Crosson ▶ 492: Life After Prison with Jesse Crosson
492: Life After Prison with Jesse Crosson

There are 2.3 million people incarcerated in the United States, and another four million on parole or probation. When you factor in families of inmates, prison employees, and infrastructure, we’re tal ...

491 Food to Fight Cancer with Chris Wark ▶ 491: Food to Fight Cancer with Chris Wark
491: Food to Fight Cancer with Chris Wark

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, but modern medicine has only made small improvements in healing protocols in the past thirty years. Here’s cancer treatment history at a glance: ...

490 Irrelationships A Way Out of Dysfunc ▶ 490: Irrelationships A Way Out of Dysfunction with Grant H. Brenner
490: Irrelationships A Way Out of Dysfunction with Grant H. Brenner

Around 20% of people have reported a major breakdown in one or more relationships during the pandemic. This includes romantic couples, but also work, family, and friend relationships strained by dista ...

489 Core Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation wit ▶ 489: Core & Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation with Trista Zinn
489: Core & Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation with Trista Zinn

If you have a weak or damaged pelvic floor, it can cause incontinence, prolapse, and back pain. Did you assume this only affects postpartum women or the elderly? Nope, pelvic floor dysfunction is now ...

488 How to De Escalate Conflicts with Do ▶ 488: How to De-Escalate Conflicts with Doug Noll
488: How to De-Escalate Conflicts with Doug Noll

1000s of air rage incidents have been logged just in the past year alone where people lose it mid-flight. They scream, become violent, and cause such a ruckus that they have to be duct taped to their ...

487 How to Fight Bloated Belly with Edis ▶ 487: How to Fight Bloated Belly with Edison de Mello, MD, PhD
487: How to Fight Bloated Belly with Edison de Mello, MD, PhD

If you eat the wrong thing, do you get bloated? Constipated? Stomach pains often start off as a nuisance, but as the months and years go by, they can become chronic and even turn into serious physical ...

486 High Libido Diet with Christine DeLo ▶ 486: High Libido Diet with Christine DeLozier
486: High Libido Diet with Christine DeLozier

We all know that a healthy, whole food diet can help with fat loss, energy, and digestions; but it can also increase your libido and sexual health. On this week’s podcast, we’ll talk about science-bas ...

485 Sexual Health Longevity with Dr Amy ▶ 485: Sexual Health & Longevity with Dr. Amy Killen
485: Sexual Health & Longevity with Dr. Amy Killen

If you have stomach problems or allergies, you probably have a doctor you can call. But if things are not working in the bedroom, who do you call then? What if you lose desire or are having trouble wi ...

484 Rise of Radical Beliefs with Lucas R ▶ 484: Rise of Radical Beliefs with Lucas Rockwood
484: Rise of Radical Beliefs with Lucas Rockwood

You’ve probably noticed the media right now is filled with polarizing voices, rage, and vitriol; but have you noticed that these extreme views are not your own? Have you noticed that hardly anyone you ...

483 Happy Gut Happy Brain with Jimmy St ▶ 483: Happy Gut, Happy Brain with Jimmy St. Louis
483: Happy Gut, Happy Brain with Jimmy St. Louis

Did you receive a CRP (C-reactive protein) test during your last blood test? Since recent research correlates systemic inflammation with dozens of diseases and illnesses, cooling this internal flame h ...

482 Kids Brains on Sports with Dr Julie ▶ 482: Kids Brains on Sports with Dr. Julie Stamm
482: Kids Brains on Sports with Dr. Julie Stamm

When I was 11 years old, I face-planted snow sledding and gave myself two black eyes and a slight concussion. I remember being sleepy, dizzy, and struggling to concentrate for a few days. Luckily, I o ...

481 Save Your Brain with Titus Chiu ▶ 481: Save Your Brain with Titus Chiu
481: Save Your Brain with Titus Chiu

Millions of people experience traumatic brain injuries (TBI) each year, and an estimated 5-6% of those people experience long-term issues. If you break your arm, the path to recovery is pretty obvious ...

480 How to Develop Your Emotional Intell ▶ 480: How to Develop Your Emotional Intelligence with Marc Brackett
480: How to Develop Your Emotional Intelligence with Marc Brackett

IQ Tests remain the best method (albeit flawed) to assess intelligence. More difficult to measure, but perhaps more interesting, is Emotional Intelligence (EQ). How does someone rank in terms of self- ...

479 Demystifying Diabetes with Jody Stan ▶ 479: Demystifying Diabetes with Jody Stanislaw
479: Demystifying Diabetes with Jody Stanislaw

I wore a continuous blood glucose monitor for a month and learned that certain fruits (mangos in my case) sent myblood sugar soaring, and even more surprising, my 3 am glucose levels often dropped so ...

478 The Gut Immune Connection with Emera ▶ 478: The Gut Immune Connection with Emeran Mayer
478: The Gut Immune Connection with Emeran Mayer

The Gut Immune Connection with Emeran Mayer There are an estimated 100 trillion bacteria in your gut right now that weigh 2-3 lbs. If you were to spread them out, they would cover the surface of an en ...

477 The Obesity Pandemic with Dr Linda A ▶ 477: The Obesity Pandemic with Dr. Linda Anegawa
477: The Obesity Pandemic with Dr. Linda Anegawa

The Obesity Pandemic Dr. Linda Anegawa ---------- Hundreds of years ago, a portly belly was a sign of wealth. The royals ate and rank more than their fill while the serfs starved and toiled on the lan ...

476 Porn Addiction Pandemic with Joshua ▶ 476: Porn Addiction Pandemic with Joshua Shea
476: Porn Addiction Pandemic with Joshua Shea

Porn Addiction Pandemic by Joshua Shea ------------------ The book, Fifty Shades of Grey, is not just a bestseller, it’s one of the top 100 best sellers in history - and it’s not because it’s well wri ...

475 How to Recover from Exercise with Dr ▶ 475: How to Recover from Exercise with Dr. Andy Galpin
475: How to Recover from Exercise with Dr. Andy Galpin

How to Recover from Exercise with Dr. Andy Galpin --------------------------- Has this ever happened to you? You’re on a roll with a new exercise routine. You’re going to yoga or the gym every day. Yo ...

474 The Future of the Quantified Self Mo ▶ 474: The Future of the Quantified Self Movement
474: The Future of the Quantified Self Movement

The Future of the Quantified Self Movement with Dr. Michael Snyder ---------------- What if a $50 smart watch could give you early warning signs for illness, infection, and even disease? Prevention co ...

473 How to Control Your Fear with Dr Amy ▶ 473: How to Control Your Fear with Dr. Amy Silver
473: How to Control Your Fear with Dr. Amy Silver

How to Control Your Fearwith Dr. Amy Silver ---------------------------Humans are hard-wired to fear anything that puts us in harm’s way. But what do you do when fear keeps you from taking the necessa ...

472 An Introduction to Mindfulness with ▶ 472: An Introduction to Mindfulness with Dr. Shauna Shapiro
472: An Introduction to Mindfulness with Dr. Shauna Shapiro

An Introduction to Mindfulness Dr. Shauna Shapiro ----------- Where were you when you learned that U.S. president #45 was elected? Do you remember the day when Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crashed? How ab ...

471 Brain Health Matters with Dr Dale Br ▶ 471: Brain Health Matters with Dr. Dale Bredesen
471: Brain Health Matters with Dr. Dale Bredesen

Brain Health Matters Dr. Dale Bredesen ------------- The FDA approved a new Alzheimer’s drug, Aduhelm, and it’s estimated to cost medicare $57 billion per year. In the wake of the approval, three FDA ...

470 Meditation Neurofeedback with Ariel ▶ 470: Meditation & Neurofeedback with Ariel Garten
470: Meditation & Neurofeedback with Ariel Garten

Meditation & Neurofeedback with Ariel Garten --------------------You’re probably tried meditation apps, but have you tried measuring your brain wave states during your meditation practice? Meditation ...

469 Exploring the Hathapradipika with Dr ▶ 469: Exploring the Hathapradipika with Dr. Jim Mallinson
469: Exploring the Hathapradipika with Dr. Jim Mallinson

Exploring the Hathapradipika Dr. Jim Mallinson -------------- Most yoga teachers cite the Yoga Sutras as the original source of modern practices, but the Hathapradipika is a much more relevant text th ...

468 Dangers of Modern Medicine with Dr R ▶ 468: Dangers of Modern Medicine with Dr. Robert Pearl
468: Dangers of Modern Medicine with Dr. Robert Pearl

Dangers Modern Medicine with Dr. Robert Pearl -------------------- How much would you spend to feel healthy and energized? If you were truly sick, you’d probably spend everything you had to feel well ...

467 Sleep it Off with Stella Loichot ▶ 467: Sleep it Off with Stella Loichot
467: Sleep it Off with Stella Loichot

Sleep it Off with Stella Loichot ---- If you sleep badly, it can create a metabolic storm that leads to elevated stress hormones, food cravings, and increased fat storage. Poor sleep makes it very dif ...

466 Improve Your Posture with Matt Hsu ▶ 466: Improve Your Posture with Matt Hsu
466: Improve Your Posture with Matt Hsu

Improve Your Posture with Matt Hsu -------------------- Do you have a hunchback? Have high heeled shoes led to shortened hip flexors? Postural imbalances can sneak up on you in a matter of months as y ...

465 Does Yoga Work for Weight Loss with ▶ 465: Does Yoga Work for Weight Loss with Lucas Rockwood
465: Does Yoga Work for Weight Loss with Lucas Rockwood

Does Yoga Work for Weight Loss? with Lucas Rockwood Does yoga actually help with weight loss? Does it burn more calories than running or gym workouts? Summer is here, and I’ve been getting loads of we ...

464 Self Care for Pain Injuries with Dr ▶ 464: Self-Care for Pain & Injuries with Dr. Dan Ginader
464: Self-Care for Pain & Injuries with Dr. Dan Ginader

Self-Care for Pain & Injuries with Dr. Dan Ginader -------- Have you ever gotten obsessed with a new diet or exercise routine? Enthusiasm is rare, so when you’re feeling it, you naturally want to go a ...

463 Magnesium a Love Story with Dr Carol ▶ 463: Magnesium, a Love Story with Dr. Carolyn Dean
463: Magnesium, a Love Story with Dr. Carolyn Dean

Magnesium, a Love Storywith Dr. Carolyn Dean-----------------Magnesium is a favorite among yoga students due to its crucial role in nervous system health and as a muscle relaxant. Magnesium is everywh ...

462 The Power of Dreams with Charlie Mor ▶ 462: The Power of Dreams with Charlie Morley
462: The Power of Dreams with Charlie Morley

The Power of Dreamswith Charlie Morley ------------------- Did you know that you have four-to-six dream cycles per night totaling about two hours? If you’re like me, you almost never remember your dre ...

461 What Comes Next QAs Galore with Luca ▶ 461: What Comes Next? Q&As Galore with Lucas Rockwood
461: What Comes Next? Q&As Galore with Lucas Rockwood

What Comes Next? Q&As Galore with Lucas Rockwood--------------Will you ever go back to the office? Will kids ever take in-person school seriously again? And what will the bounce-back look like this su ...

460 Rethinking Physical Pain with Aaron ▶ 460: Rethinking Physical Pain with Aaron Kubal
460: Rethinking Physical Pain with Aaron Kubal

Rethinking Physical Pain with Aaron Kubal ------------- Have you ever experienced chronic back or knee pain? An estimated 80% of people have a major pain episode at some point in their lives, and it o ...

459 Making sense of Food with Robb Wolf ▶ 459: Making sense of Food with Robb Wolf
459: Making sense of Food with Robb Wolf

Making Sense of Food with Robb Wolf -------- You step into your local health food store, and the confusion begins. Keto, Paleo, low fat, high fat. It’s all so overwhelming. One approach lowers your ch ...

458 Tendencies Habits Change with Gretch ▶ 458: Tendencies, Habits & Change with Gretchen Rubin
458: Tendencies, Habits & Change with Gretchen Rubin

Tendencies, Habits & Change with Gretchen Rubin ---------------------------- Every few months a new productivity book hits the shelves, and of course, I read it. I’m a sucker for personal growth hacks ...

457 Hope is a Verb with Amy Downs ▶ 457: Hope is a Verb with Amy Downs
457: Hope is a Verb with Amy Downs

Hope is a Verb with Amy Downs ------------- Amy was buried under the rubble of the Oklahoma City Federal Building during the 1995 attack. Fully conscious but completely incapacitated, she waited nearl ...

456 Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization ▶ 456: Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization with with Michael Rintala, D
456: Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization with with Michael Rintala, D

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Michael Rintala, D.CHave back pain? If you ask a yoga teacher, they will give you three stretches. If you go to a physiotherapist, they will give you three Bosu Bal ...

455 Healing Trauma Sexuality Boundaries ▶ 455: Healing Trauma, Sexuality & Boundaries with Kimberly Johnson
455: Healing Trauma, Sexuality & Boundaries with Kimberly Johnson

Healing Trauma, Sexuality & Boundaries with Kimberly Johnson -------- Past traumas often haunt us emotionally and sometimes even manifest as physical pain or illnesses. Acute childhood trauma, for exa ...

454 Proactive Personal Health Care with ▶ 454: Proactive Personal Health Care with Dr. Doug Pucci
454: Proactive Personal Health Care with Dr. Doug Pucci

Proactive Personal Health Care with Dr. Doug Pucci----------- I went to the doctor to get routine blood work and was sent home with a prescription for benzodiazepines. I specifically said I didn’t wan ...

453 Surviving the Mental Health Pandemic ▶ 453: Surviving the Mental Health Pandemic with Guy Winch
453: Surviving the Mental Health Pandemic with Guy Winch

Surviving the Mental Health Pandemic with Guy Winch ---------------------- Suicide ideation is rampant among youth, divorce rates are skyrocketing, and the state of mental health, on a global scale, h ...

452 How to Find Your Purpose with Ashley ▶ 452: How to Find Your Purpose with Ashley Stahl
452: How to Find Your Purpose with Ashley Stahl

How to Find Your Purpose with Ashley Stahl ----------------- Kyle invested his life savings into a health resort overlooking the sea. I told him it was a terrible idea, and I was wrong. Right up until ...

451 Breakup Bootcamp with Amy Chan ▶ 451: Breakup Bootcamp with Amy Chan
451: Breakup Bootcamp with Amy Chan

Breakup Bootcamp with Amy Chan --------------------------- What is love? If you ask 100 people, you’ll get 100 different answers; and yet here we are, desperately needing love all the time. It shouldn ...

450 7 Steps to Self Confidence with Davi ▶ 450: 7 Steps to Self Confidence with David Nurse
450: 7 Steps to Self Confidence with David Nurse

7 Steps to Self Confidence with David Nurse ---------------- You’re on fire. Every decision, every conversation, and even the way your body moves feels like green lights today. When you’re grounded in ...

449 Healthy Skin as You Age with Dr Shad ▶ 449: Healthy Skin as You Age with Dr. Shadi Kourosh
449: Healthy Skin as You Age with Dr. Shadi Kourosh

Healthy Skin as You Age with Dr. Shadi Kourosh --------------------------- “You look old, Dad,” my nine year old told me. He was teasing me, of course, but it’s true. I have less hair, more wrinkles, ...

448 Turn Adversity into Advantage with D ▶ 448: Turn Adversity into Advantage with Doug Bopst
448: Turn Adversity into Advantage with Doug Bopst

Turn Adversity into Advantage with Doug Bopst --------------- “I took the deal… and the last thing I did was snort a few hundred milligrams of oxy,” says Doug. This was right before he started a 90-da ...

447 Psychological Flexibility with Steve ▶ 447: Psychological Flexibility with Steven Hayes PhD
447: Psychological Flexibility with Steven Hayes PhD

Psychological Flexibility with Steven Hayes, PhD ------------------------- The rate of change has accelerated 2-5x in the past year. The job change you were thinking about someday is now your top prio ...

446 Thoughts on the End of Life with Cha ▶ 446: Thoughts on the End of Life with Charles Garfield
446: Thoughts on the End of Life with Charles Garfield

Thoughts on the End of Lifewith Charles Garfield---------Death and loss are inevitable, nobody was prepared for this. COVID-19 has taken the lives of millions of people around the world, mostly older ...

445 Get to Know Your Testosterone with D ▶ 445: Get to Know Your Testosterone with Dr. Tracy Gapin
445: Get to Know Your Testosterone with Dr. Tracy Gapin

Get to Know Your Testosterone by Dr. Tracy Gapin ----------- Testosterone levels in modern men are lower than any time in recorded history. This causes low libido, low energy, and a lack of lean muscl ...

444 In Search of Mastery with Michael Ge ▶ 444: In Search of Mastery with Michael Gervais
444: In Search of Mastery with Michael Gervais

In Search of Mastery with Michael Gervais ----------- What does it mean to self actualize? To become your personal best at whatever it is you do? For most of us, these questions conjure up images such ...

443 Get To Know Your Genes with Dr Yael ▶ 443: Get To Know Your Genes with Dr Yael Joffe
443: Get To Know Your Genes with Dr Yael Joffe

Get To Know Your Genes with Dr. Yael Joffe ------- Have you done a DNA test to discover your true ancestry? Tens of millions of people give up their genetic information in exchange for a fun pie graph ...

442 Fantastic Fungi with Eugenia Bone ▶ 442: Fantastic Fungi with Eugenia Bone
442: Fantastic Fungi with Eugenia Bone

Fantastic Fungi with Eugenia Bone ---------------------- It’s mushroom season in Cataluña, so the markets are filled with orange, white, and even jet black “setas” that are almost all wild harvested. ...

441 Happy Pessimist with Mattias Lundber ▶ 441: Happy Pessimist with Mattias Lundberg
441: Happy Pessimist with Mattias Lundberg

Happy Pessimist with Mattias Lundberg --------- Has your life been turned upside down in 2020? How are you feeling? Positive thinking and optimism are often considered one and the same, but you can be ...

440 Overcome Fear with Kristen Ulmer ▶ 440: Overcome Fear with Kristen Ulmer
440: Overcome Fear with Kristen Ulmer

Overcome Fear with Kristen Ulmer Extreme skiing is defined by an ever-present risk of death. It’s a sport that demands a deep relationship and acceptance of fear. An avalanche can bury you, a deadly f ...

439 Mindfulness Addiction with Dr Jud Br ▶ 439: Mindfulness Addiction with Dr. Jud Brewer
439: Mindfulness Addiction with Dr. Jud Brewer

Mindfulness a Solution for Addiction? Dr. Jud Brewer ------ If we define addiction as continued behavior despite adverse consequences, we all have cause for concern. Perhaps you’re up so late watching ...

438 Respiratory Therapy with Joe Lewis ▶ 438: Respiratory Therapy with Joe Lewis
438: Respiratory Therapy with Joe Lewis

Respiratory Therapy with Joe Lewis If you’re interested in pranayama and breathwork, there is so much more to discover than simply “oxygenation.” As a student of yoga breathing for over a decade, ther ...

437 CBD for Pain Sleep with Mary Clifton ▶ 437: CBD for Pain & Sleep with Mary Clifton
437: CBD for Pain & Sleep with Mary Clifton

CBD for Pain & Sleep with Mary Clifton Marijuana is quickly becoming legal or at least decriminalized in most states. Billions of dollars of previously criminal revenue is suddenly on-the-books and ta ...

314 Deep Dive into Knee Pain ▶ 314: Deep Dive into Knee Pain
314: Deep Dive into Knee Pain

Have you ever seen a yoga student, runner, or CrossFitter with weird crisscrossed tape on their knees? Have you ever experienced knee pain that kept you from doing your favorite activities? Aside from ...

313 The Mobility Method Find Freedom in ▶ 313: The Mobility Method | Find Freedom in Your Body
313: The Mobility Method | Find Freedom in Your Body

Your tight hamstrings, stiff hips, and locked up spine are not going to find freedom on their own—you have to train for mobility. When your body is tight, it affects everything, from your standing and ...

312 Barefoot Strong ▶ 312: Barefoot Strong
312: Barefoot Strong

My balance has always been terrible. It didn't matter if I was on a skateboard, a balance beam, or in tree pose in yoga; I've always found it incredibly challenging to stay steady. Some people are jus ...

311 Confidence Build Develop It ▶ 311: Confidence: Build & Develop It
311: Confidence: Build & Develop It

My six-year-old son will approach the person behind the counter at the grocery store and ask, “Do you have anything for kids?” At the doctor’s office, he’ll ask, “Do you have any candies?” He doesn’t ...

310 Mitochondria Key to Health and Longe ▶ 310: Mitochondria: Key to Health and Longevity
310: Mitochondria: Key to Health and Longevity

If you go to any convenient store, you'll see dozens of energy products including bars, drinks, and snacks. Most products are loaded with sugar or caffeine—or both. In the short term, they'll certai ...

309 How to Develop an At Home Practice ▶ 309: How to Develop an At-Home Practice
309: How to Develop an At-Home Practice

Back in 2002, when I couldn’t make it to a studio, I would play an old cassette tape and practice to that in my bedroom, hotel room, or even outdoors wherever I was. At-home practice has always been p ...

308 Eating for Brain Power ▶ 308: Eating for Brain Power
308: Eating for Brain Power

Most health and diet books focus on reducing your waistline but neglect the most mission critical part of your entire body: your brain. The 3 lbs, watery, fatty mass between your ears needs to be fe ...

307 Natural Birth Control ▶ 307: Natural Birth Control
307: Natural Birth Control

Following the advice of parents, counselors, and health care providers, millions of women take hormonal birth control starting in their teenager years to avoid unwanted pregnancies, regulate their per ...

306 Stiff After Stretching Yoga Problems ▶ 306: Stiff After Stretching, Yoga Problems & Vegan Pitfalls
306: Stiff After Stretching, Yoga Problems & Vegan Pitfalls

You’ve got questions, and I’ve got answers…. join me for this week’s Yoga Talk Show special “Q&A Show” where I do my best to help listeners. On this week’s show, we cover: my recommending reading list ...

305 Balance Your Hormones ▶ 305: Balance Your Hormones
305: Balance Your Hormones

When we think about toxins in our food and environment, most people assume the risk is cancer, and that's true; but the more immediate risk is often hormonal imbalance. Common addictives in foods an ...

304 Your Weakness is Your Superpower ▶ 304: Your Weakness is Your Superpower
304: Your Weakness is Your Superpower

Here is one of my favorite interview questions: What did you get in trouble for most when you were 12 years old? The answer often reveals more about who someone really is than an hour-long conversat ...

303 Push Beyond Your Limits ▶ 303: Push Beyond Your Limits
303: Push Beyond Your Limits

Colin was on the beach in Thailand and decided to try Fire Poi (fire dancing). A few minutes later, he got tangled up, caught on fire, and burned 25% of his body so badly he was bedridden for months. ...

302 Save the Planet One Person At a Time ▶ 302: Save the Planet One Person At-a-Time
302: Save the Planet One Person At-a-Time

The world’s bulging landfills mirror our bulging waistlines; and the toxic chemicals we pour down our drains end up in our water supplies, food systems, and eventually into our own bodies. Environment ...


Have you ever heard someone say, “Flexibility doesn’t matter!” or “Stretching makes you weak!” For some reason, the misinformation about flexibility training is rampant, and many students are confused ...

300 Sleep Better Perform Better Live Bet ▶ 300: Sleep Better, Perform Better, Live Better
300: Sleep Better, Perform Better, Live Better

Meet the man who top Athletes like, Cristiano Ronaldo, consult with to make sure they get optimal sleep: Nick Littlehales. Sleep quality makes a huge difference in optimal sports performance and overa ...

299 Everything I Know About Weight Loss ▶ 299: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
299: Everything I Know About Weight Loss

The world is getting fat at an alarming rate. Two in three adults are overweight or obese, and excess weight is correlated with every degenerative illness across the board. While some overweight peopl ...

298 Uncontrolled Sweating Zevia Muscle C ▶ 298: Uncontrolled Sweating, Zevia & Muscle Cramps – Special Q&A Show!
298: Uncontrolled Sweating, Zevia & Muscle Cramps – Special Q&A Show!

LISTENER QUESTIONS! Is borage oil any good? What do you do with heart rate variability data? My kid is sweating like crazy, what do I do? How do I get started on a vegan diet? Are oats any good for br ...

297 How to Get Stuff Done ▶ 297: How to Get Stuff Done
297: How to Get Stuff Done

Have you ever heard someone say, I'm an idea person... I like to start new things, but I'm not the person who finishes them? You know who does finish things? Winners. Starting is not hard, or intere ...

296 How to Heal from Brain Drain ▶ 296: How to Heal from Brain Drain
296: How to Heal from Brain Drain

It's Friday night. You're home late from work and desperate to sleep, and yet you can't. You're tired but wired, overworked but over-stimulated. Cortisol has been pumping through your veins all week, ...

295 Magnesium Top Mineral for Yoga Stude ▶ 295: Magnesium: Top Mineral for Yoga Students
295: Magnesium: Top Mineral for Yoga Students

Many people think mineral deficiencies only occur in the developing world where food is scarce; but the reality is that most people are deficient in at least a few vitamins or minerals. Our soils are ...

294 The End of Alzheimers ▶ 294: The End of Alzheimer’s
294: The End of Alzheimer’s

Do you have a friend or family member losing their short-term memory, losing their mental edge, and just generally slowing down in terms of brain function? If so, this week's Yoga Talk Show delivers ...

293 Unlock Your Happy Brain Chemicals ▶ 293: Unlock Your Happy Brain Chemicals
293: Unlock Your Happy Brain Chemicals

I just want to be happy... is something you've probably said one thousand times. You want to be happy at work, at home, with your partner and friends—but what does that mean? You've no-doubt felt h ...

292 My Untold Story Yoga Drugs Alcohol ▶ 292: My Untold Story: Yoga, Drugs & Alcohol
292: My Untold Story: Yoga, Drugs & Alcohol

It was Christmas 2001. I was 23 years old, and I woke up in the back of ambulance after convulsing in a grand mal seizure in front of my parents. I'd managed to wobble through the previous 3 years in ...

291 Push to Your Limit Beyond ▶ 291: Push to Your Limit & Beyond
291: Push to Your Limit & Beyond

During the World Financial Crisis of 2008, James Lawrence's mortgage business went belly-up, and he started running, cycling and swimming. He channelled his pain and struggle into training, and became ...

290 Lab Grown Clean Meat the Future of F ▶ 290: Lab-Grown Clean Meat & the Future of Food
290: Lab-Grown Clean Meat & the Future of Food

At age 23, I was overweight, drinking too much and smoking constantly. I was stuck in life and wanted a new one, so I finally got up the courage to attend a 10-day meditation retreat just before my 24 ...

289 Why Touch Matters in Everything ▶ 289: Why Touch Matters in Everything
289: Why Touch Matters in Everything

You probably know that infants that don't receive enough cuddles, hugs, and physical affection suffer from all kinds of developmental problems—the first two years are the most critical, and this is wh ...

288 Why Were Depressed What to Do About ▶ 288: Why We're Depressed & What to Do About It?
288: Why We're Depressed & What to Do About It?

I've spent most my career researching, studying and teaching physical health and wellness only to realize that mental health is the big elephant in the room. In many cases, diet and exercise help, of ...

287 Wellness Insider Best Of ▶ 287: Wellness Insider Best Of
287: Wellness Insider Best Of

After interviewing hundreds of health experts, you learn dozens of industry insights that would otherwise be impossible to gather. Our guest on this week's Yoga Talk Show is a veteran podcaster and we ...

286 How to Love Your Body ▶ 286: How to Love Your Body
286: How to Love Your Body

One of the best ways to love your body is to stop poisoning it with excess sugar, starch and carbohydrates. This sounds obvious, but it's actually a huge challenge. Excess sugar is everywhere and with ...

285 Laughing for Healing ▶ 285: Laughing for Healing
285: Laughing for Healing

Why do so many yoga and meditation teachers talk in the third person, add in huge pauses between words, and hold awkward eye contact while teaching? Where did this caricature of a spiritual person c ...

284 Finding Strength in Pain ▶ 284: Finding Strength in Pain
284: Finding Strength in Pain

Can you imagine if your mother died of a sudden brain aneurysm, your young husband died of a heart attack, and then your father-in-law passed away from cancer all in the span of 9 years? This is Amy M ...

283 Better than Before ▶ 283: Better than Before
283: Better than Before

At one of my first personal growth and development retreats, I wrote down my goals to build a huge health and wellness center with yoga, a restaurant, diet programs, and more. Financially, I wanted it ...

282 Become More Productive ▶ 282: Become More Productive
282: Become More Productive

I'm often praised for my productivity. I have two kids, three businesses, 28 staff, and a hectic travel schedule. So how do I manage to get it all done? To be honest, I'm not sure I do. Work-life bala ...

281 Meditation for Skeptics ▶ 281: Meditation for Skeptics
281: Meditation for Skeptics

I can't meditate, is one of the most common phrases I hear in the yoga studio. Students somehow feel that since they cannot sit still or calm their mind, they are unable to practice meditation—but t ...

280 Mobility Training ▶ 280: Mobility Training
280: Mobility Training

There are two types of people who say that flexibility doesn't matter. The first group is stiff as a board and want an excuse for their lack of mobility. The second group consists of people who have a ...

