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iconAnother MMA Podcast podcasts

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ThisWeekInMMA UFC211 wrapup ▶ #ThisWeekInMMA #UFC211 wrapup |
#ThisWeekInMMA #UFC211 wrapup |

#ThisWeekInMMA #UFC211 wrapup | ...

SmackMyPicksUp 211 ft maldomarco pamdora ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp #211 ft. @maldomarco & @pamdoraboxx | #JunkieNation #
#SmackMyPicksUp #211 ft. @maldomarco & @pamdoraboxx | #JunkieNation #

#SmackMyPicksUp #211 ft. @maldomarco & @pamdoraboxx | #JunkieNation #UFCDallas ...

The MMA Minute on AMP Radio 5817 UFC UFC ▶ The MMA Minute on AMP Radio 5/8/17 | #UFC UFC212 #MMA #UFC #FightNigh
The MMA Minute on AMP Radio 5/8/17 | #UFC UFC212 #MMA #UFC #FightNigh

Kelvin Gastelum's win over Vitor Belfort overturned, 90-day suspension issued ...

Proados Prime Time Show feat DaveMMadden ▶ @Proados' Prime Time Show feat @DaveMMadden
@Proados' Prime Time Show feat @DaveMMadden

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman and Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio. This one is called Prodeus' Primetime. Since their #aintshitgoingon @proados will be joined by @DaveMMAdden to discuss ...

MMA Betting Forum
AMP Radio presents Championship Rounds w ▶ AMP Radio presents: Championship Rounds with @MMAJunkieGeorge
AMP Radio presents: Championship Rounds with @MMAJunkieGeorge

AMP Radio presents: Championship Rounds with @MMAJunkieGeorge w @Proados & @ImDJTony ...

The MMA Minute 42 17 AMPRadio MMA Junkie ▶ The MMA Minute 4/2/ 17 | #AMPRadio #MMA #JunkieNation #UFC #UFC212
The MMA Minute 4/2/ 17 | #AMPRadio #MMA #JunkieNation #UFC #UFC212

The MMA Minute 4/2/ 17 | #AMPRadio #MMA #JunkieNation #UFC #UFC212 ...

The MMA Minute Bellator180 Bellator UFC ▶ The MMA Minute | #Bellator180 #Bellator #UFC #MMA #TFN #TFN110
The MMA Minute | #Bellator180 #Bellator #UFC #MMA #TFN #TFN110

The MMA Minute | #Bellator180 #Bellator #UFC #MMA #TFN #TFN110 ...

AMP Radio ThisWeekInMMA UFCNashville Bel ▶ AMP Radio: #ThisWeekInMMA | #UFCNashville #Bellator178 @Proados @Shut
AMP Radio: #ThisWeekInMMA | #UFCNashville #Bellator178 @Proados @Shut

AMP Radio: #ThisWeekInMMA | #UFCNashville #Bellator178 @Proados @ShutdownSafety ...

AMP Radio presents Hold the Line with Ru ▶ AMP Radio presents: Hold the Line with @Rumundo & @Proados! #UFCNashv
AMP Radio presents: Hold the Line with @Rumundo & @Proados! #UFCNashv

Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio, this one we call “Hold the Line”. On this episode @Proados is joined by @Rumundo to talk #UFCNashville betting lines and may get a parlay for you to consider. ...

AMP Radio The MMA Minute 42017 UFCNashvi ▶ AMP Radio: The MMA Minute 4/20/17 | #UFCNashville #UFConFox25 #Bellat
AMP Radio: The MMA Minute 4/20/17 | #UFCNashville #UFConFox25 #Bellat

AMP Radio: The MMA Minute 4/20/17 | #UFCNashville #UFConFox25 #Bellator178 ...

AMP Radio SmackMyPicksUp UFCNashville Ma ▶ AMP Radio: #SmackMyPicksUp #UFCNashville | @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx &
AMP Radio: #SmackMyPicksUp #UFCNashville | @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx &

Tonights #SmackMyPicksUp ft. @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx & @Proados #UFCNashville#SmackMyPicksUp #UFCNashville| #TUF25 #Bellator178 #WSOF @MaldoMarco @PamdoraboxxAMP Radio: #SmackMyPicksUp #UFCNashville ...

The MMA Minute UFC212 CW84 UFC MMA UFCKa ▶ The MMA Minute | #UFC212 #CW84 #UFC MMA #UFCKansasCity
The MMA Minute | #UFC212 #CW84 #UFC MMA #UFCKansasCity

The MMA Minute | #UFC212 #CW84 #UFC MMA #UFCKansasCity ...

The MMA Minute on AMPRadio RizinFF Rizin ▶ The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #RizinFF #Rizin2017 #MMA #UFC #UFCKansa
The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #RizinFF #Rizin2017 #MMA #UFC #UFCKansa

The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #RizinFF #Rizin2017 #MMA #UFC #UFCKansasCity ...

AMP Radio Presents This week in MMA ▶ AMP Radio Presents; This week in MMA
AMP Radio Presents; This week in MMA

Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio this one we call This Week in MMA. On today's show @proados will be joined by @Rumundo & @NYKMMA . They will be recaping #UFCKansasCity and will be joined by ...

The MMA Minute on AMPRadio UFCKansasCity ▶ The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #UFCKansasCity #UFC212 #CW83 #InvictaFC
The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #UFCKansasCity #UFC212 #CW83 #InvictaFC

The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #UFCKansasCity #UFC212 #CW83 #InvictaFC23 ...

AMPRadio SmackMyPicksUp ft MaldoMarco Pa ▶ #AMPRadio: #SmackMyPicksUp ft. @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados #UFC
#AMPRadio: #SmackMyPicksUp ft. @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados #UFC

#AMPRadio presents: #SmackMyPicks#AMPRadio: #SmackMyPicksUp ft. @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados #UFCKansasCity#UFCKansasCity ...

The MMA Minute on AnotherMMACast 41017 U ▶ The MMA Minute on @AnotherMMACast 4/10/17 | #UFC #UFC210 #Bellator #B
The MMA Minute on @AnotherMMACast 4/10/17 | #UFC #UFC210 #Bellator #B

The MMA Minute on @AnotherMMACast 4/10/17 | #UFC #UFC210 #Bellator #Bellator176 ...

AMPRadio presents ThisWeekInMMA UFC210 U ▶ #AMPRadio presents #ThisWeekInMMA | #UFC210 #UFC #Bellator
#AMPRadio presents #ThisWeekInMMA | #UFC210 #UFC #Bellator

AMPRadio presents #ThisWeekInMMA | #UFC210 #UFC #Bellator ...

AMP Radio Presents Prodeus Primetime Sho ▶ AMP Radio Presents: Prodeus' Primetime Show
AMP Radio Presents: Prodeus' Primetime Show

Welcome. On tonight's show Prodeus is joined by #ourmanonthestreets @lynchonsports live and direct from Buffalo, NY the site of #UFC210 . Joining James and Prodeus is our boy @DannyAustin_9 before he ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC210 Proados Pamdora ▶ #Smack My Picks Up #UFC210 | @Proados @Pamdoraboxx & @MaldoMarco #UFC
#Smack My Picks Up #UFC210 | @Proados @Pamdoraboxx & @MaldoMarco #UFC

#Smack My Picks Up #UFC210 | @Proados @Pamdoraboxx & @MaldoMarco #UFC ...

TMM 4317 ▶ TMM 4/3/17
TMM 4/3/17

The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 4/3/17 | #UFC213 #UFCStockholm #UFC #Bellator #Bellator178 #Bellator ...

32817 The MMA Minute on AMPRadio Bellato ▶ 3/28/17 The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #Bellator180 #Bellator178 #UFC
3/28/17 The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #Bellator180 #Bellator178 #UFC

3/28/17 The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #Bellator180 #Bellator178 #UFC #UFC212#TheMMAMinute #Bellator180 #Bellator178 #UFC #UFC212 ...

The MMA Minute 32217 UFC211 Bellator175 ▶ The MMA Minute 3/22/17 | #UFC211 #Bellator175 #Bellator #UFC #MMA
The MMA Minute 3/22/17 | #UFC211 #Bellator175 #Bellator #UFC #MMA

The MMA Minute 3/22/17 | #UFC211 #Bellator175 #Bellator #UFC #MMA ...

AMPRadio Presents This Week in MMA LionH ▶ AMPRadio Presents: This Week in MMA @LionHeartSmith, @ShutdownSafety
AMPRadio Presents: This Week in MMA @LionHeartSmith, @ShutdownSafety

On today's show @Proados is joined by @shutdownsafety and @lionheartsmith to recap the happening from #UFCLondon . Also, @shutdownsafety and @lionheartsmith will be anouncing their new joint venture M ...

AMPRadio presents Proados Prime Time Sho ▶ #AMPRadio presents: @Proados' Prime Time Show with @RodneyJames138
#AMPRadio presents: @Proados' Prime Time Show with @RodneyJames138

On This episode of #AMPRadio we are proud to debut Championship Rounds with Gourgous George Garcia. This will be a mothly show with @mmajunkieGeorge as cohost. Also, we will have an episode of Prod ...

AMP Radio Presents Championship Rounds w ▶ AMP Radio Presents: Championship Rounds with GG and Prodeus' Primetim
AMP Radio Presents: Championship Rounds with GG and Prodeus' Primetim

On This episode of #AMPRadio we are proud to debut Championship Rounds with Gourgous George Garcia. This will be a mothly show with @mmajunkieGeorge as cohost. Also, we will have an episode of Prod ...

SmackMyPicksUp ft MaldoMarco Pamdoraboxx ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp ft. @MaldoMarco & @Pamdoraboxx #UFCLondon #WSOF35 #UF
#SmackMyPicksUp ft. @MaldoMarco & @Pamdoraboxx #UFCLondon #WSOF35 #UF

mackMyPicksUp ft. @MaldoMarco & @Pamdoraboxx #UFCLondon #WSOF35 #UFC #WSOF ...

The MMA Minute 31217 UFCFortaleza UFCSto ▶ The MMA Minute 3/12/17 | #UFCFortaleza #UFCStockholm #Bellator #UFCLo
The MMA Minute 3/12/17 | #UFCFortaleza #UFCStockholm #Bellator #UFCLo

The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 3/12/17 | #UFCFortaleza #UFCStockholm #Bellator #UFCLondon ...

AMP Radio Presents This Week in MMA ▶ AMP Radio Presents: This Week in MMA
AMP Radio Presents: This Week in MMA

On this episode, @proados will be joined by @shutdownsaftey and @lionheartsmith to recap #ufcfortaleza join us won't you? ...

The MMA Minute on AMPRadio UFC212 UFC211 ▶ The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #UFC212 #UFC211 #UFCNashville #UFCRio
The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #UFC212 #UFC211 #UFCNashville #UFCRio

The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | #UFC212 #UFC211 #UFCNashville #UFCRio ...

SmackMyPicksUp feat MaldoMarco Pamdorabo ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp feat @MaldoMarco & @Pamdoraboxx #UFCFortaleza #LFA4 #
#SmackMyPicksUp feat @MaldoMarco & @Pamdoraboxx #UFCFortaleza #LFA4 #

#SmackMyPicksUp feat @MaldoMarco & @Pamdoraboxx #UFCFortaleza #LFA4 #UFC #MMA ...

AMP Radio Presents This week in MMA ▶ AMP Radio Presents; This week in MMA
AMP Radio Presents; This week in MMA

On today's show Prodeus is joined by @lynchonsports and @44gsp44 to recap all the news and notes coming out of #UFC209. Join us won't you? ...

AMPRadio presents The MMA Minute 22817 U ▶ #AMPRadio presents The MMA Minute 2/28/17 |#UFC209 #UFC
#AMPRadio presents The MMA Minute 2/28/17 |#UFC209 #UFC

#AMPRadio presents The MMA Minute 2/28/17 |#UFC209 #UFC ...

The MMA Minute on AMPRadio 22717 UFC209 ▶ The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 2/27/17 | #UFC209 #UFC212 #Bellator176 #L
The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 2/27/17 | #UFC209 #UFC212 #Bellator176 #L

The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 2/27/17 | #UFC209 #UFC212 #Bellator176 #LFA7 ...

The MMA Minute on AMPRadio 22417 StitchD ▶ The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 2/24/17 | @StitchDuran #Bellator173 #UFC2
The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 2/24/17 | @StitchDuran #Bellator173 #UFC2

The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 2/24/17 | @StitchDuran #Bellator173 #UFC214 #UFC209 ...

AMP Radio presents The MMA Minute 22317 ▶ AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute 2/23/17 | @JoannaMMA #UFC209 #UFC2
AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute 2/23/17 | @JoannaMMA #UFC209 #UFC2

AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute 2/23/17 | @JoannaMMA #UFC209 #UFC211 @UFC ...

Prodeus Primtime Show ▶ Prodeus' Primtime Show
Prodeus' Primtime Show

On tonight'sspecial editionof Prodeus' Primetime Show, Prodeus will be joined by Showtime for Tennessee, @ShutdownSaftey, @lionheartsmith and maybe a special apperance from @pamdoraboxx. This is our p ...

UFCs Anthony Smith Bellator172 LionHeart ▶ UFC's Anthony Smith! | #Bellator172 @LionHeartSmith @ShutdownSafety &
UFC's Anthony Smith! | #Bellator172 @LionHeartSmith @ShutdownSafety &

Join @Proados and @ShutdownSaftey as the recap Bellator 172. We will be joined by @lionheartsmith . Anthony is @ufc Middleweight, he will co-host the show. Join us won't you? UFC's Anthony Smith! | #B ...

SmackMyPicksUp Bellator171 UFCHalifax Ma ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp #Bellator171 #UFCHalifax | @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx @
#SmackMyPicksUp #Bellator171 #UFCHalifax | @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx @

#SmackMyPicksUp #Bellator171 #UFCHalifax | @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados & @ ...

AMPRadio This Week in MMA ft TheTruthJac ▶ #AMPRadio: This Week in MMA ft @TheTruthJackson | #UFC208 @VegasFordM
#AMPRadio: This Week in MMA ft @TheTruthJackson | #UFC208 @VegasFordM

#AMPRadio: This Week in MMA ft @TheTruthJackson | #UFC208 @VegasFordMMA @Shutdow ...

The MMA Minute on AMPRadio 21017 UFC208 ▶ The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 2/10/17 | #UFC208 #UFCBrooklyn #UFC211
The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 2/10/17 | #UFC208 #UFCBrooklyn #UFC211

The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio 2/10/17 | #UFC208 #UFCBrooklyn #UFC211 ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC208 maldomarco Pamdora ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp | #UFC208 @maldomarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados & @ImDJTo
#SmackMyPicksUp | #UFC208 @maldomarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados & @ImDJTo

#SmackMyPicksUp | #UFC208 @maldomarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados & @ImDJTony ...

The MMA Minute UFCBrooklyn UFC208 Bellat ▶ The MMA Minute | #UFCBrooklyn #UFC208 #Bellator177 @BellatorMMA #Invi
The MMA Minute | #UFCBrooklyn #UFC208 #Bellator177 @BellatorMMA #Invi

The MMA Minute | #UFCBrooklyn #UFC208 #Bellator177 @BellatorMMA #Invicta22 ...

The MMA Minute on AMPRadio MieshaTate UF ▶ The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | @MieshaTate #UFCHouston #UFC #WSOF #Bel
The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | @MieshaTate #UFCHouston #UFC #WSOF #Bel

The MMA Minute on #AMPRadio | @MieshaTate #UFCHouston #UFC #WSOF #Bellator173 ...

UFCHouston MMA this Week w Proados Shutd ▶ #UFCHouston: MMA this Week w @Proados @ShutdownSafety @VegasFordMMA @
#UFCHouston: MMA this Week w @Proados @ShutdownSafety @VegasFordMMA @

#UFCHouston: MMA this Week w @Proados @ShutdownSafety @VegasFordMMA#UFCHouston: MMA this Week w @Proados @ShutdownSafety @VegasFordMMA @NurseKindra @ImDJTony #JunkieNation ...

Smack My Picks Up maldomarco Pamdoraboxx ▶ Smack My Picks Up | @maldomarco & @Pamdoraboxx #UFCHouston #UFC
Smack My Picks Up | @maldomarco & @Pamdoraboxx #UFCHouston #UFC

Smack My Picks Up | @maldomarco & @Pamdoraboxx #UFCHouston #UFC ...

AMPRadio MMA this Week UFCDenver Bellato ▶ #AMPRadio: MMA this Week | #UFCDenver #Bellator171 | @ShutdownSafety
#AMPRadio: MMA this Week | #UFCDenver #Bellator171 | @ShutdownSafety

#AMPRadio: MMA this Week | #UFCDenver #Bellator171 | @ShutdownSafety @Proados & ...

AMPRadio presents Prodeus Prime Time wit ▶ #AMPRadio presents: Prodeus Prime Time with @MMAJunkieGeorge! | Deane
#AMPRadio presents: Prodeus Prime Time with @MMAJunkieGeorge! | Deane

#AMPRadio presents: Prodeus Prime Time with @MMAJunkieGeorge! | Deane & Showtime ...

Smack My Picks Up UFCDenver ft MaldoMarc ▶ Smack My Picks Up | #UFCDenver ft. @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados
Smack My Picks Up | #UFCDenver ft. @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados

Smack My Picks Up | #UFCDenver ft. @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx @Proados & @ImDJTony ...

AMP Radio This week in MMA Bellator170 ▶ AMP Radio: This week in MMA #Bellator170
AMP Radio: This week in MMA #Bellator170

AMP Radio: This week in MMA ...

Smack My Picks Up Bellator170 ft MaldoMa ▶ Smack My Picks Up #Bellator170 [ft. @MaldoMarco @Proados & @ImDJTony]
Smack My Picks Up #Bellator170 [ft. @MaldoMarco @Proados & @ImDJTony]

Smack My Picks Up #Bellator170 [ft. @MaldoMarco @Proados & @ImDJTony] ...

Smack My Picks Up ft MaldoMarco Rumundo ▶ #Smack My Picks Up (ft @MaldoMarco @Rumundo & @Pamdoraboxx)
#Smack My Picks Up (ft @MaldoMarco @Rumundo & @Pamdoraboxx)

#Smack My Picks Up (ft @MaldoMarco @Rumundo & @Pamdoraboxx) ...

UFC 207 the results show ▶ UFC 207 the results show!
UFC 207 the results show!

UFC 207 the results show! ...

AMP Radios Year End Event ft UFC207 ▶ AMP Radio's Year-End Event ft #UFC207
AMP Radio's Year-End Event ft #UFC207

AMP Radio's Year-End Event ft #UFC207 ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC207 Best of 2016 ▶ Smack My Picks Up: #UFC207 & Best of 2016
Smack My Picks Up: #UFC207 & Best of 2016

Smack My Picks Up: #UFC207 & Best of 2016 ...

AMP Radio presents MMA this Week UFCSacr ▶ AMP Radio presents: MMA this Week [#UFCSacramento #UFC #MMA]
AMP Radio presents: MMA this Week [#UFCSacramento #UFC #MMA]

AMP Radio presents: MMA this Week [#UFCSacramento #UFC #MMA] ...

Prodeus Primetime Show feat Pamdoraboxx ▶ Prodeus' Primetime Show (feat. @Pamdoraboxx)
Prodeus' Primetime Show (feat. @Pamdoraboxx)

Prodeus' Primetime Show (feat. @Pamdoraboxx) ...

Smack My Picks Up ft Marco from Waco Sho ▶ Smack My Picks Up: ft. Marco from Waco & Showtime from Tennessee #UFC
Smack My Picks Up: ft. Marco from Waco & Showtime from Tennessee #UFC

Smack My Picks Up: feat. Marco from Waco & Showtime Tennessee #UFCSacramentoSmack My Picks Up: ft. Marco from Waco & Showtime from Tennessee #UFCSacramento ...

AMP Radio with Proados KelDansby of The ▶ AMP Radio with @Proados & @KelDansby of The Corner
AMP Radio with @Proados & @KelDansby of The Corner

AMP Radio with @Proados & @KelDansby of The Corner ...

UFCs Fight Club Member QA with Anthony J ▶ UFC's Fight Club Member Q&A with Anthony Johnson & Stephen Thompson #
UFC's Fight Club Member Q&A with Anthony Johnson & Stephen Thompson #

UFC's Fight Club Member Q&A with Anthony Johnson & Stephen Thompson #UFC206 ...

Smack My Picks Up ft MaldoMarco Pamdorab ▶ Smack My Picks Up (ft. @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx & @Proados)
Smack My Picks Up (ft. @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx & @Proados)

The Marco & CBBB Hour /Smack My Picks Up (ft. @MaldoMarco @JimTerryLegend) ...