279 The Problem with Nice Guys ▶ 279: The Problem with Nice Guys
279: The Problem with Nice Guys

Nice Guy Syndrome is when men try so hard to be liked and helpful that they end up miserable and alone. The people-pleasing, caretaker role is something that initially sounds great but often leads to ...

278 Changing Habits ▶ 278: Changing Habits
278: Changing Habits

Your habits around food, exercise and lifestyle largely dictate your health. What do you eat for breakfast? What is a fun night out for you and your friends? How often do you get outdoors, run, cycl ...

277 Detox Your Body Life ▶ 277: Detox Your Body & Life
277: Detox Your Body & Life

Did you know that newborn babies are born with 200+ chemical toxins in their bodies? Or that polar bears often have off-the-charts levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) despite living in remo ...

276 Find Your Cozy Place ▶ 276: Find Your Cozy Place
276: Find Your Cozy Place

Danish people regularly score as the happiest people in the world, but it's a small, flat, wet country; taxes are ridiculously high, and the weather is generally bad. So what's going on? What do the D ...

275 The Peoples Pharmacy ▶ 275: The People's Pharmacy
275: The People's Pharmacy

Did you know that chili pepper and mustard can help with muscle cramps? Did you know that your acid blocking digestive aids could actually make your problem worse over time? We all have unprecedented ...

274 The Power of Self Awareness ▶ 274: The Power of Self-Awareness
274: The Power of Self-Awareness

Do you know yourself? Really? Do you know what makes you tick and what drives you... what lights you up and what dims your fired? Self-awareness doesn't come naturally, like all forms of intelligence, ...

273 Discover Wild Food Weeds ▶ 273: Discover Wild Food & Weeds
273: Discover Wild Food & Weeds

It's easy to get excited about the newly-imported Brazilian berry with crazy-high antioxidant levels; but what about the weeds and wild foods growing your backyard? When it comes to micronutrients, th ...

272 Unlocking the Secrets of Fascia ▶ 272: Unlocking the Secrets of Fascia
272: Unlocking the Secrets of Fascia

Did you know that your muscles would be a bloody pile of melted, soft-serve ice cream if not for fascia? This web of connective tissues literally hold your body together—and most of us aren't really e ...

271 What Darwin Got Wrong ▶ 271: What Darwin Got Wrong
271: What Darwin Got Wrong

How did our planet form? How did life begin? Most of us have no idea how to explain this foundational, existential question. Evolutionists say that all life has stemmed from a series of random mutatio ...

270 Change Your Life wThe 5 Second Rule ▶ 270: Change Your Life w/The 5 Second Rule
270: Change Your Life w/The 5 Second Rule

What if what’s keeping you from achieving your goals and building the life you truly desire came down to your constant, nagging habit of procrastination? What if you had a simple tool to reverse your ...

269 The Body Eye Connection ▶ 269: The Body-Eye Connection
269: The Body-Eye Connection

Did you know that your “vision” and your “eyesight” are not the same thing? Did you know that your eye health can impact your mental and emotional health as well? Most of us are familiar with seasonal ...

268 Can Mindfulness Make You Younger ▶ 268: Can Mindfulness Make You Younger?
268: Can Mindfulness Make You Younger?

Your body responds to the stress of a busy morning with the same biochemical responses it would have if a tiger pounced on you in the jungle. Intellectually, these two events are completely different, ...

267 Sleep Like a Baby ▶ 267: Sleep Like a Baby
267: Sleep Like a Baby

Poor sleep can cause hormonal imbalances, weight gain, impair your immune system, reduce your mental clarity, and contribute to dozens of other health problems. Sleep is a huge sticking point for your ...

266 Never Binge Eat Again ▶ 266: Never Binge Eat Again
266: Never Binge Eat Again

Why do some people suffer from overwhelming food cravings, multiple times per week—and others never have cravings at all? Why do some of us feel addicted and out-of-control with food while others coul ...

265 Brain Training Brain Mastery ▶ 265: Brain Training & Brain Mastery
265: Brain Training & Brain Mastery

Did you know that your morning coffee blocks alpha brain waves states and that your evening glass of red wine encourages it? Did you know that the blue light from your cell phone affects both your hor ...

264 Meditating with the Taliban ▶ 264: Meditating with the Taliban
264: Meditating with the Taliban

Politically, the world is more polarized and terrorized than ever before. Even the wealthiest countries in the world are experiencing record levels of terror and violent attacks—so what do we do? Can ...

263 My 15 Year Vegan Blood Tests Reveale ▶ 263: My 15 Year Vegan Blood Tests Revealed
263: My 15 Year Vegan Blood Tests Revealed

When I turned 24, I started this weird experiment eating just plant foods. I'm a chronic over-committer, and here I am 15 years later, still eating 100% plant-based. This is a complicated path that's ...

262 How to Balance Your Blood Sugar ▶ 262: How to Balance Your Blood Sugar
262: How to Balance Your Blood Sugar

As health seekers, we obsess over the micro-changes in our food and fitness routines. Micro changes are fun and interesting, but it's much wiser to first address the big elephants in the room. One of ...

261 Learn to Breathe ▶ 261: Learn to Breathe
261: Learn to Breathe

Breathing for health can be learned in quickly and its benefits experienced in as little as 10 minutes, and yet this practice is all but lost from most modern yoga classes. Yoga that should revolve ar ...

260 A Way Out of Back Pain ▶ 260: A Way Out of Back Pain
260: A Way Out of Back Pain

80% of people will suffer from back pain at some point in their life, often debilitating pain, but most problems are undiagnosed, self-diagnosed, and it can be chronic. So what do you do? For better o ...

259 Reducetarian Save the Planet with Yo ▶ 259: Reducetarian: Save the Planet with Your Food Choices
259: Reducetarian: Save the Planet with Your Food Choices

Everyone is familiar with vegetarians, vegans, and macrobiotics... but what about reducetarians? This new movement focuses less on hard-line extremes, and instead, encourages any and all steps toward ...

258 Beautiful Skin Naturally How to ▶ 258: Beautiful Skin, Naturally: How to
258: Beautiful Skin, Naturally: How to

When you're a teenager, you get acne. As you age, you get wrinkles, sun spots, and sagging skin. No matter what age you are, your skin is probably something you think about each morning when you wake ...

257 Reset Your Brain for a Pain Free Lif ▶ 257: Reset Your Brain for a Pain-Free Life
257: Reset Your Brain for a Pain-Free Life

80% of the opioid drugs in the world are consumed in the United States, and addiction, abuse, and even death are commonplace across all demographics in society. Why such growth in abuse? One word: pai ...

256 Organics Aquaponics Hydroponics ▶ 256: Organics, Aquaponics & Hydroponics
256: Organics, Aquaponics & Hydroponics

What does organic labeling really mean? If I ask five Yoga Talk Show listeners, I'll get five different answers. And new growing methods stack complexity on complexity with hydroponics and aquaponic ...

255 Test Your Genes Understand Your Body ▶ 255: Test Your Genes, Understand Your Body
255: Test Your Genes, Understand Your Body

In 1990, the Human Genome Project began, and by 2003, roughly 20,000 human genes had been sequenced. This is exciting, but it's also just the first step. How can we use this data to understand human h ...

254 How Big is Your But ▶ 254: How Big is Your But?
254: How Big is Your But?

Hypnotherapy has been around since the 1950's, yet most people still think of it as a party trick. In reality, there is mounds of data to support the power of mind over body when in a suggestible, alp ...

253 Multiple Sclerosis Surviving Thrivin ▶ 253: Multiple Sclerosis: Surviving & Thriving
253: Multiple Sclerosis: Surviving & Thriving

What if your immune system went haywire and starting attacking your body's nervous system affecting your vision, your sensations, your mobility, or other bodily functions? Auto-immune conditions are e ...

252 Can Ice Cold Heal Your Body Mind ▶ 252: Can Ice & Cold Heal Your Body & Mind?
252: Can Ice & Cold Heal Your Body & Mind?

If given the opportunity, would you climb Mt. Kilamanjaro in nothing but your shorts and sneakers? Would you trust a stuntman-turned-breathing guru with you life? On this week's Yoga Talk Show, you'll ...

251 The Telomere Effect Cell Aging Stres ▶ 251: The Telomere Effect: Cell Aging, Stress & Mind-Body Practices
251: The Telomere Effect: Cell Aging, Stress & Mind-Body Practices

Science has linked meditation with longevity through the study of telomeres, the chromosomal caps that are an indication of cell health. By mitigating our stress response specifically, research indica ...

250 Breathing a Forgotten Art Rediscover ▶ 250: Breathing: a Forgotten Art Rediscovered
250: Breathing: a Forgotten Art Rediscovered

In almost every yoga class, the teacher will emphasize the importance of breath—but what does that really mean and why does it matter? If you ask, you'll likely hear that you're adding oxygen to your ...

249 Time Management Secrets ▶ 249: Time Management Secrets
249: Time Management Secrets

You wake up in the morning with the best of intentions, but soon, you're lost in Facebook and email. You wanted to do 30-minutes of exercise before work, but you end up a reading instead. At w ...

248 How to Get Your Blood Tested ▶ 248: How to Get Your Blood Tested
248: How to Get Your Blood Tested

If you go to your doctor for a routine checkup, he or she will usually run very limited blood tests because of cost considerations and limited health insurance coverage. For anyone interested in optim ...

247 Life Without Trash ▶ 247: Life Without Trash?
247: Life Without Trash?

Is it possible to live a life without trash? Could you reduce your waste by 50%? 75% or More? On this week's Yoga Talk Show, you'll meet the founder of the Zero Waste movement, Bea Johnson who claim ...

246 Can Kids Learn Mindfulness ▶ 246: Can Kids Learn Mindfulness?
246: Can Kids Learn Mindfulness?

Children around the world are suffering from learning, development, and behavioral problems at record rates. Mindfulness can be taught as a secular way to train the mind and body to assist our youth. ...

245 Great Sex Great Relationships ▶ 245: Great Sex & Great Relationships
245: Great Sex & Great Relationships

When most people think of health and wellness, sex is not usually top-of-mind, but it should be. Most couples have bad sex rarely, and most want to have great sex all the time. What's gone wrong? We a ...

244 The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution ▶ 244: The Adrenal-Thyroid Revolution
244: The Adrenal-Thyroid Revolution

About once or twice a week, I'm completely exhausted and yet I can't fall asleep until one or two in the morning. This wired and tired feeling is common among most busy people, and while we often bl ...

243 Plant Based Weight Lifting ▶ 243: Plant-Based Weight Lifting
243: Plant-Based Weight Lifting

There is a myth that weight lifting makes you big and muscle-y. More than any time in history, medical doctors and fitness experts are recommending weight training as one of the best ways to improve y ...

242 HeartMath How to Listen to Train You ▶ 242: HeartMath: How to Listen to & Train Your Heart
242: HeartMath: How to Listen to & Train Your Heart

Most people assume that a healthy heart is beating slowly and steadily. The truth is a healthy heart is agile, highly variable, and changing with every inhale and exhale. The measurement of your real- ...

241 Secular Meditation ▶ 241: Secular Meditation
241: Secular Meditation

Almost every style of meditation I've learned has been presented as secular, but very quickly there is a Hindu chant, a photo of some old guru with a beard, or some other paraphernalia that looks an ...

240 Marijuana as Medicine wout Getting H ▶ 240: Marijuana as Medicine w/out Getting High
240: Marijuana as Medicine w/out Getting High

Marijuana is being decriminalized and even legalized in North America, Europe, and other parts of the world very quickly—and for good reason. The law enforcement costs are many billions of dollars ann ...

239 Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowt ▶ 239: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
239: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Have you heard of fecal implants? This is when the fecal matter from someone with healthy gut bacteria is transferred to the gut of someone with gut dysbiosis—and it works. While this sounds extreme, ...

238 Why Slow Medicine is the Future ▶ 238: Why Slow Medicine is the Future
238: Why Slow Medicine is the Future

Your typical doctor's visit is less than 7 minutes long. It doesn't matter if you have a broken bone, a tonsil infection, or pancreatic cancer, most of the time you're in and out faster than seems pos ...

237 Less Stuff More Happy Living Minimal ▶ 237: Less Stuff, More Happy: Living Minimal
237: Less Stuff, More Happy: Living Minimal

The things you, own end up owning you... – Tyler Durden (Fight Club). Often times the things we work so hard for end up taking more than the give, the bleed us more than they feed us. It might be th ...

236 A Way from Darkness Addiction Yoga ▶ 236: A Way from Darkness: Addiction & Yoga
236: A Way from Darkness: Addiction & Yoga

Addiction take many different forms and affects just about everyone either directly or with one degree of separation. While addict conjures up images of heroin and cocaine, the reality is that peopl ...

235 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs ▶ 235: Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs
235: Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Many yoga students explore traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, but neglect to study Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). While they have many similarities, TCM offers some herbs, techniques, and app ...

234 Love Your Brain Yoga ▶ 234: Love Your Brain Yoga
234: Love Your Brain Yoga

The World Health Organization estimates that traumatic brain injuries will be the 3rd leading cause of death and disability by 2020, but many people are still unaware of this condition impacting milli ...

233 Happy Feet How to Heal Your Messed U ▶ 233: Happy Feet: How to Heal Your Messed Up Toes
233: Happy Feet: How to Heal Your Messed Up Toes

Do your feet hurt? Do you have hammer toe, overlapping toes, corns, or bunions? Without even realizing it, most people wear footwear that leads to poor posture, muscle imbalances, and chronic foot pro ...

232 One Breath Freediving Beyond ▶ 232: One Breath – Freediving & Beyond
232: One Breath – Freediving & Beyond

Breathing has always been an integral part of yoga practices, but for many years, it was mostly forgotten or taught as an aside to asana practice. Just in the past few years, breathwork has come back ...

231 Finding Happiness with Technology ▶ 231: Finding Happiness with Technology
231: Finding Happiness with Technology

If you've ever completed goal-setting activities, no doubt happiness appeared on the top of your list. And yet, what is happiness? Really? Do you have a way to measure it? Do you have tools to achie ...

230 Dont Believe in Vitamins Listen to t ▶ 230: Don't Believe in Vitamins? Listen to this...
230: Don't Believe in Vitamins? Listen to this...

Many health fanatics claim that they, don't believe in supplements, as if micronutrients were a belief system or a religion—but they are not. They are foundational to our health, an essential part o ...

229 The Placebo Effect How Suggestible A ▶ 229: The Placebo Effect: How Suggestible Are You?
229: The Placebo Effect: How Suggestible Are You?

Have you heard of sham surgeries? In 2002, 180 people with osteoarthritis of the knee joined a double-blind study. Some patients underwent real arthroscopic surgery and a placebo group simply had a sk ...

228 Back Pain Surgery or No Surgery ▶ 228: Back Pain: Surgery or No Surgery?
228: Back Pain: Surgery or No Surgery?

Back pain affects an estimated 80% of the population at some point in life, and yet most conditions are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. To complicate matters, most people have hard line ideas about treat ...

227 Special Edition Listener QA ▶ 227: Special Edition: Listener Q&A
227: Special Edition: Listener Q&A

Over 1 million people have listened to the Yoga Talk Show since its inception, and it's you the listeners I have to thank for all the support and growth over the years. To say thanks and deep-dive i ...

226 Neurogenic Yoga for Stress Trauma Te ▶ 226: Neurogenic Yoga for Stress, Trauma & Tension Release
226: Neurogenic Yoga for Stress, Trauma & Tension Release

Almost everyone who practices yoga has experienced and emotional release or even a breakthrough in class—it just happens. But what if there were a way to actively encourage that type of release with m ...

225 Inflammation Kryptonite for Your Hea ▶ 225: Inflammation: Kryptonite for Your Health
225: Inflammation: Kryptonite for Your Health

Chronic inflammation is a precursor to a myriad of diseases and illness, and the foods and lifestyle choices we're making are largely at fault. Perhaps the biggest challenge with inflammation is you c ...

224 Does Ethical Eco Friendly Protein Ex ▶ 224: Does Ethical, Eco-Friendly Protein Exist?
224: Does Ethical, Eco-Friendly Protein Exist?

By 2050, we'll have 9 billion people on the planet, and we cannot feed them with chicken, pigs, cows, wheat, soy, and corn. The food system that got us to where we are today is now destroying our plan ...

223 Tension Trauma Releasing Exercises T ▶ 223: Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises [TRE]
223: Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises [TRE]

How many people do you know who live stress-free lives without any tension or trauma? Let me guess: none! Stress, tension and even soft trauma are part of all our lives, and the tools most of us hav ...

222 Developing Your Own At Home Practice ▶ 222: Developing Your Own At-Home Practice
222: Developing Your Own At-Home Practice

Advanced yoga students come in all shapes and sizes around the world, but the one thing they all share in common is a commitment to self-practice. In order to achieve mastery at any skill whether yoga ...

221 Ouch My Back Hurts ▶ 221: Ouch, My Back Hurts
221: Ouch, My Back Hurts

It's estimated that 80% of the population will suffer from back pain at some point in their life—and most people are left frustrated and confused about how to actually heal. Should you take medication ...

220 Heart Rate Variability from Your Pho ▶ 220: Heart Rate Variability from Your Phone
220: Heart Rate Variability from Your Phone

The benefits of yoga practice are at least 50% nervous system related; and yet, most of the yoga world has completely forgotten your body's electrical system. The nervous system effects of yoga are wh ...

219 Getting Started with Traditional Chi ▶ 219: Getting Started with Traditional Chinese Medicine
219: Getting Started with Traditional Chinese Medicine

USA Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps made headlines this year with his black and blue marks all over this back during his races. Wonder what that was? It's a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniqu ...

218 Is Your Gut Health the Problem ▶ 218: Is Your Gut Health the Problem?
218: Is Your Gut Health the Problem?

What is your Gut IQ? Is your gut a genius or a fool? Your gut is home to over 3lbs of bacteria, both good and bad. Your gastrointestinal health is crucial for the digestion and absorption of nutrien ...

217 The Big Protein Question ▶ 217: The Big Protein Question
217: The Big Protein Question

In any health conversation, one of the most-common things discussed is: “So where do you get your protein?” This is not a bad question, but it’s not exactly the right question either. Protein is a rea ...

216 Hypopressive Exercises for Core Stre ▶ 216: Hypopressive Exercises for Core Strength & Rehab
216: Hypopressive Exercises for Core Strength & Rehab

Have you ever sneezed and accidentally peed your pants? Have you (or someone you know) suffered from a distended abdomen after pregnancy? Did you know that many women, even women who have never given ...

215 Where Are All the Guys in Yoga ▶ 215: Where Are All the Guys in Yoga?
215: Where Are All the Guys in Yoga?

Many yoga teachers will tell you that their class is for everyone - all sizes, ages, backgrounds, and genders - and yet the actual students that turn up to class tell a different story. They tend to b ...

214 Corrective Exercise ▶ 214: Corrective Exercise
214: Corrective Exercise

We often think of “exercise” as the yoga class after work, the morning job, or a weightlifting session. But there are many more ways to exercise, and one way often overlooked is Corrective Exercise, o ...

213 Minimal Footwear for the Modern Yoga ▶ 213: Minimal Footwear for the Modern Yoga Student
213: Minimal Footwear for the Modern Yoga Student

Yoga students invest hours on functional flexibility, strength, and mobility, but the moment they leave the studio, most lace up restrictive footwear. Modern shoes squish your toes, damage your arches ...

212 Warrior Style Yoga with a Former Nav ▶ 212: Warrior Style Yoga with a Former Navy Seal
212: Warrior Style Yoga with a Former Navy Seal

You might think of yoga and the military as polar opposites, but the rigor of military training and a dedicated yoga practice actually have a lot in common. According to former Seal Commander, Mark Di ...

211 Lucid Dream Yoga ▶ 211: Lucid Dream Yoga
211: Lucid Dream Yoga

We spend a third of our lives asleep, but most people treat sleep and dream states like second rate citizens of consciousness, always given the back seat to waking states. On this week’s Yoga Talk Sho ...

210 Demystifying Core Strength ▶ 210: Demystifying Core Strength
210: Demystifying Core Strength

Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall is a physiotherapist specializing in core work, pelvic floor, functional movement, and injury prevention and healing. A former division I athlete, Dr. Duvall has been working wi ...

209 Flexibility Training Demystified ▶ 209: Flexibility Training Demystified
209: Flexibility Training Demystified

When it comes to flexibility, most people fall into 3 main categories: those who have always been flexible and think it's no big deal (dancers, gymnasts, random outliers); those who have always been s ...

208 Have Modern Mothers Lost Their Way ▶ 208: Have Modern Mothers Lost Their Way?
208: Have Modern Mothers Lost Their Way?

Kimberly Johnson is a yoga teacher trainer, Rolfer, women’s health care advocate, mother, and doula. Much of her most recent work focuses on postpartum care. She's the author of the soon-to-be release ...

207 Integrating Essential Oils Into Your ▶ 207: Integrating Essential Oils Into Your Health Plan
207: Integrating Essential Oils Into Your Health Plan

Dr. Eric L. Zielinski (“Dr. Z”) is a natural health care provider, chiropractor and researcher with the intent to educate, inspire and challenge people to live their potential. He earned his Doctor of ...

206 Sustainable Eating for You the Plane ▶ 206: Sustainable Eating for You & the Planet
206: Sustainable Eating for You & the Planet

Pop environmental wisdom teaches that a vegetarian diet is the most sustainable way of eating for the planet, but is this always true? What about in areas where crops are impossible to grow, but where ...

205 Happiness vs Intelligence ▶ 205: Happiness vs. Intelligence
205: Happiness vs. Intelligence

Most people claim “happiness” is one of their top priorities in life, but how many of us really take time to define what that means? Is it free time? Is it friends and family? Is it financial success? ...

204 Magic Mushroom Medicine ▶ 204: Magic Mushroom Medicine
204: Magic Mushroom Medicine

We´ve been talking about the Future of Food and what our main food sources will be as the population increases, are mushrooms one of them? Are they important and can they benefit our health and well b ...

203 The Dangers Benefits of Breathing ▶ 203: The Dangers & Benefits of Breathing
203: The Dangers & Benefits of Breathing

Breathing has never been more popular in yoga, fitness, and mindfulness circles—but unfortunately, most people lump all breathing into one category assuming that it's all good. The reality is that dif ...

202 Sleep Hygiene Engineering Better Res ▶ 202: Sleep Hygiene: Engineering Better Rest
202: Sleep Hygiene: Engineering Better Rest

You know you should sleep 7 to 8 hours per night, but do you really sleep that much? And when you do, is the quality of your sleep any good? Modern life makes pillow-time a huge challenge. Your cell p ...

201 Choose Your Own Life Adventure ▶ 201: Choose Your Own Life Adventure
201: Choose Your Own Life Adventure

We all want to live a life of adventure, purpose, and meaning - but that’s easier said than done. With each passing year, our lives get more full, more stressful, and in many cases, more complicated. ...

200 Hot Cold Therapy for Yoga Students ▶ 200: Hot & Cold Therapy for Yoga Students
200: Hot & Cold Therapy for Yoga Students

If you want to start an argument among yoga students, justmention the phrase hot yoga. Love it or hate it, Hot Yoga hasspread across the globe faster than any other style—and there aresolid health b ...

199 Home Grown Mushrooms ▶ 199: Home Grown Mushrooms
199: Home Grown Mushrooms

Many of us go to great lengths and great expense to obtain organic and locally-grown foods, but the leftovers including stems, rinds, peels, and grounds are usually throw in the garbage. What a waste! ...

198 Breathe Perform Recover ▶ 198: Breathe, Perform & Recover
198: Breathe, Perform & Recover

Could mood be the #1 determining variable in performance and recovery from training? What impact does reduced breathing versus accelerated breathing have on your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels—and ...

197 The Vegan Veg Paleo Debate ▶ 197: The Vegan, Veg & Paleo Debate
197: The Vegan, Veg & Paleo Debate

Food has become religion with missionaries telling you to drink kale smoothies, eat bacon, avoid chicken, and take pills and potions galore. Vegetarian, vegan, raw food, paleo, Atkins... there are so ...

196 The Death of Bread ▶ 196: The Death of Bread
196: The Death of Bread

You already know wheat is inflammatory, high glycemic, and allergenic for many people, but did you know that bread can affect your brain as well? Sad but true: something as ubiquitous as your morning ...

195 Mysteries of the Brain Secrets of th ▶ 195: Mysteries of the Brain, Secrets of the Heart
195: Mysteries of the Brain, Secrets of the Heart

Is your inner voice critical, self-defeating, and ruminating all day long? Our modern world is more knowledge-based than action-based, but what do you do when your inner voice is your worst enemy? How ...

194 The Science of Mind Over Body ▶ 194: The Science of Mind Over Body
194: The Science of Mind Over Body

Why is it that larger pills are more effective than smaller ones at treating illness? How could it be that longer doctor’s visits are correlated with faster patient recovery? How much of alternative h ...

193 10 Happier with Meditation ▶ 193: 10% Happier with Meditation
193: 10% Happier with Meditation

Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, increase focus, and lower blood pressure, but when there are so many different types of meditation techniques, how do you decide which one is right for you? ...

192 Buteyko Breathing Is C02 Your Friend ▶ 192: Buteyko Breathing - Is C02 Your Friend?
192: Buteyko Breathing - Is C02 Your Friend?

Discover this little-known, Russian breathing technique for regulating stress, combating asthma, balancing your nervous system, and improving sleep. Yoga teachers often treat carbon dioxide like it’s ...

191 Nerd Fitness ▶ 191: Nerd Fitness
191: Nerd Fitness

Believe it or not, lifting weights and throwing kettlebells around can help improve your yoga practice (yup, you read that correctly). On this week’s Yoga Talk Show, Lucas Rockwood and fitness profess ...

190 The Science of Stress vs Yoga on You ▶ 190: The Science of Stress vs. Yoga on Your Brain
190: The Science of Stress vs. Yoga on Your Brain

Both “meditation” and “yoga” are buzz words in pop health circles, but both are actually categories of mind-body practices - not specific practices. Not all mind-body practices are the same, and the s ...

189 A Life of Adventure ▶ 189: A Life of Adventure
189: A Life of Adventure

How many people are lucky enough to turn what they love most in life into their career? On this week’s Yoga Talk Show, you’ll meet career rock climber, Conrad Anker, who has done just that. Anker has ...

188 Power Posing for Confidence ▶ 188: Power Posing for Confidence
188: Power Posing for Confidence

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of an important meeting or speaking engagement paralyzed with anxiety or nervousness? If so, you’re not alone. Social Psychologist, Amy Cuddy, discovered tha ...

187 Salt Sugar Fat ▶ 187: Salt, Sugar, Fat
187: Salt, Sugar, Fat

Corporate giants like Coca-Cola, Kraft, and Kellogg’s dominate the food and beverage industries, but they are optimized for profit, not for our health. To make their foods more palatable and profitabl ...

186 Habits of a Happy Brain ▶ 186: Habits of a Happy Brain
186: Habits of a Happy Brain

When you experience happiness, your brain releases dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and/or endorphin. The curious things is that our brain doesn’t release a happy chemical without very particular (and o ...

185 How to Poo Like a Magic Unicorn ▶ 185: How to Poo Like a Magic Unicorn
185: How to Poo Like a Magic Unicorn

Have you seen the viral Youtube video where a unicorn poops rainbow ice cream and a prince lectures on bowel health? It’s ridiculous but also very relevant. Yoga students talk about their bowel moveme ...

184 No Grain No Pain ▶ 184: No Grain, No Pain
184: No Grain, No Pain

Wheat-related digestive problems are something you’ve probably heard of before, but less commonly known is the effect that long-term gluten exposure has on your entire body. Guest speaker, Dr. Peter O ...

183 Make Your New Years Resolutions Stic ▶ 183: Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick
183: Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick

Every year, millions of people resolve to lose 10lbs in the new year. They starve themselves for two weeks, join a new gym, lose a few pounds—but then gain it all back in February when their motivatio ...

182 What I Learned in 2015 ▶ 182: What I Learned in 2015
182: What I Learned in 2015

The Yoga Talk Show is 3 years old, and I feel like we're just getting started. 2015 was an amazing year with over 50 guests with topics spanning from hormonal health to barefooted running. I've learne ...

181 How Not to Die ▶ 181: How Not to Die
181: How Not to Die

Your body is hard-wired for survival, but our modern world throws continuous health challenges our way. I wish things became easier with time and age, but for most people, the journey toward health be ...

180 Medicinal Mushroom Superfoods ▶ 180: Medicinal Mushroom Superfoods
180: Medicinal Mushroom Superfoods

This week’s yoga talk show explores medicinal mushrooms; not the hallucinogenic kind, the type that boost your immune system! Tero Isokauppila, co-founder of Four Sigma Foods, a medicinal mushroom sup ...

179 Surviving the Holidays ▶ 179: Surviving the Holidays
179: Surviving the Holidays

Popular health advice around the holidays usually includes such nonsense as doing squats before you pig-out, taking charcoal capsules after you drink too much, and going to the gym twice per day in an ...

178 Heal Your Shoulders with Yoga ▶ 178: Heal Your Shoulders with Yoga
178: Heal Your Shoulders with Yoga

Whether you’ve hurt your shoulder doing yoga or perhaps you’ve come to yoga to heal, Dr. Ariele Foster shares her knowledge about how the practice can help you recover from rotator cuff injuries and o ...