AMP Radio TUF Finale 24 ▶ AMP Radio: TUF Finale #24
AMP Radio: TUF Finale #24

AMP Radio: TUF Finale #24 ...

Prodeus Primetime Show with Showtime Dea ▶ Prodeus' Primetime Show with Showtime, Deane & Pam!
Prodeus' Primetime Show with Showtime, Deane & Pam!

Prodeus' Primetime Show with Deane from GA & Showtime from Tennessee ...

Smack My Picks Up feat MaldoMarco Pamdor ▶ 'Smack My Picks Up feat @MaldoMarco & @Pamdoraboxx
'Smack My Picks Up feat @MaldoMarco & @Pamdoraboxx

'Smack My Picks Up feat @MaldoMarco & @Pamdoraboxx ...

AMPRadio UFCMelbourne pamdoraboxx Proado ▶ #AMPRadio: #UFCMelbourne @pamdoraboxx @Proados @KNICKsKICKZnMMA & @Im
#AMPRadio: #UFCMelbourne @pamdoraboxx @Proados @KNICKsKICKZnMMA & @Im

#AMPRadio: #UFCMelbourne @pamdoraboxx @Proados @KNICKsKICKZnMMA & @ImDJTony ...

Smack my Picks up ▶ Smack my Picks up!
Smack my Picks up!

Happy American Thanksgiving! Tonight will be a special holiday edition of the show. We will be blending Smack My Picks Up and Prodeus' Primetime Show to accomodate Thanksgiving tomorrow. We will b ...

AMP Radio with KnicksKickznMMA Proados I ▶ AMP Radio: with @KnicksKickznMMA @Proados & @ImDJTony
AMP Radio: with @KnicksKickznMMA @Proados & @ImDJTony

AMP Radio: with @KnicksKickznMMA @Proados & @ImDJTony ...

Prodeus Primetime Show ft Showtime Knick ▶ Prodeus' Primetime Show (ft Showtime & @KnicksKickznMMA)
Prodeus' Primetime Show (ft Showtime & @KnicksKickznMMA)

Finally...the ``A`` team has returned! Tonight Prodeus is joined by Showtime from Tennesee and Deane from Georgia! We will put a bow on UFC 205 and talk some current events. Showtime and Prodeus will ...

The Marco CBBB HourSmack My Picks Up Bel ▶ The Marco & CBBB Hour/Smack My Picks Up [#Bellator165 #UFC #UFCFightN
The Marco & CBBB Hour/Smack My Picks Up [#Bellator165 #UFC #UFCFightN

The Marco & CBBB Hour/Smack My Picks Up [#Bellator165 #UFC #UFCFightNight] ...

Reminiscing UFC205 Alvarez vs McGregor ▶ Reminiscing #UFC205 : Alvarez vs. McGregor
Reminiscing #UFC205 : Alvarez vs. McGregor

Reminiscing #UFC205 : Alvarez vs. McGregor ...

The Lerone Report UFC205 ▶ The Lerone Report: UFC205
The Lerone Report: UFC205

The Lerone Report: UFC205 ...

The Marco CBBB Hour Smack My Picks Up w ▶ The Marco & CBBB Hour (Smack My Picks Up) w Deane & Showtime
The Marco & CBBB Hour (Smack My Picks Up) w Deane & Showtime

The Marco & CBBB Hour (Smack My Picks Up) w Deane & Showtime ...

AMP Radio presents UFC Fight Night 98 re ▶ AMP Radio presents: UFC Fight Night 98 review
AMP Radio presents: UFC Fight Night 98 review

AMP Radio presents: UFC Fight Night 98 review ...

The Marco Clearwater Show Smack My Picks ▶ The Marco & Clearwater Show ('Smack My Picks Up')
The Marco & Clearwater Show ('Smack My Picks Up')

The Marco & Clearwater Show ('Smack My Picks Up') ...

The Marco CBBB Hour ▶ The Marco & CBBB Hour
The Marco & CBBB Hour

The Marco & CBBB Hour ...

AMP Radio Marco CBBB Show ▶ AMP Radio: Marco & CBBB Show
AMP Radio: Marco & CBBB Show

AMP Radio: Marco & CBBB Show ...

Episode 66 Prodeus Primetime Show ▶ Episode #66: Prodeus' Primetime Show
Episode #66: Prodeus' Primetime Show

Prodeus and hopefully Showtime from tennessee will talk some MMA. Deane from Georgia may call in as he evades hurricain Matthew. We will talk #UFC204 #UFC205 and all of the weeks current events. The p ...

Episode 65 Prodeus PrimetSmack My Picks ▶ Episode #65: Prodeus' PrimetSmack My Picks Up! UFC 204: Bisping vs. H
Episode #65: Prodeus' PrimetSmack My Picks Up! UFC 204: Bisping vs. H

Smack My Picks Up! UFC 204: Bisping vs. Henderson 2Episode #65: Prodeus' PrimetSmack My Picks Up! UFC 204: Bisping vs. Henderson 2 ...

Smack My Picks Up ft Marco from Waco The ▶ Smack My Picks Up (ft. Marco from Waco & The Clearwater Beach Bad Boy
Smack My Picks Up (ft. Marco from Waco & The Clearwater Beach Bad Boy

Smack My Picks Up (ft. Marco from Waco & The Clearwater Beach Bad Boy) #UFC #UFC205 ...

Another MMA Podcast ft Sam All Jam fight ▶ Another MMA Podcast (ft. Sam All Jam & fighter/journalist Mike Jackso
Another MMA Podcast (ft. Sam All Jam & fighter/journalist Mike Jackso

Another MMA Podcast (ft. Sam All Jam & fighter/journalist Mike Jackson)AMP Radio presents several podcasts with some of the biggest names in MMA Junkie Radio. Smack My Picks Up goes over some of MMA’s ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC Cyborg vs Lansberg ▶ Smack My Picks Up! UFC: Cyborg vs. Lansberg (Marco from Waco & CBBB!)
Smack My Picks Up! UFC: Cyborg vs. Lansberg (Marco from Waco & CBBB!)

Smack My Picks Up! UFC: Cyborg vs. Lansberg (Marco from Waco & CBBB!)AMP Radio presents several podcasts with some of the biggest names in MMA Junkie Radio. Smack My Picks Up goes over some of MMA’s b ...

Another MMA Podcast UFCHidalgo Bellator1 ▶ Another MMA Podcast: #UFCHidalgo & #Bellator161
Another MMA Podcast: #UFCHidalgo & #Bellator161

Another MMA Podcast: #UFCHidalgo & #Bellator161AMP Radio presents several podcasts with some of the biggest names in MMA Junkie Radio. Smack My Picks Up goes over some of MMA’s biggest cards with the ...

Smack My Picks Up Junkie Nation Calls ▶ Smack My Picks Up & Junkie Nation Calls
Smack My Picks Up & Junkie Nation Calls

Smack My Picks Up & Junkie Nation CallsAMP Radio presents several podcasts with some of the biggest names in MMA Junkie Radio. Smack My Picks Up goes over some of MMA’s biggest cards with the likes of ...

AMP Radio UFC203 with guest James Lynch ▶ AMP Radio: #UFC203 with guest James Lynch
AMP Radio: #UFC203 with guest James Lynch

AMP Radio: #UFC203 with guest James LynchAMP Radio presents several podcasts with some of the biggest names in MMA Junkie Radio. Smack My Picks Up goes over some of MMA’s biggest cards with the likes ...

AMP Radio presents Smack My Picks Up UFC ▶ AMP Radio presents: Smack My Picks Up! UFC 203: Miocic vs Overeem
AMP Radio presents: Smack My Picks Up! UFC 203: Miocic vs Overeem

AMP Radio presents: Smack My Picks Up! #UFC203. Miocic vs Overeem, Werdum vs Browne, Punk vs. Gall, Faber vs. Rivera, Andrade vs. Calderwood & Eye vs. Correira. ...

AMP Radio presents ft Beneil Dariush Ste ▶ AMP Radio presents: (ft. Beneil Dariush & Stephie Haynes MMA writer)
AMP Radio presents: (ft. Beneil Dariush & Stephie Haynes MMA writer)

AMP Radio presents: (ft. Beneil Dariush & Stephie Haynes MMA writer)Beneil Dariush @beneildariush Pro MMA Fighter, employed by UFC, Brazilian jiu jitsu Black Belt under Romulo Barral,Muay thai student ...

Prodeus Primetime Show with Deane from G ▶ Prodeus' Primetime Show with Deane from Georgia and Showtime from Ten
Prodeus' Primetime Show with Deane from Georgia and Showtime from Ten

Three Junkie's discussing this weeks news and notes. Also, we will be breaking down this weekend's card from Hamburg Germany. We welcome your calls at 1(646) 668-8160. ...

AMP Radio presents Smack My Junkie ft Ma ▶ AMP Radio presents: Smack My Junkie! (ft. Marco, Prodeous & Lerone) #
AMP Radio presents: Smack My Junkie! (ft. Marco, Prodeous & Lerone) #

AMP Radio presents: Smack My Junkie! (ft. Marco from Waco & Lerone)@AndreiArlovskiAMP Radio presents: Smack My Junkie! (ft. Marco from Waco & Lerone) @AndreiArlovski @UFC @UFCFightPassAMP Radio presen ...

AMP Radio Episode 25 ft Dave Madden Nik ▶ AMP Radio: Episode 25! (ft. Dave Madden & Nik from Vancouver)
AMP Radio: Episode 25! (ft. Dave Madden & Nik from Vancouver)

AMP Radio: Episode 25! (ft. Dave Madden & Nik from Vancouver) [#UFC Maia @demianmaia / Condit @CarlosCondit & #Bellator160 Bendo's fight & Rory McDonald's introduction to Bellator] ...

Prodeus Primetime Show with guest host D ▶ Prodeus' Primetime Show with guest host Deane from Georgia
Prodeus' Primetime Show with guest host Deane from Georgia

Prodeus speaks with Deane from Georgia. Just a casual conversation between two junkies. We take calls that come in at 1 (646) 668-8160. ...

AMP Radio Smack My Picks Up Maia vs Cond ▶ AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up Maia vs. Condit (@MaldoMarco & @KNICKsKI
AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up Maia vs. Condit (@MaldoMarco & @KNICKsKI

AMP Radio presents: Smack My Picks Up UFC on Fox: Maia vs. Condit (ft. @MaldoMarco @KNICKsKICKZnMMA @Proados & @ImDJTony). @UFC #UFC ...

AMP Radio Episode 23 MJ Post UFC202 Show ▶ AMP Radio: Episode #23 MJ! Post #UFC202 Show (guests Jim Edwards, Dan
AMP Radio: Episode #23 MJ! Post #UFC202 Show (guests Jim Edwards, Dan

AMP Radio: Episode #23 Jordan Edition! Post #UFC202 Show (guests Jim Edwards, Danny Austin & Junkie George from Colorado. We recap & analyze the action that took place at UFC 202: Diaz vs. McGregor 2 ...

Prodeus Live Pre UFC 202 Show guests Dea ▶ Prodeus' Live Pre UFC 202 Show (guests Deane from Georgia & Showtime)
Prodeus' Live Pre UFC 202 Show (guests Deane from Georgia & Showtime)

Prodeus' Live Pre UFC 202 Show (guests Deane from Georgia & Showtime)! ...

Smack My Picks Up Rick Budo Tribute Show ▶ Smack My Picks Up & Rick Budo Tribute Show (ft Marco from Waco, Leron
Smack My Picks Up & Rick Budo Tribute Show (ft Marco from Waco, Leron

AMP Radio presents: Smack My Picks Up UFC 202 Editon & Rick Budo Tribute Show (ft Marco from Waco, Lerone, Prodeus & DJ Tony). Today we will pay tribute to a lost brother, Rick Budo. In the spirit o ...

AMP Radio ft shaunalshatti TheMMAnalyst ▶ AMP Radio (ft. @shaunalshatti, @TheMMAnalyst & @EdSoares )
AMP Radio (ft. @shaunalshatti, @TheMMAnalyst & @EdSoares )

AMP Radio (ft. @shaunalshatti of @MMAFighting @TheMMAnalyst & @EdSoares President of @RFAFighting & @BlackHouseMMA)Coming 'atcha live and unedited AMP Radio presents Another MMA Podcast with hosts Pro ...

RFA42 Junkie Nation ft Christos Giagos T ▶ #RFA42 Junkie Nation (ft. Christos Giagos, Tommy The Spaniard & Ray E
#RFA42 Junkie Nation (ft. Christos Giagos, Tommy The Spaniard & Ray E

Junkie Nation Edition / RFA 42 (ft. Christos Giagos, TommyThe SpaniardAaron& Ray Elizalde)We will interview RFA fighters The Spartan Christos Giagos, The Spaniard Tommy Aaron & undefeated Ray El ...

AMP Radio ft Chad Dundas Author lead wri ▶ AMP Radio: (ft. Chad Dundas Author/ lead writer for Bleacher Report &
AMP Radio: (ft. Chad Dundas Author/ lead writer for Bleacher Report &

Comin 'atcha live from the AMP studios in San Mateo, California. We will talk everything that was the week in MMA and UFC Fight Night: Rodríguez vs. Caceres. Our special guest Chad Dundas author/lead ...

AMP Radio presents JunkieNation Edition ▶ AMP Radio presents #JunkieNation Edition (callers welcomed) (646) 668
AMP Radio presents #JunkieNation Edition (callers welcomed) (646) 668

AMP Radio presents #JunkieNation Edition (callers welcomed)(646) 668-8160It's all about you Junkie Nation. What do you want to talk about?UFC Fight Night: Rodríguez vs. Caceres ...

Episode 16 ft Jon Anik of the UFCAnik Fl ▶ Episode 16: (ft. Jon Anik of the UFC/Anik-Florian podcast & JD from t
Episode 16: (ft. Jon Anik of the UFC/Anik-Florian podcast & JD from t

Comin 'atcha live from the AMP studios in San Mateo, California. We will talk everything that was the week in MMA and UFC 201. We go into Invicta 18, Megan Anderson & Alexa Grasso.Our special guest Jo ...

Episode 15 ft TheMMARoadShows Cold Coffe ▶ Episode 15: (ft. @TheMMARoadShow's Cold Coffee & Steve-O @SharkAttack
Episode 15: (ft. @TheMMARoadShow's Cold Coffee & Steve-O @SharkAttack

Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio: Another MMA Podcast:We'll talk about the week that was; Bellator, UFC, Holm vs. Shevchenko and the return of Giblert, Gilbert Melendez. Episode 15: (ft. @TheMM ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC on Fox Holm vs She ▶ Smack My Picks Up: UFC on Fox: Holm vs. Shevchenko (ft. Steve-O, Marc
Smack My Picks Up: UFC on Fox: Holm vs. Shevchenko (ft. Steve-O, Marc

AMP Radio presents: Down with the Pickness. Let's break down UFC on Fox: Holly Holm vs Valentina Shevchenko.To the Bantamweight class we go: Holm vs SchevenkoTo the Lightweight class we go: Barboza ...

Episode 13 ft Jason Floyd host of The MM ▶ Episode 13: (ft. Jason Floyd host of The MMA Report & Junkie @AZplumb
Episode 13: (ft. Jason Floyd host of The MMA Report & Junkie @AZplumb

Coming at ya live and uneditied from the AMP Radio studios: This weeks guests includeJason Floyd (@Jason_Floyd)host of@TheMMAReportand The MMA Insiders Podcast. And theincomparable MMA Junkie Radio (@ ...

Episode 12 ft MMAJunkieRadios Gorgeous G ▶ Episode 12: (ft. @MMAJunkieRadio's Gorgeous George, Postmedia's Danny
Episode 12: (ft. @MMAJunkieRadio's Gorgeous George, Postmedia's Danny

Episode 12: (ft. @MMAJunkieRadio's Gorgeous George, Postmedia's Danny Austin & Junkie favorite Aaron from Texas. AMP Radio presents Another MMA Podcast. This weeks guest is the reason why we exist. We ...

AMP Radio presents The Aftermath the UFC ▶ AMP Radio presents: The Aftermath the #UFC 200 after show!
AMP Radio presents: The Aftermath the #UFC 200 after show!

AMP Radio presents: It's Time the #UFC 200 after show featuring Steve-O, Marco from Waco brother& Joe from H-Town. #JunkieNation we want to hear from you. ...

AMP Radio presents Another MMA Picks Sma ▶ AMP Radio presents: Another MMA Picks (Smack My Picks Up)
AMP Radio presents: Another MMA Picks (Smack My Picks Up)

We will go over the week that is Fight Week: UFC Fight Night: dos Anjos vs. Alvarez, The TUF Finale he Ultimate Fighter: Team Joanna vs. Team Cláudia and finally UFC 200: Cormier vs. Jones 2. We will ...

Episode 9 ft MMA Junkies John Morgan UFC ▶ Episode 9 (ft. MMA Junkie's John Morgan, UFC's Derrick Lewis & Deane
Episode 9 (ft. MMA Junkie's John Morgan, UFC's Derrick Lewis & Deane

Coming at ya live and unedited from the AMP Studios in San Mateo California. Hosts DJ Tony, Prodeus and Junkie Nation star Joe from H-Town chat with MMA journalists, fighters, ring girls & Junkie Nati ...

Episode 8 Guests FloCombats Duane Finley ▶ Episode #8: Guests @FloCombat's Duane Finley & Junkie Great @BuffaloB
Episode #8: Guests @FloCombat's Duane Finley & Junkie Great @BuffaloB

Episode #8: Guests @FloCombat's @DuaneFinleyMMA & Junkie Great @BuffaloBlue!Flo Sports's Duane Finley is theSenior Editor for FloCombat. Finley is an increditble Combat Sports writer and an a friend t ...

Episode 7 ft guests SpencerKyte of keybo ▶ Episode #7 (ft. guests @SpencerKyte of @keyboardkimura & Junkie Josh
Episode #7 (ft. guests @SpencerKyte of @keyboardkimura & Junkie Josh

Coming at you live our guests Spencer Kyte @SpencerKytean incredible MMA writer whocovers the @UFC and writes Keyboard Kimura, and the MMA blog of The Province. Follow him on social @spencerkyte & Jun ...

Episode 6 Junkie Nation Edition Call us ▶ Episode #6 Junkie Nation Edition (Call us 646-668-8160 @MMAJunkieRadi
Episode #6 Junkie Nation Edition (Call us 646-668-8160 @MMAJunkieRadi

Episode 5.5 #JunkieNation Edition (We want to hear from you @MMAJunkieRadio fans). If you miss the MMA Junkie Radio callers here's your chance to hear some of these legends. Give us a call(646) 668-81 ...

Episode 4 Junkie Nation speak up this is ▶ Episode #4 (Junkie Nation speak up, this is our call in show)
Episode #4 (Junkie Nation speak up, this is our call in show)

We all miss @MMAJunkieRadio and we all want to talk MMA/#UFC. Junkie Nation we want to hear from you. Give us a call! UFC Ottawa, Ontario. #UFC. Hosts MMA Junkie Radio legend Joe from H-Town @JoeDaddy ...

AMP Radio presents 3 guests Javier Mende ▶ AMP Radio presents #3 (guests Javier Mendez Founder of AKA & Marco fr
AMP Radio presents #3 (guests Javier Mendez Founder of AKA & Marco fr

AMP Radio presents:guests Javier Mendez (@akajav)Founder of AKA (@AKA_HQ)& Junkie favoriteMarco from Waco @MaldoMarco). Javier Mendezis a Former World Champion Kickboxer and Founder ofAKA. He is also ...

Episode 2 guests Dan Stupp FounderEditor ▶ Episode #2 (guests Dan Stupp Founder/Editor of MMA Junkie & Junkie Le
Episode #2 (guests Dan Stupp Founder/Editor of MMA Junkie & Junkie Le

Episode #2 (guests Dan Stupp @DannStupp @MMAjunkieeditor-in-chief/co-founder,@USATODAYsenior MMA editor &Mizzou Tiger. & theMMA Junkie Radio great @MMAJunkieRadio Hal! from Chicago @DrHalPsyche). Stup ...

Another MMA Podcast guests Flo Sports Je ▶ Another MMA Podcast (guests Flo Sports @JeremyBotter & Junkie HOF @Re
Another MMA Podcast (guests Flo Sports @JeremyBotter & Junkie HOF @Re

Coming at you our inaugural podcast has a date! Guests Flo Sports Jeremy Botter @JeremyBotter & Junkie HOF Russ from Boston @RealDealRuss.This weeks topic will include the week that was on MMA Junkie ...