177 Lucid Dreaming ▶ 177: Lucid Dreaming
177: Lucid Dreaming

Dream states are more than just random fantasy. Dreaming can be incredibly healing and is believed to be an essential part of all restful sleep. Robert Waggoner, a leading authority on lucid dreaming, ...

176 Yoga Student Measure Thyself ▶ 176: Yoga Student, Measure Thyself
176: Yoga Student, Measure Thyself

On this week’s Yoga Talk Show, you’ll meet biohacker, Ben Greenfield, who teaches you how functional exercise, nutrition, and the balance between performance and health can help you improve your yoga ...

175 4x4 Balanced Breathing ▶ 175: 4x4 Balanced Breathing
175: 4x4 Balanced Breathing

When we practice yogic breathing, we can either up-regulate, down-regulate or balance our nervous system. In different situations, all three can be valuable, but for whatever reason, balanced breathin ...

174 Live Dirty Eat Clean Microbiome ▶ 174: Live Dirty, Eat Clean – Microbiome
174: Live Dirty, Eat Clean – Microbiome

“ The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for your soul to reside in.” - B. K. S. IyengarYour gut health is vitally important for your immune system, digestion, and even your mood. On this wee ...

173 Heart Rate Variability Breathing and ▶ 173: Heart Rate Variability, Breathing and Yoga
173: Heart Rate Variability, Breathing and Yoga

You’ve probably measured your heart rate while exercising with a chest strap or a wrist device - but have you ever measured your heart rate variability (HRV)? It’s fascinating stuff for yoga students. ...

172 Getting Started with Handstands ▶ 172: Getting Started with Handstands
172: Getting Started with Handstands

If you’re excited about inversions, and handstands in particular, than you’re going to love this week’s Yoga Talk Show. Ryan Hurst, Program Director and co-founder of GMB Fitness, shares his tips for ...

171 Psychologists Tips for Beating Anxie ▶ 171: Psychologist’s Tips for Beating Anxiety & Worry
171: Psychologist’s Tips for Beating Anxiety & Worry

In an attempt to lead the healthiest life possible, food and movement often become the main focus - but you must also address your mental and emotional health, particularly as you age. More and more r ...

170 Breathing Instead of Medicating ▶ 170: Breathing Instead of Medicating
170: Breathing Instead of Medicating

Yoga is unique and powerful as a mind-body fitness modality in that it can restore balance to the body's electrical system (aka your nervous system) - and breathing is the secret key that makes it all ...

169 Lucky Fish Cures for Anemia ▶ 169: “Lucky Fish” Cures for Anemia?
169: “Lucky Fish” Cures for Anemia?

When most people think about world hunger and poverty, they often think of Vitamin A deficiency impacting vision or distended abdomens from protein deficiency in developing countries. Oddly, a much bi ...

168 The Brain Fog Fix ▶ 168: The Brain Fog Fix
168: The Brain Fog Fix

Negative lifestyle habits and poor food choices can impact the neural messengers that keep you energized, calm, focused, optimistic, and inspired. In many ways, our modern world undermines our brain h ...

167 Psycho Path Free Living ▶ 167: Psycho Path Free Living
167: Psycho Path Free Living

Jackson MacKenzie is the co-founder of, an online support community that reaches millions of abuse survivors each month. Driven by personal experience, his mission is to spread awar ...

166 Food Flexibility ▶ 166: Food & Flexibility
166: Food & Flexibility

For some strange reason, many yoga students overlook the importance of diet on their yoga practice—and this is a huge mistake. You are what you eat, is a phrase everyone has heard, but in yoga, it's ...

165 Bone Broth Miracle ▶ 165: Bone Broth Miracle?
165: Bone Broth Miracle?

Nutrition is such an important topic, and no matter where we find ourselves on our health journey,we are constantly looking for ways to feel better, live longer, and generally lead healthier, happier ...

164 Anxiety Friend or Foe ▶ 164: Anxiety - Friend or Foe?
164: Anxiety - Friend or Foe?

This week, we take a close look at the brain mechanisms of emotion and memory. With as many as 25% of adult women taking some form of antidepressants, emotional health has become a huge problem in the ...

163 Breathing Secrets of the Ice Man ▶ 163: Breathing Secrets of the Ice Man
163: Breathing Secrets of the Ice Man

Can breathing unlock your inner power, strengthen your body, and boost your immune system? Wim Hof (aka the “Ice Man”) on this week’s Yoga Talk Show says, yes. Wim also says you’ll sleep better, impro ...

162 Flexibility Training Nerves Muscles ▶ 162: Flexibility Training - Nerves, Muscles & Soft Tissues
162: Flexibility Training - Nerves, Muscles & Soft Tissues

Some people seem to be naturally flexible while others struggle with even the most basic poses—but this need not be. In this bonus episode, Lucas explains the difference between flexibility training a ...

161 Stoned A Doctors Case for Medical Ma ▶ 161: Stoned - A Doctor's Case for Medical Marijuana
161: Stoned - A Doctor's Case for Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana has always been a polarizing topic, clouded in controversy, and it can be challenging to distinguish the real medical benefits from the stoner myths. On this week’s Yoga Talk Show, D ...

160 At Home Kombucha Brewing ▶ 160: At-Home Kombucha Brewing
160: At-Home Kombucha Brewing

Ever heard of kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented tea loaded with beneficial bacteria, activated micronutrients, and if you like sour - it tastes amazing. Traditionally, it’s made with black tea and sug ...

159 How to Heal Your Messed Up Feet Toes ▶ 159: How to Heal Your Messed Up Feet & Toes
159: How to Heal Your Messed Up Feet & Toes

Modern footwear leaves most people’s feet deformed by the time they reach adulthood, and these abnormalities lead to all kinds of movement problems, pain and cascading injuries.For yoga students, stif ...

158 Are You Getting Enough Protein ▶ 158: Are You Getting Enough Protein?
158: Are You Getting Enough Protein?

If you’re a vegan or a vegetarian, chances are someone has already asked you where you’re getting your protein from, or if you’re getting enough of it. We know many yoga students and teachers are expl ...

157 The Peoples History of Hot Yoga ▶ 157: The People's History of Hot Yoga
157: The People's History of Hot Yoga

Modern Hot Yoga practice originated from a teacher named, Bishnu Gosh, in Calcutta, India, though it’s probably best-known today from one of Gosh’s most influential (and notorious) students, Bikram Ch ...

156 BONUS EPISODE Box Breathing ▶ 156: BONUS EPISODE - Box Breathing
156: BONUS EPISODE - Box Breathing

Just to mix things up a little at The Yoga Talk Show, this week, Lucas will lead you through a guided yoga breathing exercises called, Box Breathing. Box breathing is an easy-to-learn and highly effe ...

155 Woman Dives 90 Meters in One Breath ▶ 155: Woman Dives 90 Meters in One Breath
155: Woman Dives 90 Meters in One Breath

As a yoga student, you’ve no-doubt heard of pranayama (yogic breathing practices), but you’ve probably had very little experience practicing it. Yoga breath work is mostly a “lost art” today partly du ...

154 Meet the Grandmother of Yoga Indra D ▶ 154: Meet the Grandmother of Yoga, Indra Devi
154: Meet the Grandmother of Yoga, Indra Devi

Yoga teaching was dominated by men until Russian-born, Indra Devi, came to Los Angeles in 1947 and quietly changed the direction of modern yoga forever. Devi was not only the first woman to break thro ...

153 Is Your Thyroid Broken ▶ 153: Is Your Thyroid Broken?
153: Is Your Thyroid Broken?

Environmental toxins, genetically modified food, chronic stress, and the rise in autoimmune conditions have all contributed to an explosion of thyroid problems. Dr. Will Cole joins Lucas on this week’ ...

152 Eating Clean Quitting Sugar ▶ 152: Eating Clean & Quitting Sugar
152: Eating Clean & Quitting Sugar

People use the term eat clean in different ways, but what does a healthy diet entail? One of the biggest challenges many people face is reducing their sugar intake. Sugar in all its forms, not just ...

151 Healing Herbs for Yoga Students ▶ 151: Healing Herbs for Yoga Students
151: Healing Herbs for Yoga Students

Over-the-counter drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen are cheap, easy to obtain and provide instant pain relief - but they are more of a coverup than a cure. For these reasons, it’s no surprise that yoga ...

150 Ayurveda 101 Discover Yogas Ancient ▶ 150: Ayurveda 101 - Discover Yoga's Ancient Sister Science
150: Ayurveda 101 - Discover Yoga's Ancient Sister Science

Ayurveda, often referred to as traditional Indian medicine, offers us a truly holistic look at health and wellness. From understanding your own personal constitution to the food you eat and the energi ...

149 Lift Like a Girl strong ▶ 149: Lift Like a Girl (strong!)
149: Lift Like a Girl (strong!)

Everyone from trainers to medical doctors is touting the benefits of lifting, not just for cosmetic reasons, but for metabolic health, hormonal health, bone density, and more. Nia Shanks joins to Luca ...

148 The Art Science of Better Sleep ▶ 148: The Art & Science of Better Sleep
148: The Art & Science of Better Sleep

Poor sleep quality has reached critical mass, and the problem seems to be getting worse with our modern lifestyles. Whether it’s stress, anxiety or diet-related, millions are struggling each night. In ...

147 Life on the Run ▶ 147: Life on the Run
147: Life on the Run

Running and injuries go hand-in-hand, but it’s such a fundamental, functional movement practice - and so good for you - there must be a way to spend your “life on the run.” On this week’s Yoga Talk Sh ...

146 Can the Moringa Tree Stop World Hung ▶ 146: Can the Moringa Tree Stop World Hunger?
146: Can the Moringa Tree Stop World Hunger?

Moringa is known as the “miracle tree” due to its many healing properties. With over 92 macro and mirco-nutrients, nearly every part of the tree can be used to heal and sustain life. This week, Lucas ...

145 How to Cool Your Bodys Inflammation ▶ 145: How to Cool Your Body's Inflammation
145: How to Cool Your Body's Inflammation

Pop health losing weight advise tells us to, eat less and exercise more - but research has shown this rarely works. This week, Lucas and Dr. Lori Shemek deep dive into the research around inflammati ...

144 How to Feng Shui Your Home ▶ 144: How to Feng Shui Your Home
144: How to Feng Shui Your Home

The art of Feng shui was developed in China over 3,000 years ago, and it’s based on the notion that what's happening in our homes is essentially a reflection of what’s going on inside us. The idea is ...

143 Getting Rejected 100x in a Row On Pu ▶ 143: Getting Rejected 100x in a Row - On Purpose!
143: Getting Rejected 100x in a Row - On Purpose!

Fear is one of the most powerful motivators on the planet. Unfortunately, it usually motivates us to play small, hide in our own shell, and avoid the awkward and personally challenging situations need ...

142 Best of 2014 Special Edition ▶ 142: “Best of 2014“ Special Edition
142: “Best of 2014“ Special Edition

The Yoga Talk Show had over 200,000 listeners in 2014, and we’ve had the pleasure of hosting a number of amazing experts. From best-selling authors and medical doctors to yoga misfits and mind-body re ...

141 Juice Your Way Back to Health ▶ 141: Juice Your Way Back to Health
141: Juice Your Way Back to Health

We all know green juice is good for you, but you can take it much deeper and actually “reboot” your health and detoxify your body. This week, Lucas Rockwood talks with Joe Cross about juicing for heal ...

140 Primal Posture for Pain Free Living ▶ 140: Primal Posture for Pain-Free Living
140: Primal Posture for Pain-Free Living

Back pain is pandemic, and it’s one of the top reasons people come to yoga class. In this week’s Yoga Talk Show episode, Lucas Rockwood and Esther Gokhale discuss how primal posture can help with chro ...

139 Scoliosis Yoga ▶ 139: Scoliosis & Yoga
139: Scoliosis & Yoga

Do you have an irregular spinal curve? This week, Lucas Rockwood and Deborah Wolk talk about holistic healing and yoga. Deborah Wolk has been teaching students with scoliosis and other back conditions ...

138 Are Crickets the New Chicken ▶ 138: Are Crickets the New Chicken?
138: Are Crickets the New Chicken?

Chocolate-covered ants and other novelty foods have been around for ages, but is anyone moving beyond the novelty foods and taking a deeper look at the real nutritional benefits of edible insects? Thi ...

137 Can We Feed the World on Plants ▶ 137: Can We Feed the World on Plants?
137: Can We Feed the World on Plants?

This week, Lucas Rockwood and Dr. Thomas Campbell discuss food, nutrition and the health of our planet. Dr. Campbell is the co-author of, The China Study, an extremely influential and highly-debated b ...

136 The Fat Yogi Body Image Yoga ▶ 136: The “Fat Yogi” - Body Image & Yoga
136: The “Fat Yogi” - Body Image & Yoga

If you hang out on social media, it’s easy to get caught up in the seeming importance of the outward appearance of yoga. It’s easy to develop ideals of what a yoga body should look like when in realit ...

135 How to Hydrate Your Connective Tissu ▶ 135: How to Hydrate Your Connective Tissues
135: How to Hydrate Your Connective Tissues

When you feel stiffness, pain, and aches in your body, it can often be caused by connective tissue dehydration, a little-known, extremely-common condition that’s no good for yoga students. Join Lucas ...

134 Functional Anatomy ▶ 134: Functional Anatomy
134: Functional Anatomy

Want to learn more about functional anatomy, yoga, movement, and how all this impacts your range of motion and flexibility? Join Lucas Rockwood & Dr. Andreo Spina as they dive deep into soft tissue wo ...

133 The Food Babe Attacks ▶ 133: The Food Babe Attacks!
133: The Food Babe Attacks!

Ready to find out the scary truth about the food industry? In today’s episode, Vani Hari (aka The Food Babe) talks about why it’s so important that we investigate what we eat. Vani is a food journal ...

132 How to Live On Purpose ▶ 132: How to Live “On Purpose”
132: How to Live “On Purpose”

Do you struggle to find significance in you life? Meaning in your work? Purpose in your day-to-day routines? Living a life of purpose is something I think we all strive for, but it’s easier said than ...

131 Becoming a Supple Leopard ▶ 131: Becoming a Supple Leopard
131: Becoming a Supple Leopard

Are you as supple a leopard or as bendy as a tortoise? The “supple leopard” himself, Kelly Starrett, joins YOGABODY for an insightful class on the importance of listening to your body whether practici ...

130 Broccoli The DNA Whisperer ▶ 130: Broccoli - The DNA Whisperer
130: Broccoli - The DNA Whisperer

Can broccoli “talk” to your DNA? Listen and find out more about epigenetics, candida and GMO food with special guest, Tom Malterre. Tom is a certified nutritionist who travels throughout the United St ...

129 Handstands Flexibility Tips from an ▶ 129: Handstands & Flexibility Tips from an Acrobat
129: Handstands & Flexibility Tips from an Acrobat

Listen and learn all about acrobatics, inversions, hand-balancing and flexibility. This week’s guest, Andralyn Zayn, grew up as a competitive gymnast worked and trained with, The Underground Circus, i ...

128 Yoga TuneUp Alignment Functional Ana ▶ 128: Yoga TuneUp - Alignment & Functional Anatomy
128: Yoga TuneUp - Alignment & Functional Anatomy

Learn the importance of functional anatomy, correctives exercises and self-treating your body. Jill Miller is the co-founder of TuneUp Fitness Worldwide and creator of the corrective exercise format Y ...

127 Human Performance ▶ 127: Human Performance
127: Human Performance

Mark McClusky is the author of the new book, FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGER, and the Editor at in San Francisco. Prior to his work at WIRED, Mark was an editor at Mobile PC magazine, Editor in Chi ...

126 Ayurveda Food Yoga ▶ 126: Ayurveda, Food & Yoga
126: Ayurveda, Food & Yoga

Rich Goldstein has been practicing yoga since 1981 and teaching Kundalini yoga since 2001. In 2000 Rich partnered with the founders of Yoga Yoga and has overseen the growth of the business from one yo ...

125 Raw Food for Real People ▶ 125: Raw Food for Real People
125: Raw Food for Real People

Nomi Shannon has been eating raw for over 25 years and still going strong at age 70. She is an award winning author and world renowned coach. Her best-selling book, The Raw Gourmet, has sold over 250, ...

124 Overcoming Lifes Challenges With Yog ▶ 124: Overcoming Life's Challenges With Yoga
124: Overcoming Life's Challenges With Yoga

Suzanne Bryant is a former journalist from New York City and became a certified yoga teacher in 2000 with Alan Finger of Ista Yoga. Suzanne has a Masters in Spiritual Psychology and Nutrition, and is ...

123 The Power of Raw Food ▶ 123: The Power of Raw Food
123: The Power of Raw Food

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Angela Stokes-Monarch is a raw food-ist with an inspiring story about how starting a plant-based diet changed he ...

122 Yoga Anatomy for the Rest of Us ▶ 122: Yoga Anatomy for the Rest of Us
122: Yoga Anatomy for the Rest of Us

LeslieKaminoff is a yoga educator inspired by the traditionof T.K.V.Desikachar.He is an internationally recognizedspecialist with thirtyfiveyears’experience in the fields of yoga, breathanatomy and bo ...

121 Practical Steps for Back Pain Treatm ▶ 121: Practical Steps for Back Pain Treatment
121: Practical Steps for Back Pain Treatment

Dr. Vaughan Dabbs holds a Doctorate of Chiropractic and specializes in diversified and flexion-distraction techniques, muscle and joint rehabilitation and in treating low back, whiplash and sports inj ...

120 Getting Started with At Home Yoga Pr ▶ 120: Getting Started with At-Home Yoga Practice
120: Getting Started with At-Home Yoga Practice

Esther Ekhart and her partner Bas started creating short, free Yoga videos for YouTube in 2008 while living in Ireland. The videos became very popular very quickly with over 20 million views and count ...

119 Is Technology to Blame for Your Back ▶ 119: Is Technology to Blame for Your Back Pain?
119: Is Technology to Blame for Your Back Pain?

Eric Goodman is a Doctor of Chiropractic and also holds a degree in Health Sciences and Physiology.Dr. Goodman is the creator of Foundation Training, a system where he combines his experiences as a st ...

118 Learn How Yoga Keeps Runners Injury ▶ 118: Learn How Yoga Keeps Runners Injury Free
118: Learn How Yoga Keeps Runners Injury Free

Van is the founder of Mind-Body Fitness, Inc., a Canadian company that has been teaching advanced health and fitness techniques to clients like the Canadian National Snowboard Team, Olympic athletes ...

117 Need More Mojo Discover 8 Foods that ▶ 117: Need More Mojo? Discover 8 Foods that Increase Libido…
117: Need More Mojo? Discover 8 Foods that Increase Libido…

Judy Gaman is an award winning author and public speaker. She has influenced and entertained audiences of all sizes, and her books can be found on the shelves at most national book chains as well as o ...

116 Getting Started With Essential Oils ▶ 116: Getting Started With Essential Oils
116: Getting Started With Essential Oils

Sarah Lobisco is a naturopathic doctor who speaks professionally on integrative medical topics, has several journal publications, and is a candidate for postdoctoral certification in functional medici ...

115 Are You Eating Enough Protein ▶ 115: Are You Eating Enough Protein?
115: Are You Eating Enough Protein?

Dr. John Douillard, DC has written and produced numerous health and fitness books, CDs, and DVDs. He has been teaching and lecturing internationally for 25 years and publishes a free wellness video-ne ...

114 The Secret of the Vagus Nerve Yoga ▶ 114: The Secret of the Vagus Nerve & Yoga
114: The Secret of the Vagus Nerve & Yoga

Rolf is certified by David Swenson to teach Ashtanga Yoga. He’s also certified at the 500hr level witih Embodyoga. Rolf has studied also studied with Ana Forrest, Dharma Mettra, Beryl Bender Birch, Ti ...

113 Can Kids REALLY Learn Yoga ▶ 113: Can Kids REALLY Learn Yoga?
113: Can Kids REALLY Learn Yoga?

Stephanie Johnson is a primary school teacher and yoga teacher in Sydney Australia and the founder of an organization called, That Yoga Feeling.Last year, Stephanie took the plunge, took leave from he ...

112 How to Practice Yoga at Work ▶ 112: How to Practice Yoga at Work
112: How to Practice Yoga at Work

Jen Kluczkowski is an 800-Hour Certified Jivamutki Yoga teacher, the co-founder and yoga director of Yoga Means Business, a new concept that brings yoga to the workplace. Her organization has been fea ...

111 The Truth About Genetics Athletic Pe ▶ 111: The Truth About Genetics & Athletic Performance
111: The Truth About Genetics & Athletic Performance

David Epstein is an investigative reporter who has won numerous awards including the Society of Professional Journalists 2010 Deadline Club Award, Time Inc.’s Henry R. Luce Award for public service, a ...

110 How Important Is Core Strength in Yo ▶ 110: How Important Is Core Strength in Yoga
110: How Important Is Core Strength in Yoga

Jenni Rawlings is a highly-experienced yoga teacher and the founder of the first dedicated yoga store in the U.S. called, Drishti in Santa Barbara. She's done extensive training with a particular emph ...

109 Yoga Should be Accessible to Everyon ▶ 109: Yoga Should be Accessible to Everyone Because of its Priceless H
109: Yoga Should be Accessible to Everyone Because of its Priceless H

Peggy Kwisuk Hong has been teaching Iyengar Yoga since 2001 and is certified as an Intermediate Junior II teacher by the Iyengar Yoga National Association. She lives in Detroit where she founded, taug ...

108 How to Serve 2 Million Meals on a Da ▶ 108: How to Serve 2 Million Meals on a Daily Basis & Change the World
108: How to Serve 2 Million Meals on a Daily Basis & Change the World

Paul Rodney Turner, the “Food Yogi” is the international director of Food for Life and the co-founder of Food for Life Global, the world headquarters for the charity. Food for Life is the largest plan ...

107 Learn How To Grow Your Own Food in Y ▶ 107: Learn How To Grow Your Own Food in Your Own Home
107: Learn How To Grow Your Own Food in Your Own Home

Gary and Valerie are the cofounders of the Grow Your Own Food Summit. Gary Heine is the co-founder of Heine Brothers’ Coffee an importer and roaster of organic, fair-trade coffee with distribution in ...

106 How To Live Life on the Wild Side Re ▶ 106: How To Live Life on the Wild Side & Release The Primitive You
106: How To Live Life on the Wild Side & Release The Primitive You

Daniel Vitalis is a Health, Nutrition, and Personal Development Strategist. He encourages people to “ReWild Themselves”.He is the creator of, a great resource to help people find fresh ...

105 Yoga Handstands All the Tips Tricks ▶ 105: Yoga Handstands: All the Tips, Tricks & Techniques You Ever Want
105: Yoga Handstands: All the Tips, Tricks & Techniques You Ever Want

David Kyle has developed a wonderful yoga practice and will teach you all he knows about handstands and inversions. David is a professional yoga teacher and trainer who lives and works in Puerto Rico. ...

104 How To Get Smooth Toned Cellulite Fr ▶ 104: How-To Get Smooth, Toned, Cellulite Free Legs, Naturally
104: How-To Get Smooth, Toned, Cellulite Free Legs, Naturally

Many people join yoga to get fit and toned but a large portion also do it to get rid of cellulite. Joey Atlas is an expert in reversing the causes of cellulite. Joey is the author of a bestseller on A ...

103 Meatonomics When a 5 Big Mac Really ▶ 103: Meatonomics - When a $5 Big Mac Really Costs $13
103: Meatonomics - When a $5 Big Mac Really Costs $13

David Simon is a lawyer and advocate for sustainable consumption. He's the author of the book, Meatonomics, a book about the economic impact the meat, fish, egg and dairy industry is having on our eco ...

102 How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian Elimi ▶ 102: How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian, Eliminate Vitamin & Mineral Defi
102: How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian, Eliminate Vitamin & Mineral Defi

Have you ever wondered why some people look and feel great on a plant-based diet long term while most people end up quitting? Trevor Justice has dedicated a large portion of his life promoting a healt ...

101 Happy Belly Good bugs vs Bad bugs Yo ▶ 101: Happy Belly, Good bugs vs. Bad bugs & Your Guts Health
101: Happy Belly, Good bugs vs. Bad bugs & Your Guts Health

Donna Gates, writer of The Body Ecology Diet speaks about how to restore and maintain the important inner ecology your body needs to function properly and to eliminate or control the symptoms that r ...

100 Yoga for Golfers Improved Performanc ▶ 100: Yoga for Golfers - Improved Performance on the Green
100: Yoga for Golfers - Improved Performance on the Green

Roger Fredericks is golf instructor who's worked on flexibility with over 20,000 golfers and 60+ Tour Players, which include such Hall of Famers as Arnold Palmer, Gary Player, and Jack Nicklaus. In th ...

99 Sprouting For Life Energy Welness w T ▶ 99: Sprouting For Life, Energy & Welness w/ The Sproutman
99: Sprouting For Life, Energy & Welness w/ The Sproutman

Steve Meyerowitz is considered the “sproutman” He began teaching indoor gardening and sprouting in New York, he’s the author of Sprouts the Miracle Food, Sproutman’s Kitchen Garden Cookbook, andWheatg ...

98 Mind Body Weight Loss w Out Dieting J ▶ 98: Mind-Body Weight Loss w/ Out Dieting - Jon Gabriel
98: Mind-Body Weight Loss w/ Out Dieting - Jon Gabriel

Jon Gabriel was a Wal Street trader that weighed over 400 pounds until he began researching everything he could about the hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and chemical massagers that cause weight ...

97 Low Sugar Juice Secrets wTina Leigh R ▶ 97: Low-Sugar Juice Secrets w/Tina Leigh, Raw Food Chef
97: Low-Sugar Juice Secrets w/Tina Leigh, Raw Food Chef

Tina Leigh is wellness counselor, yoga teacher, therapeutic chef. Having contended with her own health challenges, she is deeply empathetic and resonates with others who are on their journey to whole ...

96 Emotional affirmations meet fitness a ▶ 96: Emotional affirmations meet fitness and yoga through the work of
96: Emotional affirmations meet fitness and yoga through the work of

Erin is the creator of Shrink Session, a fitness program available in gyms across the country—and an at-home version is available on demand.Erin is the featured trainer in the popular fitness app, PUM ...

95 Stunning view into your health and nu ▶ 95: Stunning view into your health and nutrition, Food Matters the fi
95: Stunning view into your health and nutrition, Food Matters the fi

Laurentine ten Bosch and James Colquhoun are nutritionists become filmmakers that felt compelled to share the real world story of food and nutrition. Today Food Matters has launched FMTV where you can ...

94 Are Edible Insects the Future of Food ▶ 94: Are Edible Insects the Future of Food For Yoga Freaks?
94: Are Edible Insects the Future of Food For Yoga Freaks?

Ger Van Der Wal is one of the biggest proponents of eating bugs, insects and things that will normally make your skin crawl. He’s the founder of Deli Bugs and online shop where you can try some cricke ...

93 The Yoga Of Sleep Mindful Sleep Mindf ▶ 93: The Yoga Of Sleep, Mindful Sleep & Mindful Dreams with Dr. Rubin
93: The Yoga Of Sleep, Mindful Sleep & Mindful Dreams with Dr. Rubin

Rubin Naiman, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in integrative sleep and dream medicine. He is director of Circadian Health Associates, an organization that provides information, goods and s ...

92 This Aint Your Mamas Yoga Yoga Blacks ▶ 92: “This Ain’t Your Mamas Yoga”, Yoga Blacksheep, Diamond Dallas Pag
92: “This Ain’t Your Mamas Yoga”, Yoga Blacksheep, Diamond Dallas Pag

After horrible back injuries Diamond Dallas Page went from pro wrestler to passionate yoga teacher. Page’s mission it to make yoga available for the “regular guy” and his book, DVDs and education do j ...

91 Turn the world into a giant food fore ▶ 91: Turn the world into a giant food forest, Howard Jacobson’s ultima
91: Turn the world into a giant food forest, Howard Jacobson’s ultima

Howard Jacobson, PhD, is an online marketing consultant, health educator, and ecological gardener from Durham, N.C. He earned a Masters of Public Health and Doctor of Health Studies degrees from Templ ...

90 Healthy Heart Diet Joel Kahn Salt ▶ 90: Healthy Heart & Diet – Joel Kahn – Salt
90: Healthy Heart & Diet – Joel Kahn – Salt

Medical Doctor, Joel Kahn is a leading authority in heart disease prevention and reversal. He's the author of the soon-to-be released book called, The Holistic Heart Book. You may have also seen him o ...

89 Working Happier Stella Grizont Meal T ▶ 89: Working Happier – Stella Grizont – Meal Timing
89: Working Happier – Stella Grizont – Meal Timing

Stella Grizont is the founder and CEO of Woopaah, a company that focused on The Science of Happiness, hacks and skills to flourish. She creates immersive play experiences for people at work to feel ...

88 Flow States of Consciousness Steven K ▶ 88: Flow States of Consciousness – Steven Kotler – Making Soup
88: Flow States of Consciousness – Steven Kotler – Making Soup

Steven Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author, award-winning journalist, and co-founder and director of research for the Flow Genome Project. His books include the non-fiction works The Rise o ...

87 Animal Rights Activism Jasmin Singer ▶ 87: Animal Rights Activism – Jasmin Singer – MSM
87: Animal Rights Activism – Jasmin Singer – MSM

Jasmin Singer is the co-founder and director of, Our Hen House, a non-profit animal rights activist organization as well as an extremely popular podcast by the same name. Jasmin also has a really amaz ...

86 Learn To Dance Karen X Oats ▶ 86: Learn To Dance – Karen X – Oats
86: Learn To Dance – Karen X – Oats

Karen X rose to notoriety after one of her YouTube videos went viral. In that video Karen taught herself to dance in a year. Now she’s on a mission to encourage people to practice something for 100 da ...

85 Everyday Paleo Sarah Fragoso Soy Bean ▶ 85: Everyday Paleo – Sarah Fragoso – Soy Beans
85: Everyday Paleo – Sarah Fragoso – Soy Beans

Sarah Fragoso, best-selling author of EVERY DAY PALEO, author of the Every Day Paleo Family Cookbook as well as Everyday Paleo Around the World: Italian Cuisine and the soon to be released Everyday Pa ...

84 Bio Hacking Dave Asprey Raw Food Swee ▶ 84: Bio Hacking – Dave Asprey – Raw Food Sweeteners
84: Bio Hacking – Dave Asprey – Raw Food Sweeteners

Dave Asprey is a biohacker who has spent more than $300K on weird pills, science experiments, at-home quantified self gizmos, and extreme brain training sessions. Perhaps best known for his Bulletpro ...

83 Calorie Myth Jonathan Bailor Alcohol ▶ 83: Calorie Myth – Jonathan Bailor – Alcohol
83: Calorie Myth – Jonathan Bailor – Alcohol

After 10 years of research, analyzing over 1,300 studies, and garnering endorsements by top doctors from Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, Yale, and UCLA, Jonathan Bailor is a nutrition and exerc ...

82 Why Supplements The Caltons Protein P ▶ 82: Why Supplements – The Caltons – Protein Powders
82: Why Supplements – The Caltons – Protein Powders

The Caltons are among the world's leading experts on the topics of weight management, lifestyle medicine and micronutrient deficiency. Their high success rate working with adults and children to achie ...

81 The Virgin Diet JJ Virgin Fruit Juice ▶ 81: The Virgin Diet – JJ Virgin – Fruit Juice
81: The Virgin Diet – JJ Virgin – Fruit Juice

JJ Virgin is a fitness and nutrition expert, a speaker and media personality. She has over 25 years experience and is the author of The NY Times bestseller The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds ...

80 Meditation Emily Fletcher Stevia ▶ 80: Meditation – Emily Fletcher - Stevia
80: Meditation – Emily Fletcher - Stevia

Emily Fletcher is a mediation teacher with extensive training in Vedic meditation, she had a 10-year career on Broadway including roles Chicago, The Producers, A Chorus Line and many other shows. She ...

79 Improved Walking Jonathan FitzGordon ▶ 79: Improved Walking - Jonathan FitzGordon - Sprouts
79: Improved Walking - Jonathan FitzGordon - Sprouts

Jonathan has been practicing yoga since 1995 and has been teaching since 2000, having studied with some of the yoga community’s leading teachers. He owned and operated the Yoga Center of Brooklyn from ...

78 BurstFIT Deep Sleep Goals Support Dr ▶ 78: BurstFIT - Deep Sleep - Goals & Support - Dr. Axe - About MSG
78: BurstFIT - Deep Sleep - Goals & Support - Dr. Axe - About MSG

Dr. Axe’s calling to natural health and medicine came when he was a child and saw his mother battle an illness. He has since founded the Exodus Health Center one of America’s largest wellness clinics ...

77 Weight Loss Healing Katrina Love Senn ▶ 77: Weight Loss & Healing – Katrina Love Senn – Aspartame
77: Weight Loss & Healing – Katrina Love Senn – Aspartame

Katrina struggles through her teenage years with her body, weight and self-image. She admits to dieting from very young and very unsuccessfully. Katrina delves into how she changed her life after a fr ...

76 Super Shrink Me Ike Allen Reverse Veg ▶ 76: Super Shrink Me – Ike Allen – Reverse Vegetarianism
76: Super Shrink Me – Ike Allen – Reverse Vegetarianism

In episode 76 Lucas speaks with Ike Allen, founder of Avaiya, filmmaker, philosopher and creator of Super Shrink Me, a film where Ike eats junk food for 30 days and he does just fine. In our Q & A we ...

75 Body Worker Yoga Teacher Kimberly Joh ▶ 75: Body Worker & Yoga Teacher - Kimberly Johnson - Milk
75: Body Worker & Yoga Teacher - Kimberly Johnson - Milk

Welcome to the Yoga Talk Show. Your one-stop destination for all things yoga, health and wellness. ...

74 Myth Busting Nutrition Yuri Elkaim Pr ▶ 74: Myth Busting Nutrition - Yuri Elkaim - Protein
74: Myth Busting Nutrition - Yuri Elkaim - Protein

Welcome to the Yoga Talk Show. Your one-stop destination for all things yoga, health and wellness. ...

73 Amazon Healer Nick Polizzi Water Hydr ▶ 73: Amazon Healer - Nick Polizzi - Water & Hydration
73: Amazon Healer - Nick Polizzi - Water & Hydration

Lucas: Welcome to the Yoga Talk Show, your one-stop destination for all things yoga, health and wellness. So hello and welcome, everyone. This is Lucas Rockwood, and I'm here today with Nick Polizzi, ...

EPISODE 64 Flat Stomach Scoliosis Estrog ▶ EPISODE 64: Flat Stomach, Scoliosis & Estrogenic Foods
EPISODE 64: Flat Stomach, Scoliosis & Estrogenic Foods


EPISODE 63 Flexibility Tips Caffeine Whe ▶ EPISODE 63: Flexibility Tips, Caffeine & When to Rest?
EPISODE 63: Flexibility Tips, Caffeine & When to Rest?


EPISODE 62 What the Heck is Reverse Vege ▶ EPISODE 62: What the Heck is Reverse Vegetarianism?
EPISODE 62: What the Heck is Reverse Vegetarianism?


EPISODE 61 Do I Need to Warm Up Stretch ▶ EPISODE 61: Do I Need to Warm Up Stretch?
EPISODE 61: Do I Need to Warm Up Stretch?


EPISODE 60 Nutritional Supplements Upset ▶ EPISODE 60: Nutritional Supplements & Upset Stomach?
EPISODE 60: Nutritional Supplements & Upset Stomach?


EPISODE 59 Best Poses for Pulled Muscles ▶ EPISODE 59: Best Poses for Pulled Muscles?
EPISODE 59: Best Poses for Pulled Muscles?


EPISODE 58 Hot Yoga Skin Rashes ▶ EPISODE 58: Hot Yoga & Skin Rashes?
EPISODE 58: Hot Yoga & Skin Rashes?


EPISODE 57 Shoulder Stand Safe for Neck ▶ EPISODE 57: Shoulder Stand Safe for Neck?
EPISODE 57: Shoulder Stand Safe for Neck?


EPISODE 56 Nine Days of Drinking Milk ▶ EPISODE 56: Nine Days of Drinking Milk?
EPISODE 56: Nine Days of Drinking Milk?


EPISODE 55 Can Too Much Protein Make You ▶ EPISODE 55: Can Too Much Protein Make You Fat?
EPISODE 55: Can Too Much Protein Make You Fat?


EPISODE 54 Is it Possible to Exhale Too ▶ EPISODE 54: Is it Possible to Exhale Too Much?
EPISODE 54: Is it Possible to Exhale Too Much?


EPISODE 53 How To Kick Your Sugar Habit ▶ EPISODE 53: How To Kick Your Sugar Habit
EPISODE 53: How To Kick Your Sugar Habit


EPISODE 52 Trouble with Balancing Poses ▶ EPISODE 52: Trouble with Balancing Poses?
EPISODE 52: Trouble with Balancing Poses?


EPISODE 51 High Blood Pressure Yoga ▶ EPISODE 51: High Blood Pressure & Yoga?
EPISODE 51: High Blood Pressure & Yoga?


EPISODE 50 Shrink My Belly Yoga Poses ▶ EPISODE 50: Shrink My Belly Yoga Poses?
EPISODE 50: Shrink My Belly Yoga Poses?


EPISODE 49 Does Yoga Work for Bone Densi ▶ EPISODE 49: Does Yoga Work for Bone Density?
EPISODE 49: Does Yoga Work for Bone Density?


EPISODE 48 Paleo Diet Yoga ▶ EPISODE 48: Paleo Diet & Yoga?
EPISODE 48: Paleo Diet & Yoga?


EPISODE 47 Too Hard to Breathe ▶ EPISODE 47: Too Hard to Breathe?
EPISODE 47: Too Hard to Breathe?


EPISODE 46 Yoga vs Pilates Who Wins ▶ EPISODE 46: Yoga vs. Pilates, Who Wins?
EPISODE 46: Yoga vs. Pilates, Who Wins?


EPISODE 45 To Stretch or Rest that is th ▶ EPISODE 45: To Stretch or Rest (that is the question)?
EPISODE 45: To Stretch or Rest (that is the question)?


EPISODE 44 Healthy Diet Plan ▶ EPISODE 44: Healthy Diet Plan
EPISODE 44: Healthy Diet Plan


EPISODE 43 Green Coffee for Weight Loss ▶ EPISODE 43: Green Coffee for Weight Loss?
EPISODE 43: Green Coffee for Weight Loss?


EPISODE 42 How to Heal Your Knees ▶ EPISODE 42: How to Heal Your Knees?
EPISODE 42: How to Heal Your Knees?


EPISODE 41 How to Lose Weight Safely ▶ EPISODE 41: How to Lose Weight Safely
EPISODE 41: How to Lose Weight Safely


EPISODE 40 Meet or Beat Your Hold Time ▶ EPISODE 40: Meet or Beat Your Hold Time
EPISODE 40: Meet or Beat Your Hold Time


EPISODE 39 Weird Dreams Fluorinated Wate ▶ EPISODE 39: Weird Dreams & Fluorinated Water?
EPISODE 39: Weird Dreams & Fluorinated Water?


EPISODE 38 Coffee Yoga Stretching ▶ EPISODE 38: Coffee & Yoga Stretching?
EPISODE 38: Coffee & Yoga Stretching?


EPISODE 37 Dairy Childrens Flexibility ▶ EPISODE 37: Dairy & Children’s Flexibility
EPISODE 37: Dairy & Children’s Flexibility


EPISODE 36 Safe to Eat Raw Sprouted Legu ▶ EPISODE 36: Safe to Eat Raw Sprouted Legumes?
EPISODE 36: Safe to Eat Raw Sprouted Legumes?


EPISODE 35 Reducing Belly Fat ▶ EPISODE 35: Reducing Belly Fat?
EPISODE 35: Reducing Belly Fat?


EPISODE 34 Is Alcohol Bad for Flexibilit ▶ EPISODE 34: Is Alcohol Bad for Flexibility?
EPISODE 34: Is Alcohol Bad for Flexibility?


EPISODE 33 Too Many Eggs Bad ▶ EPISODE 33: Too Many Eggs Bad?
EPISODE 33: Too Many Eggs Bad?


EPISODE 32 Becoming a Vegetarian ▶ EPISODE 32 : Becoming a Vegetarian?
EPISODE 32 : Becoming a Vegetarian?


EPISODE 31 The Flexibility Program ▶ EPISODE 31: The Flexibility Program
EPISODE 31: The Flexibility Program


EPISODE 30 Full Lotus ▶ EPISODE 30: Full Lotus
EPISODE 30: Full Lotus


EPISODE 29 Whats the Secret to Deep Slee ▶ EPISODE 29: What’s the Secret to Deep Sleep?
EPISODE 29: What’s the Secret to Deep Sleep?


EPISODE 28 Food Dehydrator Alpha Music T ▶ EPISODE 28: Food Dehydrator, Alpha Music & The Eastern Arts
EPISODE 28: Food Dehydrator, Alpha Music & The Eastern Arts


EPISODE 27 What to eat and drink for bre ▶ EPISODE 27: What to eat and drink for breakfast?
EPISODE 27: What to eat and drink for breakfast?


EPISODE 26 Week Knees High Blood Pressur ▶ EPISODE 26: Week Knees, High Blood Pressure & Sitting Properly
EPISODE 26: Week Knees, High Blood Pressure & Sitting Properly


EPISODE 25 Diabetes Almond Milk Yogurt ▶ EPISODE 25: Diabetes, Almond Milk & Yogurt
EPISODE 25: Diabetes, Almond Milk & Yogurt


EPISODE 24 Not flexible ▶ EPISODE 24: Not flexible?
EPISODE 24: Not flexible?


EPISODE 23 Trigger Pain Points ▶ EPISODE 23: Trigger Pain Points
EPISODE 23: Trigger Pain Points


EPISODE 22 Colonics Swimming Juices ▶ EPISODE 22: Colonics, Swimming & Juices
EPISODE 22: Colonics, Swimming & Juices


EPISODE 21 Stretching Reflex Cheerleadin ▶ EPISODE 21: Stretching Reflex & Cheerleading
EPISODE 21: Stretching Reflex & Cheerleading


EPISODE 20 The best drinking water ▶ EPISODE 20: The best drinking water
EPISODE 20: The best drinking water


EPISODE 19 Pregnancy Hamstring Stretches ▶ EPISODE 19: Pregnancy, Hamstring Stretches & Epilepsy
EPISODE 19: Pregnancy, Hamstring Stretches & Epilepsy


EPISODE 18 Quit Coffee but Still Stiff W ▶ EPISODE 18: Quit Coffee but Still Stiff, What’s Up?
EPISODE 18: Quit Coffee but Still Stiff, What’s Up?


EPISODE 17 Breathing Dancing ▶ EPISODE 17: Breathing & Dancing
EPISODE 17: Breathing & Dancing


EPISODE 16 Vegetarian Diet ▶ EPISODE 16: Vegetarian Diet
EPISODE 16: Vegetarian Diet


EPISODE 15 The Right Way to Sleep ▶ EPISODE 15: The Right Way to Sleep
EPISODE 15: The Right Way to Sleep


EPISODE 14 Bikram vs Gravity Yoga ▶ EPISODE 14: Bikram vs. Gravity Yoga
EPISODE 14: Bikram vs. Gravity Yoga


EPISODE 13 Juice Cleansing Sore Back ▶ EPISODE 13: Juice Cleansing & Sore Back
EPISODE 13: Juice Cleansing & Sore Back


EPISODE 12 New Diet Challenging Poses To ▶ EPISODE 12: New Diet, Challenging Poses & Toe Openers
EPISODE 12: New Diet, Challenging Poses & Toe Openers


EPISODE 11 Are Cooked Veggies Any Good ▶ EPISODE 11: Are Cooked Veggies Any Good?
EPISODE 11: Are Cooked Veggies Any Good?


EPISODE 10 Yoga Electrolytes Detoxifying ▶ EPISODE 10: Yoga Electrolytes, Detoxifying your Body & Farting in Cla
EPISODE 10: Yoga Electrolytes, Detoxifying your Body & Farting in Cla


EPISODE 9 Mucus HIIT Training The Key to ▶ EPISODE 9: Mucus, HIIT Training & The Key to Flexibility
EPISODE 9: Mucus, HIIT Training & The Key to Flexibility


EPISODE 8 Yoga Pose Tips Tricks Suggesti ▶ EPISODE 8: Yoga Pose Tips, Tricks & Suggestions
EPISODE 8: Yoga Pose Tips, Tricks & Suggestions


EPISODE 7 Numb Hands Stretch Supplement ▶ EPISODE 7: Numb Hands, Stretch Supplement & Flexibility Exercises
EPISODE 7: Numb Hands, Stretch Supplement & Flexibility Exercises


EPISODE 6 Losing Gaining Weight The Flam ▶ EPISODE 6: Losing & Gaining Weight, The Flamenco Pose and Non-Organic
EPISODE 6: Losing & Gaining Weight, The Flamenco Pose and Non-Organic


EPISODE 5 Trapeze Body Builders The Spli ▶ EPISODE 5: Trapeze, Body Builders & The Splits
EPISODE 5: Trapeze, Body Builders & The Splits


EPISODE 4 Recipes Alkaline Blood Lopside ▶ EPISODE 4: Recipes, Alkaline Blood & Lopsided Body
EPISODE 4: Recipes, Alkaline Blood & Lopsided Body


EPISODE 3 Raw Food Flexibility Supplemen ▶ EPISODE 3: Raw Food, Flexibility & Supplements
EPISODE 3: Raw Food, Flexibility & Supplements


EPISODE 2 Yoga Injuries Should You Stret ▶ EPISODE 2: Yoga Injuries: Should You Stretch?
EPISODE 2: Yoga Injuries: Should You Stretch?


EPISODE 1 Backbends Achiles Injuries Tip ▶ EPISODE 1: Backbends, Achiles Injuries & Tips
EPISODE 1: Backbends, Achiles Injuries & Tips


436 Reflexology Energy Balance with Hele ▶ 436: Reflexology & Energy Balance with Helen Chin Lui
436: Reflexology & Energy Balance with Helen Chin Lui

Reflexology & Energy Balance with Helen Chin Lui Set and setting are often overlooked when it comes to healing. Set refers to your mindset going in, and setting refers to the environment in which the ...

435 The Power of Pessimism COVID 19 Surv ▶ 435: The Power of Pessimism - COVID-19 Survival
435: The Power of Pessimism - COVID-19 Survival

The Power of Pessimism - COVID-19 Survival with Lucas Rockwood ----- What if this COVID-19 crisis lasts another six months? Or another two years? Our work and lifestyles are being radically redefined, ...

434 Understanding Your Bloodwork with To ▶ 434: Understanding Your Bloodwork with Todd Strong
434: Understanding Your Bloodwork with Todd Strong

Understanding Your Bloodwork with Todd Strong When was the last time you went to your doctor for a checkup? Did you make any requests or did you just let them do their thing and trust they’d let you k ...

433 Reverse Aging with Lifelong Play wit ▶ 433: Reverse Aging with Lifelong “Play” with Stephen Jepson
433: Reverse Aging with Lifelong “Play” with Stephen Jepson

Reverse Aging with Lifelong “Play” with Stephen Jepson ----------------------------------------------- Aging starts with the loss of lean muscle and mobility. Next, you notice you’re not sharp as you ...

432 Sex Robots Vegan Meat with Jenny Kle ▶ 432: Sex Robots & Vegan Meat with Jenny Kleeman
432: Sex Robots & Vegan Meat with Jenny Kleeman

Sex Robots & Vegan Meat Jenny Kleeman -------------- Disruptive technology has defined our generation and captured our collection imagination. I haven’t owned a television or a landline phone since th ...

431 How to Succeed with Yoga Fitness At ▶ 431: How to Succeed with Yoga & Fitness At Homewith Lucas Rockwood
431: How to Succeed with Yoga & Fitness At Homewith Lucas Rockwood

How to Succeed with Yoga & Fitness At Home with Lucas Rockwood COVID-19 has forced and inspired hundreds of millions of people to start at-home yoga practices and exercise routines - this is amazing! ...

430 Is Personality Permanent with Benjam ▶ 430: Is Personality Permanent with Benjamin Hardy
430: Is Personality Permanent with Benjamin Hardy

Is Personality Permanent? with Benjamin Hardy Have you ever taken an online personality test? Myers-Briggs, Kolbe or the “Big 5”? If you have, you no-doubt read the results with both pleasure and unea ...

429 Fast Feast Repeat with Gin Stephens ▶ 429: Fast, Feast, Repeat with Gin Stephens
429: Fast, Feast, Repeat with Gin Stephens

Fast, Feast, Repeat with Gin Stephens -------------- When we think of dieting and weight loss, the first thing that comes to mind is calorie counting, portion control, and a list of “good” and “bad” f ...

428 But What if Your Workplace is Toxic ▶ 428: But What if Your Workplace is Toxic? with Robert Glazer
428: But What if Your Workplace is Toxic? with Robert Glazer

But What if Your Workplace is Toxic? with Robert Glazer --------------- I had an office job that was so boring, I used to photocopy my face while guzzling free office coffee and snacking on breath min ...

427 8 Steps to a Pain Free Back with Est ▶ 427: 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back with Esther Gokhale
427: 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back with Esther Gokhale

8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back with Esther Gokhale ---------------- Office chairs were always bad news for spinal health, but now most people are working hunched over a laptop on their coach - and many o ...

426 The Importance of Friendship with Ly ▶ 426: The Importance of Friendship with Lydia Denworth
426: The Importance of Friendship with Lydia Denworth

The Importance of Friendship with Lydia Denworth----------------I spent six weeks in March and April of this year in a fairly strict lockdown in Barcelona, and then two weeks in May completely housebo ...

425 The Science of Sin with Dr Jack Lewi ▶ 425: The Science of Sin with Dr. Jack Lewis
425: The Science of Sin with Dr. Jack Lewis

The Science of Sin with Dr. Jack Lewis The seven deadly sins are: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. Religious or not, most of us would like to avoid these behaviors, but modern tec ...

424 The Joy of Movement with Kelly McGon ▶ 424: The Joy of Movement with Kelly McGonigal
424: The Joy of Movement with Kelly McGonigal

The Joy of Movement with Kelly McGonigal ------------------- Many of us chase happiness in life but happy states are fleeting anomalies largely out of our control. If you’re experiencing true joy righ ...

423 The Meritocracy Trap How the Myth Fe ▶ 423: The Meritocracy Trap: How the Myth Feeds Inequality with with Da
423: The Meritocracy Trap: How the Myth Feeds Inequality with with Da

The Meritocracy Trap: How the Myth Feeds Inequality with Daniel Markovits ------------------- Every year I live outside the U.S. I’m able to better understand my culture simply due to my physical dist ...

422 The Strength Therapist with Sam Spin ▶ 422: The Strength Therapist with Sam Spinelli
422: The Strength Therapist with Sam Spinelli

The Strength Therapist Sam Spinelli -------- Of all the muscles in your body, your heart muscle gets the most attention - and for good reason. Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause ...

421 How to Change Your Mind with Jon Ven ▶ 421: How to Change Your Mind with Jon Venus
421: How to Change Your Mind with Jon Venus

How to Change Your Mind with Jon Venus -------------------------------------- “If it bleeds it leads” has always informed mass media, but for the past few years, the new thesis goes like this. “The mo ...

420 Neurodharma with Rick Hanson ▶ 420: Neurodharma with Rick Hanson
420: Neurodharma with Rick Hanson

Meditation can reduce cortisol, increase telomere length, improve concentration, and foster feelings of unity. But it’s also very, very hard to practice consistently. Stillness is a serious challenge. ...

419 The Story of a Mouth Breather with J ▶ 419: The Story of a Mouth Breather with James Nestor
419: The Story of a Mouth Breather with James Nestor

What do snoring, crooked teeth, and mouth breathing have in common? All these conditions can indicate or even predict a whole series of chronic health problems down the road. James Nestor began his st ...

418 The Power of Ritual with Casper Ter ▶ 418: The Power of Ritual with Casper Ter Kuile
418: The Power of Ritual with Casper Ter Kuile

The Power of Ritual with Casper Ter Kuile ------------------------------ After just five swipes of your newsfeed, and you’ll immediately see ideology and groupthink dominate just about every conversat ...

417 Time Off with John Fitch ▶ 417: Time Off with John Fitch
417: Time Off with John Fitch

Time Off with John Fitch ----------------- “You can have anything you want in life, but you can’t have everything.” Most of our biggest dreams are totally unsustainable, but they come with a price. Wa ...

416 The Children of the Future Jay Belsk ▶ 416: The Children of the Future Jay Belsky, PhD
416: The Children of the Future Jay Belsky, PhD

The Children of the Future Jay Belsky, PhD ----------- “I don’t know the meaning of life, but I know the purpose of life. It is to create more life.” - Jay Belsky We’re cavemen pretending to be academ ...

415 Detox Your Thoughts with Andrea Boni ▶ 415: Detox Your Thoughts with Andrea Bonior
415: Detox Your Thoughts with Andrea Bonior

Detox Your Thoughts with Andrea Bonior --------- The COVID-19 pandemic has dominated the news for months as a quiet crisis, one of mental health, has spread even faster and further. Depression, anxiet ...

414 How to Control Your Attention with N ▶ 414: How to Control Your Attention with Nir Eyal
414: How to Control Your Attention with Nir Eyal

How to Control Your Attention with Nir Eyal ---------------- How is it possible that with social distancing, telecommuting, and almost zero social events right now, you can still go an entire day and ...

413 Understanding Madness with Susannah ▶ 413: Understanding Madness with Susannah Cahalan
413: Understanding Madness with Susannah Cahalan

Understanding Madnesswith Susannah Cahalan --------------------------Susannah was an ambitious young adult starting an exciting life in New York City when she began having seizures, experiencing a bo ...

412 Men with Meaning Purpose with Connor ▶ 412: Men with Meaning & Purpose with Connor Beaton
412: Men with Meaning & Purpose with Connor Beaton

Men with Meaning & Purposewith Connor Beaton--------What do you call a man who cannot perform, provide, and protect? Many people would call him a loser. It’s true that men have it easier in some areas ...

411 Heart Rate Variability Simplified Ma ▶ 411: Heart Rate Variability Simplified Marco Altini
411: Heart Rate Variability Simplified Marco Altini

Heart Rate Variability Simplified Marco Altini------------- “I know my body!” is something I hear from yoga students constantly. Sometimes they want to keep practicing and shouldn’t (due to injury or ...

410 Water Whiskey Coffee Yoga Breathing ▶ 410: Water, Whiskey, Coffee - Yoga Breathing Made Simple With Lucas R
410: Water, Whiskey, Coffee - Yoga Breathing Made Simple With Lucas R

Water, Whiskey, Coffee - Yoga Breathing Made Simple With Lucas Rockwood “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” - Hans Selye Mental and emotional stress were at historic highs pre-C ...

409 Losing it All in COVID 19 ▶ 409: Losing it All in COVID-19
409: Losing it All in COVID-19

Losing it All in COVID-19with Lucas Rockwood--------------Greetings from Barcelona. We’re nearly 2 months into COVID-19 lockdown, and instead of our usual expert interviews, I thought I’d share my exp ...

408 The Pleasure Gap Womens Inequality i ▶ 408: The Pleasure Gap - Women’s Inequality in the Bedroom
408: The Pleasure Gap - Women’s Inequality in the Bedroom

The Pleasure Gap - Women’s Inequality in the Bedroom Katherine Rowland----------------------“Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex.” - Hunter S. Thompson Most of us are high ...

407 Adversity into Advantage with Laura ▶ 407: Adversity into Advantage with Laura Huang
407: Adversity into Advantage with Laura Huang

Adversity into AdvantageLaura Huang ----------------------------As I get older, I appreciate the struggles of my past almost as much as the successes, and here’s my question for you: What if your grea ...

406 How Successful People See the World ▶ 406: How Successful People See the World with Emily Balcetis
406: How Successful People See the World with Emily Balcetis

How Successful People See the World with Emily Balcetis ----------------- I ran out of laundry detergent last week and couldn’t motivate myself to walk 20 steps to the store to buy more. Why? I can le ...

405 Premature with Sarah Digregorio ▶ 405: Premature with Sarah Digregorio
405: Premature with Sarah Digregorio

Premature Sarah Digregorio----------------- Once a month I have to tell a pregnant yoga student that she cannot practice in our studio, cannot hang upside down in the Yoga Trapeze, or practice long-ho ...

404 The New Science of Self Actualizatio ▶ 404: The New Science of Self Actualization with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufm
404: The New Science of Self Actualization with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufm

The New Science of Self Actualization with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman ---------------------------When I feel frustrated with my place in the world, it’s often because I feel I’m not living up to my full ...

403 How to Overcome COVID 19 Anxiety wit ▶ 403: How to Overcome COVID-19 Anxiety with Dr. David Carbonell
403: How to Overcome COVID-19 Anxiety with Dr. David Carbonell

You’re stuck at home, your economic future is uncertain, and it’s difficult to plan more than one day at a time. To make things even more challenging, the people and activities that bring you the most ...

402 Yoga for All Bodies with Jivana Heym ▶ 402: Yoga for All Bodies with Jivana Heyman
402: Yoga for All Bodies with Jivana Heyman

I once had a yoga student with a prosthetic leg. I didn’t realize until I attempted to push her heel to the floor in Downward Dog. I assumed that she wanted to simply blend into class and that’s why s ...

401 Perfectly Hidden Depression with Dr ▶ 401: Perfectly Hidden Depression with Dr. Margaret Rutherford
401: Perfectly Hidden Depression with Dr. Margaret Rutherford

A close friend lost her husband tragically and suddenly, but she was back in the office just two weeks later. She shed a few tears that first month, but mostly, it was Beth as usual. She didn’t fall b ...

400 Become a Conflict Master with Dr Jen ▶ 400: Become a Conflict Master with Dr. Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler
400: Become a Conflict Master with Dr. Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler

Do you have a talky coworker who never gives you space to share your ideas? Do you have a neighbor who does home repairs at 2 am? Or a spouse that never follows through with their shared housework? We ...