UFC255 Countdown Shevchenko vs Maia ▶ #UFC255 Countdown: Shevchenko vs Maia
#UFC255 Countdown: Shevchenko vs Maia

UFC 255 Countdown takes you into Brazil where flyweight Jennifer Maia readies to take on the division’s queen Valentina Shevchenko in the co-main event. ...

UFC 255 Embedded Vlog Series Episodes 1 ▶ UFC 255 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episodes 1 and 2
UFC 255 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episodes 1 and 2

UFC 255 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1Brandon Moreno watches fights and gazes at cookies. Champ Deiveson Figueiredo gets to Vegas with a KO on his mind. Champ Valentina Shevchenko shares a family p ...

UFC 254 Embedded Vlog Series Episodes 3 ▶ UFC 254 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episodes 3 & 4 | #UFC #UFC254
UFC 254 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episodes 3 & 4 | #UFC #UFC254

UFC 254 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episodes 3 & 4 | #UFC #UFC254Robert Whittaker and Justin Gaethje stay relaxed in their rooms. Khabib Nurmagomedov chats with Daniel Cormier. Jared Cannonier poses for p ...

UFC 254 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 5 U ▶ UFC 254 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 5 | #UFC254 #UFC
UFC 254 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 5 | #UFC254 #UFC

Khabib cuts weight with help from his team. Robert Whittaker games as usual. Jared Cannonier and Casey Kenney help one another across weight classes. Justin Gaethje pushes himself on the mats. ...

UFC 254 Embedded Vlog Series Episodes 1 ▶ UFC 254 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episodes 1 & 2 #UFC254
UFC 254 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episodes 1 & 2 #UFC254

UFC 254 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1UFC 254’s Walt Harris, Lauren Murphy, Justin Gaethje, Sam Alvey, Jared Cannonier and backup Michael Chandler train outdoors. Then everyone (including Buffer) b ...

UFC 254 Countdown Khabib vs Gaethje UFC2 ▶ UFC 254 Countdown: Khabib vs Gaethje #UFC254
UFC 254 Countdown: Khabib vs Gaethje #UFC254

Champions collide as Khabib Nurmagomedov faces off against the human highlight, Justin Gaethje in the UFC 254 main event on Saturday, October 24. Go behind the scenes and watch these athletes prepare. ...

SmackMyPicksUp Whittaker vs Till InAbuDh ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Whittaker vs. Till | #InAbuDhabi #UFC #FightIsland
#SmackMyPicksUp : Whittaker vs. Till | #InAbuDhabi #UFC #FightIsland

UFC on ESPN 14: Whittaker vs. Tillwill take place July 26, 2020 at theFlash ForumonYas Island,Abu Dhabi.MiddleweightRobert Whittakervs.Darren TillLight HeavyweightMaurício Ruavs.Antônio Rogério Noguei ...

SmackMyPicksUp Figueiredo vs Benavidez 2 ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Figueiredo vs. Benavidez 2 | #InAbuDhabi #UFCAbuDha
#SmackMyPicksUp : Figueiredo vs. Benavidez 2 | #InAbuDhabi #UFCAbuDha

#SmackMyPicksUp : Figueiredo vs. Benavidez 2 | #InAbuDhabi #UFCAbuDhabi #UFC ...

UFC 251 Usman vs Masvidal UFC251 SmackMy ▶ UFC 251: Usman vs. Masvidal | #UFC251 #SmackMyPicksUp #UFC #UFCAbuDha
UFC 251: Usman vs. Masvidal | #UFC251 #SmackMyPicksUp #UFC #UFCAbuDha

WelterweightKamaru Usman(c) vs.Jorge MasvidalFeatherweightAlexander Volkanovski(c) vs.Max HollowayBantamweightPetr Yanvs.José AldoWomen's StrawweightJéssica Andradevs.Rose NamajunasWomen's FlyweightAm ...

UFC 250 Nunes vs Spencer UFC UFC250 ▶ UFC 250: Nunes vs. Spencer #UFC #UFC250
UFC 250: Nunes vs. Spencer #UFC #UFC250

UFC 250: Nunes vs. Spencerwill take place June 6, 2020 at the UFC APEX facility inLas Vegas.It was originally scheduled to take place on May 9 inSão Paulo, Brazil.Women's FeatherweightAmanda Nunes(c) ...

SmackMyPickUp Overeem vs Harris UFCJax U ▶ #SmackMyPickUp : Overeem vs. Harris #UFCJax #UFCJacksonville2 #UFC
#SmackMyPickUp : Overeem vs. Harris #UFCJax #UFCJacksonville2 #UFC

Heavyweight:Alistair Overeem vs. Walt HarrisWomen’s Strawweight:Cláudia Gadelhavs. Angela HillFeatherweightDan Ige vs. Edson BarbozaMiddleweight:Eryk Anders vs. Krzysztof JotkoFeatherweight:Song Yadon ...

UFC Jacksonville Main Card Octagon Inter ▶ UFC Jacksonville Main Card Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) #UFC #UFCJax
UFC Jacksonville Main Card Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) #UFC #UFCJax

Glover Teixeiradef.Anthony Smith- TKO (punches)Ben Rothwell def. Ovince Saint PreuxDecision (split)Drew Doberdef. Alexander Hernandez - TKO (punches)Ricky Simon def.Ray BorgDecision (split)Andrei Arlo ...

UFC Fight Night 171 Smith vs Teixeira SM ▶ UFC Fight Night 171: Smith vs. Teixeira #SMPU #UFCJacksonville
UFC Fight Night 171: Smith vs. Teixeira #SMPU #UFCJacksonville

UFC on ESPN 9: Smith vs. Teixeira will take place May 13, 2020 at VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida.Light HeavyweightAnthony Smith vs. Glover TeixeiraHeavyweightBen Rothwell vs. ...

UFC 249 Ferguson vs Gaethje UFC249 UFCJa ▶ UFC 249: Ferguson vs. Gaethje | #UFC249 #UFCJacksonville #UFC #MMA
UFC 249: Ferguson vs. Gaethje | #UFC249 #UFCJacksonville #UFC #MMA

UFC 249: Ferguson vs. Gaethje will take place on May 9, 2020 at VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida. It was originally planned to take place on April 18 at Barclays Center in Brook ...

UFC 249 Embedded Vlog Series 1 5 AMPd UF ▶ UFC 249 Embedded Vlog Series 1-5 (AMP'd) | #UFC249 #UFCJacksonville #
UFC 249 Embedded Vlog Series 1-5 (AMP'd) | #UFC249 #UFCJacksonville #

UFC 249: Ferguson vs. Gaethje will take place on May 9, 2020 at VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida. It was originally planned to take place on April 18 at Barclays Center in Brook ...

UFC 249 Countdown Ferguson vs Gaethje UF ▶ UFC 249 Countdown: Ferguson vs Gaethje #UFC #UFC249
UFC 249 Countdown: Ferguson vs Gaethje #UFC #UFC249

UFC 249 Countdown: Ferguson vs GaethjeAt UFC 249 on May 9, Tony Ferguson and Justin Gaethje will battle for the interim lightweight title. See these athletes train and prepare ahead of their bouts. ...

UFC 249 Countdown Cejudo vs Cruz UFC249 ▶ UFC 249 Countdown Cejudo vs. Cruz | #UFC249 #MMA #UFC
UFC 249 Countdown Cejudo vs. Cruz | #UFC249 #MMA #UFC

UFC 249 Countdown: Cejudovs CruzAt UFC 249 on May 9, Henry Cejudo puts his bantamweight belt on the line against former champ, Dominick Cruz. See these athletes train and prepare ahead of their bouts. ...

AMP Reacts Episode 2 Lamb of God Memento ▶ AMP Reacts: Episode #2 Lamb of God - Memento Mori
AMP Reacts: Episode #2 Lamb of God - Memento Mori

AMP Reacts: Episode #2 Lamb of God - Memento Mori ...

AMP Reacts Episode 1 Nightwish Ghost Lov ▶ AMP Reacts: Episode #1 Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (Live Wacken 2013
AMP Reacts: Episode #1 Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (Live Wacken 2013

AMP Reacts: Episode #1We will give a live reaction to songs one of us hasn't heard before or in years. ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC Fight Night 170 Lee v ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : UFC Fight Night 170: Lee vs. Oliveira #UFCBrasilia
#SmackMyPicksUp : UFC Fight Night 170: Lee vs. Oliveira #UFCBrasilia

LightweightKevin Lee-145 vs.Charles Oliveira+125WelterweightDemian Maia+155 vs.Gilbert Burns-175LightweightRenato Moicano-335 vs.DamirHadzovic+275Light HeavyweightJohnny Walker-145 vs. Nikita Krylov+1 ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC 248 Adesanya vs Romer ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : UFC 248: Adesanya vs. Romero #UFC248
#SmackMyPicksUp : UFC 248: Adesanya vs. Romero #UFC248

UFC 248: Adesanya vs. Romerowill take place on March 7, 2020 atT-Mobile ArenainLas Vegas.MiddleweightIsrael Adesanya(c) vs.Yoel RomeroWomen's StrawweightWeili Zhang(c) vs.Joanna JedrzejczykLightweight ...

UFC 248 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 1 ▶ UFC 248 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1
UFC 248 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1

Champion Zhang Weili's camp is impacted by coronavirus; opponent Joanna Jedrzejczyk plans to recapture the title. Middleweight king Israel Adesanya visualizes a fight night shower. Bantamweight Sean O ...

Episode 2 UFC248 Embedded Vlog Series UF ▶ Episode 2 #UFC248 Embedded: Vlog Series - UFC 248
Episode 2 #UFC248 Embedded: Vlog Series - UFC 248

Champ Israel Adesanya chooses a car for each day of the week; challenger Yoel Romero does LA media and demos moves on Paige VanZant. UFC PI is a hub for UFC 248 fighters including champion Zhang Weili ...

UFC 248 Countdown Zhang vs Joanna UFC248 ▶ UFC 248 Countdown: Zhang vs Joanna #UFC248
UFC 248 Countdown: Zhang vs Joanna #UFC248

UFC 248 Countdown: Zhang vs Joanna #UFC248At UFC 248, strawweight champion Zhang Weili takes on former champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk in the co-main event. See these athletes train and prepare for their ...

UFCNorfolk Octagon Interviews AMPd ▶ #UFCNorfolk Octagon Interviews (AMP'd)
#UFCNorfolk Octagon Interviews (AMP'd)

#UFCNorfolk Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) ...

UFC Fight Night 169 Benavidez vs Figueir ▶ UFC Fight Night 169: Benavidez vs. Figueiredo (UFC on ESPN+ 27)
UFC Fight Night 169: Benavidez vs. Figueiredo (UFC on ESPN+ 27)

UFC Fight Night 169: Benavidez vs. Figueiredo(UFC on ESPN+ 27) will be held February 29, 2020 atChartway ArenainNorfolk, Virginia. Flyweight Joseph Benavidezvs.Deiveson Figueiredo Women's Featherweigh ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC Fight Night 168 Felde ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : UFC Fight Night 168: Felder vs. Hooker #UFCAuckland
#SmackMyPicksUp : UFC Fight Night 168: Felder vs. Hooker #UFCAuckland

UFC Fight Night 168: Felder vs. Hooker (UFC on ESPN+ 26) will take place on February 23, 2020 at Spark Arena in Auckland, New Zealand.LightweightPaul Felder vs. Dan HookerLight HeavyweightJimmy Crute ...

UFC Fight Night 167 Anderson vs Blachowi ▶ UFC Fight Night 167: Anderson vs. Blachowicz 2 #UFCRioRancho #UFCNewM
UFC Fight Night 167: Anderson vs. Blachowicz 2 #UFCRioRancho #UFCNewM

UFC Fight Night 167: Anderson vs. Blachowicz 2 (UFC on ESPN+ 25) will take place February 15, 2020 at the Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.Light HeavyweightCorey Anderson vs. Jan Blacho ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC 247 Jones vs Reyes UF ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : UFC 247: Jones vs. Reyes #UFC247
#SmackMyPicksUp : UFC 247: Jones vs. Reyes #UFC247

UFC 247: Jones vs. Reyeswill take place on February 8, 2020 at theToyota CenterinHouston,Texas. HeavyweightJon Jones(c) vs.Dominick ReyesWomen's FlyweightValentina Shevchenko(c ...

UFC247 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 2 ▶ #UFC247 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 2
#UFC247 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 2

On Episode 2 of UFC 247 Embedded, light heavyweight Dominick Reyes loads up for a travel day and gets fight inspiration from the Super Bowl. Flyweight champion Valentina Shevchenko draws energy from t ...

UFC 247 Countdown Jones vs Reyes ▶ UFC 247 Countdown: Jones vs Reyes
UFC 247 Countdown: Jones vs Reyes

Jon Jones faces Dominick Reyes in the main event of UFC 247 in Houston on February 8. See these two athletes train and prepare ahead of their title bout. ...

UFC 247 Countdown Shevchenko vs Chookagi ▶ UFC 247 Countdown: Shevchenko vs Chookagian
UFC 247 Countdown: Shevchenko vs Chookagian

Valentina Shevchenko takes on Katlyn Chookagian in the co-main event of UFC 247 in Houston on February 8. See train these two athletes train and prepare ahead of their title bout. ...

Kobe Bryant and MMA ▶ Kobe Bryant and MMA
Kobe Bryant and MMA

Kobe Bryant and MMA ...

SmackMyPicksUp Budd vs Cyborg Blades vs ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Budd vs Cyborg Blades vs dos Santos #Bellator238 #U
#SmackMyPicksUp : Budd vs Cyborg Blades vs dos Santos #Bellator238 #U

#SmackMyPicksUp : Budd vs Cyborg Blades vs dos Santos #Bellator238 #UFCRaleighWomen's FeatherweightJulia Budd (c) vs. Cris CyborgFeatherweightDarrion Caldwell vs. Adam BoricsBantamweightSergio Pettis ...

AMPRadio Rewind UFC246 ▶ #AMPRadio Rewind #UFC246
#AMPRadio Rewind #UFC246

UFC Fight Night 166: Blaydes vs. dos Santos(UFC on ESPN+ 24) will take place January 25, 2020 atPNC ArenainRaleigh, North Carolina.Bellator 238: Budd vs. Cyborgwill take place on January 25, 2020 atTh ...

SmackMyPicksUp McGregor vs Cowboy UFC246 ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : McGregor vs. Cowboy | #UFC246
#SmackMyPicksUp : McGregor vs. Cowboy | #UFC246

UFC 246: McGregor vs. Cowboywill take place January 18, 2020 atT-Mobile ArenainLas Vegas.WelterweightConor McGregorvs.Donald CerroneWomen's BantamweightHolly Holmvs.Raquel PenningtonHeavyweightAleksei ...

SmackMyPicksUp Edgar vs Korean Zombie Be ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Edgar vs. Korean Zombie #BellatorHawaii #UFCBusan #
#SmackMyPicksUp : Edgar vs. Korean Zombie #BellatorHawaii #UFCBusan #

UFC Fight Night 165: Edgar vs. The Korean Zombie(UFC on ESPN+ 23) will take place on December 21, 2019 atSajik ArenainBusan, South Korea.UFC Fight Night 165:December 21, 2019ESPN+Busan, South KoreaFea ...

ThisWeekInMMA UFC245 Bellator235 Bellato ▶ #ThisWeekInMMA : #UFC245 | #Bellator235 #Bellator236 #UFCBusan #Rewin
#ThisWeekInMMA : #UFC245 | #Bellator235 #Bellator236 #UFCBusan #Rewin

UFC Fight Night 165: Edgar vs. The Korean Zombie(UFC on ESPN+ 23) will take place on December 21, 2019 atSajik ArenainBusan, South Korea.Fight Night 165December 21, 2019 onESPN+ inBusan, South KoreaFe ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC245 Usman vs Covington ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : #UFC245 : Usman vs. Covington
#SmackMyPicksUp : #UFC245 : Usman vs. Covington

#SmackMyPicksUp : #UFC245 : Usman vs. Covington WelterweightKamaru Usman(c) -175 vs.Colby Covington +155 FeatherweightMax Holloway(c) -170 vs.Alexander Volkanovski +150 Women's BantamweightAmanda Nune ...

SmackMyPicksUp Overeem vs Rozenstruik UF ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: Overeem vs. Rozenstruik #UFCDC #UFCWashington
#SmackMyPicksUp: Overeem vs. Rozenstruik #UFCDC #UFCWashington

Heavyweight:Alistair Overeemvs.Jairzinho RozenstruikWomen's Strawweight:Marina Rodriguezvs.Cynthia CalvilloHeavyweight:Stefan Struvevs.Ben RothwellWomen's Bantamweight:Aspen Laddvs.Yana KunitskayaBant ...

SmackMyPicksUp Blachowicz vs Jacar ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: Blachowicz vs. Jacaré
#SmackMyPicksUp: Blachowicz vs. Jacaré

UFC Fight Night: Blachowicz vs. Jacaré(also known asUFC Fight Night 164andUFC on ESPN+ 22) ...

SmackMyPicksUp Magomedsharipov vs Kattar ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Magomedsharipov vs. Kattar | #UFCMoscow
#SmackMyPicksUp : Magomedsharipov vs. Kattar | #UFCMoscow

#SmackMyPicksUp : #UFCMoscow ...

UFC 244 Masvidal vs Diaz UFC244 ▶ UFC 244: Masvidal vs. Diaz | #UFC244
UFC 244: Masvidal vs. Diaz | #UFC244

Welterweight: Jorge Masvidal vs. Nate DiazMiddleweight: Kelvin Gastelum vs. Darren TillWelterweight: Stephen Thompson vs. Vicente LuqueHeavyweight: Derrick Lewis vs. Blagoy IvanovLightweight: Kevin Le ...

UFC 244 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 1 U ▶ UFC 244 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1 | #UFC244
UFC 244 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1 | #UFC244

On Episode 1 of UFC 244 Embedded, middleweight Kelvin Gastelum wraps up training camp for his fight against Darren Till with sparring and a family meal. Headlining welterweight Jorge Masvidal travels ...

UFC Fight Night 162 Maia vs Askren Bella ▶ UFC Fight Night 162: Maia vs. Askren | #Bellator231 #UFCSingapore #Be
UFC Fight Night 162: Maia vs. Askren | #Bellator231 #UFCSingapore #Be

UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. Askren(also known asUFC Fight Night 162orUFC on ESPN+ 20) willtake place October 26, 2019 atSingapore IndoorStadiuminKallang, Singapore.Welterweight:Demian Maiavs.BenAskrenLi ...

UFCBoston Octagon Interviews ▶ #UFCBoston Octagon Interviews
#UFCBoston Octagon Interviews

#UFCBoston Octagon Interviews ...

UFC Boston Weigh in UFCBoston ▶ UFC Boston: Weigh-in | #UFCBoston
UFC Boston: Weigh-in | #UFCBoston

Watch the UFC Fight Night: Reyes vs Weidman ceremonial weigh-in live on Thursday, October 17th at 5pm/2pm ETPT. ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC on ESPN Reyes vs Weid ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : UFC on ESPN: Reyes vs. Weidman #UFCBoston
#SmackMyPicksUp : UFC on ESPN: Reyes vs. Weidman #UFCBoston

#SmackMyPicksUp : UFC on ESPN: Reyes vs. Weidman #UFCBostonOctober 18, 2019 at theTD GardeninBoston,Massachusetts ...

UFC Fight Night 161 Jedrzejczyk vs Water ▶ UFC Fight Night 161: Jedrzejczyk vs. Waterson | #UFCTampa
UFC Fight Night 161: Jedrzejczyk vs. Waterson | #UFCTampa

UFC Fight Night: Jedrzejczyk vs. Waterson(UFC Fight Night 161/UFC on ESPN+ 19) will takeplace October 12, 2019 atAmalieArenain Tampa Bay, Florida. ...

Making of the Mom Champ Michelle Waterso ▶ Making of the Mom Champ - Michelle Waterson | UFC Tampa #MomChamp
Making of the Mom Champ - Michelle Waterson | UFC Tampa #MomChamp

Making of the Mom Champ - Michelle Waterson | UFC Tampa #MomChamp Preview by Body Armor ...

UFC243 Octagon Interviews UFCMelbourne ▶ #UFC243 Octagon Interviews | #UFCMelbourne
#UFC243 Octagon Interviews | #UFCMelbourne

#UFC243 Octagon Interviews | #UFCMelbourne ...

UFC 243 Post fight Press Conference UFCM ▶ UFC 243: Post-fight Press Conference | #UFCMelbourne #UFC243
UFC 243: Post-fight Press Conference | #UFCMelbourne #UFC243

UFC 243: Post-fight Press Conference | #UFCMelbourne #UFC243 ...

UFC 243 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 6 U ▶ UFC 243 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 6 | #UFC243 #UFCMelbourne
UFC 243 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 6 | #UFC243 #UFCMelbourne

On Episode 6 of UFC 243 Embedded, lightweight Al Iaquinta and middleweight champion Robert Whittaker suit up for Ultimate Media Day. Their respective opponents, Dan Hooker and interim middleweight cha ...

UFC 243 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 5 U ▶ UFC 243 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 5 | #UFC243 #UFCMelbourne
UFC 243 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 5 | #UFC243 #UFCMelbourne

On Episode 5 of UFC 243 Embedded, heavyweight Tai Tuivasa teases his teammates, including UFC newcomer Justin Tafa. Middleweight champion Robert Whittaker has strong words for certain superheroes and ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC 243 Whittaker vs Ades ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : UFC 243: Whittaker vs. Adesanya | #UFCMelbourne
#SmackMyPicksUp : UFC 243: Whittaker vs. Adesanya | #UFCMelbourne

Middleweight Robert Whittaker (c) vs. Israel Adesanya (ic)Lightweight Al Iaquinta vs. Dan HookerHeavyweight Tai Tuivasa vs. Sergey SpivacWelterweight Luke Jumeau vs. Dhiego LimaHeavyweight Justin Tafa ...

SmackMyPicksUp Hermansson vs Cannonier B ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: Hermansson vs. Cannonier | #Bellator227 #Bellator228
#SmackMyPicksUp: Hermansson vs. Cannonier | #Bellator227 #Bellator228

#SmackMyPicksUp : Hermansson vs Cannonier | #Bellator228 #Bellator227Featherweight Patricio Freire (c) vs. Juan ArchuletaMiddleweight Lyoto Machida vs. Gegard MousasiFeatherweight A. J. McKee vs. Geor ...

SmackMyPicksUp Rodrguez vs Stephens UFCM ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Rodríguez vs. Stephens | #UFCMexico #UFCMexicoCity
#SmackMyPicksUp : Rodríguez vs. Stephens | #UFCMexico #UFCMexicoCity

UFC Fight Night 159: Rodríguez vs. Stephens (UFC on ESPN+ 17) will take place September 21, 2019 at the Mexico City Arena in Mexico City, Mexico. ...

UFCVancouver Post Fight Media Scrum AMPd ▶ #UFCVancouver Post Fight Media Scrum (AMP'd) | @MMATristan
#UFCVancouver Post Fight Media Scrum (AMP'd) | @MMATristan

#UFCVancouver Post Fight Media Scrum | @MMATristanFeaturingCowboy & Danger CerroneGlover TeixeiraTristan ConnellyJustin Gaethje ...

UFC Fight Night 158 Cerrone vs Gaethje U ▶ UFC Fight Night 158 : Cerrone vs. Gaethje #UFCVancouver #AMPRewind #B
UFC Fight Night 158 : Cerrone vs. Gaethje #UFCVancouver #AMPRewind #B

Lightweight Donald Cerrone vs. Justin GaethjeLight Heavyweight Glover Teixeira vs. Nikita KrylovHeavyweight Todd Duffee vs. Jeff HughesMiddleweight Uriah Hall vs. Antônio Carlos JúniorLight Heavyweigh ...

UFC 242 Nurmagomedov vs Poirier Bellator ▶ UFC 242: Nurmagomedov vs. Poirier & Bellator 226
UFC 242: Nurmagomedov vs. Poirier & Bellator 226

UFC 242: Nurmagomedov vs. Poirier & Bellator 226 ...

UFC Fight Night 157 Andrade vs Zhang ▶ UFC Fight Night 157 : Andrade vs. Zhang
UFC Fight Night 157 : Andrade vs. Zhang

Smack my Picks Up for UFC Fight Night 157 and Bellator 225 recap.Women's Strawweight :Jéssica Andrade(c) vs.Weili ZhangWelterweightElizeu Zaleski dos Santos vs.Li JingliangFlyweight Kai Kara-France vs ...

Episode 435 Bellator225 Mitrione vs Khar ▶ Episode 435: #Bellator225 : Mitrione vs. Kharitonov 2 | #BellatorNati
Episode 435: #Bellator225 : Mitrione vs. Kharitonov 2 | #BellatorNati

Bellator 225: Mitrione vs. Kharitonov 2will take place August 24, 2019 atWebster Bank ArenainBridgeport, Connecticut. The event will air onthe Paramount Network&DAZN.It's arematch betweenMatt Mitrione ...

AMP Radio presents UFC 241 Cormier vs Mi ▶ AMP Radio presents: UFC 241: Cormier vs. Miocic 2 | #SmackMyPicksUp
AMP Radio presents: UFC 241: Cormier vs. Miocic 2 | #SmackMyPicksUp

UFC 241: Cormier vs. Miocic 2HeavyweightDaniel Cormier(c) vs.Stipe MiocicWelterweightAnthony Pettisvs.Nate DiazMiddleweightYoel Romerovs.Paulo CostaFeatherweightGabriel Benítezvs. Sodiq YusuffMiddlewe ...

AMP Radio presents Shevchenko vs Carmouc ▶ AMP Radio presents : Shevchenko vs. Carmouche 2 | #UFCUruguay #SmackM
AMP Radio presents : Shevchenko vs. Carmouche 2 | #UFCUruguay #SmackM

Women's FlyweightValentina Shevchenko(c) vs.Liz CarmoucheWelterweightVicente Luquevs.Mike PerryFeatherweightLuiz Garagorrivs.Humberto BandenayLight HeavyweightVolkan Oezdemirvs.Ilir LatifiMiddleweight ...

AMP Radio presents SmackMyPicksUp Coving ▶ AMP Radio presents #SmackMyPicksUp : Covington vs. Lawler | UFC on ES
AMP Radio presents #SmackMyPicksUp : Covington vs. Lawler | UFC on ES

WelterweightColby Covington vs. Robbie LawlerLightweightJim Miller vs. Clay GuidaLightweightJoaquim Silva vs. Nasrat HaqparastMiddleweightTrevin Giles vs. Gerald MeerschaertLightweightScott Holtzman v ...

AMP Radio presents SmackMyPicksUp UFC240 ▶ AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp #UFC240: Holloway vs. Edgar
AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp #UFC240: Holloway vs. Edgar

AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp #UFC240: Holloway vs. EdgarFeatherweight: Max Holloway (c) vs. Frankie EdgarWomen's Featherweight: Cris Cyborg vs. Felicia SpencerWelterweight: Geoff Neal vs. Niko ...

AMP Radio UFC on ESPN 4 dos Anjos vs Edw ▶ AMP Radio: UFC on ESPN 4: dos Anjos vs. Edwards #UFCSanAntonio
AMP Radio: UFC on ESPN 4: dos Anjos vs. Edwards #UFCSanAntonio

WelterweightRafael dos Anjos vs. Leon EdwardsHeavyweightAleksei Oleinik vs. Walt HarrisHeavyweightGreg Hardy vs. Juan AdamsLightweightJames Vick vs. Dan HookerLightweightAlexander Hernandez vs. Franci ...

Smack My Picks Up de Randamie vs Ladd Bu ▶ Smack My Picks Up: de Randamie vs. Ladd & Budd vs. Rubin | #Bellator2
Smack My Picks Up: de Randamie vs. Ladd & Budd vs. Rubin | #Bellator2

#SmackMyPicksUp: #UFCSacramento & #Bellator224WOMEN’S BANTAMWEIGHTAspen Ladd (24) [8-0] vs. Germaine de Randamie (35) [8-3]BANTAMWEIGHTRicky Simon (26) [15-1] vs. Urijah Faber (40) [34-10]FEATHERWEIGH ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC239 Jones vs Santos ▶ Smack My Picks Up: #UFC239 Jones vs Santos
Smack My Picks Up: #UFC239 Jones vs Santos

Smack My Picks Up: #UFC239 Jones vs Santos ...

Smack My Picks Up Ngannou vs dos Santos ▶ Smack My Picks Up: Ngannou vs. dos Santos | #UFCMinneapolis
Smack My Picks Up: Ngannou vs. dos Santos | #UFCMinneapolis

HeavyweightFrancis Nganno vsJunior dos SantosFlyweightJussier Formig vsJoseph BenavidezWelterweightDemian Mai vsAnthony Rocco MartinLightweightRoosevelt Robert vsVinc PichelLightweightDrew Dobervs.Mar ...

AMP Radio presents SmackMyPicksUp UFCGre ▶ AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp: #UFCGreenville & #BellatorLondon
AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp: #UFCGreenville & #BellatorLondon

AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp: #UFCGreenville & #BellatorLondon ...

AMP Radio This Week in MMA feat UFC 238 ▶ AMP Radio: This Week in MMA feat. #UFC 238 & Bellator 222: MacDonald
AMP Radio: This Week in MMA feat. #UFC 238 & Bellator 222: MacDonald

AMP Radio: This Week in MMA feat. #UFC 238 & Bellator 222: MacDonald vs. Gracie ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC Fight Night 152 dos A ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp #UFC Fight Night 152: dos Anjos vs. Lee | #UFCRochest
#SmackMyPicksUp #UFC Fight Night 152: dos Anjos vs. Lee | #UFCRochest

WelterweightRafael dos Anjosvs.Kevin LeeWelterweightNeil Magnyvs.Vicente LuqueMiddleweightAntônio Carlos Júniorvs.Ian HeinischWomen’s FeatherweightMegan Andersonvs.Felicia SpencerLightweightCharles Ol ...

Ep 423 Smack My Picks Up UFC237 Bellator ▶ Ep. 423 | Smack My Picks Up: #UFC237 & #Bellator221
Ep. 423 | Smack My Picks Up: #UFC237 & #Bellator221

LightweightMichael Chandler vs. Patrício FreireWelterweightDouglas Lima vs. Michael PageFeatherweightA.J. McKee vs. Pat CurranHeavyweightJake Hager vs. T.J. JonesUFC 237: Namajunas vs. Andrade will be ...

UFC Fight Night 151 Iaquinta vs Cowboy ▶ UFC Fight Night 151: Iaquinta vs. Cowboy
UFC Fight Night 151: Iaquinta vs. Cowboy

LIGHTWEIGHTDonald Cerrone (36) [35-11-1] +110 vsAl Iaquinta (31) [14-4-1] -130MIDDLEWEIGHTElias Theodorou (30) [16-2] -110 vsDerek Brunson (35) [18-7] -100FEATHERWEIGHTShane Burgos (28) [11-1] -170vsC ...

Bellator 220 Main Card Highlights Bellat ▶ Bellator 220 Main Card Highlights | #Bellator220 #BellatorSanJose
Bellator 220 Main Card Highlights | #Bellator220 #BellatorSanJose

Bellator 220 Main Card Highlights | #Bellator220 #BellatorSanJose ...

SmackMyPicksUp Bellator220 UFCSunrise ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: #Bellator220 & #UFCSunrise
#SmackMyPicksUp: #Bellator220 & #UFCSunrise

Bellator 2204/27 San JoseWelterweightRory MacDonaldvs.Jon FitchWomen’s FlyweightIlima-Lei Macfarlanevs.Veta ArteagaLightweightBenson Henderson vs.Adam PiccolottiLight HeavyweightPhil Davisvs.Liam McGe ...

The MMA Minute 42219 UFC237 UFC MMA USAD ▶ The MMA Minute 4/22/19 | #UFC237 #UFC #MMA #USADA
The MMA Minute 4/22/19 | #UFC237 #UFC #MMA #USADA

Darren Till was arrested for allegedly stealing a taxi & destroying a hotel room.Walt Harris accepts a 4-month suspension from USADA for a positive test result. Yanan Wu is out of her UFC 237 fight an ...

UFCStPetersburg Post Fight Press Confere ▶ #UFCStPetersburg Post-Fight Press Conference
#UFCStPetersburg Post-Fight Press Conference

#UFCStPetersburg Post-Fight Press Conference ...

The MMA Minute 04192019 UFCStPetersburg ▶ The MMA Minute 04/19/2019 | #UFCStPetersburg #UFCFlorida @AngelaMagan
The MMA Minute 04/19/2019 | #UFCStPetersburg #UFCFlorida @AngelaMagan

Tonight on Junkie Radio, Don Frye, Brent Primus & Dave Ellefson. In top MMA newsFormer UFC fighter Angela Magana is out of the coma and doing well. The fight between Devin Clark and Ivan Shtyrkov is o ...

SmackMyPicksUp Overeem vs Oleinik UFC Fi ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Overeem vs. Oleinik (UFC Fight Night 149)
#SmackMyPicksUp : Overeem vs. Oleinik (UFC Fight Night 149)

HeavyweightAlistair Overeemvs.Alexey OleinikLightweightIslam Makhachevvs.Arman TsarukyanHeavyweightSergei Pavlovichvs.Marcelo GolmLight HeavyweightIvan Shtyrkovvs.Devin ClarkWomen’s FlyweightRoxanne M ...

The MMA Minute 41619 LeslieSmith G Bella ▶ The MMA Minute 4.16.19 | @LeslieSmith_G #BellatorNation @InvictaFC @i
The MMA Minute 4.16.19 | @LeslieSmith_G #BellatorNation @InvictaFC @i

The MMA Minute 4 16 20 | @LeslieSmith_G #BellatorNation @InvictaFC @ilimanatorCharles Oliveira will fight Nik Lentz at UFC Rochester. Alexa Grasso will fight Karolina Kowalkiewicz at UFC 238 in Chicag ...

UFC 236 Post Fight Press Conference UFC2 ▶ UFC 236 Post Fight Press Conference | #UFC236
UFC 236 Post Fight Press Conference | #UFC236

UFC 236 Post Fight Press Conference | #UFC236 ...

UFC 236 Embedded Vlog Series 1 6 AMPd UF ▶ UFC 236 Embedded: Vlog Series 1-6 (AMP'd) #UFC236
UFC 236 Embedded: Vlog Series 1-6 (AMP'd) #UFC236

UFC 236 Embedded: Vlog Series 1-6(AMP'd) #UFC236 ...

UFC 236 Seasonal Press Conference UFC236 ▶ UFC 236 Seasonal Press Conference | #UFC236 #UFC239 #UFC237 #UFC238
UFC 236 Seasonal Press Conference | #UFC236 #UFC239 #UFC237 #UFC238

UFC 236 Seasonal Press Conference | #UFC236 #UFC239 #UFC237 #UFC238 ...

SmackMyPicksUp Holloway vs Poirier 2 UFC ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Holloway vs. Poirier 2 | #UFC236
#SmackMyPicksUp : Holloway vs. Poirier 2 | #UFC236

LightweightMax Holloway vs. Dustin PoirierMiddleweightKelvin Gastelum vs. Israel AdesanyaLight HeavyweightEryk Anders vs. Khalil Rountree Jr.WelterweightAlan Jouban vs. Dwight GrantLight HeavyweightOv ...

UFC 236 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 2 U ▶ UFC 236 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 2 | #UFC236
UFC 236 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 2 | #UFC236

On Episode 2 of UFC 236 Embedded, middleweight title contender Kelvin Gastelum packs his fight week essentials: clothes, underwear, gear and lucky panda. Featherweight champion and lightweight title c ...

The MMA Minute 4819 BKFFeldman BKFC5 Wre ▶ The MMA Minute 4.8.19 | @BKFFeldman #BKFC5 #WrestleMania35 #UFC
The MMA Minute 4.8.19 | @BKFFeldman #BKFC5 #WrestleMania35 #UFC

The MMA Minute 4.8.19 | @BKFFeldman #BKFC5 #WrestleMania35 #UFCHottie on hottie crime here as Andrea Lee will fight Montana de la Rosa.UFC light heavyweight Azamat Murzakonov gets suspended for 2 year ...

UFC 236 Countdown Holloway vs Poirier 2 ▶ UFC 236: Countdown: Holloway vs Poirier 2 | #UFC236
UFC 236: Countdown: Holloway vs Poirier 2 | #UFC236

UFC 236: Countdown: Holloway vs Poirier 2 | #UFC236The UFC returns to Atlanta with two title fights as reigning featherweight champion and #4 ranked pound-for-pound fighter in the world Max 'Blessed' ...

The MMA Minute 4419 BellatorNYC UFCStock ▶ The MMA Minute 4.4.19 | #BellatorNYC #UFCStockholm #UFCRochester #UFC
The MMA Minute 4.4.19 | #BellatorNYC #UFCStockholm #UFCRochester #UFC

The MMA Minute 4.4.19 | #BellatorNYC #UFCStockholm #UFCRochester #UFC237Show favorite Jessica Rose Clark is out of her fight at UFC 237 with torn foot ligaments.Neil Magny will fight Vicente Luque at ...

This Week in MMA UFCPhiladelphia ONECham ▶ This Week in MMA | #UFCPhiladelphia @ONEChampionship
This Week in MMA | #UFCPhiladelphia @ONEChampionship

This Week in MMA | #UFCPhiladelphia @ONEChampionship~ Recap UFC on ESPN 2~ Highlight Daniel straus’ win at bellator 219~ ONE FC with DJ's, Alvarez debut and Angela Lee.~ Fighters turning it up a notch ...

The MMA Minute 4219 CKMMA125 Super Sodiq ▶ The MMA Minute 4.2.19 | @CKMMA125 @Super_Sodiq #BellatorNation #BKFC5
The MMA Minute 4.2.19 | @CKMMA125 @Super_Sodiq #BellatorNation #BKFC5

The MMA Minute 4.2.19 | @CKMMA125 @Super_Sodiq #BellatorNation #UFC238Paulie Malignanggi and Artem Lobov get into a scuffle at Mendez Boxing in New York during the Bare Knuckle FC media scrum.Ricardo ...

The MMA Minute 4119 EdsonBarbozaJR Gameb ▶ The MMA Minute 4.1.19 | @EdsonBarbozaJR @GamebredFighter @JoshLBarnet
The MMA Minute 4.1.19 | @EdsonBarbozaJR @GamebredFighter @JoshLBarnet

The MMA Minute 4.1.19 | @EdsonBarbozaJR @GamebredFighter @JoshLBarnett ...

UFCPhiladelphia Octagon Interviews Super ▶ #UFCPhiladelphia Octagon Interviews @Super_Sodiq @JoshEmmettUFC @jack
#UFCPhiladelphia Octagon Interviews @Super_Sodiq @JoshEmmettUFC @jack

#UFCPhiladelphia Octagon Interviews | @Super_Sodiq @JoshEmmettUFC @jackthejokermma @Justin_Gaethje ...

402 Smack My Picks Up Barboza vs Gaethje ▶ #402: Smack My Picks Up: Barboza vs. Gaethje (UFC on ESPN 2) | #UFCPh
#402: Smack My Picks Up: Barboza vs. Gaethje (UFC on ESPN 2) | #UFCPh

Main Card (ESPN)Lightweight: Edson Barboza vs. Justin GaethjeMiddleweight: David Branch vs. Jack HermanssonFeatherweight: Josh Emmett vs. Michael JohnsonWomen's Strawweight: Karolina Kowalkiewicz vs. ...

Pettis Blaydes Octagon Interviews AMPd U ▶ Pettis & Blaydes Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) #UFCNashville
Pettis & Blaydes Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) #UFCNashville

Pettis & Blaydes Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) #UFCNashville ...

Ep 400 Smack My Picks Up Thompson vs Pet ▶ Ep. #400 : Smack My Picks Up: Thompson vs Pettis | #UFCNashville
Ep. #400 : Smack My Picks Up: Thompson vs Pettis | #UFCNashville

Join @pamdoraboxx @ImDjTony @Proados and @MaldoMarco as they discuss this weekend's #UFC fight card, #UFCNashville, and give you their picks! Stay tuned as they also discuss this week's news and notes ...

The MMA Minute 31919 mikebrownmma chitov ▶ The MMA Minute 3.19.19 | @mikebrownmma @chitovera @AngieOverkill #Jun
The MMA Minute 3.19.19 | @mikebrownmma @chitovera @AngieOverkill #Jun

The MMA Minute 3.19.19 | @mikebrownmma @chitovera @AngieOverkill #JunkieNationTonight on Junkie Radio Mike Brown, Marlon Vera & Angela Hill. In top MMA newsDonald Cowboy Cerrone will fight Al Aiquinta ...

Ep 398 ThisWeekInMMA Till vs Masvidal UF ▶ Ep. 398 #ThisWeekInMMA : Till vs. Masvidal (UFC Fight Night 147) #UFC
Ep. 398 #ThisWeekInMMA : Till vs. Masvidal (UFC Fight Night 147) #UFC

#ThisWeekInMMA : Till vs. Masvidal (UFC Fight Night 147) #UFCLondonWelterweight: Jorge Masvidal def. Darren Till [KO]Welterweight Leon Edwards def. Gunnar Nelson [SD]Light Heavyweight: Dominick Reyes ...