399 The Power of Thank You with Nancy Da ▶ 399: The Power of Thank You’ with Nancy Davis Kho
399: The Power of Thank You’ with Nancy Davis Kho

My piano lessons were a dark, 45-minute drive from home. Mom and I left home at 6:30 am on Tuesday mornings to get there before school. “Luke is really good at this,” Ms. McGill said after my third le ...

398 Better Your Relationship with Maya D ▶ 398: Better Your Relationship with Maya Diamond
398: Better Your Relationship with Maya Diamond

“I’m not sure if you feel things the way I do,” she said. “I feel everything.” I was twenty-one, she was twenty-three. The window looked out at a brick wall in my Lower East Side apartment. “I have em ...

397 13 Years Training Yoga Teachers with ▶ 397: 13 Years Training Yoga Teachers with Lucas Rockwood
397: 13 Years Training Yoga Teachers with Lucas Rockwood

I always wanted to be a writer. Kerouac, Hemmingway, and Carver were my heros. Later it was playwrights Kushner, Ibsen, and Chekov. I’d drag home backpacks full of books from the public library, and I ...

396 Our Mental Health Crisis Kenneth Pau ▶ 396: Our Mental Health Crisis Kenneth Paul Rosenberg, MD
396: Our Mental Health Crisis Kenneth Paul Rosenberg, MD

The three largest mental health facilities in the USA are Rickers, Cooks Country and LA Twin Towers Jails. The mentally ill have literally been relegated to prisons since there are so few public resou ...

You Are What Your Grandparents Ate with ▶ You Are What Your Grandparents Ate with Judith Finlayson
You Are What Your Grandparents Ate with Judith Finlayson

Two mice are genetically identical, but one ends up obese and yellow and the other ends up mousy brown and healthy as expected. What’s the difference? The mutated mouse’s mother was undernourished dur ...

How to Climb Mt Everest Without Leaving ▶ How to Climb Mt Everest Without Leaving the United States with Jesse
How to Climb Mt Everest Without Leaving the United States with Jesse

I have a challenge for you. Take a pencil to paper and map out your past five years on a line graph with peaks being the great experiences and valleys being the lows. I’d be willing to guess you have ...

393 The Intelligence Trap with David Rob ▶ 393: The Intelligence Trap with David Robson
393: The Intelligence Trap with David Robson

Steve Jobs had genius-level intelligence and built one of the largest and most influential companies in the world. This is impressive, but at the same time that Apple was achieving success, Jobs denie ...

392 Turn Your Health Passion into a Busi ▶ 392: Turn Your Health Passion into a Business with John Berardi
392: Turn Your Health Passion into a Business with John Berardi

I started moonlighting as a yoga teacher and nutritional coach in my 20s while I still kept my day job. I didn’t know if I could turn my passion into a career, so I dipped my toe into the water to see ...

391 The Rabbit Effect with Dr Kelli Hard ▶ 391: The Rabbit Effect with Dr. Kelli Harding
391: The Rabbit Effect with Dr. Kelli Harding

Loneliness, living alone and poor social connections are as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It’s worse for you than obesity. And you’re much more likely to suffer from dementia, he ...

390 How to Break Bad Habits with Wendy W ▶ 390: How to Break Bad Habits with Wendy Wood
390: How to Break Bad Habits with Wendy Wood

You could still smoke indoors when I moved to Spain in 2009. Thankfully, it was banned in 2010 as part of an on-going anti-tobacco campaign that has since failed miserably. Fifteen years ago, 32% of p ...

389 How to Live Forever with David Sincl ▶ 389: How to Live Forever with David Sinclair, PH.D.
389: How to Live Forever with David Sinclair, PH.D.

I’ve set a personal goal to live to be 122, and I specifically chose this number because it seems like a stretch but also totally within the realm of reasonable given my age and the advances in scienc ...

388 Being Ketotarian with Dr Will Cole ▶ 388: Being Ketotarian with Dr. Will Cole
388: Being Ketotarian with Dr. Will Cole

When you’re fasting, your body undergoes rapid healing that is very well-documented and exciting, but it’s also extremely impractical. When you spend a few days without eating, you’re weak, tired, han ...

387 Neuroscience and Leadership with Dr ▶ 387: Neuroscience and Leadership with Dr. Tara Swart
387: Neuroscience and Leadership with Dr. Tara Swart

My worst fear with aging is losing my cognitive abilities, forgetting my kids’ names, and just becoming an old fool. It’s easy to assume that the brain will go along with the body, but there’s pretty ...

386 Your Brain on Birth Control with Sar ▶ 386: Your Brain on Birth Control with Sarah E. Hill, PhD
386: Your Brain on Birth Control with Sarah E. Hill, PhD

Hormonal birth control has been directly correlated with weight gain, mental health problems, and decreased libido—not exactly an ideal mix when it comes to sexuality. But what are you supposed to do? ...

385 Binaural Beats Meditation with Cory ▶ 385: Binaural Beats & Meditation with Cory Allen
385: Binaural Beats & Meditation with Cory Allen

I had a rough year in 2006. It was the year I opened my first yoga studio. I should have been on cloud nine, but I wasn’t ready for all that responsibility and all that stress. I had a staff of 12, hu ...

384 Tiny Habits that Lead to Big Change ▶ 384: Tiny Habits that Lead to Big Change with Dr. BJ Fogg
384: Tiny Habits that Lead to Big Change with Dr. BJ Fogg

I wanted to run a marathon this year. The truth is, I hardly ever run, but like any good mid-life crisis man, I wanted to tackle that goal to prove to myself I still could do hard things. Sounds great ...

383 The Nocturnal Brain With Dr Guy Lesc ▶ 383: The Nocturnal Brain With Dr. Guy Leschziner
383: The Nocturnal Brain With Dr. Guy Leschziner

You close your blackout curtains, flip your phone to airplane mode, and crawl into bed with all the best intentions to get 7.5 hours of sleep—and then your monkey mind starts peeling bananas. Work dea ...

382 The State of the Heart With Haider W ▶ 382: The State of the Heart With Haider Warraich
382: The State of the Heart With Haider Warraich

I said goodbye to my grandfather when I was 8 years old. He had his first heart attack, and my mom was convinced he didn’t have long to live. Turns out he had many, many years ahead of him. Unfortunat ...

381 A Year Spent Growing Foraging Your O ▶ 381: A Year Spent Growing & Foraging Your Own Food with Rob Greenfiel
381: A Year Spent Growing & Foraging Your Own Food with Rob Greenfiel

Would you survive if you had to grow or forage your own food for an entire year? Would you eat roadkill, wild yam, coconuts, and acorn grubs? Rob Greenfield is finishing up 365 days straight growing a ...

380 CO2 is Your Friend with Dr Artour Ra ▶ 380: CO2 is Your Friend with Dr. Artour Rahkimov
380: CO2 is Your Friend with Dr. Artour Rahkimov

“Inhale fresh, life-giving oxygen… exhale toxic, dead carbon dioxide,” said my yoga teacher. I’ve heard some variation of this hundreds of times in classes. Oxygen is good, carbon dioxide is bad. In w ...

379 Know Your Nerves Polyvagal Theory wi ▶ 379: Know Your Nerves: Polyvagal Theory with Deb Dana
379: Know Your Nerves: Polyvagal Theory with Deb Dana

People often compare the human body to a car, but this is a bad analogy (unless it’s a Tesla) because your body doesn’t contain a combustion engine. You’re electric, my friend, and your nerves are in ...

378 Kids Sleep Parents Sleep We All Need ▶ 378: Kids Sleep, Parents Sleep - We All Need to Sleep! with Craig Can
378: Kids Sleep, Parents Sleep - We All Need to Sleep! with Craig Can

My second child has black circles under his eyes in all his photos from birth to age four. He slept as little as possible and willed himself through most days with all the angst and irritability of an ...

377 Medical Industrial Complex with Mike ▶ 377: Medical-Industrial Complex with Mike Magee, MD
377: Medical-Industrial Complex with Mike Magee, MD

The American life expectancy is currently 79, which sounds great until you realize that is the 26th in line worldwide. Despite being one of the most developed and wealthy nations in the world, the US ...

376 A Life Less Stressed with Dr Ron Ehr ▶ 376: A Life Less Stressed with Dr. Ron Ehrlich
376: A Life Less Stressed with Dr. Ron Ehrlich

I live in Spain where the average life expectancy just hit 83 years—number three in the world, less than one percentage of a point behind Switzerland and Japan. Foreigners often hypothesize that the r ...

375 Crohns Colitis Surviving Thriving wi ▶ 375: Crohn’s & Colitis - Surviving & Thriving with Dane Johnson
375: Crohn’s & Colitis - Surviving & Thriving with Dane Johnson

Imagine a mosquito bites your arm. You scratch the bump and it grows big and red and doesn’t go away for months. You’d be panicked, right? Now, imagine that the red inflamed area is inside your gut, y ...

374 How to Find Work You Love Doing with ▶ 374: How to Find Work You Love Doing with Evan Carmichael
374: How to Find Work You Love Doing with Evan Carmichael

More than 80% of people are dissatisfied with their work, and yet work is where we spend the majority of our waking hours. People say things like “Do what you love and the money will follow” and “Foll ...

373 Finding the Body Positive Sex Positi ▶ 373: Finding the Body-Positive, Sex-Positive You with Dr. Jenn Gunsau
373: Finding the Body-Positive, Sex-Positive You with Dr. Jenn Gunsau

One in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted in college in America*, so there are literally tens of millions of victims living every day with guilt, shame, pain, trauma, and baggage. How ...

372 The Sexy Brain Intimacy Health with ▶ 372: The Sexy Brain – Intimacy & Health with Dr. Lindsey Berkson
372: The Sexy Brain – Intimacy & Health with Dr. Lindsey Berkson

Just as an infant requires physical touch to ensure healthy development, every adult requires intimacy and connection to be mentally and physically healthy... and yet many of us are left lacking. A li ...

371 Communication in Relationships with ▶ 371: Communication in Relationships with Sonya Jensen
371: Communication in Relationships with Sonya Jensen

Any relationship crisis is usually coupled with a communication breakdown. Your needs are not being met, so you shut down. You’re upset about something, but instead of voicing it, you bottle it up. Yo ...

370 The Neuroscience of Addiction with J ▶ 370: The Neuroscience of Addiction with Judith Grisel, PHD
370: The Neuroscience of Addiction with Judith Grisel, PHD

You don’t manage to leave the office until 8 pm. Traffic is terrible, so it takes you an hour to get home. One of your relatives is sick and has been texting you all day, but you haven’t had a moment ...

369 How to Lead a Simple Life Now With G ▶ 369: How to Lead a Simple Life Now With Gary Collins
369: How to Lead a Simple Life Now With Gary Collins

The pursuit of health, wealth, and relationships drive 99% of our action, but just how important are each of these to you personally? How much time are you willing to invest and what are you willing t ...

368 Exaholic Breaking Your Addiction to ▶ 368: Exaholic – Breaking Your Addiction to an Ex Love with Dr. Lisa M
368: Exaholic – Breaking Your Addiction to an Ex Love with Dr. Lisa M

How many of your exes are you connected to on Facebook? How often do you find yourself dredging up past emotional head trash from lost love? For most people, the answer is “too often.” We live in an e ...

367 A Home that Loves You with Lily Bern ▶ 367: A Home that Loves You with Lily Bernheimer
367: A Home that Loves You with Lily Bernheimer

Your home and workspace affect your mood, your sleep, your productivity, and your feeling of belonging, but how much time have you spent to make them truly serve you? For most of us, we’re stuck worki ...

366 How God and Big Ideas Change Your Br ▶ 366: How God (and Big Ideas) Change Your Brain with Mark Robert Walda
366: How God (and Big Ideas) Change Your Brain with Mark Robert Walda

Whether you’re a devout believer or a staunch atheist, the research is clear: prayer works. Here’s what also works: introspective time, mindfulness, positive focus, and big ideas. Science has proven t ...

365 Birth Control Pill Risk vs Reward wi ▶ 365: Birth Control Pill - Risk vs Reward with Dr. Jolene Brighten
365: Birth Control Pill - Risk vs Reward with Dr. Jolene Brighten

Many women start hormonal birth control in their teens and continue for years or even decades. This can be a responsible decision, but most people don’t realize the long-term side effects and risks in ...

364 Bottle of Lies Generic Drug Dangers ▶ 364: Bottle of Lies - Generic Drug Dangers with Katherine Eban
364: Bottle of Lies - Generic Drug Dangers with Katherine Eban

Did you know that 80 percent of generic drugs are manufactured in India or China, thousands of miles from the US FDA inspectors? When it comes to oversight, manufacturing safety, and transparency, it’ ...

363 Improve Your Memory with Nelson Dell ▶ 363: Improve Your Memory with Nelson Dellis
363: Improve Your Memory with Nelson Dellis

I used to say, “I’m bad with names!” It wasn’t until my late 30s that I realized this was just an excuse for not learning how to remember names. Turns out, it’s not that hard. I’m not amazing, but I’m ...

362 Do You Drink Too Much with Annie Gra ▶ 362: Do You Drink Too Much? with Annie Grace
362: Do You Drink Too Much? with Annie Grace

That glass of red wine after dinner soon turns into two or three. On Friday and Saturday, two or three often turns into a bottle or two. After a decade or more of drinking, it’s not uncommon to clock ...

361 The 3100 Mile Foot Race with Sanjay ▶ 361: The 3100 Mile Foot Race with Sanjay Rawal
361: The 3100 Mile Foot Race with Sanjay Rawal

When you think of a spiritual seeker, you probably conjure up images of shaved heads, orange robes, dark meditation halls, and gongs. But sitting in silence is not the only way to mediate. You can als ...

360 Undo It with Dr Dean Ornish ▶ 360: Undo It with Dr. Dean Ornish
360: Undo It with Dr. Dean Ornish

Real health is more than just food and exercise. The key elements we often overlook are love, support, community, and stress management. These factors are so much more difficult to manage but potentia ...

359 How to Live Your Authentic Life with ▶ 359: How to Live Your Authentic Life with Philip McKernan
359: How to Live Your Authentic Life with Philip McKernan

Your social media feed is filled with the curated lives of a bunch of strangers who you “follow” for no obvious reason. They are better-looking than you, their lunch looks tastier, their prose is so w ...

358 Toxins Make You Sicker Fatter Poorer ▶ 358: Toxins Make You: Sicker, Fatter & Poorer With Dr. Leonardo Trasa
358: Toxins Make You: Sicker, Fatter & Poorer With Dr. Leonardo Trasa

From the melting ice caps to dying marine reefs and depleted fish populations, we’re facing some big challenges right now, but very few people flip the lens to look at their own bodies to ask: “How ar ...

357 Healthy Sex Happy Relationship with ▶ 357: Healthy Sex, Happy Relationship with Dr. Stephen Snyder
357: Healthy Sex, Happy Relationship with Dr. Stephen Snyder

The two big reasons marriages fail are sex and money. While finances are by no means easy, you can always go get another job, cut back, add on, or get creative. These creative solutions rarely play ou ...

356 Can Mold in Your House Harm Your Hea ▶ 356: Can Mold in Your House Harm Your Health? with Dr. Ann Shippy
356: Can Mold in Your House Harm Your Health? with Dr. Ann Shippy

I had nosebleed nearly every single day in 1988. It would usually happen midday, and while I got pretty good at predicting it, I still remember bleeding on some very important textbooks, my Iowa Basic ...

355 Mind Detox Clean Out Your Headtrash ▶ 355: Mind Detox: Clean Out Your Headtrash with Sandy Newbigging
355: Mind Detox: Clean Out Your Headtrash with Sandy Newbigging

“Change the way you think about things, and the things you think about will change.” This cliche sums up 80 percent of modern personal development, but it’s about as useful as marital advice that sugg ...

354 Straight White Teeth with Dr Steven ▶ 354: Straight White Teeth with Dr. Steven Lin
354: Straight White Teeth with Dr. Steven Lin

Your dental health is very often the proverbial canary in the coal mine, meaning that periodontal disease is often a red flag that systemic problems exist which could be very serious. Proper brushing ...

353 Inner Peace Global Peace with Stephe ▶ 353: Inner Peace, Global Peace with Stephen Fulder
353: Inner Peace, Global Peace with Stephen Fulder

I signed up for my first 12-day meditation retreat in 2001, and then I dropped out two weeks before the start date. I never drop out of anything. Eighteen months later, I signed up again. This time, I ...

352 Stop Thinking About Drinking with Be ▶ 352: Stop Thinking About Drinking with Belle Robertson
352: Stop Thinking About Drinking with Belle Robertson

I love everything that’s bad for me, and alcohol certainly falls under that umbrella. It’s a love-hate relationship really, and I don’t drink anymore. At this stage of my life, it’s just not worth it. ...

351 Mindful Leadership Emotional Intelli ▶ 351: Mindful Leadership & Emotional Intelligence with Marc Lesser
351: Mindful Leadership & Emotional Intelligence with Marc Lesser

Have you ever driven from your house to the office and were unable to remember anything about the drive? Have you lost track of days and even weeks when stress and frustration turned your brain to mus ...

350 Demystifying Men Women Polarity With ▶ 350: Demystifying Men, Women & Polarity With Dr. John Gray
350: Demystifying Men, Women & Polarity With Dr. John Gray

I spent my first 27 years of life convinced that men and women were exactly the same except for the obvious anatomical differences and a boatload of socialization. After a big relationship breakup, I ...

349 The Wisdom of Old People with John L ▶ 349: The Wisdom of Old People with John Leland
349: The Wisdom of Old People with John Leland

The average life expectancy is nearly 83 years where I live. People are living healthier, wealthier, and longer lives than ever before, but what the heck do you do in that last third portion of your l ...

348 Yoga for Arthritis with Dr Steffany ▶ 348: Yoga for Arthritis with Dr. Steffany Moonaz
348: Yoga for Arthritis with Dr. Steffany Moonaz

After the age of 40, there is less space between your spinal vertebrae than when you were 20. This steady degeneration of tissues happens predictably but can be exacerbated by weight, high stress, ext ...

347 No Impact Man Save the Planet with C ▶ 347: No Impact Man - Save the Planet with Colin Beavan
347: No Impact Man - Save the Planet with Colin Beavan

Environmental activist, Colin Beavan, and his family decided to make a bold statement: they’d spend an entire year living as close to “zero impact” as possible in the heart of New York City. They’d di ...

346 Stay Strong Middle Age Beyond Why Mu ▶ 346: Stay Strong, Middle Age & Beyond - Why Muscle Matters
346: Stay Strong, Middle Age & Beyond - Why Muscle Matters

When we think of strength and muscle mass, we typically imagine physique-obsessed bodybuilders staring at themselves in the mirror and clanking weights around in the gym. But what if there is more to ...

Trailer ▶ Trailer

This no-nonsense health and wellness show features best-selling authors and thought leaders in nutrition, mental health, relationships, and self-improvement. Each episode also includes listener Q&A. H ...

345 How to Succeed with People Leadershi ▶ 345: How to Succeed with People: Leadership & Charisma
345: How to Succeed with People: Leadership & Charisma

Group dynamics fascinate me. Why does one person take on the leadership role almost immediately without any need for introduction or approval? How did that one person decide he was the joker? And why ...

344 Goldilocks Zone for Protein with Ste ▶ 344: Goldilocks Zone for Protein with Stephan Cabral
344: Goldilocks Zone for Protein with Stephan Cabral

Most people believe that carbs give you energy, fat makes you fat, and protein builds muscles - but this is not how the body works. In fact, we metabolize macronutrients very differently - often count ...

343 Narcissist Survival Guide with Dr Ra ▶ 343: Narcissist Survival Guide with Dr. Ramani Durva-Sula
343: Narcissist Survival Guide with Dr. Ramani Durva-Sula

Open up Instagram right now, and start counting the number of narcissists in your feed today. How many? Three, ten, fifty? Is there anyone real in your feed? Narcissistic personalities have always ex ...

342 Traditional vs Alternative Medicine ▶ 342: Traditional vs. Alternative Medicine with Dr. Thomas Cowan
342: Traditional vs. Alternative Medicine with Dr. Thomas Cowan

Modern medicine's best thinking pales in comparison to the wisdom of our bodies. The best science only has a very rudimentary understanding of the dynamic and complex organism we inhabit, and yet we'r ...

341 Sugar is the Devil with Sarah Wilson ▶ 341: Sugar is the Devil with Sarah Wilson
341: Sugar is the Devil with Sarah Wilson

By the end of the 1700s, the average American consumed four teaspoons of sugar a day. One hundred years later, that number had risen to eighteen teaspoons. Today, we're consuming 22 teaspoons (93 gram ...

340 Emotional Agility with Susan DavidPh ▶ 340: Emotional Agility with Susan David,PhD
340: Emotional Agility with Susan David,PhD

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” - Friedrich Nietzsche What in your inner world enables you to fully show up in the outer world? What is more important: What you have or how you fee ...

339 One Plant Based Meal Per Day with Su ▶ 339: One Plant-Based Meal Per Day with Suzy Amis Cameron
339: One Plant-Based Meal Per Day with Suzy Amis Cameron

When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, the internet will explode with searches for the best diets, which yield all kinds of good, bad, and absurd advice for getting healthy and fit. Vegeta ...

338 Broadcasting Happiness with Michelle ▶ 338: Broadcasting Happiness with Michelle Gieland
338: Broadcasting Happiness with Michelle Gieland

Positive thinking is great, but how do you handle yourself when your spouse is in a funk or your boss is negative every minute of the working day? With all the best intentions for the day, many of us ...

337 Cultivating Clarity with Jamie Smart ▶ 337: Cultivating Clarity with Jamie Smart
337: Cultivating Clarity with Jamie Smart

As the saying goes, “You can have anything you want in life, you just can't have everything.” However, figuring out exactly what you want is often difficult, as it means compromise, sacrifice, and har ...

336 Addicted to Exercise Fasting Timing ▶ 336: Addicted to Exercise, Fasting Timing & Veggie Kids
336: Addicted to Exercise, Fasting Timing & Veggie Kids

What if you become so focused on exercise and healthy living that it becomes an unhealthy obsession? What if you're a parent and eat a balanced diet but struggle to feed your kids well? What if yoga i ...

335 Mental Fitness for the Modern Mind w ▶ 335: Mental Fitness for the Modern Mind with Kasper van der Meulen
335: Mental Fitness for the Modern Mind with Kasper van der Meulen

Most people know more about Game of Thrones than they do about their own digestive system. They know how many nuclear warheads are in North Korea, but they don't know their Vitamin D levels or their f ...

334 Learn New Skills Overcome Fears Beco ▶ 334: Learn New Skills, Overcome Fears, Become a Hero with Josh Kaufma
334: Learn New Skills, Overcome Fears, Become a Hero with Josh Kaufma

After your first yoga class, your hamstrings will hurt like hell. After your first day snowboarding, your wrists will ache and your bum will be bruised. After your first week struggling to play Knocki ...

333 The Power of Pleasure with Xanet Pai ▶ 333: The Power of Pleasure with Xanet Pailet
333: The Power of Pleasure with Xanet Pailet

Xanet Pailet was in a marriage with zero physical intimacy for more than 15 years. Most people don't go that long, but many do wait years before they openly address these issues; however, by then, per ...

332 How to Achieve Deep Restful Sleep wi ▶ 332: How to Achieve Deep, Restful Sleep with Stephanie Romiszewski
332: How to Achieve Deep, Restful Sleep with Stephanie Romiszewski

I struggled with chronic sleep deprivation for more than a decade. During that time, I’d fall asleep in the barber’s chair. If I was talking on the phone while in bed, I’d pass out in the middle of th ...

331 Mental Illness A Global Health Crisi ▶ 331: Mental Illness: A Global Health Crisis with Mark Lukach
331: Mental Illness: A Global Health Crisis with Mark Lukach

Mark Lukach's wife spent nearly two months in total in psychiatric wards during three different bipolar episodes. Mental illness appeared seemingly out of nowhere with suicidal thoughts, delusions, an ...

330 Radical Metabolism ▶ 330: Radical Metabolism
330: Radical Metabolism

Have you ever heard someone blame their weight gain on a 'slow metabolism?' It sounds logical, but what does it mean exactly? What is considered 'slow?' When we talk about metabolic health, it's impor ...

329 Improve Your Balance Improve Your Li ▶ 329: Improve Your Balance, Improve Your Life
329: Improve Your Balance, Improve Your Life

If you can balance well, your yoga practice is more fun, you’re faster and nimbler, and you might even live longer. Sound far-fetched? Check it out: falls are the second leading cause of accidental or ...

328 How to Create a Breakthrough ▶ 328: How to Create a Breakthrough
328: How to Create a Breakthrough

Everyone has some area of their life where they feel totally stuck, and it usually falls into one of three categories: health, wealthy, or relationships. It's very rare that all three of those areas o ...

327 The Truth About CBD nonpsychoactive ▶ 327: The Truth About CBD (nonpsychoactive marijuana) for Health
327: The Truth About CBD (nonpsychoactive marijuana) for Health

A little girl named Charlotte was having as many as 300 seizures a week, some lasting as long as 30 minutes. Her body was frail, her health was suffering, and her parents were at their wits' end. Afte ...

326 The Food Vitamins Blood Test Episode ▶ 326: The Food, Vitamins & Blood Test Episode
326: The Food, Vitamins & Blood Test Episode

Recently, my friend returned from a family member's funeral 8 lbs heavier and asked, What's going on? Weight gain from stress can be clinically explained by a few different mechanisms. There is emot ...

325 Too old to stretch Xylitol got you d ▶ 325: Too old to stretch? Xylitol got you down?
325: Too old to stretch? Xylitol got you down?

I receive questions from listeners every day. On this week's Q&A show, I'll answer a few of them, with topics ranging from flexibility for seniors and what technically breaks a fast to Xylitol and Vit ...

324 Demystifying the Pelvic Floor ▶ 324: Demystifying the Pelvic Floor
324: Demystifying the Pelvic Floor

People joke that they 'laughed so hard they peed their pants.' However, this is a real problem called stress incontinence—a symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction. The pelvic floor is a complex group of ...

323 The Truth About Hypnotherapy ▶ 323: The Truth About Hypnotherapy
323: The Truth About Hypnotherapy

A stage hypnotist convinced my friend Burton that he was an undercover spy and needed to find a clue hidden in the forest. There were 600 people in the audience, but Burton was all in. He raced off th ...

322 Estrogeneration ▶ 322: Estrogeneration
322: Estrogeneration

Think of your body as a three-legged stool with an electrical body (your nervous system), a bacterial body (your microbiome), and a chemical body (your endocrine system). These three legs are largely ...

321 Why Relationships are So Hard ▶ 321: Why Relationships are So Hard
321: Why Relationships are So Hard

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships; and yet, for most of us, being in relationship is hard. Most of us find it challenging enough to get our own lives in order ...

320 Movement as Medicine ▶ 320: Movement as Medicine
320: Movement as Medicine

This concept of a pill for an ill has led hundreds of millions of Americans to take prescription medications every single day. Antidepressants for mood, opioids for pain, and proton pump inhibitors ...

319 Why You Are Only One Percent Human ▶ 319: Why You Are Only One Percent Human
319: Why You Are Only One Percent Human

There are more than 10 times as many microbe cells in your body as human cells, but interestingly, we're exposed to our first bacteria at birth—and from there, the process begins. While two humans are ...

318 Yoga Breathing Lesson Water Whiskey ▶ 318: Yoga Breathing Lesson: Water, Whiskey, Coffee
318: Yoga Breathing Lesson: Water, Whiskey, Coffee

I feel I’ve let you down. I’ve hosted pretty much every renowned breathing expert in the world on this podcast, and yet most of my listeners are still not sure exactly how yoga breathing works. On thi ...

317 Understanding Arousal ▶ 317: Understanding Arousal
317: Understanding Arousal

During the summer between 8th and 9th grade, I watched my classmate Jeff go from about 125 lbs to 180 lbs in six weeks. This scrawny, video game nerd turned into a force to be reckoned with through a ...

316 How to Trigger ASMR Brain Tingles ▶ 316: How to Trigger ASMR Brain Tingles
316: How to Trigger ASMR Brain Tingles

Have you ever used a scalp massager made of long, thin wires? For most people, it causes quite the sensation, sending tingles from the back of their neck down their spine. Or maybe you have this react ...

315 Chronic pain Is it all in the brain ▶ 315: Chronic pain: Is it all in the brain?
315: Chronic pain: Is it all in the brain?

Chronic pain—the most common of which is back pain and digestive pain—affects as many as one in four people. Pain plays a crucial role in the body as a clear sign that something is injured, diseased, ...

413 Understanding Madness with Susannah ▶ 413: Understanding Madness with Susannah Cahalan
413: Understanding Madness with Susannah Cahalan

Understanding Madnesswith Susannah Cahalan --------------------------Susannah was an ambitious young adult starting an exciting life in New York City when she began having seizures, experiencing a bo ...

412 Men with Meaning Purpose with Connor ▶ 412: Men with Meaning & Purpose with Connor Beaton
412: Men with Meaning & Purpose with Connor Beaton

Men with Meaning & Purposewith Connor Beaton--------What do you call a man who cannot perform, provide, and protect? Many people would call him a loser. It’s true that men have it easier in some areas ...