UFC London Jorge Masvidal Leon Edwards O ▶ UFC London: Jorge Masvidal & Leon Edwards Octagon Interviews | #UFCLo
UFC London: Jorge Masvidal & Leon Edwards Octagon Interviews | #UFCLo

UFC London: Jorge Masvidal & Leon Edwards Octagon Interviews | #UFCLondon ...

SmackMyPicksUp Till vs Masvidal UFCLondo ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Till vs. Masvidal | #UFCLondon
#SmackMyPicksUp : Till vs. Masvidal | #UFCLondon

Join Pam, Tony, Prodeus and Marco as they giive their pics for #UFCLondon!UFC Fight Night: Till vs. Masvidal(UFC Fight Night 147) will be held March 16, 2019 atThe O2ArenainLondon, England. The now in ...

The MMA Minute 31219 UFConESPN BellatorN ▶ The MMA Minute 3.12.19 | #UFConESPN #BellatorNation #Bellator219 @Big
The MMA Minute 3.12.19 | #UFConESPN #BellatorNation #Bellator219 @Big

The MMA Minute 3.12.19 | #UFConESPN #BellatorNation #Bellator219 @BigPrettyMMAKamaru Usman underwent surgery today for a double hernia.UFC on ESPN 2 in Philly will add their 12 fight with Alex Perez f ...

The MMA Minute 31119 UFConESPN UFC238 Mc ▶ The MMA Minute 3.11.19 | #UFConESPN #UFC238 #McGregor #UFC
The MMA Minute 3.11.19 | #UFConESPN #UFC238 #McGregor #UFC

Conor McGregor was arrested last night in Miami Beach. McGregor allegedly took a man’s phone and smashed it. He has two charges of strong-arm robbery and criminal mischief.2 more fights added to UFC 2 ...

Smack My Picks Up Lewis vs dos Santos UF ▶ Smack My Picks Up: Lewis vs dos Santos | #UFCWichita
Smack My Picks Up: Lewis vs dos Santos | #UFCWichita

Smack My Picks Up: Lewis vs dos Santos (#UFCWichita)HEAVYWEIGHTDerrick Lewis (34) [21-6-1] +180Junior dos Santos (35) [20-5] -220WELTERWEIGHTCurtis Millender (31) [17-3] -125Elizeu Zaleski dos Santos ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC 235 Jones vs Smith ▶ Smack My Picks Up: UFC 235: Jones vs. Smith | #UFC235
Smack My Picks Up: UFC 235: Jones vs. Smith | #UFC235

UFC 235: Jones vs. Smith will be held March 2, 2019 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.Light HeavyweightJon Jones (c) vs. Anthony SmithWelterweightTyron Woodley (c) vs. Kamaru UsmanWelterweightRobbie Lawl ...

UFC 235 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 3 4 ▶ UFC 235 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 3 & 4 | #UFC235
UFC 235 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 3 & 4 | #UFC235

On Episode 3 of UFC 235 Embedded, the stars of the event make their ways to Las Vegas as fight night draws closer: light heavyweight title challenger Anthony Smith, welterweight title challenger Kamar ...

UFC 235 Embedded Vlog Series Episodes 1 ▶ UFC 235 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episodes 1 & 2 | #UFC235
UFC 235 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episodes 1 & 2 | #UFC235

On Episode 1 of UFC 235 Embedded, light heavyweight champion Jon Jones makes a quick return to competition post-win, continuing to evolve inside New Mexico gyms. Welterweight title challenger Kamaru U ...

UFC 235 Countdown Woodley vs Usman UFC23 ▶ UFC 235 Countdown: Woodley vs Usman | UFC235
UFC 235 Countdown: Woodley vs Usman | UFC235

Welterweight king Tyron Woodley takes on the Nigerian Nightmare, Kamaru Usman. See these athletes prepare for their showdowns at UFC 235. ...

Ep 382 Smack My Picks Up Blachowicz vs S ▶ Ep. #382 Smack My Picks Up: #Blachowicz vs. Santos | #UFCPrague #UFCo
Ep. #382 Smack My Picks Up: #Blachowicz vs. Santos | #UFCPrague #UFCo

Blachowicz vs. Santos(UFC on ESPN+ 3orUFC Fight Night 145) will be held February 23, 2019 atO2Arena inPrague, Czech Republic.LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHTThiago Santos (35) [20-6]Jan Blachowicz (35) [23-7]LIGHT H ...

The MMA Minute 22019 FreddieRoach Touchy ▶ The MMA Minute 2.20.19 | @FreddieRoach @TouchyFili @Ruthless_RL
The MMA Minute 2.20.19 | @FreddieRoach @TouchyFili @Ruthless_RL

One of the greatest MMA fighters of all-time if not the greatest will retire tomorrow.Anderson Silva will fight Jared Cannonier at UFC 237 in Brazil.ESPN+ 8 will be held in Ottawa, Canada.And Bellator ...

UFC 235 Countdown Jones vs Smith 235 UFC ▶ UFC 235 Countdown: Jones vs Smith | #235 #UFC235
UFC 235 Countdown: Jones vs Smith | #235 #UFC235

UFC champion Jon Jones faces up and comer Anthony Smith. See these athletes prepare for their showdowns at UFC 235. ...

UFC Phoenix Post fight Press Conference ▶ UFC Phoenix: Post-fight Press Conference | #UFCPhoenix #UFConESPN
UFC Phoenix: Post-fight Press Conference | #UFCPhoenix #UFConESPN

UFC Phoenix: Post-fight Press Conference | #UFCPhoenix #UFConESPN ...

UFC Phoenix Weigh in UFCPhoenix UFConESP ▶ UFC Phoenix: Weigh-in | #UFCPhoenix #UFConESPN #UFCESPN #UFCESPN1
UFC Phoenix: Weigh-in | #UFCPhoenix #UFConESPN #UFCESPN #UFCESPN1

UFC Phoenix: Weigh-in | #UFCPhoenix #UFConESPN #UFCESPN #UFCESPN1 ...

Bellator 216 Full Card Highlights Bellat ▶ Bellator 216 Full Card Highlights | #BellatorNation #Bellator216
Bellator 216 Full Card Highlights | #BellatorNation #Bellator216

Bellator 216 Full Card Highlights | #BellatorNation #Bellator216 ...

381 Smack My Picks Up UFCPhoenix Bellato ▶ #381: Smack My Picks Up: #UFCPhoenix #BellatorNation #Bellator215 #Be
#381: Smack My Picks Up: #UFCPhoenix #BellatorNation #Bellator215 #Be

HeavyweightFrancis Ngannou vs. Cain VelasquezLightweightJames Vick vs. Paul FelderWomen's StrawweightCortney Casey vs. Cynthia CalvilloFeatherweightAlex Caceres vs. Kron GracieWelterweightVicente Luqu ...

379 SmackMyPicksUp Whittaker vs Gastelum ▶ #379 #SmackMyPicksUp : Whittaker vs. Gastelum | #UFC234 #UFCMelbourne
#379 #SmackMyPicksUp : Whittaker vs. Gastelum | #UFC234 #UFCMelbourne

UFC 234: Whittaker vs. Gastelumwill be held February 10, 2019 atRod Laver ArenainMelbourne.Kelvin Gastelum (27) [15-3-1] +205Robert Whittaker (28) [20-4] -245MIDDLEWEIGHTIsrael Adesanya (29) [15-0] -6 ...

UFC 234 Embedded Vlog Series Ep 1 2 3mp3 ▶ UFC 234 Embedded_ Vlog Series - Ep 1, 2 & 3.mp3
UFC 234 Embedded_ Vlog Series - Ep 1, 2 & 3.mp3

On Episode 1 of UFC 234 Embedded, former middleweight champion Anderson Silva puts his skills and personality on display for media members at his LA gym.Middleweight title challenger Kelvin Gastelum p ...

Ep 374 Assuno vs Moraes 2 ESPN 2 UFCFort ▶ Ep. 374: #Assunção vs. Moraes 2 (ESPN+ 2) | #UFCFortaleza
Ep. 374: #Assunção vs. Moraes 2 (ESPN+ 2) | #UFCFortaleza

UFC Fight Night 144: Assunção vs. Moraes 2 (ESPN+ 2) will be held February 2, 2019 at Centro de Formação Olímpica do Nordeste in Fortaleza, Brazil.BantamweightRaphael Assunção (36) [27-5] +145Marlon M ...

UFC London Pre Fight Press Conference UF ▶ UFC London Pre - Fight Press Conference | #UFCLondon
UFC London Pre - Fight Press Conference | #UFCLondon

UFC London Pre - Fight Press Conference | #UFCLondon ...

Ep 377 Bellator 214 Post Fight Press Con ▶ Ep. #377 Bellator 214 Post Fight Press Conference | #Bellator214 #Bel
Ep. #377 Bellator 214 Post Fight Press Conference | #Bellator214 #Bel

Bellator 214 Post Fight Press Conference | #Bellator214 #BellatorNation ...

Bellator 214 Highlights Bellator214 Bell ▶ Bellator 214 Highlights | #Bellator214 #BellatorNation
Bellator 214 Highlights | #Bellator214 #BellatorNation

Check out the official #Bellator214 highlights!Brandon McMahan vs. Adel AltamimiJuan Archuleta vs. Ricky BandejasJake Hager vs. J.W. KiserAaron Pico vs. Henry CorralesFedor vs. Ryan Bader Upcoming eve ...

Bellator 214 Weigh Ins Bellator MMA Bell ▶ Bellator 214 Weigh-Ins | Bellator MMA #Bellator214 #BellatorNation
Bellator 214 Weigh-Ins | Bellator MMA #Bellator214 #BellatorNation

Bellator 214 Weigh-Ins | Bellator MMA#Bellator214#BellatorNationCheck out the official #Bellator214 weigh ins! #Bellator214 | SATURDAY, January 26th, 2019 | On Paramount Network at 9 pm ET / 6 pm PT U ...

SmackMyPicksUp Bellator 214 Fedor vs Bad ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Bellator 214: Fedor vs. Bader | #BellatorNation #Be
#SmackMyPicksUp : Bellator 214: Fedor vs. Bader | #BellatorNation #Be

Bellator 214: Fedor vs. Baderwill take place January 26, 2019 atThe ForuminInglewood, California. The event will air onParamount NetworkandDAZN.Bellator 214: Fedor vs. Bader will take place January 26 ...

UFCBrooklyn Post fight Press Conference ▶ #UFCBrooklyn: Post-fight Press Conference (Hissed) | #UFCBrooklyn #UF
#UFCBrooklyn: Post-fight Press Conference (Hissed) | #UFCBrooklyn #UF

#UFCBrooklyn: Post-fight Press Conference (Hissed) | #UFCBrooklyn #UFConESPN ...

Ep 368 UFC on ESPN 1 Cejudo vs Dillashaw ▶ Ep. 368: UFC on ESPN+ 1: Cejudo vs. Dillashaw (UFC Fight Night 143)
Ep. 368: UFC on ESPN+ 1: Cejudo vs. Dillashaw (UFC Fight Night 143)

FLYWEIGHTT.J. Dillashaw (32) [16-3] -210Henry Cejudo (31) [13-2] +175HEAVYWEIGHTAllen Crowder (30) [9-3] +415Greg Hardy (30) [3-0] -525LIGHTWEIGHTYancy Medeiros (31) [15-5-1] +415Gregor Gillespie (31) ...

Bellator 214 Countdown Fedor vs Bader Ep ▶ Bellator 214: Countdown - Fedor vs. Bader: Ep 1 | #Bellator214 #Bella
Bellator 214: Countdown - Fedor vs. Bader: Ep 1 | #Bellator214 #Bella

Fedor vs. Bader are set to meet in the Heavyweight World Grand Prix finals! We’re counting down to JANUARY 26th as Fedor and Ryan Bader prepare to go head to head for the heavyweight belt. From Russia ...

372 This Week in MMA 2018 The Year that ▶ #372: This Week in MMA : 2018 The Year that was in MMA
#372: This Week in MMA : 2018 The Year that was in MMA

#ThisWeekInMMA : 2018 The Year that was in MMAIn top MMA newsAndy Foster Executive Director of the CSAC announced that Jon Jones did pass his UFC 232 drug test.Alexa Grasso will fight Marina Rodriguez ...

The MMA Minute 1919 UFConESPN UFC234 UFC ▶ The MMA Minute 1.9.19 | #UFConESPN #UFC234 #UFConESPN+ #UFC
The MMA Minute 1.9.19 | #UFConESPN #UFC234 #UFConESPN+ #UFC

Karolina Kowalkiewicz will fight Michelle Waterson at UFC on ESPN 2 in Philadelphia.Charles Oliveira will fight David Teymur at UFC on ESPN+ 2 in Brazil.Ricky Simon will fight Rani Yahya at UFC 234 in ...

The MMA Minute 182019 UFC237 UFConESPN U ▶ The MMA Minute 1.8.2019 | #UFC237 #UFConESPN #UFConESPN+
The MMA Minute 1.8.2019 | #UFC237 #UFConESPN #UFConESPN+

Rose Namajunas will defend her title and she will fight Jessica Andrade at UFC 237 in BrazilJunior dos Santos will fight Derrick Lewis at UFC in Wichita.Volkan Oezdemir will fight Dominick Cruz at UFC ...

The MMA MInute 1719 UFC235 UFC BellatorN ▶ The MMA MInute 1.7.19 | #UFC235 #UFC #BellatorNation #XFN356
The MMA MInute 1.7.19 | #UFC235 #UFC #BellatorNation #XFN356

• Jon Jones will defend his UFC Light Heavyweight title against friend to our show Anthony “Lionheart” Smith at UFC 235 in Las Vegas.• Cody Garbrandt will make his UFC return and he will fight Pedro M ...

UFC 232 Weigh in UFC232 UFCInglewood UFC ▶ UFC 232: Weigh-in | #UFC232 #UFCInglewood #UFC
UFC 232: Weigh-in | #UFC232 #UFCInglewood #UFC

UFC 232: Weigh-in | #UFC232 #UFCInglewood #UFC ...

Ep 367 SmackMyPicksUp Jones vs Gustafsso ▶ Ep. 367 #SmackMyPicksUp : Jones vs. Gustafsson 2 : #UFC232 #UFCInglew
Ep. 367 #SmackMyPicksUp : Jones vs. Gustafsson 2 : #UFC232 #UFCInglew

LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHTAlexander Gustafsson (31) [18-4] +235Jon Jones (31) [22-1-1] -255WOMEN’S FEATHERWEIGHTAmanda Nunes (30) [16-4] +220Cris Cyborg (33) [20-1-1] -240WELTERWEIGHTMichael Chiesa (31) [14-4] ...

UFC 232 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 2 U ▶ UFC 232 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 2 | #UFC232
UFC 232 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 2 | #UFC232

On Episode 2 of UFC 232 Embedded, light heavyweight title contender Alexander Gustafsson meets with media in Las Vegas. Bantamweight champion Amanda Nunes gets a massage at home before packing for her ...

UFC 232 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 1 U ▶ UFC 232 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1 | #UFC232
UFC 232 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1 | #UFC232

On Episode 1 of UFC 232 Embedded, women’s featherweight champion Cris Cyborg works on her cardio and parking skills in the predawn hours. Light heavyweight title contender Alexander Gustafsson arrives ...

UFC 232 Jones vs Gustafsson 2 Media Conf ▶ UFC 232: Jones vs. Gustafsson 2 Media Conference Call
UFC 232: Jones vs. Gustafsson 2 Media Conference Call

UFC will host a media conference call with Jon Jones, Alexander Gustafsson, Cris Cyborg, and Amanda Nunes on Thursday, December 20 at 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT. Subscribe to get all the latest UFC content: ...

UFC 232 Alexander Gustafsson Media Scrum ▶ UFC 232: Alexander Gustafsson Media Scrum
UFC 232: Alexander Gustafsson Media Scrum

UFC 232: Alexander Gustafsson Media ScrumAlexander Gustafsson spoke with the media at the UFC Performance Institute ahead of UFC 232. ...

Bellator 213 Fight Highlights BellatorHa ▶ Bellator 213: Fight Highlights | #BellatorHawaii #Bellator213 #Bellat
Bellator 213: Fight Highlights | #BellatorHawaii #Bellator213 #Bellat

That's a wrap on#BellatorHawaii! Take a look back at an amazing night of fights!#Bellator213.Kona Oliveira vs. Nainoa DungKing Mo vs. Liam McGearyNeiman Gracie vs. Ed Ruth (Welterweight World Grand Pr ...

Bellator 212 Fight Highlights Bellator21 ▶ Bellator 212: Fight Highlights | #Bellator212 @BellatorMMA #BellatorH
Bellator 212: Fight Highlights | #Bellator212 @BellatorMMA #BellatorH

Check out the official #Bellator212 Fight Highlights!Derek Campos vs. Sam Sicilia AlejandraLara vs. Juliana VelasquezAJ McKee vs. Daniel CrawfordFrank Mir vs. Javy AyalaBrent Primus vs. Michael Chandl ...

EP 363 SmackMyPicksUp UFCMilwaukee Bella ▶ EP. 363 #SmackMyPicksUp :#UFCMilwaukee #BellatorNation #BellatorHawai
EP. 363 #SmackMyPicksUp :#UFCMilwaukee #BellatorNation #BellatorHawai

Lightweight: Brent Primus (c) vs. Michael ChandlerHeavyweight: Frank Mir vs. Javy AyalaFeatherweight: A.J. McKee vs. Daniel CrawfordLightweight: Kevin Lee vs. Al IaquintaLightweight: Edson Barboza vs. ...

The MMA Minute 12112018 UFC UFConESPN ES ▶ The MMA Minute 12.11.2018 | #UFC #UFConESPN #ESPN+ #UFC232
The MMA Minute 12.11.2018 | #UFC #UFConESPN #ESPN+ #UFC232

Jessica Penne will fight Jodie Esquibel on the UFC on ESPN+ debut card.The CSAC grants Jon Jones a temporary fight license for UFC 232.Thomas Almeida will fight Cory Sandhagen on the aforementioned ca ...

Ep 362 Smack My Picks Up UFC231 Holloway ▶ Ep. #362 | Smack My Picks Up : #UFC231 : Holloway vs. Ortega |
Ep. #362 | Smack My Picks Up : #UFC231 : Holloway vs. Ortega |

FEATHERWEIGHT:Brian Ortega(27) [14-0-1] vs.Max Holloway(26) [19-3]WOMEN’S FLYWEIGHT:Joanna Jedrzejczyk(31) [15-2] vs.Valentina Shevchenko(30) [15-3]WELTERWEIGHT:Alex Oliveira(30) [19-5-1-2] vs.Gunnar ...

UFC 231 Countdown Full Episode UFC231 ▶ UFC 231 Countdown: Full Episode | #UFC231
UFC 231 Countdown: Full Episode | #UFC231

UFC 231 Countdown: Full Episode | #UFC231Go inside the lives and training camps of four extraordinary athletes preparing for UFC 231. UFC Featherweight Champion Max Holloway defends his title against ...

UFC 231 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 1 U ▶ UFC 231 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1 | #UFC231
UFC 231 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1 | #UFC231

On Episode 1 of UFC 231 Embedded, flyweight title contender Valentina Shevchenko prepares in Las Vegas, where her sister and training partner Antonina makes her Octagon debut. Former strawweight champ ...

Smack My Picks Up Magny vs Ponzinibbio U ▶ Smack My Picks Up: Magny vs Ponzinibbio (UFC Fight Night 140)
Smack My Picks Up: Magny vs Ponzinibbio (UFC Fight Night 140)

Smack My Picks Up: Magny vs Ponzinibbio (UFC Fight Night 140) ...

UFCDenver Korean Zombie vs Rodrguez Octa ▶ #UFCDenver : Korean Zombie vs. Rodríguez Octagon Interviews
#UFCDenver : Korean Zombie vs. Rodríguez Octagon Interviews

1) Maycee Barber makes a big statement in her UFC debut with a second round TKO stoppage of Hannah Cifers at UFC Denver.2 Donald Cerrone makes history in Denver as he sets the record for UFC wins and ...

Ep 360 Smack My Picks Up Korean Zombie v ▶ Ep #360 | Smack My Picks Up : Korean Zombie vs. Rodríguez (UFC Fight
Ep #360 | Smack My Picks Up : Korean Zombie vs. Rodríguez (UFC Fight

FEATHERWEIGHTYair Rodríguez (26) [10-2] +115Chan Sung Jung (31) [14-4] -135WELTERWEIGHTMike Perry (27) [12-3] -225Donald Cerrone (35) [33-11-1] +185WOMEN’S BANTAMWEIGHTGermaine de Randamie (34) [7-3] ...

UFC 230 Post Fight Press Conference AMPd ▶ UFC 230 Post Fight Press Conference (AMP'd)| #UFC230
UFC 230 Post Fight Press Conference (AMP'd)| #UFC230

UFC 230 Post Fight Press Conference (AMP'd)| #UFC230 ...

UFC230 Octagon Interviews AMPd ▶ #UFC230 Octagon Interviews (AMP'd)
#UFC230 Octagon Interviews (AMP'd)

Hear from Israel Adesanya moments after he added another impressive win to his already impressive resume.Karl Roberson earned a hard fought win at UFC 230 and chatted with Joe inside the Octagon after ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC 230 Cormier vs Lewis ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : UFC 230: Cormier vs. Lewis | #UFC230 #MMA
#SmackMyPicksUp : UFC 230: Cormier vs. Lewis | #UFC230 #MMA

HEAVYWEIGHTDerrick Lewis (33) [21-5-1] +500Daniel Cormier (39) [21-1-1] -700MIDDLEWEIGHTJacaré Souza (38) [25-6-1] +165Chris Weidman (34) [14-3] -190MIDDLEWEIGHTJared Cannonier (34) [10-4] +310David B ...

The MMA Minute 103018 BellatorNation ABC ▶ The MMA Minute 10.30.18 | #BellatorNation @ABCnation115 @delarosa_mar
The MMA Minute 10.30.18 | #BellatorNation @ABCnation115 @delarosa_mar

Rumors are swirling that a fight between GSP and Khabib are in the works.Stephan Bonnar was arrested on an alleged DUI felony charge.Joe Schilling with return and fight at Bellator 210.And Kristina Wi ...

The MMA Minute 102918 UFC232 BurtWatson4 ▶ The MMA Minute 10.29.18 | #UFC232 @BurtWatson4real @bensaundersMMA @d
The MMA Minute 10.29.18 | #UFC232 @BurtWatson4real @bensaundersMMA @d

Andrei Arlovski will fight Walt Harris at UFC 232.Marco Polo Reyes accepts a 6-month suspension by USADA. Curtis Millender will fight Siyar Bahadruzada at UFC 232 in Vegas.And Maryna Moroz is injured ...

UFC 230 Countdown Weidman vs Souza UFC23 ▶ UFC 230 Countdown: Weidman vs Souza | #UFC230
UFC 230 Countdown: Weidman vs Souza | #UFC230

Go inside the lives and training camps of two athletes preparing for UFC 230. Middleweights Chris Weidman and Jacare Souza duel for a possible title shot. ...

UFC Fight Night Volkan vs Smith UFC Figh ▶ UFC Fight Night: Volkan vs. Smith (UFC Fight Night 138)
UFC Fight Night: Volkan vs. Smith (UFC Fight Night 138)

Main Card (Fox Sports 1)Light HeavyweightVolkan OezdemirAnthony SmithFeatherweightMichael JohnsonArtem LobovLight HeavyweightMisha CirkunovPatrick CumminsBantamweightAndre SoukhamthathJonathan Martine ...

The MMA Minute 102418 UFC ONEFC MMA UFC2 ▶ The MMA Minute 10.24.18 | #UFC #ONEFC #MMA #UFC229
The MMA Minute 10.24.18 | #UFC #ONEFC #MMA #UFC229

The MMA Minute 10.24.18 | #UFC #ONEFC #MMA #UFC229The NSAC will finally release 50% of Khabib’s purse to him. They are withholding the remainder until at least the next court date.According to Ariel H ...

The MMA Minute UFC230 UFC MMA USADA ▶ The MMA Minute | #UFC230 #UFC #MMA #USADA
The MMA Minute | #UFC230 #UFC #MMA #USADA

Friend to the show Jon Anik gets a 4 year extension with UFC broadcast team.Jared Cannonier will fight David Branch at UFC 230.Sean O’Malley will have hip surgery while still on his USADA suspension.A ...

Daniel Cormier UFC 230 Media Scrummp3 ▶ Daniel Cormier UFC 230 Media Scrum.mp3
Daniel Cormier UFC 230 Media Scrum.mp3

Daniel Cormier UFC 230 Media Scrum.mp3 ...

The MMA Minute 101918 UFC232 UFC230 CES5 ▶ The MMA Minute 10.19.18 | #UFC232 #UFC230 #CES53 #UFCBeijing
The MMA Minute 10.19.18 | #UFC232 #UFC230 #CES53 #UFCBeijing

In top MMA newsUFC 230 loses it’s co-main event as Luke Rockhold is injured and out fight against Chris Weidman. Urijah Hall will fight Bevon Lewis at UFC 232 in Las VegasElizeu Zaleski will fight Jin ...

Derrick Lewis UFC230 Media Scrum AMPd ▶ Derrick Lewis #UFC230 Media Scrum (AMP'd)
Derrick Lewis #UFC230 Media Scrum (AMP'd)

Derrick Lewis #UFC230 Media Scrum (AMP'd) ...

The MMA Minute 101818mp3 ▶ The MMA Minute 10.18.18.mp3
The MMA Minute 10.18.18.mp3

The MMA Minute 10.18.18Today on Junkie Radio guests Louis Taylor, John Howard. Chris Gutierrez and AXS TV’s Andrew Simon.Reebok will release the “UFCx Workout Plus” a UFC branded sneaker this Friday. ...

Bellator 208 Post Fight Press Conference ▶ Bellator 208 Post Fight Press Conference - #BellatorNation #Bellator2
Bellator 208 Post Fight Press Conference - #BellatorNation #Bellator2

Bellator 208 Post Fight Press Conference - #BellatorNation #Bellator208 @BellatorMMA ...

357 AMP Radio Smack My Picks Up ft Bella ▶ #357 AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up: ft. Bellator 207 & 208 | #Bellator
#357 AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up: ft. Bellator 207 & 208 | #Bellator

Bellator 207: Mitrione vs. Baderwill take place on October 12, 2018 at theMohegan Sun ArenainUncasville, Connecticut. The event will be live onParamount Network, not DAZN.Bellator 208: Fedor vs. Sonne ...

AMP Radio presents The MMA Minute 101018 ▶ AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute 10/10/18 | #UFC231 #UFC230
AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute 10/10/18 | #UFC231 #UFC230

Brought to you by Bomb First fight street wear. Use promo code 'AMP10' to get 10% off your order.Today on Junkie Radio John Morgan, Frankie Edgar and PFL President Carlos Silva.In top MMA newsDaniel C ...

UFC 229 Octagon Interviews AMPd UFC229 T ▶ UFC 229 Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) | #UFC229 @Thebeast_ufc @TonyFergu
UFC 229 Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) | #UFC229 @Thebeast_ufc @TonyFergu

UFC 229 Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) | #UFC229 @Thebeast_ufc @TonyFergusonXT @JussierFormiga @Showtimepettis ...

UFC 229 Post Fight Press Conference AMPd ▶ UFC 229 Post-Fight Press Conference (AMP'd) | #UFC229 @DomReyes @Tony
UFC 229 Post-Fight Press Conference (AMP'd) | #UFC229 @DomReyes @Tony

UFC 229 Post-Fight Press Conference (AMP'd) | #UFC229Featuring Dominick Reyes, Tony Ferguson, Dana White and KhabibNurmagomedov. ...

UFC 229 Khabib vs McGregor Weigh in UFC2 ▶ UFC 229: Khabib vs McGregor Weigh-in | #UFC229
UFC 229: Khabib vs McGregor Weigh-in | #UFC229

UFC 229: Khabib vs McGregor Weigh-in | #UFC229 ...

AMP Radio 356 Smack My Picks Up UFC229 K ▶ AMP Radio #356: Smack My Picks Up: #UFC229: Khabib vs. McGregor
AMP Radio #356: Smack My Picks Up: #UFC229: Khabib vs. McGregor

LIGHTWEIGHTConor McGregor (30) [21-3] +160 vs.Khabib Nurmagomedov (30) [26-0] -170LIGHTWEIGHTAnthony Pettis (31) [21-7] +310 vs.Tony Ferguson (34) [23-3] -370LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHTDominick Reyes (28) [9-0] ...

UFC 229 Bad Blood Khabib vs McGregor UFC ▶ UFC 229 Bad Blood: Khabib vs McGregor | #UFC229
UFC 229 Bad Blood: Khabib vs McGregor | #UFC229

UFC 229 Bad Blood: Khabib vs McGregor | #UFC229After two years away from the Octagon, Irish superstar and two division champ Conor McGregor makes his return against undefeated lightweight champion Kha ...

355 Smack My Picks Up Bellator206 Mousas ▶ #355 : Smack My Picks Up #Bellator206: Mousasi vs. MacDonald | #UFC23
#355 : Smack My Picks Up #Bellator206: Mousasi vs. MacDonald | #UFC23

Bellator 206: Mousasi vs. MacDonaldwill take place on September 29, 2018 at theSAP CenterinSan Jose, California. The event will stream live onDAZNin the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Jap ...

The MMA Minute 92618 UFC232 UFC230 UFCAd ▶ The MMA Minute 9.26.18 | #UFC232 #UFC230 #UFCAdelaide
The MMA Minute 9.26.18 | #UFC232 #UFC230 #UFCAdelaide

Rumor is that Nate Diaz will fight Dustin Poirier for the inaugural 165 pound title which as of today doesn’t exist. The UFC continues to refute those claims.Mark Hunt will fight Justin Willis at UFC ...

The MMA Minute 92418 BulletValentina UFC ▶ The MMA Minute 9.24.18 | @BulletValentina #UFC231 @KSW_MMA #Bellator2
The MMA Minute 9.24.18 | @BulletValentina #UFC231 @KSW_MMA #Bellator2

The MMA Minute 9.24.18 | @BulletValentina #UFC231 @KSW_MMA #Bellator208Late news here but Joanna Jedrezejcyk will fight Valentina Shevchenko for the UFC womens flyweight title at UFC 231.Jessica Aguil ...

Santos vs Anders Post fight Press Confer ▶ Santos vs. Anders: Post-fight Press Conference #UFCSP #UFCSaoPaulo #U
Santos vs. Anders: Post-fight Press Conference #UFCSP #UFCSaoPaulo #U

Fight of the Night: Thiago Santos vs. Eryk AndersPerformance of the Night: Antônio Rogério Nogueira and Charles OliveiraLight Heavyweight: Thiago Santos def. Eryk Anders (3rd TKO)Welterweight Alex Oli ...

The MMA Minute 91718 UFCMoscow UFC229 Pr ▶ The MMA Minute 9.17.18 | #UFCMoscow #UFC229 @Proados @maldomarco @pam
The MMA Minute 9.17.18 | #UFCMoscow #UFC229 @Proados @maldomarco @pam

The MMA Minute 9.17.18 | #UFCMoscow #UFC229 @Proados @maldomarco @pamdoraboxx ...

SmackMyPicksUp Hunt vs Oliynyk UFC Fight ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp : Hunt vs. Oliynyk (UFC Fight Night 136)
#SmackMyPicksUp : Hunt vs. Oliynyk (UFC Fight Night 136)

UFC Fight Night: Hunt vs. Oliynyk(also known asUFC Fight Night 136) will be held Saturday, September 15, 2018 atOlimpiyskiy StadiuminMoscow,Russia.HeavyweightAlexey Oliynyk (41) [56-11-1] +160 vs.Mike ...

The MMA Minute 91218 BellatorNation Bell ▶ The MMA Minute 9.12.18 | #BellatorNation #BellatorHawaii #UFC232 #UFC
The MMA Minute 9.12.18 | #BellatorNation #BellatorHawaii #UFC232 #UFC

BJ Penn will fight Ryan Hall at UFC 232.USADA formally suspends for UFC champ Fabricio Werdum for two years.Michael Chiesa files a suit against Conor McGregor for the Brooklyn bus fiasco.One of Pam’s ...

UFC228 Octagon Interviews AMPd ft JudoRa ▶ #UFC228 Octagon Interviews [AMP'd] (ft. @JudoRazak @TSPMMA115 @JimMil
#UFC228 Octagon Interviews [AMP'd] (ft. @JudoRazak @TSPMMA115 @JimMil

Undisputed welterweight champion Tyron Woodley and Darren Till meet with Joe Rogan in the Octagon after their main event title fight at UFC 228: Woodley vs Till.Jessica Andrade meets with Joe Rogan in ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC228 Woodley vs Till pa ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: #UFC228 : Woodley vs. Till (@pamdoraboxx @maldomarco
#SmackMyPicksUp: #UFC228 : Woodley vs. Till (@pamdoraboxx @maldomarco

Welterweight:Darren Till(25) [17-0-1] -145 vs.Tyron Woodley(36) [18-3-1] +125Women’s Flyweight:Valentina Shevchenko(30) [15-3] -1300 vs.Nicco Montaño(29) [4-2] +850Featherweight:BrandonDavis(28) [9-4] ...

UFC 228 Countdown Full Episode UFC228 UF ▶ UFC 228 Countdown: Full Episode | #UFC228 #UFC #MMA |
UFC 228 Countdown: Full Episode | #UFC228 #UFC #MMA |

Countdown goes inside the lives and the camps of the welterweights who headline the UFC 228 card: the champion Tyron Woodley and the challenger Darren Till. In the co-main event, women's flyweight cha ...

UFC Fight Night Gaethje vs Vick UFC Figh ▶ UFC Fight Night: Gaethje vs. Vick (UFC Fight Night 135) will be held
UFC Fight Night: Gaethje vs. Vick (UFC Fight Night 135) will be held

UFC Fight Night: Gaethje vs. Vick(UFC Fight Night 135) will be held August 25, 2018 atPinnacle Bank ArenainLincoln, Nebraska. ...

ThisWeekInMMA Top MMA News of the week U ▶ #ThisWeekInMMA: Top MMA News of the week #UFC227
#ThisWeekInMMA: Top MMA News of the week #UFC227

#ThisWeekInMMA: Top MMA News of the week #UFC227Fight of the Night: Henry Cejudo vs. Demetrious JohnsonPerformance of the Night: T.J. Dillashaw and Renato MoicanoT.J. Dillashaw (c) def. Cody Garbrandt ...

AMP Radio Smack My Picks Up feat UFC 227 ▶ AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC 227: Dillashaw vs. Garbrandt
AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC 227: Dillashaw vs. Garbrandt

BANTAMWEIGHTCody Garbrandt (27) [11-1] versusT.J. Dillashaw (32) [15-3]FLYWEIGHTHenry Cejudo (31) [12-2] versusDemetrious Johnson (31) [27-2-1]FEATHERWEIGHTRenato Moicano Carneiro (27) [11-1] versus ...

Smack My Picks Up UFCCalgary Alvarez vs ▶ Smack My Picks Up #UFCCalgary | Alvarez vs. Poirier 2 (UFC on Fox 30)
Smack My Picks Up #UFCCalgary | Alvarez vs. Poirier 2 (UFC on Fox 30)

The team are running three deep tonight. JoinPam, DJTony and Prodeus as they break down the fights on this weekend's UFC on Fox#UFCCalgary card! The Team will also have everyone's favourite segment S ...

UFCHamburg UFC Fight Night Shogun vs Smi ▶ #UFCHamburg : UFC Fight Night: Shogun vs. Smith
#UFCHamburg : UFC Fight Night: Shogun vs. Smith

Light HeavyweightAnthony Smith (29) [29-13] -230NOTES:Shogun Rua (36) [25-10] +190NOTES:Light HeavyweightCorey Anderson (28) [10-4] +140NOTES:Glover Teixeira (38) [27-6] -160NOTES:MiddleweightAbu Azai ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFCBoise dos Santos vs Iv ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: #UFCBoise : dos Santos vs. Ivanov (UFC Fight Night 1
#SmackMyPicksUp: #UFCBoise : dos Santos vs. Ivanov (UFC Fight Night 1

#UFCBoise UFC Fight Night: dos Santos vs. Ivanov(UFC Fight Night 133) will be held July 14, 2018 atCenturyLink ArenainBoise, Idaho. This will be the UFC’s first event in Idaho.Junior dos Santosvs.Blag ...

UFC 226 Miocic vs Cormier will be held J ▶ UFC 226: Miocic vs. Cormier will be held July 7, 2018 | #UFC226
UFC 226: Miocic vs. Cormier will be held July 7, 2018 | #UFC226

UFC 226: Miocic vs. Cormierwill be held July 7, 2018, at theT-Mobile ArenainLas Vegas.HEAVYWEIGHTDaniel Cormier (39) [20-1-1] +200 vs. Stipe Miocic (35) [18-2] -220HEAVYWEIGHTDerrick Lewis (33) [19-5- ...

UFC 226 Embedded Vlog Series Episode 1 U ▶ UFC 226 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1 #UFC226
UFC 226 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1 #UFC226

UFC 226 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 1 #UFC226 ...

UFC 226 Countdown Holloway vs Ortega UFC ▶ UFC 226 Countdown: Holloway vs. Ortega | #UFC226
UFC 226 Countdown: Holloway vs. Ortega | #UFC226

UFC 226 Countdown: Holloway vs. Ortega | #UFC226 ...

Smack My Picks Up Bellator 201 Macfarlan ▶ Smack My Picks Up: #Bellator 201: Macfarlane vs. Lara | #BellatorNati
Smack My Picks Up: #Bellator 201: Macfarlane vs. Lara | #BellatorNati

ellator 201: Macfarlane vs. Lara will take place on June 29, 2018 at the Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, California.Smack My Picks Up: #Bellator 201: Macfarlane vs. Lara | #BellatorNationIlima ...

AMP Radio presents SmackMyPicksUp Cowboy ▶ AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp : Cowboy vs. Edwards #UFCSingapor
AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp : Cowboy vs. Edwards #UFCSingapor

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman,On tonight's show the crew will give their picks for UFC Fight Night 132 and discuss some news in the world of MMA. ...

Episode 339 This Week in MMA We discuss ▶ Episode 339: This Week in MMA | We discuss the top new in the UFC
Episode 339: This Week in MMA | We discuss the top new in the UFC

Episode 339: This Week in MMA | We discuss the top new in the UFC ...

338 ThisWeekInMMA UFC225 Whittaker vs Ro ▶ #338 #ThisWeekInMMA #UFC225: Whittaker vs. Romero 2
#338 #ThisWeekInMMA #UFC225: Whittaker vs. Romero 2

Robert Whittaker(c) def.Yoel RomeroDecision (split) (48-47, 47-48, 48-47)Colby Covington(ic) def.Rafael dos AnjosDecision (unanimous) (49-46, 48-47, 48-47)Holly Holmdef.Megan AndersonDecision (unanimo ...

AMP Radio presents UFC225 Post Fight Pre ▶ AMP Radio presents: #UFC225 Post-Fight Press Conference
AMP Radio presents: #UFC225 Post-Fight Press Conference

AMP Radio presents: #UFC225 Post-Fight Press ConferenceFeaturing Holm Holm, Dana White & Colby Covington ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC225 Whittaker vs Ro ▶ Smack My Picks Up: #UFC225 Whittaker vs. Romero 2
Smack My Picks Up: #UFC225 Whittaker vs. Romero 2

Robert Whittaker(c) vs.Yoel RomeroRafael dos Anjosvs.Colby CovingtonHolly Holm vs.Megan AndersonAndrei Arlovski vs.Tai TuivasaPhil Brooks vs.Mike JacksonAlistair Overeem vs.Curtis BlaydesCláudia Gadel ...

UFC Fight Night Rivera vs Moraes also kn ▶ UFC Fight Night: Rivera vs. Moraes (also known as UFC Fight Night 131
UFC Fight Night: Rivera vs. Moraes (also known as UFC Fight Night 131

Bantamweight:Jimmie Rivera vs.Marlon MoraesLightweight:Gregor Gillespie vs.Vinc PichelHeavyweight:Walt Harrisvs.Daniel SpitzWelterweight:Jake Ellenbergervs.Ben SaundersFeatherweightJulio Arcevs.Daniel ...

SmackMyPicksUp Bellator200 UFCLondon Hap ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: #Bellator200 & #UFCLondon | Happy Birthday Show!
#SmackMyPicksUp: #Bellator200 & #UFCLondon | Happy Birthday Show!

Main card (Fox Sports 1)Welterweight:Stephen Thompson vs.Darren TillWelterweight:Neil Magny vs.Craig WhiteFeatherweight:Arnold Allen vs.Mads BurnellFeatherweightJason Knight vs.Makwan AmirkhaniMiddlew ...

EP 334 ThisWeekInMMA UFC Fight Night Mai ▶ EP. 334 #ThisWeekInMMA UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. Usman #UFCSantiago #
EP. 334 #ThisWeekInMMA UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. Usman #UFCSantiago #

#ThisWeekInMMA UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. Usman #UFCSantiago #UFCChileUFC Fight Night: Maia vs. Usman(also known asUFC Fight Night 129) was held May 19, 2018, atMovistar ArenainSantiago,Chile.Main Card ...