411 Heart Rate Variability Simplified Ma ▶ 411: Heart Rate Variability Simplified Marco Altini
411: Heart Rate Variability Simplified Marco Altini

Heart Rate Variability Simplified Marco Altini------------- “I know my body!” is something I hear from yoga students constantly. Sometimes they want to keep practicing and shouldn’t (due to injury or ...

410 Water Whiskey Coffee Yoga Breathing ▶ 410: Water, Whiskey, Coffee - Yoga Breathing Made Simple With Lucas R
410: Water, Whiskey, Coffee - Yoga Breathing Made Simple With Lucas R

Water, Whiskey, Coffee - Yoga Breathing Made Simple With Lucas Rockwood “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” - Hans Selye Mental and emotional stress were at historic highs pre-C ...

409 Losing it All in COVID 19 ▶ 409: Losing it All in COVID-19
409: Losing it All in COVID-19

Losing it All in COVID-19with Lucas Rockwood--------------Greetings from Barcelona. We’re nearly 2 months into COVID-19 lockdown, and instead of our usual expert interviews, I thought I’d share my exp ...

408 The Pleasure Gap Womens Inequality i ▶ 408: The Pleasure Gap - Women’s Inequality in the Bedroom
408: The Pleasure Gap - Women’s Inequality in the Bedroom

The Pleasure Gap - Women’s Inequality in the Bedroom Katherine Rowland----------------------“Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex.” - Hunter S. Thompson Most of us are high ...

407 Adversity into Advantage with Laura ▶ 407: Adversity into Advantage with Laura Huang
407: Adversity into Advantage with Laura Huang

Adversity into AdvantageLaura Huang ----------------------------As I get older, I appreciate the struggles of my past almost as much as the successes, and here’s my question for you: What if your grea ...

406 How Successful People See the World ▶ 406: How Successful People See the World with Emily Balcetis
406: How Successful People See the World with Emily Balcetis

How Successful People See the World with Emily Balcetis ----------------- I ran out of laundry detergent last week and couldn’t motivate myself to walk 20 steps to the store to buy more. Why? I can le ...

405 Premature with Sarah Digregorio ▶ 405: Premature with Sarah Digregorio
405: Premature with Sarah Digregorio

Premature Sarah Digregorio----------------- Once a month I have to tell a pregnant yoga student that she cannot practice in our studio, cannot hang upside down in the Yoga Trapeze, or practice long-ho ...

404 The New Science of Self Actualizatio ▶ 404: The New Science of Self Actualization with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufm
404: The New Science of Self Actualization with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufm

The New Science of Self Actualization with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman ---------------------------When I feel frustrated with my place in the world, it’s often because I feel I’m not living up to my full ...

403 How to Overcome COVID 19 Anxiety wit ▶ 403: How to Overcome COVID-19 Anxiety with Dr. David Carbonell
403: How to Overcome COVID-19 Anxiety with Dr. David Carbonell

How to Overcome COVID-19 Anxietywith Dr. David Carbonell --------------------------- You’re stuck at home, your economic future is uncertain, and it’s difficult to plan more than one day at a time. To ...

402 Yoga for All Bodies with Jivana Heym ▶ 402: Yoga for All Bodies with Jivana Heyman
402: Yoga for All Bodies with Jivana Heyman

I once had a yoga student with a prosthetic leg. I didn’t realize until I attempted to push her heel to the floor in Downward Dog. I assumed that she wanted to simply blend into class and that’s why s ...

401 Perfectly Hidden Depression with Dr ▶ 401: Perfectly Hidden Depression with Dr. Margaret Rutherford
401: Perfectly Hidden Depression with Dr. Margaret Rutherford

Perfectly Hidden Depression Dr. Margaret Rutherford--------------------------------------- A close friend lost her husband tragically and suddenly, but she was back in the office just two weeks later. ...

400 Become a Conflict Master with Dr Jen ▶ 400: Become a Conflict Master with Dr. Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler
400: Become a Conflict Master with Dr. Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler

Do you have a talky coworker who never gives you space to share your ideas? Do you have a neighbor who does home repairs at 2 am? Or a spouse that never follows through with their shared housework? We ...

399 The Power of Thank You with Nancy Da ▶ 399: The Power of Thank You’ with Nancy Davis Kho
399: The Power of Thank You’ with Nancy Davis Kho

My piano lessons were a dark, 45-minute drive from home. Mom and I left home at 6:30 am on Tuesday mornings to get there before school. “Luke is really good at this,” Ms. McGill said after my third le ...

398 Better Your Relationship with Maya D ▶ 398: Better Your Relationship with Maya Diamond
398: Better Your Relationship with Maya Diamond

“I’m not sure if you feel things the way I do,” she said. “I feel everything.” I was twenty-one, she was twenty-three. The window looked out at a brick wall in my Lower East Side apartment. “I have em ...

397 13 Years Training Yoga Teachers with ▶ 397: 13 Years Training Yoga Teachers with Lucas Rockwood
397: 13 Years Training Yoga Teachers with Lucas Rockwood

I always wanted to be a writer. Kerouac, Hemmingway, and Carver were my heros. Later it was playwrights Kushner, Ibsen, and Chekov. I’d drag home backpacks full of books from the public library, and I ...

396 Our Mental Health Crisis Kenneth Pau ▶ 396: Our Mental Health Crisis Kenneth Paul Rosenberg, MD
396: Our Mental Health Crisis Kenneth Paul Rosenberg, MD

The three largest mental health facilities in the USA are Rickers, Cooks Country and LA Twin Towers Jails. The mentally ill have literally been relegated to prisons since there are so few public resou ...

You Are What Your Grandparents Ate with ▶ You Are What Your Grandparents Ate with Judith Finlayson
You Are What Your Grandparents Ate with Judith Finlayson

Two mice are genetically identical, but one ends up obese and yellow and the other ends up mousy brown and healthy as expected. What’s the difference? The mutated mouse’s mother was undernourished dur ...

How to Climb Mt Everest Without Leaving ▶ How to Climb Mt Everest Without Leaving the United States with Jesse
How to Climb Mt Everest Without Leaving the United States with Jesse

I have a challenge for you. Take a pencil to paper and map out your past five years on a line graph with peaks being the great experiences and valleys being the lows. I’d be willing to guess you have ...

393 The Intelligence Trap with David Rob ▶ 393: The Intelligence Trap with David Robson
393: The Intelligence Trap with David Robson

Steve Jobs had genius-level intelligence and built one of the largest and most influential companies in the world. This is impressive, but at the same time that Apple was achieving success, Jobs denie ...

392 Turn Your Health Passion into a Busi ▶ 392: Turn Your Health Passion into a Business with John Berardi
392: Turn Your Health Passion into a Business with John Berardi

I started moonlighting as a yoga teacher and nutritional coach in my 20s while I still kept my day job. I didn’t know if I could turn my passion into a career, so I dipped my toe into the water to see ...

391 The Rabbit Effect with Dr Kelli Hard ▶ 391: The Rabbit Effect with Dr. Kelli Harding
391: The Rabbit Effect with Dr. Kelli Harding

Loneliness, living alone and poor social connections are as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It’s worse for you than obesity. And you’re much more likely to suffer from dementia, he ...

390 How to Break Bad Habits with Wendy W ▶ 390: How to Break Bad Habits with Wendy Wood
390: How to Break Bad Habits with Wendy Wood

You could still smoke indoors when I moved to Spain in 2009. Thankfully, it was banned in 2010 as part of an on-going anti-tobacco campaign that has since failed miserably. Fifteen years ago, 32% of p ...

389 How to Live Forever with David Sincl ▶ 389: How to Live Forever with David Sinclair, PH.D.
389: How to Live Forever with David Sinclair, PH.D.

I’ve set a personal goal to live to be 122, and I specifically chose this number because it seems like a stretch but also totally within the realm of reasonable given my age and the advances in scienc ...

388 Being Ketotarian with Dr Will Cole ▶ 388: Being Ketotarian with Dr. Will Cole
388: Being Ketotarian with Dr. Will Cole

When you’re fasting, your body undergoes rapid healing that is very well-documented and exciting, but it’s also extremely impractical. When you spend a few days without eating, you’re weak, tired, han ...

387 Neuroscience and Leadership with Dr ▶ 387: Neuroscience and Leadership with Dr. Tara Swart
387: Neuroscience and Leadership with Dr. Tara Swart

My worst fear with aging is losing my cognitive abilities, forgetting my kids’ names, and just becoming an old fool. It’s easy to assume that the brain will go along with the body, but there’s pretty ...

386 Your Brain on Birth Control with Sar ▶ 386: Your Brain on Birth Control with Sarah E. Hill, PhD
386: Your Brain on Birth Control with Sarah E. Hill, PhD

Hormonal birth control has been directly correlated with weight gain, mental health problems, and decreased libido—not exactly an ideal mix when it comes to sexuality. But what are you supposed to do? ...

385 Binaural Beats Meditation with Cory ▶ 385: Binaural Beats & Meditation with Cory Allen
385: Binaural Beats & Meditation with Cory Allen

I had a rough year in 2006. It was the year I opened my first yoga studio. I should have been on cloud nine, but I wasn’t ready for all that responsibility and all that stress. I had a staff of 12, hu ...

384 Tiny Habits that Lead to Big Change ▶ 384: Tiny Habits that Lead to Big Change with Dr. BJ Fogg
384: Tiny Habits that Lead to Big Change with Dr. BJ Fogg

I wanted to run a marathon this year. The truth is, I hardly ever run, but like any good mid-life crisis man, I wanted to tackle that goal to prove to myself I still could do hard things. Sounds great ...

383 The Nocturnal Brain With Dr Guy Lesc ▶ 383: The Nocturnal Brain With Dr. Guy Leschziner
383: The Nocturnal Brain With Dr. Guy Leschziner

You close your blackout curtains, flip your phone to airplane mode, and crawl into bed with all the best intentions to get 7.5 hours of sleep—and then your monkey mind starts peeling bananas. Work dea ...

382 The State of the Heart With Haider W ▶ 382: The State of the Heart With Haider Warraich
382: The State of the Heart With Haider Warraich

I said goodbye to my grandfather when I was 8 years old. He had his first heart attack, and my mom was convinced he didn’t have long to live. Turns out he had many, many years ahead of him. Unfortunat ...

381 A Year Spent Growing Foraging Your O ▶ 381: A Year Spent Growing & Foraging Your Own Food with Rob Greenfiel
381: A Year Spent Growing & Foraging Your Own Food with Rob Greenfiel

Would you survive if you had to grow or forage your own food for an entire year? Would you eat roadkill, wild yam, coconuts, and acorn grubs? Rob Greenfield is finishing up 365 days straight growing a ...

380 CO2 is Your Friend with Dr Artour Ra ▶ 380: CO2 is Your Friend with Dr. Artour Rahkimov
380: CO2 is Your Friend with Dr. Artour Rahkimov

“Inhale fresh, life-giving oxygen… exhale toxic, dead carbon dioxide,” said my yoga teacher. I’ve heard some variation of this hundreds of times in classes. Oxygen is good, carbon dioxide is bad. In w ...

379 Know Your Nerves Polyvagal Theory wi ▶ 379: Know Your Nerves: Polyvagal Theory with Deb Dana
379: Know Your Nerves: Polyvagal Theory with Deb Dana

People often compare the human body to a car, but this is a bad analogy (unless it’s a Tesla) because your body doesn’t contain a combustion engine. You’re electric, my friend, and your nerves are in ...

378 Kids Sleep Parents Sleep We All Need ▶ 378: Kids Sleep, Parents Sleep - We All Need to Sleep! with Craig Can
378: Kids Sleep, Parents Sleep - We All Need to Sleep! with Craig Can

My second child has black circles under his eyes in all his photos from birth to age four. He slept as little as possible and willed himself through most days with all the angst and irritability of an ...

377 Medical Industrial Complex with Mike ▶ 377: Medical-Industrial Complex with Mike Magee, MD
377: Medical-Industrial Complex with Mike Magee, MD

The American life expectancy is currently 79, which sounds great until you realize that is the 26th in line worldwide. Despite being one of the most developed and wealthy nations in the world, the US ...

376 A Life Less Stressed with Dr Ron Ehr ▶ 376: A Life Less Stressed with Dr. Ron Ehrlich
376: A Life Less Stressed with Dr. Ron Ehrlich

I live in Spain where the average life expectancy just hit 83 years—number three in the world, less than one percentage of a point behind Switzerland and Japan. Foreigners often hypothesize that the r ...

375 Crohns Colitis Surviving Thriving wi ▶ 375: Crohn’s & Colitis - Surviving & Thriving with Dane Johnson
375: Crohn’s & Colitis - Surviving & Thriving with Dane Johnson

Imagine a mosquito bites your arm. You scratch the bump and it grows big and red and doesn’t go away for months. You’d be panicked, right? Now, imagine that the red inflamed area is inside your gut, y ...

374 How to Find Work You Love Doing with ▶ 374: How to Find Work You Love Doing with Evan Carmichael
374: How to Find Work You Love Doing with Evan Carmichael

More than 80% of people are dissatisfied with their work, and yet work is where we spend the majority of our waking hours. People say things like “Do what you love and the money will follow” and “Foll ...

373 Finding the Body Positive Sex Positi ▶ 373: Finding the Body-Positive, Sex-Positive You with Dr. Jenn Gunsau
373: Finding the Body-Positive, Sex-Positive You with Dr. Jenn Gunsau

One in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted in college in America*, so there are literally tens of millions of victims living every day with guilt, shame, pain, trauma, and baggage. How ...

372 The Sexy Brain Intimacy Health with ▶ 372: The Sexy Brain – Intimacy & Health with Dr. Lindsey Berkson
372: The Sexy Brain – Intimacy & Health with Dr. Lindsey Berkson

Just as an infant requires physical touch to ensure healthy development, every adult requires intimacy and connection to be mentally and physically healthy... and yet many of us are left lacking. A li ...

371 Communication in Relationships with ▶ 371: Communication in Relationships with Sonya Jensen
371: Communication in Relationships with Sonya Jensen

Any relationship crisis is usually coupled with a communication breakdown. Your needs are not being met, so you shut down. You’re upset about something, but instead of voicing it, you bottle it up. Yo ...

370 The Neuroscience of Addiction with J ▶ 370: The Neuroscience of Addiction with Judith Grisel, PHD
370: The Neuroscience of Addiction with Judith Grisel, PHD

You don’t manage to leave the office until 8 pm. Traffic is terrible, so it takes you an hour to get home. One of your relatives is sick and has been texting you all day, but you haven’t had a moment ...

369 How to Lead a Simple Life Now With G ▶ 369: How to Lead a Simple Life Now With Gary Collins
369: How to Lead a Simple Life Now With Gary Collins

The pursuit of health, wealth, and relationships drive 99% of our action, but just how important are each of these to you personally? How much time are you willing to invest and what are you willing t ...

368 Exaholic Breaking Your Addiction to ▶ 368: Exaholic – Breaking Your Addiction to an Ex Love with Dr. Lisa M
368: Exaholic – Breaking Your Addiction to an Ex Love with Dr. Lisa M

How many of your exes are you connected to on Facebook? How often do you find yourself dredging up past emotional head trash from lost love? For most people, the answer is “too often.” We live in an e ...

367 A Home that Loves You with Lily Bern ▶ 367: A Home that Loves You with Lily Bernheimer
367: A Home that Loves You with Lily Bernheimer

Your home and workspace affect your mood, your sleep, your productivity, and your feeling of belonging, but how much time have you spent to make them truly serve you? For most of us, we’re stuck worki ...

366 How God and Big Ideas Change Your Br ▶ 366: How God (and Big Ideas) Change Your Brain with Mark Robert Walda
366: How God (and Big Ideas) Change Your Brain with Mark Robert Walda

Whether you’re a devout believer or a staunch atheist, the research is clear: prayer works. Here’s what also works: introspective time, mindfulness, positive focus, and big ideas. Science has proven t ...

365 Birth Control Pill Risk vs Reward wi ▶ 365: Birth Control Pill - Risk vs Reward with Dr. Jolene Brighten
365: Birth Control Pill - Risk vs Reward with Dr. Jolene Brighten

Many women start hormonal birth control in their teens and continue for years or even decades. This can be a responsible decision, but most people don’t realize the long-term side effects and risks in ...

364 Bottle of Lies Generic Drug Dangers ▶ 364: Bottle of Lies - Generic Drug Dangers with Katherine Eban
364: Bottle of Lies - Generic Drug Dangers with Katherine Eban

Did you know that 80 percent of generic drugs are manufactured in India or China, thousands of miles from the US FDA inspectors? When it comes to oversight, manufacturing safety, and transparency, it’ ...

363 Improve Your Memory with Nelson Dell ▶ 363: Improve Your Memory with Nelson Dellis
363: Improve Your Memory with Nelson Dellis

I used to say, “I’m bad with names!” It wasn’t until my late 30s that I realized this was just an excuse for not learning how to remember names. Turns out, it’s not that hard. I’m not amazing, but I’m ...

362 Do You Drink Too Much with Annie Gra ▶ 362: Do You Drink Too Much? with Annie Grace
362: Do You Drink Too Much? with Annie Grace

That glass of red wine after dinner soon turns into two or three. On Friday and Saturday, two or three often turns into a bottle or two. After a decade or more of drinking, it’s not uncommon to clock ...

361 The 3100 Mile Foot Race with Sanjay ▶ 361: The 3100 Mile Foot Race with Sanjay Rawal
361: The 3100 Mile Foot Race with Sanjay Rawal

When you think of a spiritual seeker, you probably conjure up images of shaved heads, orange robes, dark meditation halls, and gongs. But sitting in silence is not the only way to mediate. You can als ...

360 Undo It with Dr Dean Ornish ▶ 360: Undo It with Dr. Dean Ornish
360: Undo It with Dr. Dean Ornish

Real health is more than just food and exercise. The key elements we often overlook are love, support, community, and stress management. These factors are so much more difficult to manage but potentia ...

359 How to Live Your Authentic Life with ▶ 359: How to Live Your Authentic Life with Philip McKernan
359: How to Live Your Authentic Life with Philip McKernan

Your social media feed is filled with the curated lives of a bunch of strangers who you “follow” for no obvious reason. They are better-looking than you, their lunch looks tastier, their prose is so w ...

358 Toxins Make You Sicker Fatter Poorer ▶ 358: Toxins Make You: Sicker, Fatter & Poorer With Dr. Leonardo Trasa
358: Toxins Make You: Sicker, Fatter & Poorer With Dr. Leonardo Trasa

From the melting ice caps to dying marine reefs and depleted fish populations, we’re facing some big challenges right now, but very few people flip the lens to look at their own bodies to ask: “How ar ...

357 Healthy Sex Happy Relationship with ▶ 357: Healthy Sex, Happy Relationship with Dr. Stephen Snyder
357: Healthy Sex, Happy Relationship with Dr. Stephen Snyder

The two big reasons marriages fail are sex and money. While finances are by no means easy, you can always go get another job, cut back, add on, or get creative. These creative solutions rarely play ou ...

356 Can Mold in Your House Harm Your Hea ▶ 356: Can Mold in Your House Harm Your Health? with Dr. Ann Shippy
356: Can Mold in Your House Harm Your Health? with Dr. Ann Shippy

I had nosebleed nearly every single day in 1988. It would usually happen midday, and while I got pretty good at predicting it, I still remember bleeding on some very important textbooks, my Iowa Basic ...

355 Mind Detox Clean Out Your Headtrash ▶ 355: Mind Detox: Clean Out Your Headtrash with Sandy Newbigging
355: Mind Detox: Clean Out Your Headtrash with Sandy Newbigging

“Change the way you think about things, and the things you think about will change.” This cliche sums up 80 percent of modern personal development, but it’s about as useful as marital advice that sugg ...

354 Straight White Teeth with Dr Steven ▶ 354: Straight White Teeth with Dr. Steven Lin
354: Straight White Teeth with Dr. Steven Lin

Your dental health is very often the proverbial canary in the coal mine, meaning that periodontal disease is often a red flag that systemic problems exist which could be very serious. Proper brushing ...

353 Inner Peace Global Peace with Stephe ▶ 353: Inner Peace, Global Peace with Stephen Fulder
353: Inner Peace, Global Peace with Stephen Fulder

I signed up for my first 12-day meditation retreat in 2001, and then I dropped out two weeks before the start date. I never drop out of anything. Eighteen months later, I signed up again. This time, I ...

352 Stop Thinking About Drinking with Be ▶ 352: Stop Thinking About Drinking with Belle Robertson
352: Stop Thinking About Drinking with Belle Robertson

I love everything that’s bad for me, and alcohol certainly falls under that umbrella. It’s a love-hate relationship really, and I don’t drink anymore. At this stage of my life, it’s just not worth it. ...

351 Mindful Leadership Emotional Intelli ▶ 351: Mindful Leadership & Emotional Intelligence with Marc Lesser
351: Mindful Leadership & Emotional Intelligence with Marc Lesser

Have you ever driven from your house to the office and were unable to remember anything about the drive? Have you lost track of days and even weeks when stress and frustration turned your brain to mus ...

350 Demystifying Men Women Polarity With ▶ 350: Demystifying Men, Women & Polarity With Dr. John Gray
350: Demystifying Men, Women & Polarity With Dr. John Gray

I spent my first 27 years of life convinced that men and women were exactly the same except for the obvious anatomical differences and a boatload of socialization. After a big relationship breakup, I ...

349 The Wisdom of Old People with John L ▶ 349: The Wisdom of Old People with John Leland
349: The Wisdom of Old People with John Leland

The average life expectancy is nearly 83 years where I live. People are living healthier, wealthier, and longer lives than ever before, but what the heck do you do in that last third portion of your l ...

348 Yoga for Arthritis with Dr Steffany ▶ 348: Yoga for Arthritis with Dr. Steffany Moonaz
348: Yoga for Arthritis with Dr. Steffany Moonaz

After the age of 40, there is less space between your spinal vertebrae than when you were 20. This steady degeneration of tissues happens predictably but can be exacerbated by weight, high stress, ext ...

347 No Impact Man Save the Planet with C ▶ 347: No Impact Man - Save the Planet with Colin Beavan
347: No Impact Man - Save the Planet with Colin Beavan

Environmental activist, Colin Beavan, and his family decided to make a bold statement: they’d spend an entire year living as close to “zero impact” as possible in the heart of New York City. They’d di ...

346 Stay Strong Middle Age Beyond Why Mu ▶ 346: Stay Strong, Middle Age & Beyond - Why Muscle Matters
346: Stay Strong, Middle Age & Beyond - Why Muscle Matters

When we think of strength and muscle mass, we typically imagine physique-obsessed bodybuilders staring at themselves in the mirror and clanking weights around in the gym. But what if there is more to ...

Trailer ▶ Trailer

This no-nonsense health and wellness show features best-selling authors and thought leaders in nutrition, mental health, relationships, and self-improvement. Each episode also includes listener Q&A. H ...

345 How to Succeed with People Leadershi ▶ 345: How to Succeed with People: Leadership & Charisma
345: How to Succeed with People: Leadership & Charisma

Group dynamics fascinate me. Why does one person take on the leadership role almost immediately without any need for introduction or approval? How did that one person decide he was the joker? And why ...

344 Goldilocks Zone for Protein with Ste ▶ 344: Goldilocks Zone for Protein with Stephan Cabral
344: Goldilocks Zone for Protein with Stephan Cabral

Most people believe that carbs give you energy, fat makes you fat, and protein builds muscles - but this is not how the body works. In fact, we metabolize macronutrients very differently - often count ...

343 Narcissist Survival Guide with Dr Ra ▶ 343: Narcissist Survival Guide with Dr. Ramani Durva-Sula
343: Narcissist Survival Guide with Dr. Ramani Durva-Sula

Open up Instagram right now, and start counting the number of narcissists in your feed today. How many? Three, ten, fifty? Is there anyone real in your feed? Narcissistic personalities have always ex ...

342 Traditional vs Alternative Medicine ▶ 342: Traditional vs. Alternative Medicine with Dr. Thomas Cowan
342: Traditional vs. Alternative Medicine with Dr. Thomas Cowan

Modern medicine's best thinking pales in comparison to the wisdom of our bodies. The best science only has a very rudimentary understanding of the dynamic and complex organism we inhabit, and yet we'r ...

341 Sugar is the Devil with Sarah Wilson ▶ 341: Sugar is the Devil with Sarah Wilson
341: Sugar is the Devil with Sarah Wilson

By the end of the 1700s, the average American consumed four teaspoons of sugar a day. One hundred years later, that number had risen to eighteen teaspoons. Today, we're consuming 22 teaspoons (93 gram ...

340 Emotional Agility with Susan DavidPh ▶ 340: Emotional Agility with Susan David,PhD
340: Emotional Agility with Susan David,PhD

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” - Friedrich Nietzsche What in your inner world enables you to fully show up in the outer world? What is more important: What you have or how you fee ...

339 One Plant Based Meal Per Day with Su ▶ 339: One Plant-Based Meal Per Day with Suzy Amis Cameron
339: One Plant-Based Meal Per Day with Suzy Amis Cameron

When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, the internet will explode with searches for the best diets, which yield all kinds of good, bad, and absurd advice for getting healthy and fit. Vegeta ...

338 Broadcasting Happiness with Michelle ▶ 338: Broadcasting Happiness with Michelle Gieland
338: Broadcasting Happiness with Michelle Gieland

Positive thinking is great, but how do you handle yourself when your spouse is in a funk or your boss is negative every minute of the working day? With all the best intentions for the day, many of us ...

337 Cultivating Clarity with Jamie Smart ▶ 337: Cultivating Clarity with Jamie Smart
337: Cultivating Clarity with Jamie Smart

As the saying goes, “You can have anything you want in life, you just can't have everything.” However, figuring out exactly what you want is often difficult, as it means compromise, sacrifice, and har ...

336 Addicted to Exercise Fasting Timing ▶ 336: Addicted to Exercise, Fasting Timing & Veggie Kids
336: Addicted to Exercise, Fasting Timing & Veggie Kids

What if you become so focused on exercise and healthy living that it becomes an unhealthy obsession? What if you're a parent and eat a balanced diet but struggle to feed your kids well? What if yoga i ...

335 Mental Fitness for the Modern Mind w ▶ 335: Mental Fitness for the Modern Mind with Kasper van der Meulen
335: Mental Fitness for the Modern Mind with Kasper van der Meulen

Most people know more about Game of Thrones than they do about their own digestive system. They know how many nuclear warheads are in North Korea, but they don't know their Vitamin D levels or their f ...

334 Learn New Skills Overcome Fears Beco ▶ 334: Learn New Skills, Overcome Fears, Become a Hero with Josh Kaufma
334: Learn New Skills, Overcome Fears, Become a Hero with Josh Kaufma

After your first yoga class, your hamstrings will hurt like hell. After your first day snowboarding, your wrists will ache and your bum will be bruised. After your first week struggling to play Knocki ...

333 The Power of Pleasure with Xanet Pai ▶ 333: The Power of Pleasure with Xanet Pailet
333: The Power of Pleasure with Xanet Pailet

Xanet Pailet was in a marriage with zero physical intimacy for more than 15 years. Most people don't go that long, but many do wait years before they openly address these issues; however, by then, per ...

332 How to Achieve Deep Restful Sleep wi ▶ 332: How to Achieve Deep, Restful Sleep with Stephanie Romiszewski
332: How to Achieve Deep, Restful Sleep with Stephanie Romiszewski

I struggled with chronic sleep deprivation for more than a decade. During that time, I’d fall asleep in the barber’s chair. If I was talking on the phone while in bed, I’d pass out in the middle of th ...

Mental Illness A Global Health Crisis wi ▶ Mental Illness: A Global Health Crisis with Mark Lukach
Mental Illness: A Global Health Crisis with Mark Lukach

Mark Lukach's wife spent nearly two months in total in psychiatric wards during three different bipolar episodes. Mental illness appeared seemingly out of nowhere with suicidal thoughts, delusions, an ...

330 Radical Metabolism ▶ 330: Radical Metabolism
330: Radical Metabolism

A little girl named Charlotte was having as many as 300 seizures a week, some lasting as long as 30 minutes. Her body was frail, her health was suffering, and her parents were at their wits' end. Afte ...

329 Improve Your Balance Improve Your Li ▶ 329: Improve Your Balance, Improve Your Life
329: Improve Your Balance, Improve Your Life

If you can balance well, your yoga practice is more fun, you’re faster and nimbler, and you might even live longer. Sound far-fetched? Check it out: falls are the second leading cause of accidental or ...

328 How to Create a Breakthrough ▶ 328: How to Create a Breakthrough
328: How to Create a Breakthrough

Everyone has some area of their life where they feel totally stuck, and it usually falls into one of three categories: health, wealthy, or relationships. It's very rare that all three of those areas o ...

327 The Truth About CBD nonpsychoactive ▶ 327: The Truth About CBD (nonpsychoactive marijuana) for Health
327: The Truth About CBD (nonpsychoactive marijuana) for Health

A little girl named Charlotte was having as many as 300 seizures a week, some lasting as long as 30 minutes. Her body was frail, her health was suffering, and her parents were at their wits' end. Afte ...