UFC Fight Night Maia vs Usman also known ▶ UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. Usman (also known as UFC Fight Night 129) #
UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. Usman (also known as UFC Fight Night 129) #

UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. Usman(also known asUFC Fight Night 129) will be held on May 19, 2018, atMovistar ArenainSantiago,Chile.WELTERWEIGHTKamaru Usman (31) [12-1] vs.Demian Maia (40) [25-8]WOMEN’S ...

This Week in MMA UFC224 Nunes vs Penning ▶ This Week in MMA | #UFC224: Nunes vs. Pennington & #Bellator199 Bader
This Week in MMA | #UFC224: Nunes vs. Pennington & #Bellator199 Bader

Amanda Nunes(c) def.Raquel Pennington,Kelvin Gastelum def.Ronaldo Souza,Mackenzie Dern def.Amanda Cooper.John Lineker def.Brian Kelleher,Lyoto Machida def.Vitor Belfort,Cezar Ferreira def.Karl Roberso ...

SmackMyPicksUp Bellator199 UFC224 ft pam ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: #Bellator199 & #UFC224 (ft. @pamdoraboxx @maldomarco
#SmackMyPicksUp: #Bellator199 & #UFC224 (ft. @pamdoraboxx @maldomarco

331#SmackMyPicksUp: #Bellator199 & #UFC224 (ft. @pamdoraboxx @maldomarco @ProadosAMP Radio presents: #Smack My Picks Up: #Bellator199 & #UFC224Ryan Bader vs. Muhammed LawalJon Fitch vs. Paul DaleyAman ...

Episode 330 SmackMyPicksUp Bellator198 a ▶ Episode 330: #SmackMyPicksUp: #Bellator198 and #ThisWeekInMMA
Episode 330: #SmackMyPicksUp: #Bellator198 and #ThisWeekInMMA

Bellator 198: Fedor vs. Mir is scheduled to take place on April 28, 2018 at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. The event will air live in prime time on Paramount Network.Fedor Emelianenko vs. F ...

Episode 329 Smack My Picks Up Barboza vs ▶ Episode 329: Smack My Picks Up: Barboza vs Lee #UFCAtlanticCity
Episode 329: Smack My Picks Up: Barboza vs Lee #UFCAtlanticCity

UFC Fight Night: Barboza vs. Lee(also known asUFC Fight Night 128) will be held Saturday April 21, 2018, atBoardwalk HallinAtlantic City, New Jersey.Edson Barboza vs.Kevin LeeFrankie Edgar vs.Cub Swan ...

ThisWeekInMMA UFC on Fox Poirier vs Gaet ▶ #ThisWeekInMMA: UFC on Fox: Poirier vs. Gaethje (UFC on FOX 29) #UFCG
#ThisWeekInMMA: UFC on Fox: Poirier vs. Gaethje (UFC on FOX 29) #UFCG

UFC on Fox: Poirier vs. Gaethje(also known asUFC on FOX 29) was held April 14, 2018, at theGila River ArenainGlendale, Arizona. The attendance was 11,382 with a total gate of a little over a million.U ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC on Fox Poirier vs ▶ Smack My Picks Up: UFC on Fox: Poirier vs. Gaethje #UFCGlendale
Smack My Picks Up: UFC on Fox: Poirier vs. Gaethje #UFCGlendale

Smack My Picks Up: UFC on Fox: Poirier vs. Gaethje #UFCGlendaleDustin Poirier vs.Justin GaethjeCarlos Condit vs.Alex OliveiraIsrael Adesanya vs.Marvin VettoriMichelle Waterson vs.Cortney CaseyDustin P ...

AMP Radio ThisWeekInMMA UFC223 Khabib vs ▶ AMP Radio: #ThisWeekInMMA #UFC223 Khabib vs Iaquinta
AMP Radio: #ThisWeekInMMA #UFC223 Khabib vs Iaquinta

AMP Radio: #ThisWeekInMMA #UFC223 Khabib vs IaquintaLightweight: Khabib Nurmagomedov def. Al Iaquinta Decision (unanimous) (50-44, 50-43, 50-43)Women's Strawweight: Rose Namajunas (c) def. Joanna Jedr ...

UFC223 Post Fight Press Conference Highl ▶ #UFC223 Post-Fight Press Conference Highlights
#UFC223 Post-Fight Press Conference Highlights

#UFC223 Post-Fight Press Conference Highlights ...

AMP Radio Smack My Picks Up feat UFC223 ▶ AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up: feat. #UFC223 Khabib vs. Holloway
AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up: feat. #UFC223 Khabib vs. Holloway

AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up: feat. #UFC223 Khabib vs. HollowayUFC 223: Khabib vs. Hollowaywill be held on April 7, 2018, at theBarclays CenterinBrooklyn,New York.LightweightKhabib Nurmagomedov vs.Max ...

AMP Radio presents The Bump our first Pr ▶ AMP Radio presents: The Bump (our first Pro Wrestling podcast) #Wrest
AMP Radio presents: The Bump (our first Pro Wrestling podcast) #Wrest

AMP Radio presents: The Bump (our first Pro Wrestling podcast) #Wrestlemania34 ...

AMP Radio presents ThisWeekInMMA UFC223 ▶ AMP Radio presents: #ThisWeekInMMA #UFC223 #TonyTime #KhabibTime #Tea
AMP Radio presents: #ThisWeekInMMA #UFC223 #TonyTime #KhabibTime #Tea

AMP Radio presents: #ThisWeekInMMA #UFC223 #TonyTime #KhabibTime #TeamBlessed ...

UFC223 Ferguson vs Khabib Namajunas vs J ▶ #UFC223 Ferguson vs Khabib & Namajunas vs Jedrzejczyk: Media Conferen
#UFC223 Ferguson vs Khabib & Namajunas vs Jedrzejczyk: Media Conferen

#UFC223 Ferguson vs Khabib Media Conference Call with JoannaJedrzejczyk and Rose Namajunas.#UFCBrooklyn ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFC Fight Night 127 Werdu ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: UFC Fight Night 127: Werdum vs. Volkov #UFCLondon
#SmackMyPicksUp: UFC Fight Night 127: Werdum vs. Volkov #UFCLondon

UFC Fight Night: Werdum vs. Volkov (also known as UFC Fight Night 127) will be held March 17, 2018, at The O2 Arena in London.HEAVYWEIGHTAlexander Volkov (29) [29-6]Notes:Fabricio Werdum (40) [23-7-1] ...

AMP Radio Episode 319 This Week In MMA r ▶ AMP Radio: Episode #319 This Week In MMA: recent MMA News #UFC222 #UF
AMP Radio: Episode #319 This Week In MMA: recent MMA News #UFC222 #UF

#ThisWeekInMMA We recap recent MMA News #UFC222 #BellatorNation #UFCOrlandoFight of the Night: Sean O'Malley vs. Andre SoukhamthathPerformance of the Night: Brian OrtegaandAlexander HernandezCris Cybo ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC222 UFC 222 Cyborg ▶ Smack My Picks Up #UFC222 UFC 222: Cyborg vs. Kunitskaya
Smack My Picks Up #UFC222 UFC 222: Cyborg vs. Kunitskaya

Smack My Picks Up #UFC222 UFC 222: Cyborg vs. Kunitskaya ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFCOrlando Emmett vs Step ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp: #UFCOrlando Emmett vs Stephens
#SmackMyPicksUp: #UFCOrlando Emmett vs Stephens

#SmackMyPicksUp: #UFCOrlando Emmett vs Stephens ...

Smack My Picks Up Bellator 194 Mitrione ▶ Smack My Picks Up: Bellator 194: Mitrione vs Nelson 2 | #Bellator194
Smack My Picks Up: Bellator 194: Mitrione vs Nelson 2 | #Bellator194

Smack My Picks Up: Bellator 194: Mitrione vs Nelson 2 | #Bellator194 #BellatorNationSmack My Picks Up: Bellator 194: Mitrione vs Nelson 2 | #Bellator194 #BellatorNation ...

UFC 221 Romero vs Rockhold Post Fight Pr ▶ UFC 221: Romero vs Rockhold Post-Fight Press Conference from Perth #U
UFC 221: Romero vs Rockhold Post-Fight Press Conference from Perth #U

UFC 221: Romero vs Rockhold Post-Fight Press Conference from Perth #UFC221 #UFCPerth ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC 221 Romero vs Rock ▶ Smack My Picks Up: UFC 221: Romero vs. Rockhold | #UFCPerth
Smack My Picks Up: UFC 221: Romero vs. Rockhold | #UFCPerth

Smack My Picks Up: UFC 221: Romero vs. RockholdUFC 221: Romero vs. Rockholdwill be held Sunday February 11, 2018, atPerth ArenainPerth,Australia. This will be UFC’s first visit toPerth. ...

Episode 314 Smack My Picks Up UFC Fight ▶ Episode 314: Smack My Picks Up: UFC Fight Night: Machida vs. Anders
Episode 314: Smack My Picks Up: UFC Fight Night: Machida vs. Anders

Episode 314: Smack My Picks Up: UFC Fight Night: Machida vs. AndersUFC Fight Night: Machida vs. Anders(also known asUFC Fight Night 125) will be held SaturdayFebruary 3, 2018 at Arena Guilherme Paraen ...

Episode 313 This Week in MMA UFCCharlott ▶ Episode 313: This Week in MMA | #UFCCharlotte Jacaré vs. Brunson 2
Episode 313: This Week in MMA | #UFCCharlotte Jacaré vs. Brunson 2

This Week in MMA | #UFCCharlotte Jacaré vs. Brunson 2Pam will talk about her experience at UFC on Fox 27 in Charlotte.The following fighters were awarded $50,000 bonuses:Fight of the Night: Drew Dober ...

UFCCharlotte UFC on Fox Jacar vs Brunson ▶ #UFCCharlotte UFC on Fox: Jacaré vs. Brunson 2 feat Brian from Boston
#UFCCharlotte UFC on Fox: Jacaré vs. Brunson 2 feat Brian from Boston

#UFCCharlotte UFC on Fox: Jacaré vs. Brunson 2 feat Brian from Boston ...

UFC Charlotte Post Fight Octagon Intervi ▶ UFC Charlotte Post Fight Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) #UFCCharlotte
UFC Charlotte Post Fight Octagon Interviews (AMP'd) #UFCCharlotte

UFC Charlotte Post Fight Octagon InterviewsJacare Souza def. Derek Brunson KO (head kick and punches)Andre Fili def. Dennis Bermudez Decision (split)Gregor Gillespie def. Jordan Rinaldi TKO (punches)D ...

Smack My Picks Up Jacar vs Brunson 2 Bel ▶ Smack My Picks Up: Jacaré vs. Brunson 2 & Bellator 193: Larkin vs. Go
Smack My Picks Up: Jacaré vs. Brunson 2 & Bellator 193: Larkin vs. Go

Smack My Picks Up:UFC on Fox: Jacaré vs. Brunson 2 (also known as UFC on Fox 27 & Bellator 193: Larkin vs. GonzalezUFC on Fox: Jacaré vs. Brunson 2(also known asUFC on Fox 27) will be held on January ...

Bellator 192 post fight press conference ▶ Bellator 192 post-fight press conference #Bellator192 Sonnen, Coker,
Bellator 192 post-fight press conference #Bellator192 Sonnen, Coker,

At theBellator 192post-fight press conference, Bellator presidentScott Coker, Jon Slusser, Chael Sonnen, Michael Chandler, Aaron Pico and featherweight Henry Corrales address the media Saturday night. ...

UFC 220 Post fight Press Conference AMPd ▶ UFC 220 Post-fight Press Conference (AMP'd) 1.20.18 #UFC220
UFC 220 Post-fight Press Conference (AMP'd) 1.20.18 #UFC220

UFC 220 Post-fight Press Conference (AMP'd) 1.20.18 #UFC220 feat. Oezdemir, Kattar, Ngannou, Cormier & Miocic #UFC220Volkan Oezdemir, Calvin Kattar, Francis Ngannou, Daniel Cormier and Stipe Miocic sp ...

Bellator192 Pre Fight press conference B ▶ #Bellator192: Pre-Fight press conference | #BellatorNation @BellatorM
#Bellator192: Pre-Fight press conference | #BellatorNation @BellatorM

Under the new re-branding of Spike TV; the new Paramount Network presented the Bellator 192 pre-fight press conference of : Rampage vs. Sonnen. The press conference took place on 1/19/18 in Inglewood, ...

Episode 308 Smack My Picks Up feat Bella ▶ Episode 308: Smack My Picks Up: feat. #Bellator192 & #UFC220
Episode 308: Smack My Picks Up: feat. #Bellator192 & #UFC220

UFC 220: Miocic vs. Ngannouwill be held on January 20, 2018 atTD GardeninBoston &Bellator 192: Rampage vs. Sonnenis scheduled to take place on January 20, 2018 atThe ForuminInglewood, California. This ...

AMP Radio Presents This Week in MMA Step ▶ AMP Radio Presents; This Week in MMA Stephens v. Choi
AMP Radio Presents; This Week in MMA Stephens v. Choi

On this week's edition of This Week iin MMA Prodeus ( @Proados ) and Pam from North Carolina ( @Pamdoraboxx ) recap all things #UFCSTL A.K.A. Stephen's v. Choi. They recap the main card, talk the @U ...

UFC 220 Miocic vs Ngannou Media Conferen ▶ UFC 220: Miocic vs Ngannou - Media Conference Call
UFC 220: Miocic vs Ngannou - Media Conference Call

UFC 220: Miocic vs Ngannou - Media Conference CallUFC hosted a media conference call with the four athletes competing for a championship title on Thursday, Jan. 11 at 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT. ...

Smack My Picks Up feat UFC Fight Night S ▶ Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC Fight Night: Stephens vs. Choi #UFCStLou
Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC Fight Night: Stephens vs. Choi #UFCStLou

UFC Fight Night: Stephens vs. Choi(also known asUFC Fight Night 124) will be held on January 14, 2018 atScottrade CenterinSt. Louis,Missouri. Headlined byHeadlined byfeatherweights Jeremy StephensandD ...

AMP Radio Presents This Week in MMA UFC2 ▶ AMP Radio Presents: This Week in MMA | #UFC219: Cyborg vs. Holm the r
AMP Radio Presents: This Week in MMA | #UFC219: Cyborg vs. Holm the r

AMP Radio Presents: This Week in MMA | #UFC219: Cyborg vs. Holm the resultsUFC 219: Cyborg vs. Holmwasheld on December 30, 2017, at theT-Mobile Arenain Las Vegas. Fight of the Night: Cris Cyborg vs. H ...

UFC 219 Post Fight Press Conference feat ▶ UFC 219 Post-Fight Press Conference feat Khabib, Carla Esparza & Cybo
UFC 219 Post-Fight Press Conference feat Khabib, Carla Esparza & Cybo

UFC 219 Post-Fight Press Conference feat Khabib, Carla Esparza & Cyborg (AMP'd) ...

UFC 220 Press Conference featuring Dana ▶ UFC 220: Press Conference featuring Dana White,Stipe, D. C., Ngannou
UFC 220: Press Conference featuring Dana White,Stipe, D. C., Ngannou

UFC 220 press conference, UFC heavyweight champion Stipe Miocic, UFC light heavyweight champion Daniel Cormier, Francis Ngannou and Volkan Oezdemir answer questions from the media. ...

AMP Radio Smack My Picks Up feat UFC 219 ▶ AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC 219: Cyborg vs. Holm
AMP Radio: Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC 219: Cyborg vs. Holm

UFC 219: Cyborg vs. Holmwill be held on December 30, 2017 at T-Mobile Arena inLas Vegas, Nevada and our very own Pam will be there. We’ve lost a few fights on this last card of 2017 for the UFC but it ...

This Week in MMA UFCWinnipeg UFC on Fox ▶ This Week in MMA | #UFCWinnipeg UFC on Fox 26: Lawler vs dos Anjos
This Week in MMA | #UFCWinnipeg UFC on Fox 26: Lawler vs dos Anjos

UFC on Fox 26: Lawler vs. dos Anjoswasheld last night Satuday December 16, 2017, at theBell MTS PlaceinWinnipeg, Canada. Total attendance was 8,862 with a reported gate of $781,359.· Fight of the Nigh ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC on Fox 26 Lawler v ▶ Smack My Picks Up: UFC on Fox 26: Lawler vs. dos Anjos
Smack My Picks Up: UFC on Fox 26: Lawler vs. dos Anjos

UFC on Fox 26: Lawler vs. dos Anjoswill be held this Saturday December 16, 2017, at theBell MTS PlaceinWinnipeg, Canada.The event will be the second that the UFC has hosted in Winnipeg, since UFC 161i ...

UFC Fresno Fight Night 123 Post Fight Pr ▶ UFC Fresno Fight Night 123 Post Fight Press Conference #UFCFresno fea
UFC Fresno Fight Night 123 Post Fight Press Conference #UFCFresno fea

UFC Fresno Fight Night 123 Post Fight Press Conference #UFCFresno feat Dana White, Brian Ortega, Cub Swanson & Gabriel BenitezUFC Fight Night: Swanson vs. Ortega (also known as UFC Fight Night 123) wa ...

This Week in MMA Combat Recap UFCFresno ▶ This Week in MMA Combat Recap #UFCFresno #LomachenkoRigondeaux #LomoR
This Week in MMA Combat Recap #UFCFresno #LomachenkoRigondeaux #LomoR

This Week in MMA Combat Recap #UFCFresno #LomachenkoRigondeaux #LomoRigoUFC Fight Night: Swanson vs. Ortega (also known as UFC Fight Night 123) was held on last night December 9th at the Save Mart Cen ...

Episode 296 UFC Fight Night Swanson vs O ▶ Episode 296: UFC Fight Night: Swanson vs. Ortega (UFC Fight Night 123
Episode 296: UFC Fight Night: Swanson vs. Ortega (UFC Fight Night 123

Episode 296: 'Smack My Picks Up' feat Marco from Waco & Pam UFC Fight Night: Swanson vs. Ortega (UFC Fight Night 123)UFC Fight Night: Swanson vs. Ortega(UFC Fight Night 123) will be held this Saturday ...

Episode 296 UFC 218 Post Fight Press Con ▶ Episode 296: UFC 218 Post Fight Press Conference
Episode 296: UFC 218 Post Fight Press Conference

Episode 296: UFC 218 Post Fight Press Conference ...

Episode 295 UFC218 Holloway vs Aldo 2 TU ▶ Episode 295: #UFC218 : Holloway vs. Aldo 2, #TUF26 Finale & #Bellator
Episode 295: #UFC218 : Holloway vs. Aldo 2, #TUF26 Finale & #Bellator

#UFC218: Holloway vs. Aldo 2, The Ultimate Fighter 26 Finale & Bellator 189: Budd vs. Blencowe 2UFC 218: Holloway vs. Aldo 2was held on December 2, 2017 atLittle Caesars ArenainDetroit, Michigan,The U ...

Episode 294 Smack My Picks Up feat TUF26 ▶ Episode 294: Smack My Picks Up: feat. TUF26 ( A New World Champion)
Episode 294: Smack My Picks Up: feat. TUF26 ( A New World Champion)

Episode 294: Smack My Picks Up: feat. TUF26 ( A New World Champion)The Ultimate Fighter 26 Finale(The Ultimate Fighter: A New World Champion Finale) will be held on December 1, 2017 atPark TheaterinLa ...

Episode 293 Smack My Picks Up feat UFC 2 ▶ Episode 293: Smack My Picks Up: feat. #UFC 218
Episode 293: Smack My Picks Up: feat. #UFC 218

Episode 293: Smack My Picks Up: feat. #UFC 218UFC 218: Holloway vs. Aldo 2will be held on December 2, 2017 atLittle Caesars ArenainDetroit, Michigan.This is the first sinceevent in Michigan since UFC ...

UFC 218 TUF26 Media Scrum with Dana Whit ▶ UFC 218 & TUF26 Media Scrum with Dana White
UFC 218 & TUF26 Media Scrum with Dana White

UFC 218 & TUF26 Media Scrum with Dana White ...

Prodeus Primetime feat MMA referee Bobby ▶ Prodeus' Primetime feat MMA referee Bobby Wombacher ahead of UFC 218
Prodeus' Primetime feat MMA referee Bobby Wombacher ahead of UFC 218

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman and Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio! This show we like to call Prodeus' Primetime. On today's show @Proados will be joined by @BobbyWombacher. Bobby is aMMA R ...

Smack My Picks Up feat UFC Fight Night B ▶ Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC Fight Night: Bisping vs. Gastelum #UFCSh
Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC Fight Night: Bisping vs. Gastelum #UFCSh

After previously contesting three events inMacau(aSpecial administrative region of China) since 2012, the event will mark the first that the promotion will hold onMainland China.A middleweight fightbe ...

The UFC 218 Media Conference Call with J ▶ The UFC 218 Media Conference Call with Jose Aldo and Max Holloway
The UFC 218 Media Conference Call with Jose Aldo and Max Holloway

The UFC 218 Media Conference Call with Jose Aldo and Max Holloway ...

UFC Fight Night Werdum vs Tybura with th ▶ UFC Fight Night: Werdum vs. Tybura with the Combat Recap
UFC Fight Night: Werdum vs. Tybura with the Combat Recap

UFC Fight Night: Werdum vs. Tybura with the Combat RecapUFC Fight Night: Werdum vs. Tybura(also known asUFC Fight Night 121) washeld on 18 November 2017 atQudos Bank ArenainSydney,Australia. ...

Smack My Picks Up feat UFC Fight Night W ▶ Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC Fight Night: Werdum vs. Tybura
Smack My Picks Up: feat. UFC Fight Night: Werdum vs. Tybura

Smack My Picks Up: feat.UFC Fight Night: Werdum vs. Tybura(also known asUFC Fight Night 121) will be held on 19 November 2017 atQudos Bank ArenainSydney,Australia.Marcin Tybura (32) [16-2] vs.Fabricio ...

Episode 286 This Week in MMA UFCNorfolk ▶ Episode 286: This Week in MMA #UFCNorfolk UFC Fight Night: Poirier vs
Episode 286: This Week in MMA #UFCNorfolk UFC Fight Night: Poirier vs

UFC Fight Night: Poirier vs. Pettis(also known asUFC Fight Night 120) was held last night November 11, 2017 atTed Constant Convocation CenterinNorfolk, Virginia.Total attendance was 8,442 with a gate ...

Episode 285 Smack My Picks Up UFCNorfolk ▶ Episode 285: Smack My Picks Up! #UFCNorfolk UFC Fight Night 120 Editi
Episode 285: Smack My Picks Up! #UFCNorfolk UFC Fight Night 120 Editi

Tonight the crew will tell us their picks for#UFCNorfolk. Theywill tell us theirpicks for four fights on the main card and everyone's favourite segment Spotlight Fight of the Night, they will also p ...

This Week in MMA UFC 217 Bisping vs St P ▶ This Week in MMA | UFC 217: Bisping vs. St-Pierre & Bellator 186: Bad
This Week in MMA | UFC 217: Bisping vs. St-Pierre & Bellator 186: Bad

This Week in MMA | UFC 217: Bisping vs. St-Pierre & Bellator 186: Bader vs. VassellGSP defeats Bisping via rear-naked chokeDillashaw defeats Garbrandt via KONamajunas defeats Jedrzejcyzk via TKOThomps ...

UFC 217 Pre fight Press Conference Bispi ▶ UFC 217 Pre-fight Press Conference Bisping vs GSP
UFC 217 Pre-fight Press Conference Bisping vs GSP

UFC 217 Pre-fight Press Conference Bisping vs GSP ...

UFC217 Bisping vs St Pierre Bellator186 ▶ #UFC217 : Bisping vs. St-Pierre & #Bellator186 : Bader vs. Vassell!
#UFC217 : Bisping vs. St-Pierre & #Bellator186 : Bader vs. Vassell!

Bellator 186: Bader vs. Vassellwill take place Friday 11/3/ at the Bryce Jordan Center inUniversity Park, Pennsylvania. The event will air live in prime time on Spike TV. In the Bellator 186 main e ...

AMP Radio presents Smack My Picks Up UFC ▶ AMP Radio presents: Smack My Picks Up #UFC Fight Night: Brunson vs. M
AMP Radio presents: Smack My Picks Up #UFC Fight Night: Brunson vs. M

UFC Fight Night: Brunson vs. Machida(also known asUFC Fight Night 119) will be held Saturday October 28, 2017 atGinásio do IbirapuerainSão Paulo,Brazil.1) Middleweight:Derek Brunson (33) [17-5] vs.Lyo ...

This Week in MMA feat ufcs Chase Sherman ▶ This Week in MMA feat @ufc's Chase Sherman | #Bellator185 #UFCGdansk
This Week in MMA feat @ufc's Chase Sherman | #Bellator185 #UFCGdansk

AMP Radio presents: This Week in MMA feat @ufc's Chase Sherman | #Bellator185 #UFCGdanskBellator 185: Mousasi vs. Shlemenkotooktake place on October 20, 2017 atMohegan Sun ArenainUncasville, Connectic ...

AMP Radio presents Smack My Picks Up fea ▶ AMP Radio presents: Smack My Picks Up feat #Bellator185 & UFCPoland
AMP Radio presents: Smack My Picks Up feat #Bellator185 & UFCPoland

UFC Fight Night: Cerrone vs. Till(also known asUFC Fight Night 118) will be held on October 21, 2017 atErgo ArenainGdansk,Poland.UFC Fight Night: Cerrone vs. Till(also known asUFC Fight Night 118) wil ...

This Week in MMA UFC216 Ferguson vs Lee ▶ This Week in MMA | #UFC216: Ferguson vs. Lee the results
This Week in MMA | #UFC216: Ferguson vs. Lee the results

UFC 216: Ferguson vs. Leewasheld on October 7, 2017 atT-Mobile Arena, in Las Vegas.The following fighters were awarded $50,000 bonusesFight of the Night: Lando Vannata vs. Bobby GreenPerformance of th ...

Smack My Picks Up feat UFC216 Ferguson v ▶ Smack My Picks Up feat #UFC216 Ferguson vs Lee & #Bellator184 Dantas
Smack My Picks Up feat #UFC216 Ferguson vs Lee & #Bellator184 Dantas

Bellator 184: Dantas vs. Caldwellis scheduled to take place on October 6, 2017 at theWinStar World CasinoinThackerville, Oklahoma. The event will air live in prime time on Spike TV. AndUFC 216: Fergus ...

UFC State of the Union ▶ UFC State of the Union
UFC State of the Union

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman and Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio! This one we like to call Prodeus' Primetime. Tonight @Proados isjoinded by Post Media's own @DannyAustin_9 . Tonight we w ...

This Week in MMA feat ufcs Jason The Kid ▶ This Week in MMA feat @ufc's Jason The Kid Knight! | #Bellator183 #UF
This Week in MMA feat @ufc's Jason The Kid Knight! | #Bellator183 #UF

We will have UFC’s Jason “The Kid” Knight.Bellator 183: Henderson vs. Pitbull. September 23, 2017 SAP Center, San Jose, California ...

Smack My Picks Up Bellator 183 UFC Fight ▶ Smack My Picks Up: Bellator 183 & UFC Fight Night 117
Smack My Picks Up: Bellator 183 & UFC Fight Night 117

Tonight on Smack My Picks Up, @MaldoMarco, @pamdoraboxx, @proados & @ImDJTony will go over MMA news and the upcoming MMA cards this week. Bellator 183: Henderson vs. Pitbullis scheduled to take place ...

The MMA Minute on AMP Radio 91817 ▶ The MMA Minute on AMP Radio 9/18/17
The MMA Minute on AMP Radio 9/18/17

UFC 216 news as expected the UFC will add Demetrious Johnson vs Ray Borg as the co-headliner.The NAC executive director Bob Bennett says he has not made a decision on Adalaide Byrd judging at UFC 216 ...

This Week in MMA feat ufcs Jasonthekid23 ▶ This Week in MMA feat @ufc's @Jasonthekid23 #UFCPittsburgh
This Week in MMA feat @ufc's @Jasonthekid23 #UFCPittsburgh

This Week in MMA feat @ufc's @Jasonthekid23 #UFCPittsburgh ...

UFC Fight Night Rockhold vs Branch ▶ UFC Fight Night: Rockhold vs. Branch
UFC Fight Night: Rockhold vs. Branch

UFC Fight Night: Rockhold vs. Branch(also known asUFC Fight Night 116) will be held on September 16, 2017 atPPG Paints ArenainPittsburgh, Pennsylvania. MiddleweightLuke Rockholdvs.David Branch ...

UFC215 This Week in MMA feat TomGallicch ▶ #UFC215 This Week in MMA feat @TomGallicchio with @pamdoraboxx & @ImD
#UFC215 This Week in MMA feat @TomGallicchio with @pamdoraboxx & @ImD

#UFC215 This Week in MMA feat @TomGallicchio with @pamdoraboxx & @ImDJTony ...

UFC 215 Weigh in UFC215 ▶ UFC 215 Weigh-in #UFC215
UFC 215 Weigh-in #UFC215

UFC 215 Weigh-in #UFC215 ...

UFC 215 Johnson vs Borg ▶ UFC 215: Johnson vs. Borg
UFC 215: Johnson vs. Borg

UFC 215: Johnson vs. Borg ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFCRotterdam ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp #UFCRotterdam
#SmackMyPicksUp #UFCRotterdam

#SmackMyPicksUp #UFCRotterdam ...

Prodeus Primetime ▶ Prodeus' Primetime
Prodeus' Primetime

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to another edition of @AMPRadio presented by the AMPRadio Network. On today's show @Proados is joined by @JohnGoodenUK to discuss #UFCRotterdam ! We will ...

AMP Radio presents SmackMyPicksUp Maywea ▶ AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp #MayweatherMcGregor
AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp #MayweatherMcGregor

AMP Radio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp #MayweatherMcGregorComing atcha tonight Marco from Waco, Pam, Prodeus and DJ Tony will talk all things that are MMA and the Mayweather McGregor talk. ...

AMP Radio presents The MMA Minute on AMP ▶ AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute on AMP Radio @akajav & @audieattar
AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute on AMP Radio @akajav & @audieattar

AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute on AMP Radio @akajav & @audieattar | #UFC ...

The MMA Minute 8 14 17 ReyesStriking jhe ▶ The MMA Minute 8 14 17 | @ReyesStriking @jhennyUFC @anajulaton @Heath
The MMA Minute 8 14 17 | @ReyesStriking @jhennyUFC @anajulaton @Heath

The MMA Minute 8 14 17 | @ReyesStriking @jhennyUFC @anajulaton @HeatherHardyBox @GamebredFighter @TJDillashaw ...

This Week in MMA UFCMexicoCity guest Bri ▶ This Week in MMA ( #UFCMexicoCity ) guest Brian from Boston w Prodeus
This Week in MMA ( #UFCMexicoCity ) guest Brian from Boston w Prodeus

This Week in MMA ( #UFCMexicoCity ) guest Brian from Boston w Prodeus & DJ Tony ...

AMP Radio Prodeus not in Primetime Today ▶ AMP Radio: Prodeus' not in Primetime! Today's guests Danny Austin & S
AMP Radio: Prodeus' not in Primetime! Today's guests Danny Austin & S

Good MorningLadies and Gentleman and Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio ( @AnotherMMACast )presented by The AMP Radio network. This morning @Proados will be joined by his co host @Rumundo aka Sh ...

Tonight on SmackMyPicksUp guest thecages ▶ Tonight on #SmackMyPicksUp guest @thecagesiders own Angelo Reyes @Rey
Tonight on #SmackMyPicksUp guest @thecagesiders own Angelo Reyes @Rey

Tonight on #SmackMyPicksUp guest @thecagesiders own Angelo Reyes @ReyesStriking (MMA-Striking & Boxing Coach, Karate BlackBelt)! 5pm PST. Angelo goes over Mayweather/McGregor, talks MMA, Boxing, Frank ...

UFC214 This Week in MMA CormiervsJones2 ▶ #UFC214 This Week in MMA | #CormiervsJones2 #CormierJones2 #UFC #MMA
#UFC214 This Week in MMA | #CormiervsJones2 #CormierJones2 #UFC #MMA

We're coming atcha late but live and unedited from Canada & California. Today Prodeus and I will go over the week that was and the week that will be in MMA and UFC 214, Cormier Jones 2! ...

AMP Radio presents Prodeus Prime Time wi ▶ AMP Radio presents: Prodeus' Prime Time with Danny Austin | #214
AMP Radio presents: Prodeus' Prime Time with Danny Austin | #214

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight Prodeus will host Prodeus' Prime Time with friend to the show Danny Austin. They will chat UFC 214 and all things that are in the MMA news. ...

UFC214 Smack My Picks Up feat maldomarco ▶ #UFC214 Smack My Picks Up feat @maldomarco @pamdoraboxx @proados
#UFC214 Smack My Picks Up feat @maldomarco @pamdoraboxx @proados

#UFC214 Smack My Picks Up feat @maldomarco @pamdoraboxx @proados ...

This Week in MMA feat Tonya Evinger UFCL ▶ This Week in MMA feat Tonya Evinger | #UFCLongIsland #UFC #UFC214 #UF
This Week in MMA feat Tonya Evinger | #UFCLongIsland #UFC #UFC214 #UF

This Week in MMA ft. @UFC title contender @TonyaEvinger & #UFCLongIsland #UFC214 @InvictaFights ...

UFCLongIsland Combo Show ▶ #UFCLongIsland Combo Show!
#UFCLongIsland Combo Show!

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to another edition of @AnotherMMACast ! Tonight @Proados is joined by @MaldoMarco to #smackmypicksup for #UFCLongIsland . Also, we will get into #ProdeusP ...

71317 The MMA Minute on AMP Radio ▶ 7/13/17: The MMA Minute on AMP Radio
7/13/17: The MMA Minute on AMP Radio

7 13 The MMA MinuteThe boys were on a well deserved retreat today and tomorrow, Friday. Another Mayweather /McGregor day of the World Tour.Justin Gaethjewill coach “The Ultimate Fighter 26” opposite e ...

Smack My Picks Up UFCScotland Bellator18 ▶ Smack My Picks Up: #UFCScotland #Bellator181 #InvictaFC24 | Our picks
Smack My Picks Up: #UFCScotland #Bellator181 #InvictaFC24 | Our picks

Coming atcha! Tonight our hosts Marco from Waco, Pam, Prodeus and DJ Tony go over some hot topics but mainly UFC Fight Night 113, Bellator 181 and Invicta FC 24! ...

AMP Radio Presents This Week in MMAOur W ▶ AMP Radio Presents; This Week in MMA/Our Woman on the Streets Episode
AMP Radio Presents; This Week in MMA/Our Woman on the Streets Episode

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman. Welcome to another edition of @AnotherMMACast . Tonight @Proados is joined by #ourwomanonthestreets @pamdoraboxx , who was live on the ground for #UFC213 and is fres ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC213 TUF25Finale mal ▶ Smack My Picks Up #UFC213 & #TUF25Finale | @maldomarco @pamdoraboxx @
Smack My Picks Up #UFC213 & #TUF25Finale | @maldomarco @pamdoraboxx @

Tonight we are coming atcha with 2 hours. Smack My Picks Up The Ultimate Fighter Redemption Finale & UFC 213 Nunes vs Shevchenko! Hosts Marco from Waco, Pam, Prodeus and DJ Tony break down the fights ...

The MMA Minute on AMP Radio UFC214 UFC I ▶ The MMA Minute on AMP Radio | #UFC214 #UFC #InvictaFC25 #Invicta
The MMA Minute on AMP Radio | #UFC214 #UFC #InvictaFC25 #Invicta

The MMA Minute on AMP Radio | #UFC214 #UFC #InvictaFC25 #Invicta ...

Prodeus Primetime ▶ Prodeus' Primetime !
Prodeus' Primetime !

Good Eveing Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio, this one we call Prodeus' Primetime. On tonight's show @DannyAustin_9 of Post Media and the joins @Pr ...

AMP Radio presents The MMA Minute 62717 ▶ AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute 6/27/17
AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute 6/27/17

AMP Radio presents: The MMA Minute 6/27/17 ...

AMP Radio presents This Week in MMA Bell ▶ AMP Radio presents: This Week in MMA | Bellator NYC & UFC OKC
AMP Radio presents: This Week in MMA | Bellator NYC & UFC OKC

Prodeus and DJ Tony breakdown the weekend that was Bellator NYC 180 & UFC Fight Night 112AMP Radio presents: This Week in MMA | Bellator NYC & UFC OKC ...

Bellator NYC Post Fight Press Conference ▶ Bellator NYC Post-Fight Press Conference
Bellator NYC Post-Fight Press Conference

Bellator NYC Post-Fight Press ConferenceJoin#BellatorNationto gain exclusive access and benefits including fan-fests, ticket presales and much more! ...

SmackMyPicksUp ft MaldoMarco Pamdoraboxx ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp ft @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx #BellatorNYC #UFCOklahoma
#SmackMyPicksUp ft @MaldoMarco @Pamdoraboxx #BellatorNYC #UFCOklahoma

Coming 'atcha tonight AMP Radio presents Smack My Picks Up' with Marco from Waco, Pam, Prodeus and DJ Tony. We will go over the fight that was #UFCSingapore and the fights we have this weekend with B ...

AMPRadio Presents ChampionshipRounds wit ▶ #AMPRadio Presents #ChampionshipRounds with @MMAJunkieGeorge
#AMPRadio Presents #ChampionshipRounds with @MMAJunkieGeorge

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman. Tonight @ImDJTony and @Proados are joined by #JunkieNation leader @MMAjunkieGeorge for another episode of Campionship Rounds with GG. Tonight we will discuss #Mayw ...

SmackMyPicksUp UFCSingapore Holm vs Corr ▶ #SmackMyPicksUp #UFCSingapore Holm vs. Correia (UFC Fight Night 111)
#SmackMyPicksUp #UFCSingapore Holm vs. Correia (UFC Fight Night 111)

Ladies & gentlemen coming atcha tonight from the mean streets of Danville California hosts @maldomarco, @Proados & ImDJTony will do their best to cover and go overUFC Fight Night: Holm vs. Correia(als ...

This Week in MMA UFCAuckland UFC Fight N ▶ This Week in MMA #UFCAuckland UFC Fight Night: Lewis vs. Hunt
This Week in MMA #UFCAuckland UFC Fight Night: Lewis vs. Hunt

This Week in MMA #UFCAuckland UFC Fight Night: Lewis vs. HuntToday Prodeus, Ryan and DJ Tony going into the card that was UFC Fight Night 110 also known as Lewis vs, Hunt. This was the second event he ...

Smack My Picks Up UFC Lewis v Hunt ▶ Smack My Picks Up UFC Lewis v. Hunt
Smack My Picks Up UFC Lewis v. Hunt

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman. Welcometo another edition of AMP Radio! This one we call Smack My Picks Up. Tonight we are down a man as @ImDJTony is not here but @Proados is joined by @pamdorabo ...

Prodeus JunkieGathering2017 recap with D ▶ Prodeus' #JunkieGathering2017 recap with Deane from Georgia!
Prodeus' #JunkieGathering2017 recap with Deane from Georgia!

Good Evening Ladies & Gentleman and Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio. Tonight we welcome back part of the A Team, Deane from Georgia. One week removed from his arrival at the #junkiegathering ...

AMPRadio presents SmackMyPicksUp UFC212 ▶ #AMPRadio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp #UFC212 Aldo vs. Holloway
#AMPRadio presents: #SmackMyPicksUp #UFC212 Aldo vs. Holloway

Featherweight Championshipunification bout between current two-time championJosé Aldoand current interim championMax Hollowayis expected to serve as the main event. Women's Strawweight Cláudia Gadelha ...

UFCStockholm JunkieNation Fight Buddy ▶ #UFCStockholm #JunkieNation Fight Buddy
#UFCStockholm #JunkieNation Fight Buddy

#UFCStockholm #JunkieNation Fight Buddy ...

Prodeus Primetime Show ▶ Prodeus' Primetime Show
Prodeus' Primetime Show

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman and Welcome to another edition of AMP Radio. On tonight's show @proados will be joined by @ImDJTony from the road to discuss this weeksnews and notes in #MMA . We mig ...

Bellator 179 results Rory MacDonald with ▶ Bellator 179 results: Rory MacDonald with a tremendous debut at Bella
Bellator 179 results: Rory MacDonald with a tremendous debut at Bella

Bellator 179 results: Rory MacDonald with a tremendous debut at Bellator tapping out Paul Daley in the 2nd round. Litton Vassell submits Liam McGeary with the 3rd. And Baby slice gets his first pro wi ...

The MMA Minute on AMP Radio MMA news of ▶ The MMA Minute on AMP Radio | MMA news of the day #UFC #Bellator #LFA
The MMA Minute on AMP Radio | MMA news of the day #UFC #Bellator #LFA

The MMA Minute on AMP Radio | MMA news of the day #UFC #Bellator #LFA ...