326 The Food Vitamins Blood Test Episode ▶ 326: The Food, Vitamins & Blood Test Episode
326: The Food, Vitamins & Blood Test Episode

Recently, my friend returned from a family member's funeral 8 lbs heavier and asked, What's going on? Weight gain from stress can be clinically explained by a few different mechanisms. There is emot ...

325 Too old to stretch Xylitol got you d ▶ 325: Too old to stretch? Xylitol got you down?
325: Too old to stretch? Xylitol got you down?

I receive questions from listeners every day. On this week's Q&A show, I'll answer a few of them, with topics ranging from flexibility for seniors and what technically breaks a fast to Xylitol and Vit ...

324 Demystifying the Pelvic Floor ▶ 324: Demystifying the Pelvic Floor
324: Demystifying the Pelvic Floor

People joke that they 'laughed so hard they peed their pants.' However, this is a real problem called stress incontinence—a symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction. The pelvic floor is a complex group of ...

323 The Truth About Hypnotherapy ▶ 323: The Truth About Hypnotherapy
323: The Truth About Hypnotherapy

A stage hypnotist convinced my friend Burton that he was an undercover spy and needed to find a clue hidden in the forest. There were 600 people in the audience, but Burton was all in. He raced off th ...

322 Estrogeneration ▶ 322: Estrogeneration
322: Estrogeneration

Think of your body as a three-legged stool with an electrical body (your nervous system), a bacterial body (your microbiome), and a chemical body (your endocrine system). These three legs are largely ...

321 Why Relationships are So Hard ▶ 321: Why Relationships are So Hard
321: Why Relationships are So Hard

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships; and yet, for most of us, being in relationship is hard. Most of us find it challenging enough to get our own lives in order ...

320 Movement as Medicine ▶ 320: Movement as Medicine
320: Movement as Medicine

This concept of a pill for an ill has led hundreds of millions of Americans to take prescription medications every single day. Antidepressants for mood, opioids for pain, and proton pump inhibitors ...

319 Why You Are Only One Percent Human ▶ 319: Why You Are Only One Percent Human
319: Why You Are Only One Percent Human

There are more than 10 times as many microbe cells in your body as human cells, but interestingly, we're exposed to our first bacteria at birth—and from there, the process begins. While two humans are ...

318 Yoga Breathing Lesson Water Whiskey ▶ 318: Yoga Breathing Lesson: Water, Whiskey, Coffee
318: Yoga Breathing Lesson: Water, Whiskey, Coffee

I feel I’ve let you down. I’ve hosted pretty much every renowned breathing expert in the world on this podcast, and yet most of my listeners are still not sure exactly how yoga breathing works. On thi ...

317 Understanding Arousal ▶ 317: Understanding Arousal
317: Understanding Arousal

During the summer between 8th and 9th grade, I watched my classmate Jeff go from about 125 lbs to 180 lbs in six weeks. This scrawny, video game nerd turned into a force to be reckoned with through a ...

316 How to Trigger ASMR Brain Tingles ▶ 316: How to Trigger ASMR Brain Tingles
316: How to Trigger ASMR Brain Tingles

Have you ever used a scalp massager made of long, thin wires? For most people, it causes quite the sensation, sending tingles from the back of their neck down their spine. Or maybe you have this react ...

315 Chronic pain Is it all in the brain ▶ 315: Chronic pain: Is it all in the brain?
315: Chronic pain: Is it all in the brain?

Chronic pain—the most common of which is back pain and digestive pain—affects as many as one in four people. Pain plays a crucial role in the body as a clear sign that something is injured, diseased, ...

314 Deep Dive into Knee Pain ▶ 314: Deep Dive into Knee Pain
314: Deep Dive into Knee Pain

Have you ever seen a yoga student, runner, or CrossFitter with weird crisscrossed tape on their knees? Have you ever experienced knee pain that kept you from doing your favorite activities? Aside from ...

313 The Mobility Method Find Freedom in ▶ 313: The Mobility Method | Find Freedom in Your Body
313: The Mobility Method | Find Freedom in Your Body

Your tight hamstrings, stiff hips, and locked up spine are not going to find freedom on their own—you have to train for mobility. When your body is tight, it affects everything, from your standing and ...

312 Barefoot Strong ▶ 312: Barefoot Strong
312: Barefoot Strong

My balance has always been terrible. It didn't matter if I was on a skateboard, a balance beam, or in tree pose in yoga; I've always found it incredibly challenging to stay steady. Some people are jus ...

311 Confidence Build Develop It ▶ 311: Confidence: Build & Develop It
311: Confidence: Build & Develop It

My six-year-old son will approach the person behind the counter at the grocery store and ask, “Do you have anything for kids?” At the doctor’s office, he’ll ask, “Do you have any candies?” He doesn’t ...

310 Mitochondria Key to Health and Longe ▶ 310: Mitochondria: Key to Health and Longevity
310: Mitochondria: Key to Health and Longevity

If you go to any convenient store, you'll see dozens of energy products including bars, drinks, and snacks. Most products are loaded with sugar or caffeine—or both. In the short term, they'll certai ...

309 How to Develop an At Home Practice ▶ 309: How to Develop an At-Home Practice
309: How to Develop an At-Home Practice

Back in 2002, when I couldn’t make it to a studio, I would play an old cassette tape and practice to that in my bedroom, hotel room, or even outdoors wherever I was. At-home practice has always been p ...

308 Eating for Brain Power ▶ 308: Eating for Brain Power
308: Eating for Brain Power

Most health and diet books focus on reducing your waistline but neglect the most mission critical part of your entire body: your brain. The 3 lbs, watery, fatty mass between your ears needs to be fe ...

307 Natural Birth Control ▶ 307: Natural Birth Control
307: Natural Birth Control

Following the advice of parents, counselors, and health care providers, millions of women take hormonal birth control starting in their teenager years to avoid unwanted pregnancies, regulate their per ...

306 Stiff After Stretching Yoga Problems ▶ 306: Stiff After Stretching, Yoga Problems & Vegan Pitfalls
306: Stiff After Stretching, Yoga Problems & Vegan Pitfalls

You’ve got questions, and I’ve got answers…. join me for this week’s Yoga Talk Show special “Q&A Show” where I do my best to help listeners. On this week’s show, we cover: my recommending reading list ...

305 Balance Your Hormones ▶ 305: Balance Your Hormones
305: Balance Your Hormones

When we think about toxins in our food and environment, most people assume the risk is cancer, and that's true; but the more immediate risk is often hormonal imbalance. Common addictives in foods an ...

304 Your Weakness is Your Superpower ▶ 304: Your Weakness is Your Superpower
304: Your Weakness is Your Superpower

Here is one of my favorite interview questions: What did you get in trouble for most when you were 12 years old? The answer often reveals more about who someone really is than an hour-long conversat ...

303 Push Beyond Your Limits ▶ 303: Push Beyond Your Limits
303: Push Beyond Your Limits

Colin was on the beach in Thailand and decided to try Fire Poi (fire dancing). A few minutes later, he got tangled up, caught on fire, and burned 25% of his body so badly he was bedridden for months. ...

302 Save the Planet One Person At a Time ▶ 302: Save the Planet One Person At-a-Time
302: Save the Planet One Person At-a-Time

The world’s bulging landfills mirror our bulging waistlines; and the toxic chemicals we pour down our drains end up in our water supplies, food systems, and eventually into our own bodies. Environment ...


Have you ever heard someone say, “Flexibility doesn’t matter!” or “Stretching makes you weak!” For some reason, the misinformation about flexibility training is rampant, and many students are confused ...

300 Sleep Better Perform Better Live Bet ▶ 300: Sleep Better, Perform Better, Live Better
300: Sleep Better, Perform Better, Live Better

Meet the man who top Athletes like, Cristiano Ronaldo, consult with to make sure they get optimal sleep: Nick Littlehales. Sleep quality makes a huge difference in optimal sports performance and overa ...

299 Everything I Know About Weight Loss ▶ 299: Everything I Know About Weight Loss
299: Everything I Know About Weight Loss

The world is getting fat at an alarming rate. Two in three adults are overweight or obese, and excess weight is correlated with every degenerative illness across the board. While some overweight peopl ...

298 Uncontrolled Sweating Zevia Muscle C ▶ 298: Uncontrolled Sweating, Zevia & Muscle Cramps – Special Q&A Show!
298: Uncontrolled Sweating, Zevia & Muscle Cramps – Special Q&A Show!

LISTENER QUESTIONS! Is borage oil any good? What do you do with heart rate variability data? My kid is sweating like crazy, what do I do? How do I get started on a vegan diet? Are oats any good for br ...

297 How to Get Stuff Done ▶ 297: How to Get Stuff Done
297: How to Get Stuff Done

Have you ever heard someone say, I'm an idea person... I like to start new things, but I'm not the person who finishes them? You know who does finish things? Winners. Starting is not hard, or intere ...

296 How to Heal from Brain Drain ▶ 296: How to Heal from Brain Drain
296: How to Heal from Brain Drain

It's Friday night. You're home late from work and desperate to sleep, and yet you can't. You're tired but wired, overworked but over-stimulated. Cortisol has been pumping through your veins all week, ...

295 Magnesium Top Mineral for Yoga Stude ▶ 295: Magnesium: Top Mineral for Yoga Students
295: Magnesium: Top Mineral for Yoga Students

Many people think mineral deficiencies only occur in the developing world where food is scarce; but the reality is that most people are deficient in at least a few vitamins or minerals. Our soils are ...

294 The End of Alzheimers ▶ 294: The End of Alzheimer’s
294: The End of Alzheimer’s

Do you have a friend or family member losing their short-term memory, losing their mental edge, and just generally slowing down in terms of brain function? If so, this week's Yoga Talk Show delivers ...

293 Unlock Your Happy Brain Chemicals ▶ 293: Unlock Your Happy Brain Chemicals
293: Unlock Your Happy Brain Chemicals

I just want to be happy... is something you've probably said one thousand times. You want to be happy at work, at home, with your partner and friends—but what does that mean? You've no-doubt felt h ...

221 My Untold Story Yoga Drugs Alcohol ▶ 221: My Untold Story: Yoga, Drugs & Alcohol
221: My Untold Story: Yoga, Drugs & Alcohol

It was Christmas 2001. I was 23 years old, and I woke up in the back of ambulance after convulsing in a grand mal seizure in front of my parents. I'd managed to wobble through the previous 3 years in ...

291 Push to Your Limit Beyond ▶ 291: Push to Your Limit & Beyond
291: Push to Your Limit & Beyond

During the World Financial Crisis of 2008, James Lawrence's mortgage business went belly-up, and he started running, cycling and swimming. He channelled his pain and struggle into training, and became ...

290 Lab Grown Clean Meat the Future of F ▶ 290: Lab-Grown Clean Meat & the Future of Food
290: Lab-Grown Clean Meat & the Future of Food

At age 23, I was overweight, drinking too much and smoking constantly. I was stuck in life and wanted a new one, so I finally got up the courage to attend a 10-day meditation retreat just before my 24 ...

289 Why Touch Matters in Everything ▶ 289: Why Touch Matters in Everything
289: Why Touch Matters in Everything

You probably know that infants that don't receive enough cuddles, hugs, and physical affection suffer from all kinds of developmental problems—the first two years are the most critical, and this is wh ...

288 Why Were Depressed What to Do About ▶ 288: Why We're Depressed & What to Do About It?
288: Why We're Depressed & What to Do About It?

I've spent most my career researching, studying and teaching physical health and wellness only to realize that mental health is the big elephant in the room. In many cases, diet and exercise help, of ...

287 Wellness Insider Best Of ▶ 287: Wellness Insider Best Of
287: Wellness Insider Best Of

After interviewing hundreds of health experts, you learn dozens of industry insights that would otherwise be impossible to gather. Our guest on this week's Yoga Talk Show is a veteran podcaster and we ...

286 How to Love Your Body ▶ 286: How to Love Your Body
286: How to Love Your Body

One of the best ways to love your body is to stop poisoning it with excess sugar, starch and carbohydrates. This sounds obvious, but it's actually a huge challenge. Excess sugar is everywhere and with ...

285 Laughing for Healing ▶ 285: Laughing for Healing
285: Laughing for Healing

Why do so many yoga and meditation teachers talk in the third person, add in huge pauses between words, and hold awkward eye contact while teaching? Where did this caricature of a spiritual person com ...

284 Finding Strength in Pain ▶ 284: Finding Strength in Pain
284: Finding Strength in Pain

Can you imagine if your mother died of a sudden brain aneurysm, your young husband died of a heart attack, and then your father-in-law passed away from cancer all in the span of 9 years? This is Amy M ...

283 Better than Before ▶ 283: Better than Before
283: Better than Before

At one of my first personal growth and development retreats, I wrote down my goals to build a huge health and wellness center with yoga, a restaurant, diet programs, and more. Financially, I wanted it ...

282 Become More Productive ▶ 282: Become More Productive
282: Become More Productive

I'm often praised for my productivity. I have two kids, three businesses, 28 staff, and a hectic travel schedule. So how do I manage to get it all done? To be honest, I'm not sure I do. Work-life bala ...

281 Meditation for Skeptics ▶ 281: Meditation for Skeptics
281: Meditation for Skeptics

I can't meditate, is one of the most common phrases I hear in the yoga studio. Students somehow feel that since they cannot sit still or calm their mind, they are unable to practice meditation—but the ...

280 Mobility Training ▶ 280: Mobility Training
280: Mobility Training

There are two types of people who say that flexibility doesn't matter. The first group is stiff as a board and want an excuse for their lack of mobility. The second group consists of people who have a ...

279 The Problem with Nice Guys ▶ 279: The Problem with Nice Guys
279: The Problem with Nice Guys

Nice Guy Syndrome is when men try so hard to be liked and helpful that they end up miserable and alone. The people-pleasing, caretaker role is something that initially sounds great but often leads to ...

278 Changing Habits ▶ 278: Changing Habits
278: Changing Habits

Your habits around food, exercise and lifestyle largely dictate your health. What do you eat for breakfast? What is a fun night out for you and your friends? How often do you get outdoors, run, cycle ...

277 Detox Your Body Life ▶ 277: Detox Your Body & Life
277: Detox Your Body & Life

Did you know that newborn babies are born with 200+ chemical toxins in their bodies? Or that polar bears often have off-the-charts levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) despite living in remo ...

276 Find Your Cozy Place ▶ 276: Find Your Cozy Place
276: Find Your Cozy Place

Danish people regularly score as the happiest people in the world, but it's a small, flat, wet country; taxes are ridiculously high, and the weather is generally bad. So what's going on? What do the D ...

275 The Peoples Pharmacy ▶ 275: The People's Pharmacy
275: The People's Pharmacy

Did you know that chili pepper and mustard can help with muscle cramps? Did you know that your acid blocking digestive aids could actually make your problem worse over time? We all have unprecedented ...

274 The Power of Self Awareness ▶ 274: The Power of Self-Awareness
274: The Power of Self-Awareness

Do you know yourself? Really? Do you know what makes you tick and what drives you... what lights you up and what dims your fired? Self-awareness doesn't come naturally, like all forms of intelligence, ...

273 Discover Wild Food Weeds ▶ 273: Discover Wild Food & Weeds
273: Discover Wild Food & Weeds

It's easy to get excited about the newly-imported Brazilian berry with crazy-high antioxidant levels; but what about the weeds and wild foods growing your backyard? When it comes to micronutrients, th ...

272 Unlocking the Secrets of Fascia ▶ 272: Unlocking the Secrets of Fascia
272: Unlocking the Secrets of Fascia

Did you know that your muscles would be a bloody pile of melted, soft-serve ice cream if not for fascia? This web of connective tissues literally hold your body together—and most of us aren't really e ...

271 What Darwin Got Wrong ▶ 271: What Darwin Got Wrong
271: What Darwin Got Wrong

How did our planet form? How did life begin? Most of us have no idea how to explain this foundational, existential question. Evolutionists say that all life has stemmed from a series of random mutatio ...

270 Change Your Life wThe 5 Second Rule ▶ 270: Change Your Life w/The 5 Second Rule
270: Change Your Life w/The 5 Second Rule

What if what’s keeping you from achieving your goals and building the life you truly desire came down to your constant, nagging habit of procrastination? What if you had a simple tool to reverse your ...

269 The Body Eye Connection ▶ 269: The Body-Eye Connection
269: The Body-Eye Connection

Did you know that your “vision” and your “eyesight” are not the same thing? Did you know that your eye health can impact your mental and emotional health as well? Most of us are familiar with seasonal ...

268 Can Mindfulness Make You Younger ▶ 268: Can Mindfulness Make You Younger?
268: Can Mindfulness Make You Younger?

Your body responds to the stress of a busy morning with the same biochemical responses it would have if a tiger pounced on you in the jungle. Intellectually, these two events are completely different, ...

267 Sleep Like a Baby ▶ 267: Sleep Like a Baby
267: Sleep Like a Baby

Poor sleep can cause hormonal imbalances, weight gain, impair your immune system, reduce your mental clarity, and contribute to dozens of other health problems. Sleep is a huge sticking point for your ...

266 Never Binge Eat Again ▶ 266: Never Binge Eat Again
266: Never Binge Eat Again

Why do some people suffer from overwhelming food cravings, multiple times per week—and others never have cravings at all? Why do some of us feel addicted and out-of-control with food while others coul ...

265 Brain Training Brain Mastery ▶ 265: Brain Training & Brain Mastery
265: Brain Training & Brain Mastery

Did you know that your morning coffee blocks alpha brain waves states and that your evening glass of red wine encourages it? Did you know that the blue light from your cell phone affects both your hor ...

264 Meditating with the Taliban ▶ 264: Meditating with the Taliban
264: Meditating with the Taliban

Politically, the world is more polarized and terrorized than ever before. Even the wealthiest countries in the world are experiencing record levels of terror and violent attacks—so what do we do? Can ...

263 My 15 Year Vegan Blood Tests Reveale ▶ 263: My 15 Year Vegan Blood Tests Revealed
263: My 15 Year Vegan Blood Tests Revealed

When I turned 24, I started this weird experiment eating just plant foods. I'm a chronic over-committer, and here I am 15 years later, still eating 100% plant-based. This is a complicated path that's ...

262 How to Balance Your Blood Sugar ▶ 262: How to Balance Your Blood Sugar
262: How to Balance Your Blood Sugar

As health seekers, we obsess over the micro-changes in our food and fitness routines. Micro changes are fun and interesting, but it's much wiser to first address the big elephants in the room. One of ...

261 Learn to Breathe ▶ 261: Learn to Breathe
261: Learn to Breathe

Breathing for health can be learned in quickly and its benefits experienced in as little as 10 minutes, and yet this practice is all but lost from most modern yoga classes. Yoga that should revolve ar ...

260 A Way Out of Back Pain ▶ 260: A Way Out of Back Pain
260: A Way Out of Back Pain

80% of people will suffer from back pain at some point in their life, often debilitating pain, but most problems are undiagnosed, self-diagnosed, and it can be chronic. So what do you do? For better o ...

259 Reducetarian Save the Planet with Yo ▶ 259: Reducetarian: Save the Planet with Your Food Choices
259: Reducetarian: Save the Planet with Your Food Choices

Everyone is familiar with vegetarians, vegans, and macrobiotics... but what about reducetarians? This new movement focuses less on hard-line extremes, and instead, encourages any and all steps toward ...

258 Beautiful Skin Naturally How to ▶ 258: Beautiful Skin, Naturally: How to
258: Beautiful Skin, Naturally: How to

When you're a teenager, you get acne. As you age, you get wrinkles, sun spots, and sagging skin. No matter what age you are, your skin is probably something you think about each morning when you wake ...

257 Reset Your Brain for a Pain Free Lif ▶ 257: Reset Your Brain for a Pain-Free Life
257: Reset Your Brain for a Pain-Free Life

80% of the opioid drugs in the world are consumed in the United States, and addiction, abuse, and even death are commonplace across all demographics in society. Why such growth in abuse? One word: pai ...

256 Organics Aquaponics Hydroponics ▶ 256: Organics, Aquaponics & Hydroponics
256: Organics, Aquaponics & Hydroponics

What does organic labeling really mean? If I ask five Yoga Talk Show listeners, I'll get five different answers. And new growing methods stack complexity on complexity with hydroponics and aquaponics ...

255 Test Your Genes Understand Your Body ▶ 255: Test Your Genes, Understand Your Body
255: Test Your Genes, Understand Your Body

In 1990, the Human Genome Project began, and by 2003, roughly 20,000 human genes had been sequenced. This is exciting, but it's also just the first step. How can we use this data to understand human h ...

254 How Big is Your But ▶ 254: How Big is Your But?
254: How Big is Your But?

Hypnotherapy has been around since the 1950's, yet most people still think of it as a party trick. In reality, there is mounds of data to support the power of mind over body when in a suggestible, alp ...

253 Multiple Sclerosis Surviving Thrivin ▶ 253: Multiple Sclerosis: Surviving & Thriving
253: Multiple Sclerosis: Surviving & Thriving

What if your immune system went haywire and starting attacking your body's nervous system affecting your vision, your sensations, your mobility, or other bodily functions? Auto-immune conditions are e ...

252 Can Ice Cold Heal Your Body Mind ▶ 252: Can Ice & Cold Heal Your Body & Mind?
252: Can Ice & Cold Heal Your Body & Mind?

If given the opportunity, would you climb Mt. Kilamanjaro in nothing but your shorts and sneakers? Would you trust a stuntman-turned-breathing guru with you life? On this week's Yoga Talk Show, you'll ...

251 The Telomere Effect Cell Aging Stres ▶ 251: The Telomere Effect: Cell Aging, Stress & Mind-Body Practices
251: The Telomere Effect: Cell Aging, Stress & Mind-Body Practices

Science has linked meditation with longevity through the study of telomeres, the chromosomal caps that are an indication of cell health. By mitigating our stress response specifically, research indica ...

250 Breathing a Forgotten Art Rediscover ▶ 250: Breathing: a Forgotten Art Rediscovered
250: Breathing: a Forgotten Art Rediscovered

In almost every yoga class, the teacher will emphasize the importance of breath—but what does that really mean and why does it matter? If you ask, you'll likely hear that you're adding oxygen to your ...

249 Time Management Secrets ▶ 249: Time Management Secrets
249: Time Management Secrets

You wake up in the morning with the best of intentions, but soon, you're lost in Facebook and email. You wanted to do 30-minutes of exercise before work, but you end up a reading instead. At w ...

248 How to Get Your Blood Tested ▶ 248: How to Get Your Blood Tested
248: How to Get Your Blood Tested

If you go to your doctor for a routine checkup, he or she will usually run very limited blood tests because of cost considerations and limited health insurance coverage. For anyone interested in optim ...

247 Life Without Trash ▶ 247: Life Without Trash?
247: Life Without Trash?

Is it possible to live a life without trash? Could you reduce your waste by 50%? 75% or More? On this week's Yoga Talk Show, you'll meet the founder of the Zero Waste movement, Bea Johnson who claims ...

246 Can Kids Learn Mindfulness ▶ 246: Can Kids Learn Mindfulness?
246: Can Kids Learn Mindfulness?

Children around the world are suffering from learning, development, and behavioral problems at record rates. Mindfulness can be taught as a secular way to train the mind and body to assist our youth. ...

245 Great Sex Great Relationships ▶ 245: Great Sex & Great Relationships
245: Great Sex & Great Relationships

When most people think of health and wellness, sex is not usually top-of-mind, but it should be. Most couples have bad sex rarely, and most want to have great sex all the time. What's gone wrong? We a ...

244 The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution ▶ 244: The Adrenal-Thyroid Revolution
244: The Adrenal-Thyroid Revolution

About once or twice a week, I'm completely exhausted and yet I can't fall asleep until one or two in the morning. This wired and tired feeling is common among most busy people, and while we often blam ...

243 Plant Based Weight Lifting ▶ 243: Plant-Based Weight Lifting
243: Plant-Based Weight Lifting

There is a myth that weight lifting makes you big and muscle-y. More than any time in history, medical doctors and fitness experts are recommending weight training as one of the best ways to improve y ...

242 HeartMath How to Listen to Train You ▶ 242: HeartMath: How to Listen to & Train Your Heart
242: HeartMath: How to Listen to & Train Your Heart

Most people assume that a healthy heart is beating slowly and steadily. The truth is a healthy heart is agile, highly variable, and changing with every inhale and exhale. The measurement of your real- ...

241 Secular Meditation ▶ 241: Secular Meditation
241: Secular Meditation

Almost every style of meditation I've learned has been presented as secular, but very quickly there is a Hindu chant, a photo of some old guru with a beard, or some other paraphernalia that looks and ...

240 Marijuana as Medicine wout Getting H ▶ 240: Marijuana as Medicine w/out Getting High
240: Marijuana as Medicine w/out Getting High

Marijuana is being decriminalized and even legalized in North America, Europe, and other parts of the world very quickly—and for good reason. The law enforcement costs are many billions of dollars ann ...

239 Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowt ▶ 239: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
239: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Have you heard of fecal implants? This is when the fecal matter from someone with healthy gut bacteria is transferred to the gut of someone with gut dysbiosis—and it works. While this sounds extreme, ...

238 Why Slow Medicine is the Future ▶ 238: Why Slow Medicine is the Future
238: Why Slow Medicine is the Future

Your typical doctor's visit is less than 7 minutes long. It doesn't matter if you have a broken bone, a tonsil infection, or pancreatic cancer, most of the time you're in and out faster than seems pos ...

237 Less Stuff More Happy Living Minimal ▶ 237: Less Stuff, More Happy: Living Minimal
237: Less Stuff, More Happy: Living Minimal

The things you, own end up owning you... – Tyler Durden (Fight Club). Often times the things we work so hard for end up taking more than the give, the bleed us more than they feed us. It might be the ...

236 A Way from Darkness Addiction Yoga ▶ 236: A Way from Darkness: Addiction & Yoga
236: A Way from Darkness: Addiction & Yoga

Addiction take many different forms and affects just about everyone either directly or with one degree of separation. While addict conjures up images of heroin and cocaine, the reality is that people ...

235 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs ▶ 235: Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs
235: Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Many yoga students explore traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, but neglect to study Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). While they have many similarities, TCM offers some herbs, techniques, and app ...

234 Love Your Brain Yoga ▶ 234: Love Your Brain Yoga
234: Love Your Brain Yoga

The World Health Organization estimates that traumatic brain injuries will be the 3rd leading cause of death and disability by 2020, but many people are still unaware of this condition impacting milli ...

233 Happy Feet How to Heal Your Messed U ▶ 233: Happy Feet: How to Heal Your Messed Up Toes
233: Happy Feet: How to Heal Your Messed Up Toes

Do your feet hurt? Do you have hammer toe, overlapping toes, corns, or bunions? Without even realizing it, most people wear footwear that leads to poor posture, muscle imbalances, and chronic foot pro ...

232 One Breath Freediving Beyond ▶ 232: One Breath – Freediving & Beyond
232: One Breath – Freediving & Beyond

Breathing has always been an integral part of yoga practices, but for many years, it was mostly forgotten or taught as an aside to asana practice. Just in the past few years, breathwork has come back ...

231 Finding Happiness with Technology ▶ 231: Finding Happiness with Technology
231: Finding Happiness with Technology

If you've ever completed goal-setting activities, no doubt happiness appeared on the top of your list. And yet, what is happiness? Really? Do you have a way to measure it? Do you have tools to achieve ...

230 Dont Believe in Vitamins Listen to t ▶ 230: Don't Believe in Vitamins? Listen to this...
230: Don't Believe in Vitamins? Listen to this...

Many health fanatics claim that they, don't believe in supplements, as if micronutrients were a belief system or a religion—but they are not. They are foundational to our health, an essential part of ...

229 The Placebo Effect How Suggestible A ▶ 229: The Placebo Effect: How Suggestible Are You?
229: The Placebo Effect: How Suggestible Are You?

Have you heard of sham surgeries? In 2002, 180 people with osteoarthritis of the knee joined a double-blind study. Some patients underwent real arthroscopic surgery and a placebo group simply had a sk ...

228 Back Pain Surgery or No Surgery ▶ 228: Back Pain: Surgery or No Surgery?
228: Back Pain: Surgery or No Surgery?

Back pain affects an estimated 80% of the population at some point in life, and yet most conditions are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. To complicate matters, most people have hard line ideas about treat ...

227 Special Edition Listener QA ▶ 227: Special Edition: Listener Q&A
227: Special Edition: Listener Q&A

Over 1 million people have listened to the Yoga Talk Show since its inception, and it's you the listeners I have to thank for all the support and growth over the years. To say thanks and deep-dive int ...

226 Neurogenic Yoga for Stress Trauma Te ▶ 226: Neurogenic Yoga for Stress, Trauma & Tension Release
226: Neurogenic Yoga for Stress, Trauma & Tension Release

Almost everyone who practices yoga has experienced and emotional release or even a breakthrough in class—it just happens. But what if there were a way to actively encourage that type of release with m ...

225 Inflammation Kryptonite for Your Hea ▶ 225: Inflammation: Kryptonite for Your Health
225: Inflammation: Kryptonite for Your Health

Chronic inflammation is a precursor to a myriad of diseases and illness, and the foods and lifestyle choices we're making are largely at fault. Perhaps the biggest challenge with inflammation is you c ...

224 Does Ethical Eco Friendly Protein Ex ▶ 224: Does Ethical, Eco-Friendly Protein Exist?
224: Does Ethical, Eco-Friendly Protein Exist?

By 2050, we'll have 9 billion people on the planet, and we cannot feed them with chicken, pigs, cows, wheat, soy, and corn. The food system that got us to where we are today is now destroying our plan ...

223 Tension Trauma Releasing Exercises T ▶ 223: Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises [TRE]
223: Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises [TRE]

How many people do you know who live stress-free lives without any tension or trauma? Let me guess: none! Stress, tension and even soft trauma are part of all our lives, and the tools most of us have ...

222 Developing Your Own At Home Practice ▶ 222: Developing Your Own At-Home Practice
222: Developing Your Own At-Home Practice

Advanced yoga students come in all shapes and sizes around the world, but the one thing they all share in common is a commitment to self-practice. In order to achieve mastery at any skill whether yoga ...

221 Ouch My Back Hurts ▶ 221: Ouch, My Back Hurts
221: Ouch, My Back Hurts

It's estimated that 80% of the population will suffer from back pain at some point in their life—and most people are left frustrated and confused about how to actually heal. Should you take medication ...

220 Heart Rate Variability from Your Pho ▶ 220: Heart Rate Variability from Your Phone
220: Heart Rate Variability from Your Phone

The benefits of yoga practice are at least 50% nervous system related; and yet, most of the yoga world has completely forgotten your body's electrical system. The nervous system effects of yoga are wh ...

219 Getting Started with Traditional Chi ▶ 219: Getting Started with Traditional Chinese Medicine
219: Getting Started with Traditional Chinese Medicine

USA Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps made headlines this year with his black and blue marks all over this back during his races. Wonder what that was? It's a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniqu ...

218 Is Your Gut Health the Problem ▶ 218: Is Your Gut Health the Problem?
218: Is Your Gut Health the Problem?

What is your Gut IQ? Is your gut a genius or a fool? Your gut is home to over 3lbs of bacteria, both good and bad. Your gastrointestinal health is crucial for the digestion and absorption of nutrients ...

217 The Big Protein Question ▶ 217: The Big Protein Question
217: The Big Protein Question

In any health conversation, one of the most-common things discussed is: “So where do you get your protein?” This is not a bad question, but it’s not exactly the right question either. Protein is a rea ...

216 Hypopressive Exercises for Core Stre ▶ 216: Hypopressive Exercises for Core Strength & Rehab
216: Hypopressive Exercises for Core Strength & Rehab

Have you ever sneezed and accidentally peed your pants? Have you (or someone you know) suffered from a distended abdomen after pregnancy? Did you know that many women, even women who have never given ...

215 Where Are All the Guys in Yoga ▶ 215: Where Are All the Guys in Yoga?
215: Where Are All the Guys in Yoga?

Many yoga teachers will tell you that their class is for everyone - all sizes, ages, backgrounds, and genders - and yet the actual students that turn up to class tell a different story. They tend to b ...

214 Corrective Exercise ▶ 214: Corrective Exercise
214: Corrective Exercise

We often think of “exercise” as the yoga class after work, the morning job, or a weightlifting session. But there are many more ways to exercise, and one way often overlooked is Corrective Exercise, o ...

213 Minimal Footwear for the Modern Yoga ▶ 213: Minimal Footwear for the Modern Yoga Student
213: Minimal Footwear for the Modern Yoga Student

Yoga students invest hours on functional flexibility, strength, and mobility, but the moment they leave the studio, most lace up restrictive footwear. Modern shoes squish your toes, damage your arches ...

212 Warrior Style Yoga with a Former Nav ▶ 212: Warrior Style Yoga with a Former Navy Seal
212: Warrior Style Yoga with a Former Navy Seal

You might think of yoga and the military as polar opposites, but the rigor of military training and a dedicated yoga practice actually have a lot in common. According to former Seal Commander, Mark Di ...

211 Lucid Dream Yoga ▶ 211: Lucid Dream Yoga
211: Lucid Dream Yoga

We spend a third of our lives asleep, but most people treat sleep and dream states like second rate citizens of consciousness, always given the back seat to waking states. On this week’s Yoga Talk Sho ...

210 Demystifying Core Strength ▶ 210: Demystifying Core Strength
210: Demystifying Core Strength

Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall is a physiotherapist specializing in core work, pelvic floor, functional movement, and injury prevention and healing. A former division I athlete, Dr. Duvall has been working wi ...

209 Flexibility Training Demystified ▶ 209: Flexibility Training Demystified
209: Flexibility Training Demystified

When it comes to flexibility, most people fall into 3 main categories: those who have always been flexible and think it's no big deal (dancers, gymnasts, random outliers); those who have always been s ...

208 Have Modern Mothers Lost Their Way ▶ 208: Have Modern Mothers Lost Their Way?
208: Have Modern Mothers Lost Their Way?

Kimberly Johnson is a yoga teacher trainer, Rolfer, women’s health care advocate, mother, and doula. Much of her most recent work focuses on postpartum care. She's the author of the soon-to-be release ...

207 Integrating Essential Oils Into Your ▶ 207: Integrating Essential Oils Into Your Health Plan
207: Integrating Essential Oils Into Your Health Plan

Dr. Eric L. Zielinski (“Dr. Z”) is a natural health care provider, chiropractor and researcher with the intent to educate, inspire and challenge people to live their potential. He earned his Doctor of ...

206 Sustainable Eating for You the Plane ▶ 206: Sustainable Eating for You & the Planet
206: Sustainable Eating for You & the Planet

Pop environmental wisdom teaches that a vegetarian diet is the most sustainable way of eating for the planet, but is this always true? What about in areas where crops are impossible to grow, but where ...

205 Happiness vs Intelligence ▶ 205: Happiness vs. Intelligence
205: Happiness vs. Intelligence

Most people claim “happiness” is one of their top priorities in life, but how many of us really take time to define what that means? Is it free time? Is it friends and family? Is it financial success? ...

204 Magic Mushroom Medicine ▶ 204: Magic Mushroom Medicine
204: Magic Mushroom Medicine

We´ve been talking about the Future of Food and what our main food sources will be as the population increases, are mushrooms one of them? Are they important and can they benefit our health and well b ...

203 The Dangers Benefits of Breathing ▶ 203: The Dangers & Benefits of Breathing
203: The Dangers & Benefits of Breathing

Breathing has never been more popular in yoga, fitness, and mindfulness circles—but unfortunately, most people lump all breathing into one category assuming that it's all good. The reality is that dif ...

202 Sleep Hygiene Engineering Better Res ▶ 202: Sleep Hygiene: Engineering Better Rest
202: Sleep Hygiene: Engineering Better Rest

You know you should sleep 7 to 8 hours per night, but do you really sleep that much? And when you do, is the quality of your sleep any good? Modern life makes pillow-time a huge challenge. Your cell p ...

201 Choose Your Own Life Adventure ▶ 201: Choose Your Own Life Adventure
201: Choose Your Own Life Adventure

We all want to live a life of adventure, purpose, and meaning - but that’s easier said than done. With each passing year, our lives get more full, more stressful, and in many cases, more complicated. ...

200 Hot Cold Therapy for Yoga Students ▶ 200: Hot & Cold Therapy for Yoga Students
200: Hot & Cold Therapy for Yoga Students

If you want to start an argument among yoga students, just mention the phrase hot yoga. Love it or hate it, Hot Yoga has spread across the globe faster than any other style—and there are solid health ...

199 Home Grown Mushrooms ▶ 199: Home Grown Mushrooms
199: Home Grown Mushrooms

Many of us go to great lengths and great expense to obtain organic and locally-grown foods, but the leftovers including stems, rinds, peels, and grounds are usually throw in the garbage. What a waste! ...

198 Breathe Perform Recover ▶ 198: Breathe, Perform & Recover
198: Breathe, Perform & Recover

Could mood be the #1 determining variable in performance and recovery from training? What impact does reduced breathing versus accelerated breathing have on your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels—and w ...

197 The Vegan Veg Paleo Debate ▶ 197: The Vegan, Veg & Paleo Debate
197: The Vegan, Veg & Paleo Debate

Food has become religion with missionaries telling you to drink kale smoothies, eat bacon, avoid chicken, and take pills and potions galore. Vegetarian, vegan, raw food, paleo, Atkins... there are so ...

196 The Death of Bread ▶ 196: The Death of Bread
196: The Death of Bread

You already know wheat is inflammatory, high glycemic, and allergenic for many people, but did you know that bread can affect your brain as well? Sad but true: something as ubiquitous as your morning ...

195 Mysteries of the Brain Secrets of th ▶ 195: Mysteries of the Brain, Secrets of the Heart
195: Mysteries of the Brain, Secrets of the Heart

Is your inner voice critical, self-defeating, and ruminating all day long? Our modern world is more knowledge-based than action-based, but what do you do when your inner voice is your worst enemy? How ...

194 The Science of Mind Over Body ▶ 194: The Science of Mind Over Body
194: The Science of Mind Over Body

Why is it that larger pills are more effective than smaller ones at treating illness? How could it be that longer doctor’s visits are correlated with faster patient recovery? How much of alternative h ...

193 10 Happier with Meditation ▶ 193: 10% Happier with Meditation
193: 10% Happier with Meditation

Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, increase focus, and lower blood pressure, but when there are so many different types of meditation techniques, how do you decide which one is right for you? ...

192 Buteyko Breathing Is C02 Your Friend ▶ 192: Buteyko Breathing - Is C02 Your Friend?
192: Buteyko Breathing - Is C02 Your Friend?

Discover this little-known, Russian breathing technique for regulating stress, combating asthma, balancing your nervous system, and improving sleep. Yoga teachers often treat carbon dioxide like it’s ...

191 Nerd Fitness ▶ 191: Nerd Fitness
191: Nerd Fitness

Believe it or not, lifting weights and throwing kettlebells around can help improve your yoga practice (yup, you read that correctly). On this week’s Yoga Talk Show, Lucas Rockwood and fitness profess ...

190 The Science of Stress vs Yoga on You ▶ 190: The Science of Stress vs. Yoga on Your Brain
190: The Science of Stress vs. Yoga on Your Brain

Both “meditation” and “yoga” are buzz words in pop health circles, but both are actually categories of mind-body practices - not specific practices. Not all mind-body practices are the same, and the s ...

189 A Life of Adventure ▶ 189: A Life of Adventure
189: A Life of Adventure

How many people are lucky enough to turn what they love most in life into their career? On this week’s Yoga Talk Show, you’ll meet career rock climber, Conrad Anker, who has done just that. Anker has ...

188 Power Posing for Confidence ▶ 188: Power Posing for Confidence
188: Power Posing for Confidence

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of an important meeting or speaking engagement paralyzed with anxiety or nervousness? If so, you’re not alone. Social Psychologist, Amy Cuddy, discovered tha ...

187 Salt Sugar Fat ▶ 187: Salt, Sugar, Fat
187: Salt, Sugar, Fat

Corporate giants like Coca-Cola, Kraft, and Kellogg’s dominate the food and beverage industries, but they are optimized for profit, not for our health. To make their foods more palatable and profitabl ...

186 Habits of a Happy Brain ▶ 186: Habits of a Happy Brain
186: Habits of a Happy Brain

When you experience happiness, your brain releases dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and/or endorphin. The curious things is that our brain doesn’t release a happy chemical without very particular (and o ...

185 How to Poo Like a Magic Unicorn ▶ 185: How to Poo Like a Magic Unicorn
185: How to Poo Like a Magic Unicorn

Have you seen the viral Youtube video where a unicorn poops rainbow ice cream and a prince lectures on bowel health? It’s ridiculous but also very relevant. Yoga students talk about their bowel moveme ...

184 No Grain No Pain ▶ 184: No Grain, No Pain
184: No Grain, No Pain

Wheat-related digestive problems are something you’ve probably heard of before, but less commonly known is the effect that long-term gluten exposure has on your entire body. Guest speaker, Dr. Peter O ...

183 Make Your New Years Resolutions Stic ▶ 183: Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick
183: Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick

Every year, millions of people resolve to lose 10lbs in the new year. They starve themselves for two weeks, join a new gym, lose a few pounds—but then gain it all back in February when their motivatio ...

182 What I Learned in 2015 ▶ 182: What I Learned in 2015
182: What I Learned in 2015

The Yoga Talk Show is 3 years old, and I feel like we're just getting started. 2015 was an amazing year with over 50 guests with topics spanning from hormonal health to barefooted running. I've learne ...

181 How Not to Die ▶ 181: How Not to Die
181: How Not to Die

Your body is hard-wired for survival, but our modern world throws continuous health challenges our way. I wish things became easier with time and age, but for most people, the journey toward health be ...

180 Medicinal Mushroom Superfoods ▶ 180: Medicinal Mushroom Superfoods
180: Medicinal Mushroom Superfoods

This week’s yoga talk show explores medicinal mushrooms; not the hallucinogenic kind, the type that boost your immune system! Tero Isokauppila, co-founder of Four Sigma Foods, a medicinal mushroom sup ...

179 Surviving the Holidays ▶ 179: Surviving the Holidays
179: Surviving the Holidays

Popular health advice around the holidays usually includes such nonsense as doing squats before you pig-out, taking charcoal capsules after you drink too much, and going to the gym twice per day in an ...

178 Heal Your Shoulders with Yoga ▶ 178: Heal Your Shoulders with Yoga
178: Heal Your Shoulders with Yoga

Whether you’ve hurt your shoulder doing yoga or perhaps you’ve come to yoga to heal, Dr. Ariele Foster shares her knowledge about how the practice can help you recover from rotator cuff injuries and o ...

177 Lucid Dreaming ▶ 177: Lucid Dreaming
177: Lucid Dreaming

Dream states are more than just random fantasy. Dreaming can be incredibly healing and is believed to be an essential part of all restful sleep. Robert Waggoner, a leading authority on lucid dreaming, ...

176 Yoga Student Measure Thyself ▶ 176: Yoga Student, Measure Thyself
176: Yoga Student, Measure Thyself

On this week’s Yoga Talk Show, you’ll meet biohacker, Ben Greenfield, who teaches you how functional exercise, nutrition, and the balance between performance and health can help you improve your yoga ...

175 4x4 Balanced Breathing ▶ 175: 4x4 Balanced Breathing
175: 4x4 Balanced Breathing

When we practice yogic breathing, we can either up-regulate, down-regulate or balance our nervous system. In different situations, all three can be valuable, but for whatever reason, balanced breathin ...

174 Live Dirty Eat Clean Microbiome ▶ 174: Live Dirty, Eat Clean – Microbiome
174: Live Dirty, Eat Clean – Microbiome

“ The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for your soul to reside in.” - B. K. S. Iyengar Your gut health is vitally important for your immune system, digestion, and even your mood. On this we ...

173 Heart Rate Variability Breathing and ▶ 173: Heart Rate Variability, Breathing and Yoga
173: Heart Rate Variability, Breathing and Yoga

You’ve probably measured your heart rate while exercising with a chest strap or a wrist device - but have you ever measured your heart rate variability (HRV)? It’s fascinating stuff for yoga students. ...

172 Getting Started with Handstands ▶ 172: Getting Started with Handstands
172: Getting Started with Handstands

If you’re excited about inversions, and handstands in particular, than you’re going to love this week’s Yoga Talk Show. Ryan Hurst, Program Director and co-founder of GMB Fitness, shares his tips for ...

171 Psychologists Tips for Beating Anxie ▶ 171: Psychologist’s Tips for Beating Anxiety & Worry
171: Psychologist’s Tips for Beating Anxiety & Worry

In an attempt to lead the healthiest life possible, food and movement often become the main focus - but you must also address your mental and emotional health, particularly as you age. More and more r ...

170 Breathing Instead of Medicating ▶ 170: Breathing Instead of Medicating
170: Breathing Instead of Medicating

Yoga is unique and powerful as a mind-body fitness modality in that it can restore balance to the body's electrical system (aka your nervous system) - and breathing is the secret key that makes it all ...

169 Lucky Fish Cures for Anemia ▶ 169: “Lucky Fish” Cures for Anemia?
169: “Lucky Fish” Cures for Anemia?

When most people think about world hunger and poverty, they often think of Vitamin A deficiency impacting vision or distended abdomens from protein deficiency in developing countries. Oddly, a much bi ...

168 The Brain Fog Fix ▶ 168: The Brain Fog Fix
168: The Brain Fog Fix

Negative lifestyle habits and poor food choices can impact the neural messengers that keep you energized, calm, focused, optimistic, and inspired. In many ways, our modern world undermines our brain h ...

167 Psycho Path Free Living ▶ 167: Psycho Path Free Living
167: Psycho Path Free Living

Jackson MacKenzie is the co-founder of, an online support community that reaches millions of abuse survivors each month. Driven by personal experience, his mission is to spread awar ...

166 Food Flexibility ▶ 166: Food & Flexibility
166: Food & Flexibility

For some strange reason, many yoga students overlook the importance of diet on their yoga practice—and this is a huge mistake. You are what you eat, is a phrase everyone has heard, but in yoga, it's e ...

165 Bone Broth Miracle ▶ 165: Bone Broth Miracle?
165: Bone Broth Miracle?

Nutrition is such an important topic, and no matter where we find ourselves on our health journey,we are constantly looking for ways to feel better, live longer, and generally lead healthier, happier ...

164 Anxiety Friend or Foe ▶ 164: Anxiety - Friend or Foe?
164: Anxiety - Friend or Foe?

This week, we take a close look at the brain mechanisms of emotion and memory. With as many as 25% of adult women taking some form of antidepressants, emotional health has become a huge problem in the ...

163 Breathing Secrets of the Ice Man ▶ 163: Breathing Secrets of the Ice Man
163: Breathing Secrets of the Ice Man

Can breathing unlock your inner power, strengthen your body, and boost your immune system? Wim Hof (aka the “Ice Man”) on this week’s Yoga Talk Show says, yes. Wim also says you’ll sleep better, impro ...

162 Flexibility Training Nerves Muscles ▶ 162: Flexibility Training - Nerves, Muscles & Soft Tissues
162: Flexibility Training - Nerves, Muscles & Soft Tissues

Some people seem to be naturally flexible while others struggle with even the most basic poses—but this need not be. In this bonus episode, Lucas explains the difference between flexibility training a ...

161 Stoned A Doctors Case for Medical Ma ▶ 161: Stoned - A Doctor's Case for Medical Marijuana
161: Stoned - A Doctor's Case for Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana has always been a polarizing topic, clouded in controversy, and it can be challenging to distinguish the real medical benefits from the stoner myths. On this week’s Yoga Talk Show, D ...

160 At Home Kombucha Brewing ▶ 160: At-Home Kombucha Brewing
160: At-Home Kombucha Brewing

Ever heard of kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented tea loaded with beneficial bacteria, activated micronutrients, and if you like sour - it tastes amazing. Traditionally, it’s made with black tea and sug ...

159 How to Heal Your Messed Up Feet Toes ▶ 159: How to Heal Your Messed Up Feet & Toes
159: How to Heal Your Messed Up Feet & Toes

Modern footwear leaves most people’s feet deformed by the time they reach adulthood, and these abnormalities lead to all kinds of movement problems, pain and cascading injuries.  For yoga students, st ...

158 Are You Getting Enough Protein ▶ 158: Are You Getting Enough Protein?
158: Are You Getting Enough Protein?

If you’re a vegan or a vegetarian, chances are someone has already asked you where you’re getting your protein from, or if you’re getting enough of it. We know many yoga students and teachers are expl ...

157 The Peoples History of Hot Yoga ▶ 157: The People's History of Hot Yoga
157: The People's History of Hot Yoga

Modern Hot Yoga practice originated from a teacher named, Bishnu Gosh, in Calcutta, India, though it’s probably best-known today from one of Gosh’s most influential (and notorious) students, Bikram Ch ...

155 BONUS EPISODE Box Breathing ▶ 155: BONUS EPISODE - Box Breathing
155: BONUS EPISODE - Box Breathing

Just to mix things up a little at The Yoga Talk Show, this week, Lucas will lead you through a guided yoga breathing exercises called, Box Breathing. Box breathing is an easy-to-learn and highly effec ...

155 Woman Dives 90 Meters in One Breath ▶ 155: Woman Dives 90 Meters in One Breath
155: Woman Dives 90 Meters in One Breath

As a yoga student, you’ve no-doubt heard of pranayama (yogic breathing practices), but you’ve probably had very little experience practicing it. Yoga breath work is mostly a “lost art” today partly du ...

154 Meet the Grandmother of Yoga Indra D ▶ 154: Meet the Grandmother of Yoga, Indra Devi
154: Meet the Grandmother of Yoga, Indra Devi

Yoga teaching was dominated by men until Russian-born, Indra Devi, came to Los Angeles in 1947 and quietly changed the direction of modern yoga forever. Devi was not only the first woman to break thro ...

153 Is Your Thyroid Broken ▶ 153: Is Your Thyroid Broken?
153: Is Your Thyroid Broken?

Environmental toxins, genetically modified food, chronic stress, and the rise in autoimmune conditions have all contributed to an explosion of thyroid problems. Dr. Will Cole joins Lucas on this week’ ...

152 Eating Clean Quitting Sugar ▶ 152: Eating Clean & Quitting Sugar
152: Eating Clean & Quitting Sugar

People use the term eat clean in different ways, but what does a healthy diet entail? One of the biggest challenges many people face is reducing their sugar intake. Sugar in all its forms, not just th ...

151 Healing Herbs for Yoga Students ▶ 151: Healing Herbs for Yoga Students
151: Healing Herbs for Yoga Students

Over-the-counter drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen are cheap, easy to obtain and provide instant pain relief - but they are more of a coverup than a cure. For these reasons, it’s no surprise that yoga ...

150 Ayurveda 101 Discover Yogas Ancient ▶ 150: Ayurveda 101 - Discover Yoga's Ancient Sister Science
150: Ayurveda 101 - Discover Yoga's Ancient Sister Science

Ayurveda, often referred to as traditional Indian medicine, offers us a truly holistic look at health and wellness. From understanding your own personal constitution to the food you eat and the energi ...

149 Lift Like a Girl strong ▶ 149: Lift Like a Girl (strong!)
149: Lift Like a Girl (strong!)

Everyone from trainers to medical doctors is touting the benefits of lifting, not just for cosmetic reasons, but for metabolic health, hormonal health, bone density, and more. Nia Shanks joins to Luca ...

148 The Art Science of Better Sleep ▶ 148: The Art & Science of Better Sleep
148: The Art & Science of Better Sleep

Poor sleep quality has reached critical mass, and the problem seems to be getting worse with our modern lifestyles. Whether it’s stress, anxiety or diet-related, millions are struggling each night. In ...

147 Life on the Run ▶ 147: Life on the Run
147: Life on the Run

Running and injuries go hand-in-hand, but it’s such a fundamental, functional movement practice - and so good for you - there must be a way to spend your “life on the run.” On this week’s Yoga Talk Sh ...

146 Can the Moringa Tree Stop World Hung ▶ 146: Can the Moringa Tree Stop World Hunger?
146: Can the Moringa Tree Stop World Hunger?

Moringa is known as the “miracle tree” due to its many healing properties. With over 92 macro and mirco-nutrients, nearly every part of the tree can be used to heal and sustain life. This week, Lucas ...

145 How to Cool Your Bodys Inflammation ▶ 145: How to Cool Your Body's Inflammation
145: How to Cool Your Body's Inflammation

Pop health losing weight advise tells us to, eat less and exercise more - but research has shown this rarely works. This week, Lucas and Dr. Lori Shemek deep dive into the research around inflammation ...

144 How to Feng Shui Your Home ▶ 144: How to Feng Shui Your Home
144: How to Feng Shui Your Home

The art of Feng shui was developed in China over 3,000 years ago, and it’s based on the notion that what's happening in our homes is essentially a reflection of what’s going on inside us. The idea is ...

143 Getting Rejected 100x in a Row On Pu ▶ 143: Getting Rejected 100x in a Row - On Purpose!
143: Getting Rejected 100x in a Row - On Purpose!

Fear is one of the most powerful motivators on the planet. Unfortunately, it usually motivates us to play small, hide in our own shell, and avoid the awkward and personally challenging situations need ...

142 Best of 2014 Special Edition ▶ 142: “Best of 2014“ Special Edition
142: “Best of 2014“ Special Edition

The Yoga Talk Show had over 200,000 listeners in 2014, and we’ve had the pleasure of hosting a number of amazing experts. From best-selling authors and medical doctors to yoga misfits and mind-body re ...

141 Juice Your Way Back to Health ▶ 141: Juice Your Way Back to Health
141: Juice Your Way Back to Health

We all know green juice is good for you, but you can take it much deeper and actually “reboot” your health and detoxify your body. This week, Lucas Rockwood talks with Joe Cross about juicing for heal ...

140 Primal Posture for Pain Free Living ▶ 140: Primal Posture for Pain-Free Living
140: Primal Posture for Pain-Free Living

Back pain is pandemic, and it’s one of the top reasons people come to yoga class. In this week’s Yoga Talk Show episode, Lucas Rockwood and Esther Gokhale discuss how primal posture can help with chro ...

139 Scoliosis Yoga ▶ 139: Scoliosis & Yoga
139: Scoliosis & Yoga

Do you have an irregular spinal curve? This week, Lucas Rockwood and Deborah Wolk talk about holistic healing and yoga. Deborah Wolk has been teaching students with scoliosis and other back conditions ...

138 Are Crickets the New Chicken ▶ 138: Are Crickets the New Chicken?
138: Are Crickets the New Chicken?

  Chocolate-covered ants and other novelty foods have been around for ages, but is anyone moving beyond the novelty foods and taking a deeper look at the real nutritional benefits of edible insects? T ...

137 Can We Feed the World on Plants ▶ 137: Can We Feed the World on Plants?
137: Can We Feed the World on Plants?

This week, Lucas Rockwood and Dr. Thomas Campbell discuss food, nutrition and the health of our planet. Dr. Campbell is the co-author of, The China Study, an extremely influential and highly-debated b ...

136 The Fat Yogi Body Image Yoga ▶ 136: The “Fat Yogi” - Body Image & Yoga
136: The “Fat Yogi” - Body Image & Yoga

If you hang out on social media, it’s easy to get caught up in the seeming importance of the outward appearance of yoga. It’s easy to develop ideals of what a yoga body should look like when in realit ...

135 How to Hydrate Your Connective Tissu ▶ 135: How to Hydrate Your Connective Tissues
135: How to Hydrate Your Connective Tissues

When you feel stiffness, pain, and aches in your body, it can often be caused by connective tissue dehydration, a little-known, extremely-common condition that’s no good for yoga students. Join Lucas ...

134 Functional Anatomy ▶ 134: Functional Anatomy
134: Functional Anatomy

Want to learn more about functional anatomy, yoga, movement, and how all this impacts your range of motion and flexibility? Join Lucas Rockwood & Dr. Andreo Spina as they dive deep into soft tissue wo ...

133 The Food Babe Attacks ▶ 133: The Food Babe Attacks!
133: The Food Babe Attacks!

Ready to find out the scary truth about the food industry? In today’s episode, Vani Hari (aka The Food Babe) talks about why it’s so important that we investigate what we eat. Vani is a food journalis ...

132 How to Live On Purpose ▶ 132: How to Live “On Purpose”
132: How to Live “On Purpose”

Do you struggle to find significance in you life? Meaning in your work? Purpose in your day-to-day routines? Living a life of purpose is something I think we all strive for, but it’s easier said than ...

131 Becoming a Supple Leopard ▶ 131: Becoming a Supple Leopard
131: Becoming a Supple Leopard

Are you as supple a leopard or as bendy as a tortoise? The “supple leopard” himself, Kelly Starrett, joins YOGABODY for an insightful class on the importance of listening to your body whether practici ...

130 Broccoli The DNA Whisperer ▶ 130: Broccoli - The DNA Whisperer
130: Broccoli - The DNA Whisperer

Can broccoli “talk” to your DNA? Listen and find out more about epigenetics, candida and GMO food with special guest, Tom Malterre. Tom is a certified nutritionist who travels throughout the United St ...

129 Handstands Flexibility Tips from an ▶ 129: Handstands & Flexibility Tips from an Acrobat
129: Handstands & Flexibility Tips from an Acrobat

Listen and learn all about acrobatics, inversions, hand-balancing and flexibility. This week’s guest, Andralyn Zayn, grew up as a competitive gymnast worked and trained with, The Underground Circus, i ...

128 Yoga TuneUp Alignment Functional Ana ▶ 128: Yoga TuneUp - Alignment & Functional Anatomy
128: Yoga TuneUp - Alignment & Functional Anatomy

Learn the importance of functional anatomy, correctives exercises and self-treating your body. Jill Miller is the co-founder of TuneUp Fitness Worldwide and creator of the corrective exercise format Y ...

127 Human Performance ▶ 127: Human Performance
127: Human Performance

Mark McClusky is the author of the new book, FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGER, and the Editor at in San Francisco. Prior to his work at WIRED, Mark was an editor at Mobile PC magazine, Editor in Chi ...